
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · ファンタジー
73 Chs

46 | Rahania Empire: The true history of Rahania

The Royal Family of Rahania Kingdom is a powerful military family serving their countrymen. With their fascinating culture and skills, they almost surpass the skills Olympia Empire has in Ancient Times. Because of power ranking, Rahania and Olympia were equally powerful to each other. Duchess Vierra who is close to the Emperor of Olympia, and also the Royal Adviser told the emperor to go to war. The purpose is to claim the everlasting power of Olympia. Because of this, The Feud started between the powerful countries.

Under the advisory of Duchess Vierra, she attacked many innocent people in Rahania that which made The King of Rahania himself got alerted at the death rate of his people. The King of Rahania, who was at that time King Amir — Aniya's biological father continuously blamed Duchess Vierra. But Vierra claims to be a victim of his accusations from him, telling people that she's just working for the sake of her country and that she never wanted the war. King Amir obviously knows that it is a lie, but many people believed her because she was a woman. Because of that The King himself went into countless wars fighting Olympia, in the end, Rahania was countlessly defeated.

Duchess Vierra who lacks manpower, uses her intelligence to devise an attack plan for the Rahania in every war. In each war, Duchess Vierra always won battles. Behind the dirty and loud battleground, Duchess Vierra who stays in her camp would always uses her 'eye' to see the war happening right before her eyes. When there's a time, she felt her plan is not working, she'll devise another plan and make everyone a chess piece by sacrificing their life.

The death of Olympian knights thousands, hundreds were injured and mostly low mages survived, while the powerful mages died and are injured. In the end, The Olympia Empire won through all the sacrifices. Whilst The Rahania Kingdom is always defeated.

King Amir never would have expected this to happen. Although the previous Kings already predicted this might happen because of the power ranking between countries — King Amir had little hope to be on good terms with Olympia Empire. But because of Duchess Vierra's brainwashing ability, she uses it to The Emperor of Olympia and the other family members to go into war and put every innocent people in danger.

But I guess other people were right when they say The King of Rahania is way too soft-hearted and not strong enough to rule. Tired of the endless defeat, he finally devised a perfect plan that ended in defeat not to Rahania — but to Olympia itself.

It was the first time that Duchess Vierra tasted defeat in war. Her pride got hurt and thousands with hundreds of Olympian Knights and mages died. The Rahania mercilessly killed all The Olympian Knights. Because of that, Duchess Vierra didn't stop and the Feud continued. While the war continues to happen, the tables are now turned.

The Rahania Kingdom is winning, and The Olympia Empire is now tasting its own medicine of defeat.

Duchess Vierra who felt pissed at this embarrassing mistake trained the Young Aniya to the fullest.

"You must be perfect!" She shouted at the young Aniya while she tightly grabbed her arms. The young Aniya couldn't do anything but control her tears.

But Vierra, who can read anything pointed her fingers at Aniya, glared at her, and said, "Don't you dare cry in front of me. Never, ever show emotions, Aniya!" She scowled while Aniya slowly nods her head for an answer.

"Yes, Mother." She whispered, almost with a cracking voice. Because of the rough education, Vierra gave to her illegitimate daughter, Aniya became a person, someone, she doesn't wish for. Her step-brothers often bully her even when they're adults, while the eldest one would always stay in the corner, watching how Aniya is getting bullied by her two step-brothers.

On the outside, The Family of Duchess Vierra looks beautiful and amazing. To have three handsome sons not only handsome but also smart, with Aniya who's the youngest also smart and beautiful like her mother — everyone praised them. Because of the praises, her mother became anxious. She thought that if they saw the real scenes behind the curtains she covers — everyone will leave her. And so, she made her children be more perfect.

"You must be perfect." Vierra's words stuck in Aniya's young mind until the present. You must be perfect. You must excel in everything. One mistake will make everyone hate you, and laugh at you.

"Of course, Mother." She's the only person I can ever call a family. I must obey her, though it's painful.

Until The King of Rahania Kingdom visited The Olympia Empire. Not because of political reasons, but for his daughter — Aniya. He wanted to see his daughter, yet he lied when he said he went to Olympia Empire for political reasons. And they indeed meet and had a short time together.

When Aniya found out her father is the King of Rahania, she pretended as if he was a stranger. She had no other choice but to act like one because of her mother.

But she still couldn't escape the grasp of her mother. Duchess Vierra killed The King of Rahania in the woods when he was going back to Rahania. It was raining heavily that night when Aniya found out her mother will kill her father. She begged in front of Thaddeus to save her biological father and he did help. But it was too late, her mother's assassins are much stronger than Chad's secret men.

She quickly rushed outside even though it was raining heavily. She ran towards the woods only to find her dying father lying on the ground, with his heart not beating anymore. She saw it in her 'eye' that her father is dead. But before he lost his last breath, he said to Aniya, "Live well... for me." as a whisper towards Aniya looking at her with his gentle eyes.

