
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 10 Disclosure

On the other side of the planet the Abode of the Creators in a huge castle made of beautiful stone stood a huge old man 5 meters tall with a very old face and a huge white beard to his knees and with a staff in his hands looking into the distance

"It seems that there is an intruder in our universe," he said in a strong and wise voice

"The question is, will he destroy the world or save it ? the elder said, and looked up at the clear blue sky.

Back to Issei

Issei took up his position again, preparing for the attack that his aponent was preparing

"If you try to hurt me or scratch me, I won't kill you," Rage said, and swung the whip again.

Issei began to dodge the unprovoked attacks out of Rage

The speed of the attacks gradually increased, causing Issei to speed up and reach the chapel

Hell, she doesn't even fight seriously, they're all strong to the point of insanity, Issei thought, and stopped dodging.

"Multiple repulse," Issei said, and all of the whip's attacks were repelled by Fury, who raised an eyebrow and began attacking with her own attacks

Issei's" flicker " appeared behind Fury, who was busy fending off her own attacks.

"THUNDERCLAP," Issei shouted, and aimed a hand covered in white lightning straight at Fury's back.


There was an explosion from the thunderclap, Issei flew 50 meters away from where the Rage should be right now, but in an instant


On my stomach. deep cuts appeared on his right leg and shoulder, causing Issei to bleed out immediately

"When?"" Issei fluttering in the air asked vlpros in the pustat

"These are my attacks that you repelled, I just redirected them," said Rage, who appeared from the cloud where the explosion was

"FA JIN FULL RELEASE," Issei shouted, and all the hidden spiritual power began to pour out of his body

"It's getting more interesting now," Fury readied her whip.

"OVERDRIVE!" shouted Issei, and once again began to release energy, which caused Issei's entire body to be covered in white light, and his pupils to turn dark purple

Before Rage could say anything, Issei was already in front of her, raising his hand and hitting her with the block.


The swirling collision of Issei's fist and the Rage block resonated, causing air to flow out of both of them

"Show me more, boy," Rage said with a fierce smile, and swung her whip.

Issei dodged, but the mountain behind him was simply shattered by a crushing blow of Rage

Rage did not stop and continued the barrage of blows with his whip, which cut even the diamond peaks

Issei continued to fight and soon she got tired of the Rage itself she just threw out her whip and flew straight into a frontal attack on Issei

Issei saw this and prepared to strike.

Rage hit Issei in the eye, and Issei himself hit Rage in the jaw.

Issei just flew up the mountain from the blow of rage

The rage from Issei's punch just flew 10 meters back and put her hand on the spot of the punch, watching the spot where Issei landed

"It hasn't even started to grow," she said, surprised.

Issei crawled out of the crater formed by his body again and stood in a fighting stance, looking at the Rage that was already there

Rage just stared at the boy, who was still glowing with a white light that was gradually fading

Then she asked

"What is your goal ?" what is it she asked

Issei paused for 3 seconds and replied

"To save those who long for salvation"

"So you're just a fool who doesn't know what you want," she said, and looked at Issei in disbelief.

Issei couldn't finish as they grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

"I know better than you what price is worth paying for what you want, and that price a pathetic brat like you wouldn't think to pay for such a ridiculous goal"

Rage screamed at Issei in her hand, who tried to break free from her grip, but she was completely dead

"Are you willing to pay those you love for your goal-your parents, your siblings, or your loved ones?" she screamed again

Issei stared blankly at Rage, unable to say anything

He knew for a fact that he wouldn't sacrifice his loved ones to save someone else.

"You're just a boy who can't understand the reality of what might happen to you tomorrow," Rage said, and released Issei.

Issei fell to his knees and still stared at the Rage in front of him

"Until you find your clear goal, you will not become stronger," she said, and left the boy alone.

With other riders

Anger returned to the brothers

"Well, I can feel this boy's weak strength, so you didn't kill him, am I right?" asked Discord

"He's not threatening the balance, we're leaving," she said, and walked on.

"What makes you think he's not dangerous?" War asked

"There was no purpose in his eyes, he was just a boy chasing a childhood dream," she said, and the riders moved through the massive portal.

Issei was still on his knees, trying to figure out what to do, he always had a teacher to show him the way and tell him what to do, but now Issei didn't know what to do or what to do next, he just didn't know what to live for.

For the sake of the parents who gave him life

For the sake of Ophis, whose smile warms his heart

For the sake of Kuroki, whose care makes you feel happy inside

Or for the sake of a stupid goal set for him by his teachers

Save the world and become a hero

He just doesn't know

At that moment, a huge shadow came out of the grove of huge trees

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