
The Billionaire's Ex' Biggest Mistake

Laura Courtney a twenty-one year old businesswoman who got divorced with her longtime boyfriend and highschool colleague after being deceived by her best friend Blanca Suarez to cause tantrums in her marital home. Things turned upsidedown in Laura's life when realization hit on her that her best friend was only trying to fool her out of her marital home so she could get married to her ex-husband instead. What happens when Laura found out that she's pregnant just few months after her divorce and now works at her ex-husband's company unknowing to her that he is the CEO of the company she's working, and her bestie works there as his deputy?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · 都市
22 Chs

4| Don't cross the line

The middle aged woman in white sleeve, black suit trouser adjusted her prescription glasses and lifted her eyes from my files to me.


"Are you sure you owned this credentials?"


I don't get it. If not me then who?


I try not to laugh. Besides, my three friends are here standing beside me.


"Of course yes, Patricia." Rebecca chuckled, helping me out.


Patricia shook her head helplessly and adjusted her glasses before scanning through my files again.


"Okay, fine." She exhaled, closing the white booklet. "You have good qualifications for this job. I saw it all in your file. But do you have the ability to do well?"


Of course yes.


I've been Humpty Dumpty in the whole city since morning and she takes this job hunting as a joke?


"Yes, please." I gave her pitiful eyes. "I really need this job so badly like the last bar of my life. It's my only hope of providing my needs before the baby—"


I stopped when my friends poke my arm.


Patricia gave me a weird look. I ignored it, clearing my throat. "I mean, I would be forever thankful if this job is given to me." I grinned.


Patricia shrugged, taking a deep breath. "Well, it's so unfortunate that I won't be the one offering you this job—"


Rebecca cuts in before my eyes bugged. "Patricia…" She stretched the name with a grin. "Right now, we're all relying on you for this. Please be nice and help our best friend? You know how crazy boss his and his deputy? Pfft! They're both the same."


Now something gat me thinking if I won't be having hard time with my maybe-M.D.


"Mrs Coleman." Patricia said to Rebecca. "I have no say. I'm just a staff here, how do you expect me to do the job of our boss?"


"We're not asking you to do his duty." Flora chimed in, placing her hands on the desk. "All we're asking is just a little favor behind his back."


"Come on, Patricia. You're one of the oldest employee in this company. You've been working here since the time of our boss's father. It won't be difficult for you to shuffle Laura into any of the vacant department?" Emily added.


"That's for you." Patricia pointed at her. "He won't take it likely when all of these…" She waved her hands in the air. "Links out. And moreover, even if I take the risk of employing her myself and hiding her datas in one of boss's files for signing…it won't stock up in the software and he's too quick-wit to find out."


"So what do you suggest we do?" Rebecca tilts her neck. "I can't let my friend go home empty without a job."


All these moments, my head and neck kept turning and tilting towards different dimension at the faces talking.


"We promised to help her get a job in as much we don't know if it'd work out or not. We just hope and count on you. Boss is not a easygoing person, he may just shu her away or….who knows?" Emily shrugged.


Patricia paused for a while, staring at all of us. "Then give it a try. Take her to his floor."


My friends gasped.


"You can't be serious."





Immediately we stepped out of the elevator, we head for the hallway that leads to the MDs office.


According to Patricia, she said the boss's office is in the presidential floor.


And that's where we are, but why are they hiding behind me and pushing me forward?


They're in their twenties, yet, still acting like five.




"How long to reach his office? And can you guys please stop hiding behind me?"


"We're not hiding." Flora whispered. "Our boss is— anyway, forget about it. Just have it at the back of your mind that we'll only see you to the closed door and then, back out."




"What's huh? You don't expect us to go in with you for the interview, right?"


"Um, yeah? But—"


"It's here." Rebecca whispered, keeping a finger across her lips. "We'll be ten metres away from here just Incase you've finished. Our boss has a very sharp sense of hearing."


Before I could say one word, they dashed out in a second.


So this is it?


They were actually out for lunch and to help me but the help is not fully completed.


My grasp tightened around my file as I held it right on my chest.


I glance up at the little laminated banner on the door. It has the slogan or should I say abbreviation? 'M.D' on it.


I have no idea who he is or might be but from what I've heard about him and his wife which is his deputy...made me swallow down.


I took a deep breath, trying to clear my lungs and all I have.


Still standing at the door. Why does it feel like I'm entering WWE for money?


This is awkward of me. Very, very awkward. The times am using to stand here is enough to process all the answers and boldness I have to show for him.


I stare down at myself. Am I looking great today?




No one managed to compliment me today except my friends who told me I don't look different from the baby face I had when I was five.


I checked my shoes, dress and fixed my hair before having the courage to hold the doorknob to push it open.


Behold…..my eyes bugged at the sight of the magnificent things I saw inside.


I slowly took my steps in and shut the door behind me. I still can't find a living soul in here.


All I can see from a distance and near me is the nature of white itself. And a little bit of brown?


