
Dark Jedi

(Author- Hello, hope you all enjoy! If you enjoy please feed me your power stones and MONEY! PayPal.Me/YugiohGod. Happy Thanksgiving!)

The engine of the ship is rumbling as we are flying through hyperspace, the chatter of the pirates can be heard outside of our room door. The room has very basic furniture and a bunk bed in the corner.

A yawn can be heard from the bed above me as Ashoka then begins talking, "You know they are probably going to sell us out first chance they get right?"

I simply nod, "Yah, they're pirates, of course they will. Once we defeat the Dark Jedi we should steal their ship and get out of here."

I hear a sigh of relief from the bed above, "Good, I don't want to spend a single minute more than necessary around these pirates."

Then, the ship suddenly slows down. A banging hammers on the door before a deep gruff voice shouts, "We're here, get ready!"

With that, Ashoka and I grab our lightsabers and open the floor vents and climbing inside of them.


As we are flying through space Hondo then smiles, "You see, these scum have demanded that we meet them in space above the planet Drommand Kass. It seems they made their base there and plan to have negotiations on our ship in the planets space. They no doubt plan to kill me! Those Scum!"

Ashoka can't help herself and facepalms, "Like your any better."

He then continues, "So, I want you all to hide in the floorboards of the ship. Then, when those laser sword wielding maniacs try to kill me, you two take care of them!"

I nod, "what will you be doing?"

He then smiles, "I... Will be boarding their ship and taking out their crew!"

Ashoka then facepalms, "Of course you will, let me guess! Your planning on stealing it."

Hondo then shakes his head, "Stealing is such an... Ugly word, I prefer permanently borrowing!"

I then cut ashoka off before she could snap back earning a glare from her. "Alright, fine, as long as you get us to mandalorian space then I don't care what you do. We have a deal."

[Flash Back End]

Ashoka and I are now reclining in the ventilation system while waiting for the ships to attach the airlocks. "What do you think about this?"

Ashoka sighs, "He's definitely going to betray us."


Ashoka then looks over to me, "Why do you want to find Revans tomb so badly? I mean, I know you told me it was about wanting to learn all his knowledge on the force, but if that was the case than why would you mention the helmet of Mandalore?"

Hearing her ask that I chuckle to myself, 'She doesn't miss much does she?' I then reply, "I guess there is no point in hiding it any longer. You see, even though I was raised in the Jedi temple, I am still a zabrak, and a pure blooded Dathomirian zabrak at that. It is in our very nature to fight, to seek power, to revel in the glory of a fight. We love it, and we crave victory.

You see, even with my Jedi training I am unable to suppress these emotions. During the years of the war, with each Sith Apprentice or Lord I fought my desire grew. I always had some disagreements with the Jedi council, even back before I slept. Their ideals simply didn't seem to fit me perfectly.

Then, I was sent on a undercover mission to Mandalore. On my mission their I was revealed as a Jedi, but I had also helped them greatly, I had fought alongside them for over a year and helped them defeat a Sith Lord who had been plaguing them even saving the life of their leader. They knew of my love for battle, my obsession with honor and victory, they thought we were the same, so.

Instead of attacking me and trying to kill me when I was revealed, they offered me a chance, to either fight their leader in a deathmatch, or..." I drift off as a smile shows on my face.

Ashoka who is listening intently asks, "Or?"

"Or undergo a Mandalorian Blood Ritual to become mandalorian by blood. The Mandalorian leader I fought beside, Victor Kryze a member of an ancient clan of Mandalore shared his blood with me. With that we became blood brothers, and I became a Son of Mandalore. Sadly, when the time came I was forced to leave my new home and return to the war and the Jedi. My honor as a man and as a mandalorian wouldn't let me abandon the order I had sworn myself to."

Ashoka stares at me shocked, it seems that whatever she was expecting to hear this wasn't one of them. I then continue, "It is in my blood to want to want to lead, to fight for glory. So I want the helmet of Mandalore to Unit my people and become the most powerful race of warriors the world has ever seen! To bring my people to the peak of this world!"

I then sigh, "Before we left I left I used a holocomputer to search up mandalore, and in its current state it is nothing but a weak and ununited people. I want to change that."

