
8000 Years Later

Feng Lei, I treat you like a little brother… Why did you betray me?" Ling Tian wailed in the dream, his voice echoing in the eerie silence of the valley.

The memory of it still haunted him as he sat up abruptly, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings.

He found himself lying on the surface of a strange body of water that flowed between two tall, barren mountains.

The water was of five different colors, each representing one of the five elements of nature.

The valley stretched on endlessly, a desolate and eerie place he had never seen before.

As Ling Tian tried to gather his thoughts, a deep sense of confusion washed over him. Ling Tian's heart raced as he struggled to understand how he could still be alive when he had clearly died.

Did he not die? How was he still alive? And where was he? what about Feng Lei and the four Great Emperors?

These questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

Ling Tian had been the most Powerful Monarch on the Tianxia Continent,

He had been given the title of the greatest monarch under heaven *(8000 years ago).

He had always believed that death was the end, but here he was, alive and well, in a place he had never seen before.

What was strange was that the river water was of five different colors,

a deep blue, a vibrant green, a fiery red, a golden yellow, and a pure white,

each representing one of the five elements of nature - earth, water, fire, wood, and metal.

It was a sight that Ling Tian had never seen before, and it only added to his confusion.

He stood up and looked around, taking in the surroundings. The valley was shrouded in a thick fog, and he could barely see beyond a few feet in front of him.

The air was still, and there was no sound except for the occasional chirping of birds.

He dipped his hand into the water, and as he did, he felt a strange energy coursing through his body.

It was as if the elements were coming together, and he was the conduit through which they flowed.

Ling Tian realized that he was in a place where the laws of nature didn't seem to apply, and he was left wondering if he was dead or alive.

He knew that he had to find answers and make sense of his surroundings, but he had no idea where to start.

Ling Tian made his way toward the mountain in search of answers, but before he could take more than a few steps, a wave of memories that were not his own washed over him, leaving him disoriented and confused.

He stumbled and fell to his knees, his hands instinctively reaching up to clutch his head in an attempt to make sense of the torrent of information flooding his mind.

The memories were jumbled and fragmented, making it difficult for Ling Tian to decipher any coherent information.

However, as he focused harder, he began to piece together a picture of events that led him to this strange place.

As Ling Tian tried to make sense of the memories flooding his mind, he took a moment to observe himself, now that he had a chance to focus.

He was surprised to find that he was in the body of a 16-year-old boy.

Previously, he had been so overwhelmed by the strange circumstances that he hadn't paid much attention to himself.

Ling Tian walked towards the five-colored river and saw his reflection in the water.

He was taken aback by the sight - he was undeniably handsome, Standing at a towering height of two meters, framing a countenance that exuded both strength and grace, with a chiseled jawline, broad shoulders, dark hair, and eyes that seemed to be as deep as the abyss, exuding an enigmatic allure that held one captive.

Ironically, the body's previous owner shares the same name as Ling Tian.

He hails from the Ling clan, one of the four major clans in Chang'an City.

As the only son of the Ling clan leader, Ling Chenyuan, who is also a Martial Master, Ling Tian is in a unique position.

The other three major clans in the city are the Song, Zhu, and Chen clans.

Each of them possesses considerable power and influence, with their own Martial Master heads leading their respective clans.

The power balance among the four clans is relatively stable, with none of them significantly overpowering the others.

*** [Mc Entered in Dream Like State]

~Pretty Realistic as he Experienced himself~

[Will continue till chapter 10. He will learn how the Previous host died as he goes through the memories right before his predecessor's death in Detail & everything will become clear]***

As Ling Tian delved deeper into the memories flooding his mind, he entered into a dream-like state where he discovered that his predecessor had been unable to progress beyond the third level of the Body Tempering Realm, despite being 16 years old.

Meanwhile, his peers had achieved much higher levels, with some even reaching the pinnacle of the Body Tempering Realm just a step away from Qi Gathering Realm.

Ling Tian felt a pang of empathy for the previous host, who must have felt constant humiliation at his inability to keep up with his peers' remarkable progress, despite his tireless efforts.

In the vast Tianxia Continent, where martial arts and cultivation were highly esteemed, the sacred mark was the key to unlocking one's potential.

It was said that those who awakened their sacred mark at a young age possessed exceptional talent and could reach great heights in their cultivation.

However, Ling Tian was not one of those fortunate few. His sacred mark remained dormant until the age of 15, a clear sign of poor talent and a bleak future in the world of cultivation.

Ling Tian's lack of progress made him an easy target for ridicule and bullying, not only from his fellow clan members but also from the younger generations of other clans.

They saw his slow progress as a sign of weakness and inferiority, which only serves to fuel their contempt for him.

In addition to being bullied, Ling Tian's peers have also given him a derogatory nickname,

"Trash Tian,"

to mock his lack of progress in cultivation.

Despite his efforts to catch up and improve, Ling Tian has yet to achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation, leading to further mockery and scorn from those around him.

His lack of progress had even caused some of the elders in his family to question his father's leadership, as they saw Ling Tian as an unworthy candidate to inherit the clan head position.

However, one man in particular, the cunning and ambitious Ling Feng Yun, had his sights set on the position himself.

Ling Feng Yun is a formidable opponent, a level 9 martial Master, but even his power had proven insufficient to topple Ling Chenyuan, Ling Tian's father, from his seat of power.

In their last encounter, Ling Feng Yun had only been able to exchange blows with Ling Chenyuan for a mere ten rounds before being defeated.

Despite Ling Chenyuan's superior power, Ling Feng Yun refused to accept his inferiority.

Ling Tian knew that he would stop at nothing to gain the upper hand, even if it meant resorting to underhanded tactics.

The world of martial cultivation was a brutal and unforgiving place, where strength was everything.

