
A Simple Arrangement

Some time had passed since Asta, Feodora and the young Princess Prism had joined the Black Bulls. And needless to say, it had definitely been an experience for them. For one thing they met Prism's friends/family, and they had been just as interesting as the members of the Black Bulls in general. Sure they were--Odd, but everytime they grew used to how they acted. Well maybe not most of them couldn't get used to the person who loved his sister WAY too much.

Asta, Feodora, and Karasu seeing as how they were suspended from going on missions in general had been taking it easy since their last mission in the dungeon as the Familiars they rescued, ones that were named Saorise and Liam had been getting used to living in the base, in their own way. Along with them had been Pluck and Noelle as Pluck had been looking over a set of Magical Items while Noelle was practicing her magic.

Right now, Asta had been doing his usual workout as he was on the ground doing pushups while Feodora had been sitting on his back looking through what looked to be a catalog book.

"1,001! 1,002! 1,003--!" Asta had counted.

"How about this one?" Feodora said as she looked at a certain page, before she showed it to them, "The one with the earrings of the dragonfly? That would suit her just fine wouldn't it?"

Karasu said as he had been sharpening his sword, "We already looked at that one. I thought we all agreed that one was a bit much for her."

"What? No--" She said, "--I thought we all said we put this one in the maybe pile."

"How about this one?" Pluck asked as pointed to a certain item on the page.

"I don't know--" Noelle said, "--That cherry earring seems a bit childish. I know she's fourteen but--"

Pluck said with a shrug, "Well it's not like you found a better item."

"Actually I did, Barbados." Noelle said as she pointed to one certain item. Feodora, Karasu and Pluck couldn't help but make a face.

"This one is a LITTLE above our pay grade." Feodora said as she made a look.

"But aren't you a ro--" Noelle asked

"What did we say about using that word in my presence, Drama Llama?" Feodora quickly said cutting Noelle off as it made her flinch.

Pluck said "how about you, Stupid Silva. Maybe WE can get it out of your pay since you're royalty after all." They were a bit taken back when they saw him hit himself, "DAMN IT PLUCK YOU LET IT SLIP AGAIN!"

"Are you suggesting we leech off her? " Karasu said as he made a look, "Because that's WAY worse."

Pluck said "well better her than me! Do you have any idea how much my dad lost after our few centuries of napping?"

"Excuses." Feodora and Karasu said.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Pluck exclaimed.

"Huh?" Asta said, "Which one's Noelle talking about?"

Feodora soon held the book in front of him as she showed him the item Noelle was talking about. His jaw instantly dropped, as he nearly lost his balance, "HOLY--HOW MUCH YULES ARE THEY ASKING!?"

"Right?" Feodora said, "This is more than Magic Knights make in a year!"

"It's just chump change." Noelle said.

"Of course you'd say that!" Feodora said, giving her a look.

"Again, we have a bank, right here." Pluck said before asking Noelle. "And why are you worried about money? It's not like you're gonna get it back, Stupid Silva." They soon jumped when he slapped his face again, "ANA LATTA AS ME, WHY?!"

The look on Noelle's face soon changed before she regained her composure, "It's none of your business."

"Oh go sit on a twig you Warg kisser!" Pluck said to her, Noelle turned as she was about to slap him but Pluck stopped it with his gum sword. Though Noelle soon jumped when Pluck hit his head again while he yelled, "OH DAMN IT ALL!"

"Okay, you're acting weirder than when the Dum-Dum here catches a cold." Feodora said as she tapped on Asta's head.

"Hey!" Asta said, offended.

"Don't boo me, I'm right." Feodora said.

"Seriously though, what's with you?" Karasu asked, "You've been acting WAY too different since the Dungeon."

"What makes you say that?" Pluck asked

"You just hit your head so hard that it broke your skin." Karasu pointed out.

Pluck took notice of his head as he quickly got out a handkerchief and started to press down on his wound. "Huh, so I have."

It hadn't been long before the Triple A's came into the room, along with Magna and Finral; Saorise and Brenin had been among the group as they soon noticed them in the common room.

"Oh someone alert the press!" Aidan said, "You're hanging out together and you're not trying to kill Noelle while Prism's not here bro?"

"Where's the real Pluck and what have you done with him?" Aine said with a giggle.

Pluck gave a growl as he said with a devious smile, "What's that, more lessons for the Triple As? I can arrange that."

"YOU MONSTER!!" Aine yelled.

"How did we end up with a sadist older brother..." Aidan asked "If he was an older sister, he would be WAY more nicer.."

"Though we have seen him in a dress before so it could happen." Aisling said, "He's got good looks in one."

"They put you in a dress?" Feodora asked, "And I didn't get a picture?"

"We were showing Prism what Halloween was." Aisling said, "And we told Pluck it was a kilt."

Pluck's eyebrows twitched before he said "get them,Addi."

"QUACK!" Addeline shouted as she got out her stick and whacked their feet as they started to shriek and practically danced to avoid getting hit.

"What the heck are you guys doing with this?" Magna asked as he noticed the catalog book.

"We're trying to find a gift for Prism!" Asta replied, as he continued with his pushups.

"Really?" Finral asked, "What on Earth for? Her Birthday isn't soon, is it?"

"Oh no, that's not until December." Pluck said.

"She's a bit down after that whole dungeon business we had to go through." Karasu replied, "Asta thought it would be a good idea to find her a gift. So we're pitching in."

"Awww, that's so sweet!" Saorise said as her ears flopped a little, "You're such a kind human Asta!"

Asta blushed out of embarrassment as he said, "Oh shucks."

"Isn't this catalog Vanessa's?" Magna asked.

"It was--" Feodora replied, before she pointed to a passed out Vanessa who was slumped over on the couch, "--Stuck Up traded it for a bottle of vintage wine."

Pluck said with a smirk, "you learn a few things to survive when you stay with them for a year. Though we were considering prices, I suggested we drain out a certain someone since she suggested we get this."

Pluck pointed to the item as the group's eyes widened as they paled.

"BIME I ELENA! THAT'S A LOT OF ZEROES!" Aisling exclaimed.

"Why are there so many?!" Saorise exclaimed.



"Exactly!" Feodora said.

"And you said who even suggested it?!" Magna exclaimed.

"Our walking bank." Pluck said as he pointed to Noelle trying to free her face as they heard sounds of muffles and screaming .