Ashoka nods as if she understood, "The mandalorian people were considered no better than pirates though in the Jedi order." She states looking at me for an answer.

I lower my head, "That was one of the lowest points in mandalorian history. I once thought that to, but you see, the sith used some sort of Sith Alchemy on my people. It made us commit unspeakable atrocities. Those acts are every mandalorians shame. Our code is to fight those who oppose us, protect those who submit to us. The Jedi only wrote down about our atrocities and so that is how we are viewed." I reply saddened at the thought of my peoples ruined reputation.

Ashoka nods, "That must cause you a great deal of frustration. I still find it hard to believe that the Jedi actually did things like that." She mutters.

Then, suddenly the sound of the airlock sealing rings out, and the doors between the two ships open. On one side is hondo and his group of pirates, on the other is four Dark Jedi who dawned black cloaks and robes. The one standing in front of the group then lowers her hood, she is a pink twi'lek with dark red eyes, her teeth had been sharpened to represent a predators, she was also clearly the strongest of the group.

The other three all seemed to be larger figures physically, but their connection to the force seemed to be weaker and less refined.

"Hello Hondo, I see you've finally realized that resisting is useless, you poor thing, struggling like a fish out of water tch so sad." She states in a very smooth and seductive tone.

Hondo then shouts, "Poor thing? Poor thing! Ha!" he then turns to his men, "Men! Has anyone ever dared to call me, Hondo poor?"

They all smile before shouting, "No way." "Stupid space wizard!" Shout similar to those rang out mocking the twi'lek.

The woman snarls clearly irritated, "You know what? i've changed my mind, Kill them!" She shouts at the three behind her.

They all meanicingly smile before dropping their cloaks to the ground and igniting their blood red lightsabers. The two tallest ones, both standing around 6'8" are human, one with long black hair and covered in scars. The other human has short brown hair and is covered in scars. The shorter one seems to be a Keldor, the same species as Master Plo koon. They have an orange head and a gas mask around their mouth.

Hondo then shouts, "Now!"

With that, Ashoka and I leap out of the ventilation system and land facing the dark Jedi this causes the three to stop in their tracks. The woman then snarls, "Who are you?" She then sees the lightsabers hanging from our waists and snarls, "Jedi!"

Ashoka then steps forward, "We're no Jedi." With that, she leaps into the air flipping over the three thugs and ignites her two lightsabers. She slash's down at the pink skinned twi'lek. The girl then ignites her own saber and meets the downward slash. Ashoka than flips backwards and faces the Twi'lek before they both shout at the same time, "She's mine!" With that, they viciously clash, bothe seemed to be incredibly skilled at form four Ataru which heavily relies on acrobatics.

As they clash hey quickly begin moving down the halls into the dark Jedi's ship. After a moment of watching the three men and I turn to face each other. "Is she alway like that?" I ask.

The Keldor nods, "Sadly yes. You?" I nod, "From what I've seen so far, yep."

We then just stare at each other for a moment before I ignite my Icey blue-white saber. A blast of cold sweeps through the room causing shivers to run down the three mens spines. I sigh, "You know that I have to kill you all right?"

They nod, "Same here." The human with long black hair states. They raise their blood red blades, their eyes then grow dark and malicious as smiles kreep on the two humans faces.

The excitement of this upcoming battle causes my heart begin pounding, I smile and raise my blade in a Makashi Grip, but a Djem So stance. Makashi is a form meant for dueling and beauty, it is the most graceful form. Djem So on the other hand is known for its overwhelming power and overwhelming your opponent.

I spent years at the temple attempting to create the ultimate dueling form of lightsaber combat. As someone who fell in love in the art of dueling I became obsessed in lightsaber combat. This lead to me fusing my two favorite forms into one creating a new form. While it has not been perfected yet, it has proven to be incredibly effective in combat.

Then the Keldor begins to speak, "Time to die!" Then, he disappears in a flash. I smile as I wait for a second until, he appears around eight feet in front of me, "What?" A look of shock appears on his face as he enters my domain. I then dash in front of him in an instant with incredible speed and strength and his head off his shoulders with a single stroke of my blade.