It means that he knew everything. Right from the start. That he recognized Aniya as his daughter, and he also realized that Aniya knew that he is his father. The happiness was only for a moment — for the two of them. Yet, it was enough for her father but to Aniya it wasn't.

Her father's eyes looking at her as if he knows Aniya was there watching him made her heart break even more.

And so, The Flower Festival was created.


Elyse closes the book in her room with tears streaming down her eyes. The emotion is obviously not from her but from someone else. Her heart aching — and her tears pouring down. In Aracnia Empire, Aniya was hated. She was the woman who ruined everyone's life, but in Rahania she strangely felt the love and warmth The People of Rahania has for Aniya.

She was misunderstood in Aracnia, but she was loved by the people of Rahania.

"Elyse, are you crying?" Arbor went inside her room with a knock but Elyse didn't hear it. She came back to her present self when Arbor asks her a question.

With his worried voice, he quickly went to Elyse and gently wiped her tears with his hands.

"Why are you crying?" He asks again and Elyse came back to the present. She quickly shook her head and tries to put a smile on her face.

"I'm fine." She answered. Arbor obviously isn't satisfied with her answer.

"Tell me." He sounds like a child demanding something as he spoke to Elyse.

"Tell you what?"

"Why are you crying?" He asks again and Elyse looked down — finally, after a few minutes of calming herself, she smiles again and gazes up to Arbor whose eyes gazing back at her with worry.

"Don't worry about me, I am fine." She reassures him. Arbor wanted to tell her that she can say whatever problem she has but he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable by forcing her to tell him what was going on. So, he let her.

"Okay, tell me if you're ready." He said and pats her head.

Arbor starts walking away from her turning his back away. When he reached in the door, he stopped when Elyse called his name.

"Arbor." She spoke and he stops.


Elyse hesitated to speak again but nevertheless, she speak what she wanted to say, "Is... Aniya's a daughter of a Goddess? Or... is it true that she's been mistreated for years?" She finally said the words she wanted to ask.

He turns around to look at her and smiles gently, "trust your memories, Elyse. Sometimes, the knowledge that has been passed down to us for years isn't as accurate as it should be because The Alpha of Wisdom is not with us." He answered and Elyse didn't utter another word.

"Now, let's go. The emperor is waiting for us." He continued and Elyse nodded her head walking out of the room but before she could finally walk away, she glances once more at the room filled with scrolls, papers, and books.

'Does that mean, Aniya's not the true villain?'

Elyse went into her room and saw a servant boy already waiting for her. The servant boy bows his head and clapped his hands making the maids from the outside go inside her room with their hands' clasped to one another as they look down, showing courtesy to Elyse.

"It is an honor to serve Amira Arina's Descendant, Elyse." The maids said in unison and Elyse felt overwhelmed. Another batch of maids came rushing in now preparing for Elyse to go meet the Royal Family. But before that, Elyse tries to reach out her hand when Arbor was busy talking with the maids and butlers. But everything was so fast that she couldn't talk to Arbor anymore when he was also called personally by the Crown Prince of Rahania — Prince Malik.

Elyse doesn't have any other choice but to sit obediently and let the maids do their work to put jewels in Elyse's body.

After hours of getting herself dressed, it's finally done. The maids were giggling and chatting when they see Elyse wearing the same outfit that the 1st Emperor of Rahania — Emperor Amir or King Amir personally requested to be made for his daughter, Aniya on her birthday. But King Amir was never given a chance to give the gift to Aniya.

It was a satin white long dress with emerald green and white pearls in it, indicating the delicate shades of silver-white hair of Aniya. The emerald green ornaments that are embedded in her dress were the symbol color of the Royal family of Rahania, indicating they are wise and kind-hearted whereas the white pearls on her neck, wrist, and ear symbolize the purity of a princess. The Laurel leaves and the other long jewels were put into her head which made Elyse look like a Princess of Rahania.

Her hair was curled like how Aniya's hair should be curled. When Elyse looked into the mirror, she was in awe to see herself looking exactly like Aniya in a feature.

"You look like Amira Arina, My Lady!" A maid said to Elyse but she didn't say a single word.

"As expected of Amira Arina's Descendant!" Another maid said while giggling.

"Is it really necessary for me to wear these?" Elyse finally spoke pointing out the embedded jewels in her neck, hair, and dresses.

"The Crown Prince personally told us to let you wear it since you are Afterall the Descendant of Amira Arina who is also a part of the Royal Family." A maid said who looks more mature than the two who are still giggling in the background.

"I see..." Elyse whispered. She felt pressured to see herself wearing a dress that was supposed to be worn by Aniya — her Ancestor. Is it really that fine to wear someone else's supposed to be dressed?

Elyse didn't have any other choice but to sigh and follow the maids when she was called personally by the Royal family. This time, she will finally meet the family of her Ancestor.