"I'm telling ma." Aine said before Pluck pulled her hat over her head. "THE DARK! I CAN'T SEE!"

"What about that trip to the stores in the capital?" Brenin asked, as his tail swayed a little,"I thought you guys had that covered?"

"That's what we thought--" Feodora said, "--But then we had issues."

They didn't know what they meant, until they noticed they had been looking towards Karasu. Karasu soon sighed, "Hey, it's not like I MEANT to break that man's cabbage cart."

"Still I never thought we had to run so fast." Pluck said.

"Yeah because your duck decided to start a fight with those parrots." Feodora said, "WHO WERE TWICE HER SIZE!"

"For the record, they started it." Pluck told her.

"She stole that cracker from them!" Noelle said as she got the gum out while tearing from the pain, "I still have scratches by the way!"

"Wait, it was parrots?" Asta said, "I thought we were running from skunks?"

"No, no, that was after a herd of goats." Karasu said as he was thinking, "Or was it cows?"

Pluck shook his head as he said, while he pondered, "nah nah, I'm sure it was dogs...which SOMEONE decided to mess with with her water!" He gave Noelle a glare

"That was only because Addeline threw a chicken at them!" Noelle said.

"We need to talk about that, by the way--" Asta said, "--why does Addi do that?"

Pluck said with a sigh, "I honestly don't know. Even her quirkiness confuses me sometimes."

Most of the group, except for Brenin and Saorsie, only gave a confused look mixed with a shocked look on their faces. "Wait--this all happened in Kika?" Magna asked.

"Are you sure you didn't eat--" Finral said before he cleared his throat, "--Strange candy?"

"No, it really happened." Asta replied casually as it shocked them.

"You had to be there." Feodora said.

Pluck said with a nod, "yep."

"Oh yeah." Karasu said.

Noelle added, "trust me, we know what we saw." She soon said with a sigh, "That was one crazy Thursday…"

"Well that's not the strangest story I've heard in awhile." Brenin said.

"It brings back memories." Saorise said before she looked around, "Where is Prism anyway?"

"Probably still catching some Z's." Karasu replied, "I think some of the Cap's habits rubbed off on her."

"Bunking with him will do that to you." Feodora said, "I know he has to keep an eye on her but it's still shocking."

Pluck soon said as he bit on what looked to be a handkerchief, "yeah, no kidding!"

"Though it is understandable--" Noelle said, as her expression slightly, "--Considering she's just recovering from her injuries and her recent fever."

"In which you and those two hid from us." Pluck said before he proceeded to pinch her cheeks.

"Only because you'll mother hen her!" Noelle added as she pinched his cheeks back.

"I hope they don't plan to sleep the whole day." Finral said, "They have to meet with the Wizard King today."

"Don't worry." Pluck said "I can just send Addi to wake her up."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Aisling asked.

"Positive." Pluck said as he stretched Noelle's face as she did the same.

"You do realize that if Yami finds Addi at his door again he's gonna roast her for dinner." Aidan said.

Pluck let go of Noelle's cheek as she squeaked and fell as he immediately hugged Addeline as she let out a quack, "HE WOULD NEVER!"

"It is Yami." Magna said awkwardly as Pluck paled.

Asta only laughed awkwardly before he sat on his knees; Feodora slid off of him as she stood. "So Saorise--" Asta soon said, "--How are you liking the Magic Knight life?"

"It's really great!" Saorise said with a smile, "I never thought Master Yuki would be able to rebuild the farm! It looks just like the one in Airedale, but it's bigger."

"She's been making friends with the beasts housed on the base." Brenin explained, "Even the ones that Yami has been keeping."

"It must be nice to be one of you guys." Karasu said, "I mean, you can actually talk to animals unlike us."

"Granted I'm a bit rusty on some of them, but it's still nice--" Saorise said, before she turned over to Addeline as it made her shrink, "--Speaking of which Addi, you and I are gonna have a talk later."

"Quack?! Quack?!"

"You know exactly why!" She told her, "And what did I tell you about language!?"

"Quack!" Addeline exclaimed as she hugged Pluck.

"How about Liam?" Asta asked, as he stretched, "We haven't really talked since we came back from our last mission."

"Well that's--" Brenin started to say.

BAM--Went the door suddenly.

They looked over and saw that it had been a familiar young man with blue hair, wolf ears and antlers. He looked to be holding a large boar on his shoulder and dragging a large sake of fish; no literally it had been a large fish, practically a serpent.

"--There he is." Brenin said.

"I'm back." Liam said nonchalantly.

Noelle shrieked as she shouted "W-w-wha-how--di-did he--?!"

"Oh he usually hauls in his kills." Pluck says nonchalantly. "They're WAY bigger than that."

"DID YOU SAY BIGGER!?" Noelle exclaimed.

"Oh yeah--" Aidan said, "--One time he caught the king of the mountains that wandered down for the Harvest Festival."

"YOU MEAN HE WRESTLED A BEAR?!" Magna exclaimed.

"Yuuup." Triple A's said.

"He is the top hunter in our guild you know?" Pluck said.

"TOP HUNTER?!" Feodora, Noelle and Karasu exclaimed

Asta said as his eyes sparkled, "SO COOL!"

"Of course you would find that cool." Feodora said to him.

Liam only made a look as he noticed Asta, "Stop looking at me like that human."

"And that's normal to you?!" Karasu asked.

"Don't worry, he did it back at our home village." Aine reassured

"Where were you?" Saorise asked.

"The south side of the forest." Liam replied as he wiped off the blood that was on his shoulder brace after he set the boar down, "Found a lake with the large serpent."

"Liam, you don't have to do that." Brenin said, "I told you the Black Bulls have enough food to last a whole year."

"Like I did it for them." Liam said before giving a sneer towards Magna, Finral, Feodora, Karasu and Asta, "Besides--Hunting takes my mind off of things."

Pluck said with a sigh, "of course he would say that, well don't let the captain hear you say that."

"Oh you went hunting eh? I feel left out."

Most of the group, minus Finral, Magna and Liam let out a shriek when they saw Yami right there in the room, along with Prism who had been in her usual uniform, though her arms and head were still bandaged; she looked to be wearing a hairband with a stone attached to it.


Yami had said whale taking a puff from his cigarette, "no clue what you mean--" He soon gestured towards the large boar and serpent, "--Mind explaining this?"