But today was not a day for scheming and plotting.

Today was the day of the annual hunting contest, and all of the young cultivators of the Ling Clan under 22 were required to participate.

The competition was divided into two sections - one for body tampering cultivators, and one for qi gathering cultivators.

The contest would be held in the Moonlit forest.

The Moonlit Forest is infamous for its treacherous terrain and the deadly beasts that lurked within, it's a mysterious place covered in snow all year, but no one knows the reason.

The beasts ranged from low-Tier common beasts, such as Tier one and Tier two wild beasts, to formidable fourth-Tier Vicious beasts that could go toe-to-toe with a martial warrior.

The very depths of the forest are shrouded in mystery, with rumors of a fifth-Tier Profound Moon Wolf lurking there, but no one dared to venture that far.

Many lone cultivators and martial warriors had foolishly ventured into the forest in search of glory, but none had ever returned.

The purpose of the hunting contest was not just to showcase the young cultivators' martial prowess and hunting skills, but also to provide them with a unique opportunity to experience the dangers of the Moonlit Forest firsthand.

This was a crucial step in their cultivation journey, as it would help them hone their combat skills and gain valuable practical experience.

The Ling Clan elders believed that only by facing their fears and overcoming obstacles could the young cultivators truly grow and reach their full potential and the experience gained in the hunting contest would be invaluable for the young cultivators.

It Is not just a test of their physical abilities, but also a test of their mental strength and resilience.

It was a chance for them to push themselves beyond their limits, to confront their deepest fears and insecurities, and emerge victorious.

In the Moonlit Forest, they would encounter beasts and creatures, unlike anything they had seen before - powerful, unpredictable, and deadly.

And so, the annual hunting contest was a much-awaited event, both for the participants and the spectators.

Ling Tian sat quietly in his courtyard, his eyes closed in deep meditation.

The warm rays of the sun beat down on his face, and the sound of birds singing in the distance provided a peaceful background to his thoughts.

Suddenly, a deep, booming voice shattered the tranquility.

"Ah, Ling Tian, my son. It is good to see you."

Ling Tian's eyes snapped open, and he scrambled to his feet in shock. Standing before him was his father, Ling Chenyuan, the head of the Ling Clan.

Ling Chenyuan was a tall man, with broad shoulders, a Handsome face, and a commanding presence.

His hair was black and streaked with silver, and his eyes were sharp and piercing. Despite his age, he possessed an air of power and authority that was impossible to ignore.

"Father!" Ling Tian exclaimed, bowing deeply in respect.

Ling Chenyuan smiled warmly at his son, his expression softening slightly. "Rise, my son. I have come to visit you."

Ling Tian couldn't believe it.

His father rarely visited him, especially during such a busy time for the clan.

Ling Chenyuan had a duty to oversee the annual hunting contest, and with so many young cultivators participating, it was a stressful time for everyone.

"Father, what brings you here?" Ling Tian asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ling Chenyuan gently placed his hands on Ling Tian's shoulders, his usually stern expression replaced by one of fatigue and worry.

"Tian'er, I must ask that you do not participate in the hunting contest,"

he said, his voice tinged with a note of regret.

Ling Tian was taken aback. "But why, Father?" he asked, confusion etched on his face.

Ling Chenyuan paused for a moment, carefully choosing his words then heaved a deep sigh full of pain.

"Tian'er, I know that you have always been hardworking, more so than anyone else.

I have watched you tirelessly train day and night, even when others are fast asleep.

But you must understand that the hunting contest is not like any other challenge you have faced before."

Ling Tian's eyes began to well up with tears as he listened intently.

"There will be many powerful Level 7, 8, and even 9 common Beasts at the highest level of Tier 1 in the contest.

As a cultivator at the third level of the Body Tempering Realm, it would be too dangerous for you,"

Ling Chenyuan explained, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Ling Tian stood there in silence, staring at his father with a mix of emotions.

He couldn't help but feel frustrated and disappointed at the idea of not participating in the hunting contest - it was his chance to prove himself and make a name for himself in the clan, making his father proud of him.

But at the same time, he knew that his father was right.

Ling Tian was still at a low level of cultivation, and facing higher-level beasts could lead to his demise.

He took a deep breath and looked up at his father, trying to keep his emotions in check.

Ling Chenyuan placed a hand on his son's shoulder and spoke with a firm yet gentle voice,

"Tian'er, I know that you're eager to participate in the hunting contest and show the clan what you're capable of.

But you must understand that your safety is my utmost priority.

I cannot bear to lose you to something as trivial as a competition."

Ling Tian felt a sense of warmth and love emanating from his father's words. He knew that his father had always cared for him, even if he didn't always show it.

With a heavy heart, Ling Tian nodded his head in agreement.

"I understand, Father," he replied with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I will trust in your wisdom and wait for the right time to make my mark. I will continue to train hard and work on my cultivation so that when the time comes, I'll be ready and make you proud."

Ling Chenyuan's eyes filled with pride and love as he gazed at his son.

"I have no doubt that you will make me proud, Tian'er. You are a strong and capable young man, and with your determination and hard work, you will definitely achieve greatness one day."

The two of them stood there for a moment, lost in their own thoughts before Ling Chenyuan turned to leave. "I have many duties to attend to, but remember, Tian'ner, I am always here for you.

If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to come to me."

Ling Tian watched his father leave with a mix of emotions in his heart.

He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but he was determined to make his father proud and prove himself as a worthy member of the clan in front of those despicable old geezers and the arrogant and hateful younger generation.

"True, betrayal reveals the true colors of a person, stripping away the mask they wore and exposing their true nature. It forces us to confront the harsh reality that not everyone has our best interests at heart."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


TheTurtleHermitcreators' thoughts