Then, his body then collapses to the ground. The other two slowly take a step back a look of fear on their faces, "How did you top his force speed?" The brown haired one asks.

I smile, "Your names?"

The black haired one stares at me intensely, "Xavier" The brown one smiles, "Dragek. What about you?"

I nod my head to them out of respect, "Eren, Eren Kryze."

Behind me I hear Hondo shouting, "Place your bets my friends! Who will win! The White Armored Eren, or the Dark Space Wizards!"

They both begin sprinting towards me sabers raised. I then dash to meet them, our sabers clash. I slash with overwhelming power while dancing around with graceful yet powerful footwork. My two opponents seemed to be slowed by my domain, but they are compensating it with utilizing Soresu the defensive form of lightsaber combat.

I smile as they utilize perfect teamwork to hold me back. I then continue to play with them for a short while, simply enjoying the thrill of battle.

Then, I take a step back. Utilizing my full strength I launch myself back into the fight. This time each and every one of my blows carry even more power than before while still maintaining the quick and graceful movements. I focus on Dragek launching an endless wave of attacks on him knocking him off balance.

Seeing his friend stumbling, Xavier bellows and swings his saber in a reckless downwards strike towards my neck. Seeing the opportunity I had been waiting for I spin ducking beneath his saber, rotate my own saber into a reverse grip, and while right in front of him, stab it deep into his chest.

"Grah!" He shouts, before I withdraw my saber and turn to face Dragek. He then begins aggressively slashing and hacking at me with no form or discipline while screaming, "How dare you! How dare you kill my brother!" Seeing this poor excuse of lightsaber combat I sigh, "What a pity."

Flipping backwards I then reach out with the force, I feel each and every drop of moisture and water that I had spent the time waiting in the vent gathering in the hall. I then sheath my blade and hold my open hand out in front of me.

The rage filled man charges at me widely completely lost in his anger, just as he is about to enter within ten feet of me I whisper, "Frost Spears" and close my hand into a fist. With that, Ice spears erupt from all angles, the walls, ceiling, and floor, completely impaling the man. Killing him instantly.


"Stop running!" Ashoka shouts while chasing the Twi'lek deeper into the woman's ship.

"No can do hunny!" She shouts back before turning another corner.

Ashoka quickly follows her around the corner, and turns it just in time to see the woman trying to climb into a vent in the supply room.

"Oh no you don't." Ashok replies. Reaching out with the force she pulls her away from the vent. The woman crashes into the ground groaning. She then flips to her feet and ignites her saber, turning to face Ashoka who was standing in front of her only way out.

"Oh, nowhere to run? With how you were talking earlier I thought you would be stronger than this." Ashoka taunts her with a smirk while igniting her sabers.

The woman viciously smiles, "Hunny, there is quite a difference between being a coward and being smart, I know that we stood no chance against all those pirates and two Jedi, so I am just trying to find a way out."

Ashoka's face then darkens, "So you just left your friends back their to die? Without them even knowing that they couldn't win?"

The woman laughs cruelty, "Of course I did! They were trained for that exact reason! To be disposable shields for me to use!"

Ashoka then, without any words, leaps towards the woman and begins to viciously attack her. The two engage in a fierce dual, Ashoka and her opponent flip and clash with incredible speed. As both are masters in the acrobatic form Ataru, their fighting styles are very similar.

Ashoka keeps getting in close, using her smaller stature to her advantage, she pushes the woman back. But the woman then lands a vicious kick to Ashoka's side causing her to stumble back. The woman, seeing this as an opportunity goes on the offensive. Raising her bald above her head she slashes downwards.

Ashoka seeing this attack spins the the side avoiding it. The woman then uses her momentum to spin and bring the blad around in a side cut. Ashoka then dashes forward, falls to her knees, leans back, and slides under the blade while using her own shoto saber to slash at the woman's waist.

With a *Hisss* the blade cuts clean through the woman, causing her to gasp, before falling to the floor dead. "Ashoka then looks away from the woman's body, and leaves the room in silence.

Hey! I hope you all enjoyed, If you did please support me at PayPal.Me/YugiohGod

DaoistShinobicreators' thoughts