"It's from Liam's recent hunt." Brenin said.

Prism's eyes soon sparkled, "Bime i elena! They're huge!"

Liam soon had a smirk, "Aren't they? I bet they're even bigger then the ones you've caught back at home."

"No way!" Prism said, giving him a playful nudge, "I've caughten way bigger!"

"Wanna bet?" Liam said as he held his sickles, "For old times sake?"

"Oh you're o--Huh?"

Prism had soon been cut off when Yami picked the two of them up with ease as he held them by the neck of their jackets.

"Nope." Yami said to Prism. "One, you're still recovering and two, we're going to see the Wizard King today. Can't afford any distractions."

"Not even just one little hunt?" Prism asked.

"No." Yami simply said.

Prism gave a pout before she said, "Meanie."

"You're not a lot of fun." Liam said as he crossed his arms.

Yami told him as he shook him a little, "What are you talking about? I'm a fun guy."

"I'm pretty sure gambling doesn't count." Noelle said awkwardly.

Pluck told them "sorry guys, looks like he got you two hook lines and sinkers."

"Oh by the way--" Yami said, "--I got a whole list of chores for you to do today Pluck."

Pluck did a double take as he shouted, "WHAT?! WHY?! I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO OFFEND ANYONE!"

Yami soon dropped Prism and Liam before he handed him a six foot long list, "Get all this done by the end of the day."

"But-But--I won't have time to do my study sessions!" Pluck argued as he looked over the list.

"Exactly." Yami said as it made him freeze up.

Pluck said as he soon crossed his arms, "I don't deserve this.."

Noelle only gave a soft chuckle at Pluck before Yami said, "And take Noelle with you."

"EHH?! WHY ME?!" Noelle shouted "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

"So you two can learn to be ACTUAL team members." He replied.

"EH!?" They both exclaimed.

"BUT I'M ROYAL-" Before Noelle could say her line Pluck simply used his gum sword as it stuck to her hair as she shrieked

"Yeah yeah, we get it, you're a royal." Pluck said "so am i."

"Do you have to do that Plu-Plu? She is our teammate after all." Prism asked as it made Pluck flinch. He soon smacked himself which made most of them jump. Pluck soon yelled, "DAMN IT! WHY ME?!"

"Uhh---" Prism started to say before a thought came over Asta.

"Wait, Brenin, Saorise and Liam have to go with you?" Asta asked, "Why?"

"I guess it's because they're my Familiars." Prism replied.

Yami soon added, "After what happened in the Dungeon with those Mage Soldiers from the Diamond Kingdom, we need to go over a strategy in case they try to come for her and them since they now know she's the Princess."

Feodora's look changed at the mention of the Diamond Kingdom, which Asta, Karasu and Prism were quick to pick up on as their own looks softened.

"What makes you think they'll send someone after her?" Karasu asked.

Yami replied, "Knowing them, they'll do anything, even if it'll risk both parties. They might even send an Assassin to take her and kill any witnesses."

"If that happens--" Feodora soon said as they each noticed her tone, and the look in her eyes, "--I'll kill them myself before they get the chance."

"Feo…" Asta said with worry.

Yami gave a sigh before he rubbed the back of his head, "In any case, we need to discuss the worst case scenario if they do end up sending someone. Speaking of which--" He soon turned over to Finral, "--Open a portal to the capital."

Finral flinched before he said, "ALREADY?! I haven't eaten breakfast yet!"

Yami's threatening aura soon came over as he said with a glare, "You want to die?

Finral immediately gulped, "Ju-Just give me a minute!" He soon started going over to the bar provided to at least get himself something to drink. "Do I have to be a part of this?" Liam asked, with a sneer, "The shortcake needs more protection than me."

"Julius isn't who you think Liam." Prism reasoned, "He's not the kind of guy that wouldn't hurt a Therian or anyone on purpose."

"You're sure of that?" He asked.

Prism nodded with a smile, as she took his hands, "Positive! Besides I know he'll just love you! The other Captains too!"

"I for one would love to meet this Wizard King she's been going on about!" Saorise said as her ears twitched a little, "He is basically of the same level as Lemiel, maybe even stronger! So it'll be a REAL treat!"

Liam only growled as he turned his head. Brenin soon spoke up, "Liam, it'll be good for you. If we're gonna be staying with these guys we need to understand the terrain better. Who better then the Wizard King?"

"I'm still not for the idea." Liam said.

"You kinda don't have a choice at this rate." Pluck told him. "It's either that or he kills you."

Liam huffed as he said "After what we went through before Secre put us in the dungeon, I don't think I'll be trusting a royal or a King anytime soon."

Noelle said as she sounded offended, "COME AGAIN?!"

"Her I get." Pluck said, "But the Wizard King is a good person."

"DON'T YOU AGREE WITH HIM!" Noelle shouted as she was about to slap him but Pluck stopped her with his wooden sword

"Like I'll believe that." Liam said as it made Pluck flinch.


"Not buying it." Liam said to Asta as he growled, "Besides I still don't like you."

"Okay then, well--" Prism said as she had a thought, "--Don't do it for them--"

"Deal." Liam said.

"Do it for me." She said with a pleading look, "Please?"

Liam had been taken back by the look on Prism's face as he couldn't find himself talking back or even yelling as he normally would. He struggled to say something but it was like his words had gotten stuck.

He soon sighed as he slapped himself in the face; his ears on his head dropped slightly, "That's cheating shortcake."

"So you'll go?" Prism asked. Liam only nodded his head in reply as she couldn't help but giggle. "Thank you Liam!" She said as she shook his hands.

"Effective as always." Brenin said.

"That's our Prism!" Saorise said with a smile.

"100%" Pluck added.

Asta had said, just shocked, "w-wow...she tamed him just like that."

Feodora soon noticed Asta's cheeks, "Are you--Are you turning red?"

"WHAT NO!" Asta shouted as he went to hide it, "The only woman for me is Sister Lily!"

"You're still on that?" Karasu said, shocked.

"Let it go Dum-Dum." Feodora said.

Addeline shook her head as she said "Quack Quack Quack"

"Me spineless?" Liam said before poking at Addeline, "Look who's talking you oversized chicken."

Addeline flinched before she shouted "QUACK!!!" she ran to attack but Liam just placed his finger on her head as she was running in place

Yami soon gave a laugh as he patted Liam on the head, "I like you already mutt."

