
Should I Help You Scrub?

All the while they were talking, Baby's heart was beating fast. She had never really felt that way before and she could not really tell why.


What do you use?"

He asked her again.

"I don't really remember. My father bought everything for me. It never really occurred to me to study the name"

"Alright then! We will go to the pharmacy on our way to the company"


She was surprised to hear that from Diam. She didn't think she would go with him to his company. She had to confirm what she just heard.

"Am I going with you to your company sir?"

"Of course you are!

You are my personal maid and my personal everything! I told you before that your job is to follow all my orders accordingly!"

"Ok, I understand sir..."


Do you have enough sanitary pads with you?"


Baby could not believe Diam would ask her that question. A question she wasn't comfortable answering even with her father.

*Sigh* I just asked you now, if your sanitary pads would be enough or you would like to get more!

Isn't that what you use?"

"It is...sir Diam"

She replied to him. She was really embarrassed.

"So, do you need more of those or not?"

"I...I would like more, please...

Thank you sir"

"Please, don't mention.

I will take a quick shower now and when I'm done, then go take yours"

"Yes sir"

While Baby was waiting for Diam to finish, a knock was heard and she opened the door. After opening the door, the next thing she saw herself on the floor. Diam's mother had slapped her hard on her cheek. Before she could stand up, Disim quickly gave her another slap. Baby touched her cheek and felt the hotness of it. She started crying.


She had always been a fragile girl and she was lucky to have a loving father by her side.

"You tr*mp!!

How dare you come to my house and roll on the bed with my son?!

Didn't you hear from your co-pr**titutes that I never allowed that?!"

Dane Dana screamed at Baby right there. Baby did not stop crying and could not say anything. Dana walked closer to Baby and slapped her again on that same cheek.

"Ma'am...I... I'm not a…*sniffs*...prostitute…"

"You dare talk back to me?!

You cheap wh*re!!"


Baby started crying more than before. Dane Dana fired her with daggers and wanted to hit her again when the door of the bathroom opened. Diam came out looking all fresh and frowned instantly by the sight that greeted him. And right there, a voice that could blow off a roof sounded in their ears.


What are you doing?!!!"

"You dare shout at me, Diam?!!

What exactly do you think that I'm doing?!

You brought in a wh*re into my home and you dare scream at me?!"

"Who is the wh*re here, mother?

Do not call her that again or you will answer to me!

She is with me and nobody has the right to speak to her in that manner again!

If you do, well, we all know the consequences!!"

Diam looked straight into his mother and sister's eyes and warned them to stay clear of his lane. He walked closer to Baby and wiped her tears off her eyes and hugged her afterwards. The mother and daughter were baffled and right in their presence, he carried Baby into the bathroom and slammed the door in their faces.

"Just imagine!!

Am I truly seeing clearly?!

This is not happening! I can never allow that tr*sh to come in here and spread her dirt everywhere!! I will cut off those wings soon!"


"It's alright, baby. Stop crying now, alright?

I'm sorry for what my family did to you.

It's alright, yeah?

Let me see your face now, and see if it's swollen"

Baby was still hugging Diam while crying. He was busy rubbing her back to ease up the pain she was feeling.

"Be good now, yeah?

Let me see your face and soothe it.

Does it hurt?"

Baby did not speak up but just nodded in response to him. He stroked her hair and made her look at him and saw that her cheek wasn't swollen but it was a little red. He was really furious seeing her priceless face that way.

"Sorry Baby. It's not swollen at all but just a bit red"


Diam gave Baby a peck and then he hugged her again.

"My family can be a little wild but don't worry, you are not working for them. And like I said before, you don't know them, it's just me!

Even if my father asks you to do something for him, tell him "No!"

"Sir Diam?"


"I don't think...they would like that. They might think that I'm being disrespectful…"

"No, they won't. You work for me and not them! I've already warned you.

Don't ever do anything for them, ok?

They have their maids who serve them. You are different!"

"Yes sir"

"You are looking really pale now. Shower now and let's go down for breakfast.

Can you at least shower or I should help you?

Should I help you scrub, hm?"


Baby opened her mouth and she did not know how to reply to the man. She was confused how a man could volunteer to help a woman during that time. She was really confused and did not know what to say about the man.

"Should I help you?"

He was really determined to help her and was looking all serious.



"Thank you sir but I can manage"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure sir"

"Alright then. I will leave you now to do your thing. When you are done, come downstairs for breakfast, ok?"

"Yes, sir Diam.

Thank you sir"


Diam left Baby in the bathroom to continue and he went downstairs to meet his family. Baby could not stop blushing. She had never heard of such a thing before. She could not describe how she felt right there.


Welcome back, father, mother!"

"Don't you dare call my name with that mouth of yours!

You dare say those nonsense to me in front of that tr*mp?!

Just make sure that I don't set my eyes on her again!!"

Dane Dana screamed at Diam at once. She was still sulking about the way Diam had spoken to her.

"It's alright, honey. Don't get too worked up with that, alright?!"

Dane Johnson said to his wife. He wasn't one who liked trouble. He was an easy going man who didn't behave all high and mighty. He and his wife were middle aged but they did not look like one. They were just too beautiful and it was clear who Diam took after. He also had dimples but not as cute as Diam's dimples.

"Come with me, son! We need to talk!"

"Yes father"