
I like ice cream with hot tea

{Disclaimer: Unedited version. There might be a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes}

The cafe was simple yet elegant. The tables were all wooden ones and the wall was coloured white with floral designs all over it.

It was 5 in the evening and it wasn't the usual rush hour for this cafe, but in no less than 60 minutes, the cafe would be filled with customers. Right now the cafe was as silent as it could be.

In the midst of the silence of the sharp high heeled noise could be heard in the wooden floor.

A woman in her mid-20s walked over, her beauty was strikingly astonishing, her wavy light brown hair reached her waist, her almond shaped grey eyes looked like it was finding something, her snow fair skin looked like she hadn't suffered any harm in this world, but she did. Even a fool could tell how drop dead gorgeous she was, and she might be the most beautiful woman anyone would ever see.

She stood at the height of 5 feet and 8 inches, her heels were 3 inches high making her look taller than how she already was, she wore a black knee - length that fitted her like a glove, the dress did her great justice, or was it her who did the dress a justice. Her curves were in the right point giving her a perfect S - line figure, her breast were of perfect size and her perfect V-lined shaped face made it feel like she had a heavenly aura around her.

She turned around and walked towards her favorite seat in the cafe. The last corner seat near the huge windows. The windows were tinted black from outside and only the person sitting inside could see the outside world.

Huo Yifei took off her coat that was hanging on her shoulders and sat down. She took out a file from her bag and started reading it.

"Ma'am what would you like?" A waitress asked her.

Huo Yifei looked up and saw a girl in her teenage years, the girl wasn't the usual waitress who served her.

"Who are you? Where is Lingling?" Huo Yifei calmly asked the girl.

"I am Jin Yuqi, I am usually on the night shift but since Miss. Lu is sick I was told to come early." She replied with a smile.

Huo Yifei knew that the smile was fake and the way that this Jin Yuqi looked at her was not in a nice way but she still smiled back.

"I would like Blueberry ice cream with hot black tea." Huo Yifei placed the order.

Jin Yuqi looked confused at what the woman in front of her just ordered.

'Who would order a hot and cold thing together?'

"Ma'am are you expecting someone?" Jin Yuqi asked.

"No. Why?"

"That's....the things you ordered are just..." Jin Yuqi trailed off.

"I like ice cream with hot tea, any problem?" Huo Yifei asked sharply.

"No ma'am!" She said and went from there.

"Kids nowadays." She mummered and went back to look on the file.

'So that brat already has a fiance and is now goofing around with some other chick?'

"Ma'am, here is your order." Jin Yuqi said and placed her ice cream and tea on the table.

She kept down the file and took a bite of that ice cream.

'You mess with my sister you go down kid.'

She looked out the window and glanced at the world outside. Men with their wives and kids, couples looking around and her heel nearly killing her leg.

Never in her life had she worn heels for this long and the dress seemed to be sticking to her skin. She had just ran from her date fixed by her grandparents.

The man was from a known family, obviously not as rich and successful as Huo Yifei's family but the family was still known. The guy looked decent but he talked too much about his exs and kept on bragging. She hated people like them.

After finishing her tea and ice cream she walked out from the cafe barefooted with the shoes on her hands.

"That scum will die for cheating on my sister."