"Don't touch me so casually." Liam said with a growl, "AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A MUTT!?"

Yami replied as he took a puff, "hey you bark like one don't you?" Liam only growled as he showed his teeth at this remark.

Addeline gave a laughing quack as she rolled on the floor making Liam growl. Finral soon returned, "Okay, one portal to the capital coming up!" He said before he quickly opened up a portal.

"Finally." Yami said before he turned to Prism, Brenin, Saorise and Liam, "You four, let's go."

"Okay." Prism said before she stood and pulled the hood of her robe over her head. Brenin and Saorise went to follow her with Liam begrudgingly following their lead but--

"Wait!" Asta exclaimed, stopping them; he soon gestured to Brenin, Saorise and Liam, "Sorry to nitpick but won't people be freaked out if they see them like that?"

"Oh yeah, he makes a good point." Feodora said, "It's not everyday you see people with animal parts attached walking around."

"You'd really think so?" Saorise asked as she felt her horns.

"What's the big deal, we can just shift into our other forms." Liam said, "Humans can't tell the difference between us and Magical Beasts anyway."

"It worked before with me." Brenin pointed out.

"That's because you were a dog." Asta pointed out, "Though Saorise and Liam, it's gonna surprise people you know?"

"Kid's got a point, you're gonna scare the entire kingdom with those out in the open even if you shift." Yami said as he pointed to Saorise's horns and Liam's antlers.

"Then--" Prism soon asked as the spirits around her shifted to yellow, "--What should we do?"


-Royal Capital; Clover Castle-

Prism had been taken back by the sight of the castle that had laid in the very center of the Clover Kingdom capital; She had been practically in awe by the sheer size of it. The only times she had seen the structure of the castle was through the various drawings her father had shown her when he returned to the village to be with her and her mother. Though despite the slight changes in the structure here and there, it had been like his drawings had come to life.

She had her head tilted back as she nearly found herself tripping, "Bi-Bime i elena…" She said as she backed up, "... This was my father's home."

She would've fallen down the various stairs were it not for Yami who had pulled her back to her feet. He told her as he flicked her forehead snapping her out of the daze, "Hey Lizard Girl. Watch where you're stepping, would you?"

"So-Sorry!" She said as she turned red from embarrassment, "It's just my first time seeing the place where my dad and his family grew up, in person, not just through drawings! It's so overwhelming!"

Yami said as he couldn't help but recall a certain event, "huh, reminds me of the first time I went with Sword Boy a year ago. He was overwhelmed too but not like you are."

"Really?" Prism asked curiously.

"Yeah--" Yami replied before he mumbled, "--Though this is technically this is your second time here."

"Huh? Did you say something?" Prism asked.

He merely replied with a wave of his hand, "Nope."

"Uh--Captain Yami?" They soon heard Brenin say. They both looked over to Brenin, Saorise and Liam as they no longer bore their animal parts; instead the three of them looked more human as each of them wore the Black Bulls robe. "Are you sure this will work?" Brenin asked, gesturing to the earrings they were wearing.

"Hey it worked with Barbados so it'll work with you three, this way you'll appear as if you were a human." Yami said, "Plus they're a bit stronger then what we gave you from before."

"I get that--" Saorise said before she felt the side of her head, "--But it feels weird not having my horns and ears where they should be."

"... I hate this so much right now." Liam said with a grumble.

"Get used to it, Mutt." Yami told him.

"Uh… Could someone explain to me--"

Prism looked over to a very confused Feodora, and Karasu. "--Why are we both here?" Feodora soon finished as she had her hand raised awkwardly.

"Yeah, you just dragged us through the portal before we knew what happened." Karasu added as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Why else, You two have to take responsibility as well." Yami said. "Don't think you're walking Scott free from this."

"Of course that's your reply." Feodora said

"For the record we were against it from the start." Karasu said, "Just throwing that out there."

Yami gave a death glare that meant if he wanted to die, Karasu simply replied, "Or I can keep my mouth shut till we hear it from the other captains."

"Yeah that's what I thought." Yami said, satisfied, "Now let's get moving and--" Just as he was about to finish, he managed to pick up Prism before she ran in, "--Not dive in headfirst."

"Sorry, I got excited." Prism said apologetically as she looked ashamed, "It's just so hard to control myself! I finally get to see where my dad, uncle and auntie lived! I mean granted the structure of it all is a little different then I thought now that I'm looking at it up close, but--I'm just so excited you know!"

"This isn't gonna be like a tour." Karasu said.

Yami soon gave Prism a light slap on the head as he told her, "well if we have time for a full one we'll be here all day."

"Huh?" The group said as they were a little confused. Though before either of them could ask, Yami started to push them inside as he told them, "No time like the present, let's head on in!"

Before they knew it, they found themselves in what looked to be the courtyard of the castle as they were each in awe of the building's structure. They even noticed a couple of Magic Knight soldiers stationed along the upper walls of the three estates.

"The hell is all this?" Feodora asked, "A private community?"

"I thought the King and Wizard King were the only ones who lived in this place." Karasu said.

"They're the royal families." Prism said, "My dad told me that two families stayed on the estate other than his own. If something were to happen to him and them, one of their first borns would take over." She soon noticed the two insignias along the other two structures. "I recognize the Silva insignia from his drawings, but--I don't remember those two."

"Oh yeah—" Yami said, "—That's the Vermillions and Kira's. They happen to live there too."

"Vermillion?" Prism said, a bit shocked, "You mean Fugeleon and Mimosa stay here too?"

"Yup." Yami said as he took a puff.

"Then I'm guessing Kira is the family in charge of the kingdom?" Feodora said.

Yami replied as he looked to have a disandful look on his face, "Sadly.. Their first born is."

"Wow--" Brenin said, "--I get you said not everyone is a fan of this guy but I didn't think you didn't like him this much."

"Sounds like this King is a pig." Liam said.

"Do you know what he's like Prism?" Saorise asked.

"Sort of--" Prism replied, "--They told me a little bit about him but they weren't exactly full on the details."

"So what did they tell you?" Karasu asked.

"They just told me he doesn't know what he was doing." She said with a shrug.

Feodora soon raised an eyebrow, as she looked to Yami, "What's the big deal? You won't give her the dirt on the guy running this country? Shouldn't something like that be crucial since she's gonna be taking his job in four years?"