White sofas, white refrigerator, white water dispenser, large foreign brown desk, black ergonomic chair, a medium glass centre table with maybe fake or real fruits in a bowl on top of it.


An extra large glass wall that took 180 degree of the office. I can see part of the city from here. Including tops of few skyscrapers, now I know how much height this building is.


My attention drew to the ground. It's covered in white smooth tiles.


Oh, how I wish this was home. I'd have taken my clothes off and slump, sleeping on the floor.


It's so cold as I bend down to touch it. This whole building is in cold temperature because of the Air conditioner.


I quietly walk my way to the large glass wall. It's so transparent and cool as I place my five fingers on it.


I've only seen such things in movies but never apprehended it in reality.


I'm scared of height but I feel so safe in this one.


"Crest it on the barge, I don't need it." A deep masculine' voice said as he walked in.


My mouth opened a bit as I turn over. God, it's him.


Looking so dashing and stunning in grey business suit. It's just two months now, I don't expect him to be different in appearance.


"That's not my business, Mr Alan. We've talked about it and—"


"Dawson?!" I beamed.


He paused, staring at me with brows furrowed like he doesn't recognize me anymore.


"Mr Alan? Can I call you back? Yes, thanks." He hung up and tuck the phone into his pocket. "What are you doing here? Infact, who let you into my office?"


He sound irritated.


The sweet smile on my face slowly dissipated when I saw his expression towards me and the way he asked me weird questions.


"Hi, nice to meet you too." I took my chances of moving forward.


"Stop right there." He instructed, firmly. "One more foot and I'll have you thrown through that glass wall."




I thought his harshness for me would die after I signed the divorce papers but it hasn't changed a bit.


His irritation towards me is still high.


Most exes might not live together or be together again but at least they can still be good friends, right?


"Okay….." I try not to act awkward. "I came in myself? Do you have a problem with that?"


"Yes!" His tone cold.


I shivered. "Okay, but that's not nice."


"You coming into a married man's portal is not nice at all, Laura."


"Good thing you remembered my name and the last time I checked, this is a office not a website." I chuckle weirdly.


"What are your plans now?" He rose an eyebrow. "To seduce me? Set me up? Or make rumors to spoil my name to the media again? Huh?"




Hell no.


I shook my head vigorously with a frown. "No. What does that have to do with me?"


"Well, because that's what you're capable of doing." He scoffed, keeping his hands in his pockets. "You've done it before, you're an expert so it won't be difficult for you to ruin me again."


"Dawson…" I sighed. "Hear me out. Everything that happened, whatever I did wasn't my own intentions."


He laughed nastily and became serious again. "So it was my fault, huh? Why am I having this conversation with you? Get out of my office and out of my building and out of my premises for good before I call the cops and hand you over to them."


"Jesus, you don't believe me? I'll shock you." Today, he must believe me whether he likes it or not. "Blanca made me do all of that. You know me, you know what am capable of doing. I can't just wake up one morning and develop evil in my stomach, it's not right."


"Say that to yourself and your ungrateful family—"


No, boy. Don't cross the line.


"I won't have you drag my family into this, Dawson—"


"And I won't have you bring my wife into your mistake!" He yelled.


The sound of him addressing my enemy as his wife made me quiet.


The atmosphere was covered with silence and we stare deadly into each other's eyes.


I don't want to tear up in front of him. He already knows that's my weaken point and I won't show it to prove his instincts right.


"You're having it wrong, Dawson." I smirked, shaking my head. "That woman is evil, she's not met for you."


"So, you are?" He raised his brows.


"Why is it so hard for you to understand me? Weird things bursted out in our relationship, isn't it your responsibility to fish out that something wasn't right with what I did?


"And I did fish you out as a green snake under the green grass, Laura. You only loved me for what I had. Material things, properties and all of that. All those years we've been together, you only showed me how much you didn't really love me at last."


That's a lie. A very big fat lie. I disagree with that, Dawson.


"That's not true." I nod my head. "Believe me, Blanca made me do all of that. She told me it's the only way to win more love and intimacy for us, I swear, you can ask her."


He laughed. "Can you hear yourself very well?" Pointing at himself. "I, Dawson Anderson, should go to my wife and tell her what? Huh? That my ex came to my office and spill some shit on my face? How does that sound?"




He cut me off with a 'stop' gesture. "That's enough. Take whatever you bring with you and get lost. I don't want to see you anywhere close to me again. I thought you read the divorce papers before signing them?"


"This is not right." Tears gathered in my eyes. "Blanca is only with you to ruin you just as she did to me. She's an animal in human clothing."


He chuckled and clasped his arms over his chest. "For the record, she's a darling. A very good professional when it comes to her duty in bed and at work. Damn, she fucks me so good and you know the next upcoming news?" He whispered. "She's pregnant."


My fists clenched tightly beside me. My face turned red and I knew I'm gonna burst out any soon.


I held my file within me and dashed out of the office in tears.


If I had knew he was the boss of this place, I'd have not come.