
The Apex Alpha.

Usual guy dies and gets reincarnated into a tv-show with some wishes and then does whatever he wants. had to create this one while i take a small break from my other fanfic, the other one is not dropped, i am still writing but it will be a bit before i update it.

LonerZN · テレビ
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Sophmore year

As the summer passed and we got settled into town, getting used to the new environment, the time for the new school year has come again and will start after this weekend. This will be the final year of peace that Beacon Hills will have for many years to go, so we might as well enjoy it while it lasts.


(Monday morning, Zade POV)

As my alarm clock went off, signaling the start of the dreaded thing called the school day, I reached my arm out and pressed the button on top, turning the alarm off as I lazily slipped out of bed. "Ugh, it's going to take a while to get used to this," I said while yawning and stretching, making my way to a shower. After Showering and getting dressed in my usual all-black attire with my combat boots, I made my way to the dining room for breakfast, where I met an equally tired Sam, and I'm guessing that Lucy was probably sleeping in. 'Lucky girl, tch.'

"Morning Sam, ready for the day?" I asked as I sat down in my usual seat at the head of the table.

"Ugh, Zade, don't remind me. I'm seriously missing sleeping right now," he replied with a yawn while fumbling to put breakfast on his plate.

After breakfast, we grabbed our bags and walked to the garage, where a row of expensive cars were neatly lined up for us to choose from. 

"So shall we go together or separate?" I asked, looking at Sam, who looked half awake.

"Together, I can't focus on driving right now," he replied while going to a dark blue Corvette and sliding into the passenger side, seeming to fall asleep.

"Tch, kids," I said as I entered the driver's seat and drove off to the school.

Arriving in the parking lot, I found a spot next to a silver Porsche, which I assumed to be Jacksons' since he was the only one in the show to drive one. Waking up Sam, who still looked asleep, we got out of the car, attracting the eyes of everyone around as neither my looks were equivalent to low profile. 

"Here we go again with the stares." I heard Sam comment from the side in his tired tone.

"Oh, zip it," I replied as we went to the administration office to get our class schedules. Once that was done, we realized we were mostly taking different classes, as mine were mostly AP classes while Sam had normal ones. Saying goodbye to Sam, I headed to my first biology class. Walking into the classroom, I was greeted by the teacher, "Ah, Mr. Michaels, nice of you to join us. Please sit next to Miss Martin in the middle row to your left so I can start the class."

Looking in the direction she pointed me, my eyes landed on a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair and captivating green eyes. I walked over and took the seat I was assigned next to Lydia, who was taking secret glances at me from the corner of her eyes. 

"Hi, I'm Zade." I greeted her with my hand extended for a handshake.

"Lydia," she returned the greeting and returned to focusing on the teacher.

Time passed quickly, and the first to the fourth period flew by, signaling that it was time for lunch as we all started to file out of the classroom and head to our lockers. When I got to mine, I realized mine was next to Sam's as he also came to put his stuff into his. Across the hall, I could see Lydia at hers, but then a guy with short brown spiky hair came and wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her.

"Welp, that's dead," I said, turning away and following Sam to the cafeteria to get some food. 

Hearing what I said, Sam turned to look at me with a questioning look, "What's dead?"

"Nothing, just a small interest that burned out," I said calmly as we entered the cafeteria, got our food, and found some seats.

"So what's the plan? Are we going to join the lacrosse team or not?" Sam asked between bites.

"Why not? It will keep us busy for some time before things go to shit," I replied, although the latter part of the sentence sounded cryptic to Sam as he was confused. "Don't worry, you pretty head over it; you will know what I mean when the time comes," I said, smiling, which just earned me an annoyed grunt. 

After lunch, Sam and I went through the rest of the school day with ease as we were taught most of the stuff from the tutors I hired during the year we were home-training. Once the day was finished, we headed to the car after discovering that team tryouts for lacrosse would be held this Friday. Getting in the car, with a roar of the engine, it started up, attracting the attention of the surrounding students once again as they looked at us reverse and zoom out of the parking lot.

(general POV)

Somewhere in the crowd of students, two boys, one with long, messy black hair and one with a buzz cut, stood together, watching as the dark blue Corvette drove out of the school gate.

"Did you see that car, Stiles?" the boy with long black hair asked his friend.

"yes, I did, Scott; we need more rich kids like Jackson." The boy with the buzz cut named Stiles replied with heavy sarcasm.

"You don't know if they are bad people yet," Scott said, trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, I guess we will see, won't we? Now let's go," Stiles replied, not considering what Scott said.


Four days later...

The school week went by fairly quickly, and it was already Friday morning. Both I and I bought new lacrosse gear for the tryouts this afternoon after school. Given the circumstances, it should be pretty easy for us to make the first line, and it honestly would be cool to take the spotlight from Jackson and become the all-star captain.

We went through the school day as usual with no troubles and then made our way to the locker rooms to get changed and then to the lacrosse field, where the legendary coach Bobby Finstock was standing and shouting orders for us to hurry up.

"GET YOUR ASSES ON THE FIELD! LET'S GO!, LET'S GO!, MOVE IT!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Training began with warmups and drills, leaving most of the guys panting and some laying on the floor gasping for air, with me and Sam being the exception. Afterward, we practiced shooting against the goalie and defenders, scoring quickly and impressing the coach.

Like that, our Sophomore year, I was passed by with both of us making the first line and carrying the team to win the championship at Nationals, with me winning MVP and Sam getting best defender since he bulldozed anyone that tried to score on us. I also scored top of the grade, even surpassing Lydia, which left her angry. I had ignored her for the whole year since I wasn't interested in sloppy seconds from anyone, especially a sword-swallower like Jackson.

Anyway, now that the year has come and gone, the plot is getting ready to start, and it should soon be time for Laura to come back to town because of the trails left behind by Peter. 'The question is, should I save her or wait for Peter to kill her and then resurrect her with my ability?' I thought to myself as I watched Lucy swim around in the pool while sipping on some vinateg wine from my collection. 'Ah, life.'