"Well yeah but--" Yami said as he sighed "it'll just make things more complicated."

"How so?" Karasu asked.

"You're back here again peasant?"

Before she could comprehend, Prism felt Yami take her by the arm as he pulled her behind him; though much to her own shock his hand didn't move from her upper arm as they noticed a man with curls come towards them.

"Yo, what's-your-face. Long time no see." Yami said nonchalantly

"IT'S KING AUGUSTUS!" King Augustus shouted.

"He's the king?" Prism said in her thoughts as she tried to at least loosen Yami's grip on her, though she felt him tighten slightly.

Augustus soon cleared his throat as he spoke again, "anyway I take it you're were to apologize after your last visit."

Yami told him nonchalantly, "Yeah sure whatever."


"Wow, he's worse than the stuck up" Feodora said with her eyes rolled.

"No no, that's too far even for him." Karasu said "Even Pluck wouldn't stoop to his level. Besides, doesn't he hate his guts too?"

"Good point." She said.

"I HEARD THAT!" Augustus shouted.

"I don't like his stench." Liam mumbled.

"Liam--" Brenin said before shushing him.

Augustus soon told Yami, "You better watch your mouth, foreigner! I could have you executed right on the spot!"

"Oooh scary." Yami said "like i haven't heard that one before."

Prism tried to get free from Yami or at least move though everytime she thought his hand loosened, she would immediately freeze when she felt him give her arm a squeeze. That was when she noticed something. "He's shaking?" She thought as her hand had been on his own, "Is he scared of him?" She shook her head, "No, that's not it… Is he--Worried about me? But why?"

"How dare you take that tone with me!" He said, "I am your King you know!"

"Wow you were right, he makes the Stuck-up a likeable guy." Fedora said as she was in awe.

"Again, I wouldn't put them in the same category." Karasu said.

"Can I kill him?" Liam whispered.

"Don't--" Saorise said, "--But I understand the urge."

Augustus soon chuckled as he had a thought come over him, "Well, that'll change soon enough after all that bounty will surely boost my trust within the kingdom, they'll soon give their attention to me rather than the wizard king."

At this Prism froze and paled up slightly as did the others. She had recalled the bounty that was placed on her head, before she had set out on the first mission. This time she had been the one shaking. "That poster of me Uncle Cad found--" She thought as she put her hand over her mouth to keep herself silent, "--He's the one that put it out?! Does--Does that mean he wants me dead?! Or worse!?"

She soon felt Yami squeeze her arm again, this time it felt like it had been reassurance. "That so-called true heir is nothing more than an impure!" Augustus said, "And if you bring them to me, you'll be awarded handsomely. I'll even triple the reward if you want!"

Brenin, Liam and Saorise looked to be possessed cold looks, though they each had been struggling to keep it cool. Prism however froze at the name impure, as it all seemed to have clicked as a familiar image passed her by in her head. Finally Yami spoke up as he took a puff from his cigarette, as he casually told him, "Yeah thanks but no thanks. I'm fine where I am."

Augustus said with a huff, "suit yourself."

With that he walked away leaving the very shocked as Brenin, Liam and Saorise looked absolutely livid. "Nevermind, let's kill him." Brenin said with a glare as his magic started to become active.

Yami told him while placing a hand on his shoulder, "No but I understand the urge."

"It was him?!" Feodora said before she had a glare, "He put out that damn bounty on her head?!"

"I knew the King was an asshole, but damn." Karasu said, "But why in the hell would he want the tater-tot for?"

"He wants me gone." Prism soon said. As Yami let go of her arm she stepped out from behind him as she just looked horrified. "... He doesn't care if I'm alive or dead… He just wants me out of the picture."

"To have you sent to the Crazy Jester--" Karasu said, "--That place has always been bad news even among us thieves."

"How do you know he wants you gone?" Feodora asked.

"He called her an impure." Saorise said as she still had her cold look as Karasu and Feodora looked shocked, "That's the same thing the royal court called her father and mother."

"That damn pig--" Liam said, "--He's no different then the assholes that tried to hunt us down."

"Impure?" Karasu said, "What warrants that name for her and her parents?"

"The Silvamillion's family had magic that was pure. Lemiel had light magic, and Teita was born with wind magic like Alma." Brenin said, "Zeid on the other hand--He had gotten dark magic. Combine that with marrying an elf who he then had a kid with, that raised A LOT of red flags among the royal court."

"Can I kill him?" Liam said, "I'll make it LOOK like an accident."

"Again--NO." Yami said. "But I get the urge."

"Well I guess it sorta explains why Pluck hates the Silvas...or any royal.." Karasu said. "Rules like that, heck i would hate them too for doing that to my best friend."

They soon noticed that Prism hadn't been standing anymore; they looked to the ground as they saw she had curled up into a ball while keeping her head down. "Maybe I'm just better off hiding in a shell for the rest of my life…" Prism said in a sort of dejected tone.

"Holy hell that had an effect on her--" Feodora said, "--Then again I can't blame her."

"Prism, it's gonna be okay." Saorise said.

"How? Now that I know the King wants me dead?" Prism asked as she didn't even bother to pick up her head. Yami soon gave her a pat on the head as she finally picked up her head, "He won't ever get you kid." He said, as he got her to stand, "You've got us now don't you?

Prism only nodded at this though had been taken back when she felt him flick her forehead. "We talked about overthinking it." Yami told her.

"Right, sorry." She said as she bowed her head.

They were soon taken back by the sound of a bell. "Shit, we're late." Yami said casually, before he started to lead them again, "Come on, let's go."

Thus, Prism, Brenin, Saorise, Liam, along with Feodora and Karasu started to follow behind. They ventured towards the center building as they noticed the design and the chandeliers and even the porcelain as they could see almost their own reflection, though the feeling of it had been strange even though Prism had been wearing shoes. Brenin, Liam and Saorise on the other hand were nearly startled by the fact they could see practically another version of themselves on the floor.

They would've made a scene were it not for Yami.

Though eventually they found themselves heading towards a set of doors as they looked to have a clover insignia on it.

"So this is the Wizard King's office?" Feodora said.

"Looks--Oddly normal." Karasu pointed out before he looked over to Prism, "You sure you've never been here before?"

"Well no--" Prism replied, "--The only time I met Julius was at the Magic Knight Headquarters."

