

"..... According to reports, she was last seen at a party with her friend, Andrea McBea. Apparently, Karen had had a lot to drink at the party and she passed out, he friend, Karen took her home in her own car and told the victim's mother she'd be back to check up on her today. Karen was found dead in her bathtub this morning,obviously murdered, her public hair shaved off. The killer had used Karen's blood to paint her whole bathroom in three words that read -The Ava-...."

I switched the television off, not wanting to hear the details of how my best friend had been murdered brutally again. I still didn't want to believe it, Karen looked perfectly fine to me at the party, until a weird looking girl with unnatural big breasts whispered something in her ear, she had nodded and told me to wait for her, that she had something to attend to. She gave me a -i'll explain later- look and i nodded. As far as i knew, Karen and I never kept anything from each other, but something about the big chest girl seemed... Not normal. I never got to know what it was that she had to attend to, because when Karen left, no i didn't see her until the party ended, and when i did, she was wasted. After series of huffs, i managed to get her to my twenty year old car and dumped her on the backseat. She muttered something about horses and butterflies, and then she started snoring, I managed to get her home, and luckily, her mum was home. I dropped her on one of the big sofas in their living room and told her mum that i'd be back to check on her..


I woke up rather reluctantly to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, and with all of my willpower, i didn't smash it on a wall. I freshened up, and slipped on a white tank top and black demons jeans. For the record, i woke up early, so i had the privilege of a satisfying breakfast, which in my opinion, is a big bowl of Cocopops. I pigged it down and dropped the plate on the dishwasher. My mum was working on a night shift for two weeks, so i had the whole house to myself. I grabbed my backpack when i was done, and headed for Karen's house, i was on the last step to her frontdoor when i heard a loud, frail scream coming from the house.. It wasn't Karen's voice, it was her mum's voice. I ran into the house panicking, she wasn't in the living room, neither was she in the kitchen, the scream came again and this time, it was from Karen's room. I ran up the stairs and into the room, my heart pounding violently against my rib cages. I heard her whimpering as soon as I got close to the room.


And then I saw why, I saw why she was screaming. Mrs Brown was sprawled on the floor her hands on her head, tears steamed down her face as she stared at... The reason.

I felt as if the whole world was spinning around me, everything was vibrating, the room was closing on me, i was.... I screamed too. Hard.

Right there in front of me, in Karen's bathroom, was a body.... a dead body, and it loooed just like Karen, except that it wasn't Karen, it couldn't be Karen, the body in front of me had been violated, blood covered the whole of her public area, the hair around there had been shaved too, all the glorious mop of red hair Karen had wasn't there too, instead, this body was bald. Sure, it wasn't Karen, right?

Mrs Brown turned to look at me.. Like really look at me, and my heart broke for her. Her eyes were puffed and swollen, obviously from crying too much. She shook her head slowly, a look of total despair on her face.

"Thi...Not.... Kare-Karen.. Cannot... Dead... Bathtub... Going to brush... And Dead.."

I tried to put what she was saying together, but i just wasn't in the right state of mind. I felt suffocated, my breathing slowed, Karen.... I looked up at the body again, wishing it would disappear and my crazy best friend would come out of her wardrobe with a big cheesy grin on her face and tell me it was just a prank that went OTT. But nothing happened; there was a very familiar tattoo of my name on the body's arm, it was Karen.

I heard footsteps behind me and i looked back, half expecting it to be Karen. It wasn't her, instead, it was a middle-aged looking man... Probably in his 50s, he was dressed in a Blue shirt... No. It was a uniform, FBI uniform. On his chest was a name tag that read Robert Wood.

I saw his lips moving, probably asking me my relationship with Karen or asking me to move aside so he could examine the crime scene or something along that line. His lips were moving, but i couldn't figure out what he was saying, it was as if my brain had shut down completely. The room was closing in on me, getting dark, darker... The walls.. And then i blacked out.


"Andrea? Andy? Andy??"

I snapped out of my trance and found my mum's face hovering above mine, she looked very worried too.

"Andrea, are you okay?"

Was i okay? I just lost my bestfriend to a forever horny criminal, I was probably even in the FBI suspect list, Karen was gone.... I was most definitely not okay.

"Yes mum, I'm fine. Just a little shaken"

Mum sighed and helped me sit up on the hospital bed.

"Andrea, i understand what you're feeling right now, I really do. And I know its going to be hard for you to move on. But you don't have to get used to her not being around, you just have to learn to live without her here. Think of it as of she's on a very long vacation, and please, Andrea, don't make any rash decisions".

I simply nodded at mum's words and tried to take everything in... Just on a long vacation, get used to living without her... Okay. But right there and then, I made one very rash decision. Whoever the horny moftherfucker that killed my best friend was, I'll find him. Or them. Or her. I didn't give a damn. It sounded crazy, even to me, but at that moment, i was mad. Mad about a lot of things.

Ava, whoever you are, I'm coming for you.

Hey there, I'm Nyx, this is the first chapter of my first book here, and i hope it's not as cringe worthy as i think it is. Please, vote for my book and give it a good rating. ._.

Royalty_Nyxcreators' thoughts