"So he's got two offices--" Feodora said as she had a thought come over her, "--That honestly makes sense."

"I take it this Wizard King is a big deal?" Saorise asked.

"I mean, he's technically the head of the Magic Knights so one would assume so." Brenin replied.

"Doesn't matter since he's still a human." Liam said with a growl.

Yami soon told Liam as he took hold of his head, "Hey mutt, lose the fangs."

"What did I tell you about touching me casually?!" Liam yelled as he kicked his legs.

"Whoa, hey!" Prism said as she immediately got in between them; She soon turned to Liam as she managed to pry Yami's fingers off of him, before she patted him on the head, "It's okay Liam. He's not a bad guy like I told you."

The doors soon opened as it made the Familiars jump; Liam especially as he was put on alert. Turns out the one that had opened the door had been the Wizard Kings Aide, Marx. "There you are!" Marx said, "Come inside, quickly."

Yami told Marx as he took a puff from his cigarette, "Yeah yeah, give it a rest Mushroom Head." He soon ushered them inside before kicking the door closed. It was then they were met with an intense aura in the room. Or at least Prism felt it the moment the door closed shut. She looked to find four sets of familiar faces as she looked nervous

"KEKE--Running on your own time huh?"

"What's your excuse this time, foreigner? And why is the Princess late as well?"

"How you're a captain baffles me.."

"Honestly, this is a matter of the utmost importance and you ended up showing up late?"

Prism gulped as she soon said with an awkward smile, "Mr. Nozel, Fugeleon, Jack, Miss Charlotte! It's--Nice to see you all!" She gave a sheepish laugh, "How--How have you been?"

Jack said to Prism while giving a look that made her flinch, "KEKE--We've been expecting your arrival a few minutes ago! Be lucky I didn't have the gall to slice you to pieces right now after the stunt you recently pulled!"

"Do that and you're the one who will be in pieces!" Liam said with a glare as Prism was quick to hold him back.

"KEKE--Who's the mutt?" Jack asked.

"I'M NOT A DAMN MUTT!" Liam yelled at this time Saorise and Brenin pulled him back before he could charge.

"Easy." Saorise told him.

"We're trying NOT to get in trouble." Brenin added.

Nozel soon said to Prism as she felt his intense aura just from his stare, "Care to explain yourself in regards to your last mission?"

"Well that's uh--" Prism said, as she twiddled her thumbs, "--The idea sounded better in my head?"

"That doesn't help, you know!" Feodora whispered to her.

Nozel turned to Karasu and Feodora as he said "As for you two, you have some explaining as well."

"Us?!" Karasu said, "For the record, I'm not the one who's picking on your little sister."

"Not that." Nozel said as he gave the two a glare. "You knew about the Princess' illness yet you not only kept it from us, you got my sister involved."

"To be fair we were against the id--OW!" Feodora started to say before she was punched hard in the head by Jack.

"KEKE--Consider that payback for endangering our future ruler!" Jack said.

Feodora growled as some of her hair changed to a streak of white, while her eyes shifted to an ice blue, "Oh you are DEAD Beanpole!" She soon bore her ice claws as it made Prism and Karasu jump, "CONSIDER IT PAYBACK FOR YOU KICKING MY ASS LAST TIME!"

"KEKE--TRY IT! JUST KNOW WHO YOU'RE FACING!" Jack said as he got his blades

"Now now. Let's not start bickering amongst ourselves." Fuegoleon said as he got in between them, "Besides this isn't the time and the place for that."

"OH JUST TRY TO STOP ME YOU LITTLE--" Feodora started to shout before Karasu and Prism immediately shut her mouth.

"We're already in enough trouble as it is--!" Karasu said, "--Don't make it worse!"

Feodora only seemed to respond in muffled yells as she kicked her legs trying to break free. They were soon taken back when Yami hit her on the back hard; she nearly let out a shriek as she had felt her wounds sting intensify.

"Hey, quit acting up." Yami told her. "Unless you want to have EVEN more chores than sword boy?"

Feodora managed to pry Prism and Karasu's hands from her mouth, "You did not just hit me in the back. I'm still recovering from that, you know!"

Yami said as he gave her a look, "yeah and? Behave yourself and I won't hit you on the back."

Feodora gave a huff before she mumbled to herself while Prism breathed a sigh of relief.

"So--" Brenin said as he noticed the desk had been empty, "--Where exactly is this Wizard King?"

"Is he out sick?" Saorise asked.

"No, he's probably goofing off somewhere like he normally is." Yami said.

"Goofing off?" Prism, Karasu, Brenin, Liam, Saorise and Feodora said confused.

"Oh no." Marx said "I think I have an idea..." he turned away as he said "give me a second, i'll call him.." They soon watched as Marx had taken out what looked to be a magic item, before it started to light up. They were soon taken back when he yelled, "YOUR MAJESTY! WHERE ARE YOU?! THE PRINCESS AND CAPTAIN YAMI HAVE ARRIVED!"

"Bi-Bime i elena!" Prism said shocked.

"Watch out for the quiet ones." Karasu said.

"Does this happen often?" Feodora asked.

"Unfortunately." Charlotte replied.


They were soon taken back when they noticed a portal of some kind appear in the room. Soon enough Julius had stepped through it, as Feodora couldn't help but do a double take the moment she laid eyes on him.

"Well sorry for my tardiness everyone." Julius said with an awkward smile, "There was something that needed my attention."

Yami said as he gave him a look, "Let me guess...you were geeking out on another discovery are you?"

Julius said with a wave of his hand, "Oh no nothing like that!"

"YOU!?" Feodora exclaimed as she pointed to Julius as it made most of them jump.

"Hmm?" Julius said before he noticed her. His eyes widened slightly in realization, "Feodora, it's you! So you're in the Magic Knights and on Yami's squad? I'm so glad!"

"You--From back then--" Feodora started to say as she had been processing, "--YOU WERE THE WIZARD KING THE WHOLE TIME?!"

Julius said with a laugh, "Oh so you remember! Yami, you never told her?"

"It didn't click in my mind." Yami said as he took a puff.

"Feo, you know Julius?" Prism asked, shocked as she looked at Feodora.

"You know the Wizard King!?" Karasu asked in shock.

Feodora hissed her breath as she still looked to be processing. "He and the other one brought me to the Church in Hage when I was a kid!" Feodora said, "Though believe you me, I had NO idea this magic loving geek was the Wizard King!"

Julius said with a smile, "Stranger things have happened."

"Huh, now that's something you don't hear everyday." Karasu said.

"Yeah--" Prism said with a nod, "--Wait, other one?"

"I'll tell you later." Feodora replied with a mumble as neither didn't seem to realize the look in Yami's eyes changed. "Oh--!" Julius said as he noticed Karasu, "--You must be the other new member of the Black Bulls! You're the Bad Luck Charm Thief right?"

Karasu's posture seemed to have changed, "Yes, what of it?"

He was soon taken back when Julius took his hands and his eyes sparkled, "Wow! You have Jinx Magic! It's my first time seeing a user like yourself! And not to mention you and your sister are foreigners like Yami! I look forward to seeing your magic someday!"

Karasu couldn't help but look shocked, "How did know you about--"

Julius soon took notice of Brenin, Saorise and Liam, as they each jumped, "And you three must be Princess Prism's Familiars, the Shifters!" He said excitedly before going to them, arms open wide, "Aw bring it in you guys, bring it in!"

"Quick guys, bow!" Saorise said to Brenin and Liam as she did so herself. Brenin quickly did so as he got Liam to bow his own head. Though the three of them were taken back when Julius suddenly hugged them. Prism couldn't help but giggle as she saw the expressions they made.

Julius said with a gleeful tone, "It's so good to finally meet you!"

"Wha-what is he doing?" Liam questioned

"Is this---normal?" Brenin asked

"Is he allowed to do this?" Saorise asked Prism.

"Apparently so." Prism said as she still couldn't help but smile.

Nozel said as he shook his head, "Of course, he's hugging them.."

"It's a bit much though." Fugeleon said.

"KEKE--That's the Wizard king for you!" Jack said.

Yami said as he couldn't help but give a look, "Hey you done geeking out?"

"Your majesty please--" Marx said, "--I think you might be choking them."

"Hm?" Julius said before he noticed, "Oh! Goodness! Sorry!" He soon let them go as he allowed the three of them to breathe. "I thought I was gonna die…" Brenin said.

"I don't know what just happened--" Saorise said as she fixed herself, "--But I love this guy!"

"Of course you'd say that!" Liam said with a glare.

"Anyway--" Julius said as he fixed himself up, "--Let's discuss the matter at hand shall we?" He soon turned over to Prism, "How are you feeling? Are any of your wounds bothering you?"

"O-Oh no!" Prism replied as she removed her hood, revealing the little spirits that had been hiding, "I got over my fever and I can see as well as before, well whatever happened! And my burns and head don't hurt as much!"

"And have you been taking any missions since?" He asked.

"No." She replied, "I haven't been on missions as of late since Yami forbad me from going on any till I recovered at least. I can't even do my morning runs with Adrien."

Yami said while giving her a look, "Ya damn right I did. We're not having a repeat of what happened."

"I said I was sorry though." Prism said with a pout.

Jack soon told her as it made Prism freeze up by the way he glared at her, "That's no excuse! If you ever think about hiding something as crucial as that again, you know what will happen!"

"That's still a scary thing to say!" Prism said as she shook.

"I understand that you wanted to save your Familiars, and we're not saying your heart is in the right place--" Charlotte soon told her, "--But you could've died while you were in that dungeon."

"I know but--" Prism started to say, as she twiddled her thumbs again, "--Saorise and Liam, I wanted to see them, and I thought they needed my help."

"That still does not permit you to be reckless." Nozel told her. "What would have happened if your condition worsened to the point of death there? Not only you but they would've died with you."

"I--" Prism started to say though she looked to be stuttering but soon had her head down, "... I'm sorry."

Fugeleon soon told her, "You need to be more careful, your highness. You can't take any more unnecessary risks then you already have with that mission. You were lucky, but next time, it might not happen."

"It's true. We already have one problem to worry about dealing with your idiot ruler." Yami said as he took a puff.

"What they mean to say is--" Julius soon said, getting her attention, "--The next time something like that happens, you need to let us know firsthand, okay?"

Prism let out a sigh as she nodded before bowing her head, "Yes your majesty. I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"That goes for you two as well." Julius soon said to Feodora and Karasu as they flinched, "If you happened to notice something off about her--"

"--Let the Captains know?" Karasu said, "Yeah, pretty much got that part."

"Figured that out the hard way." Feodora said.

"You better." Yami said as he grabbed their heads. "Or else you'll die. BY ME."

"I think you're seriously trying to kill me for real." Feodora said to him as she gave a look, "Well other than the Beanstalk here, but it wouldn't be the first time someone actually tried to kill me."

Jack said to her as he drew his blade, "KEKE--wanna try!?"

"You had me at your blades--!" Feodora said with an angry smile as she drew up her ice magic, "--Wanna take me on right now?!"

Nozel and Fugueleon were quick to hold the two of them back as it had shocked them. Nozel had said, "and i thought that Barbados boy had a problem but clearly you're another case."

"Restrain yourselves!" Fuegoleon told them, "There's such a thing as a time and a place."

"Ah, right--" Julius said, "--Now there's a matter of the Mage Soldier issue. I've read it in the report that says, they discovered you. Is that right?"

Prism let out a sigh as she nodded, "Yes…That was also my fault." Her hands shook as she couldn't help but think back to what had happened, "The one that attacked us, Mars said--If I told a lie, he would kill Mimosa. I couldn't let that happen, I just--"

"Now, now, it's alright." Julius said to her, "You did what you had to do to rescue one of your own. Though it does raise another red flag in this manner."

Nozel soon said, "Now that the Diamond Kingdom knows about your existence it won't be long until they invade the Clover Kingdom."

"You don't know that for sure!" Feodora soon said as her tone changed, which surprised them. "Feo?" Prism said with worry.

"For all you guys know Mars kept his mouth shut on finding Prism in general!" Feodora said. "He would never sell a person out!"

"And how do you know this?" Nozel asked.

"Because he saved my life from them!" She argued, "And Prism got through to him! I know she did!"

"KEKE--Well how do you explain what he was about to do afterward?!" Jack asked as it made Feodora freeze up, "From what Yukiko told us, he went berserk after she got through to him!"

"He only did because they brainwashed him to make him think that way!" Feodora said, as her hand shook, "Those bastards did inhumane things just so he could be their living puppet! Even after everything he did, I know he's not gone!"

Charlotte had told her, "Just because your claim he was your friend doesn't mean what he did was right. How can you be so sure he's not fully gone? What if it's an act to deceive you?"

"Claim?!" Feodora said, offended as her ice blue eyes returned, "How can you say something like that you--"

"Need I remind you Feodora Helmet--" Nozel said as his tone made her flinch, "--Though you were once of the Diamond Kingdom, you are a Magic Knight now. Don't let your personal feelings of the enemy cloud your judgement."

Feodora had been taken by this though this time she couldn't so much as utter a retort or a counter argument. All she could do was click her tongue in response as she clenched her hand as it still shook. Prism and Karasu had been quick to comfort her as she still looked troubled.

"In any case--" Fugeleon soon said, "--If they do send someone from the Diamond Kingdom, we need to be prepared to protect her highness, her Familiars and the people. Especially if they send one of their assassins."

"I think I may have a solution to that actually." Julius said, "Sometimes the best solution is to have something hidden right under your nose."

At this most of them had been taken back by this sort of thing. It hadn't been long before Marx had clarified, "We've taken the liberty of securing a vacant building within the capital, just close enough to the Magic Knight Headquarters that's here. For the time being, the Princess and her Familiars will stay there, just until we can determine there isn't a threat."

Prism, Brenin, Saorise and Liam looked at one another as they each had the same thought. "You mean like a safehouse?" Prism asked, "That's what humans call it right?"

Julius said with a nod, "Correct! The best part is, thanks to our strongest captains in the magic knights, no intruder will think twice about breaking in!"

"Huh?" Prism said confused.

"So wait--" Saorise said, "--You're saying we won't be alone in the capital?"

"Of course not, otherwise it wouldn't be called a safehouse." Julius said, "And who better to ensure your safety then those I trust."

"Like we need protection in the first place." Liam said as he turned his head before he rubbed his left shoulder after moving his brace a little, before he mumbled, "Especially from humans."

"Liam…" Prism said with worry as she went over to him.

Yami soon raised hand as he said, "I'll stay with them."

"Eh?" Prism said shocked.

"I DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED PROTECTION FROM YOU!" Liam shouted as he raised his fist towards him.

"Calm down." Brenin told him calmly.

"Is that the best course of action?" Nozel asked, "Seeing as how the Princess was under your care and you failed to notice her health, she might be better in the hands of someone else."

"Hey, I can manage locks." Yami told him. "Plus those were a few mistakes."

"A few?" Nozel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Her majesty's life was put at risk!" Charlotte said, "If you had noticed something sooner, she wouldn't have gone on that mission in the first place!"

"Yeah yeah, so what?" Yami asked, "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"KEKE--You're too reckless!" Jack asked "Maybe it would be better if she was under--"

"No." Yami said with a glare.

"KEKE--let me finish first!" Jack shouted.

Prism could feel an all too familiar feeling in the atmosphere her hands started to shake. Feodora and Karasu were quick to notice that the spirits started to lose their color. Though before anything could happen, Julius soon intervened. "Okay that's quite enough. We done enough bickering amongst ourselves for one day."

Jack soon clicked his tongue before he said something that shocked everyone, "I'll take the job as well."

"Say what?" Prism said shocked.

"Even you?" Karasu said.

Feodora's eyes widened as she exclaimed, "Oh no! Hell no! No no no no!"

"Alright then, I don't see the harm." Julius said, "Will you be alright with that Yami?"

Yami replied while taking a puff from his cigarette, "Like I have a choice."


Jack said to Feodora while giving her a look, "KEKE--Got a problem with that?"



"Jack." Charlotte said sternly. "May I remind you that Princess is not only my student but so is Feodora. You know the consequences if you harm her."

Jack clicked his tongue, "Fine then, it makes no difference to me."

"Oh and one more thing--" Julius soon said, to Prism, "--If it makes you feel comfortable you are free to request your own set of bodyguards accompany you to the safehouse."

"Re-Really?" Prism asked, as her expression brightened slightly, "Is it really okay?"

"Of course." Julius said, "Though I'm afraid to keep up appearances, when you are in the safehouse, Yami or Jack will have the final say so in this manner and are free to recruit other Magic Knights or take them off detail. Does that sound fair to you?"

Prism couldn't help but look relieved as the Spirits seemed to have reverted back to their original color. "Ye-Yes of course!" She said, "I understand! Thank you Julius!"

Julius said with a smile, "It's no problem."

Feodora only let out a groan as she complained, as she knew what this meant "You have got to be kidding me right now…"

Yami laughed as he said "Now you're sounding just like Sword Boy!" He continued to laugh as he pointed, "You even have his face."

"KEKE--Looks like we're gonna get to know each other a little more, Cat Girl!" Jack said

"DIE." Feodora said coldly as she glared at him.

Jack said as he drew his blade, "YOU FIRST--KEKE!"

"Hey now, that's my squad member your threatening." Yami said as he gave Jack a look.

"KEKE--Keep her on a leash next time!" Jack told him

"Here your majesty--" Marx said as he handed a form to Prism, "--This is to put in a request to whoever should accompany you to the safehouse. All you have to do is fill out their names."

Prism looked over the form as she noted that there had been six empty spaces within the sheet. She looked over the fine print. "So this is what people would call a contract." Prism thought to herself, "How peculiar." She soon started to think it over as she looked at Brenin, Saorise and Liam.

"I guess showing them Hage and Saussy is gonna have to wait for awhile." She thought, "This is probably for the best. Though then again--I could finally see the rest of the Capital properly with my own eyes." She soon looked a bit saddened, "Only, it won't be with father and mother, like they promised…" Prism felt her hands shaking a little as some of the spirits turned blue.

Brenin, Saorise, and Liam seemed to have noticed as their own expressions softened. "Hey--" Karasu said, "--You good tater-tot?"

Prism snapped out of her trance as she soon wore a smile; the little spirits seemed to have reverted back. "I'm alright--" She said before she went over to the desk as she started to write in the names, "--Though I think I know who will accompany me, other then you and Feo of course."

"I knew it…" Feodora said as she slumped over.

As Prism started to write out the names Yami had noticed one little spirit that had been in the hood of her robe as it had still been in the color of blue; it soon retreated the moment he laid his eyes on it.

Yami let out a sigh as his own look softened before he had a thought of his own, "I might have a few people that can help."
