
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs


"Then my last wish is to revive my Old Sister Euphy, can you do that." Nunnunlly anticipate ask.

"Reviving a dead is a form of miracle, I can do that if I have enough power but I can't, I need to be stronger to grant a revival."

Hearing Xin's words, Nunnunlly eyes shine brightly, she never expect that her unreasonable wish can be granted by him.

"Are you a God?"

"Don't worship me, I'm just a Apostle of Goddess, I'm not a God."

"So God is a woman?"

"No." Xin shake his head." I don't know if there's a God but Goddess, I'm giving you a 200% that they true."

"I see, so if you can't revive my sister right now you can revive them in the future?"

"That's right." The more energy Xin gather, the more powerful ability he will get, and eventually he will get a ability to revive dead.

"Then can you cure my feet? It was paralyzed after getting hit by a bullet when I'm still young."

"Is that's all? That's easy."

Xin walk closer to her and reach out to touch her feet, with the reaction on her face it seems she can't feel anything from her limbs.

Warm energy start to enter her feet, the energy start to fix the muscle and nerve while letting the blood circulate smoothly.

At same time, Xin massage her legs to help her to recover, while doing this Xin distract her by talking amusing things and removing her attention from her legs.

Nunnunlly laugh and sometimes giggles whatever she heard some interesting and funny story from Xin.

She even forget that her legs is getting treated while listening from amusing story Xin telling to her.

The sun is slowly going down as the whole garden start to turn dark, Nunnunlly feel that time go fast whatever some interesting happen, she almost forgot the warm hand on her legs that keep pinching and massaging it.

'Wait! Warm hand!'

Her cute face was shock as she feel something from her paralyze legs, normally whatever she take hot bath her limbs never feel anything but now she can feel it.

The heat that comes from the soft hand that rubbing her legs, it's itchy and ticklish at ae time making her face turn red.

"Umm... Mr. Xin, I think my legs is okay now."

"Xin who absorb in talking with this little girl forgot that he is still holding her legs, well he can't keep it as her legs is not only look health but also smooth and silky making his hand addicted rubbing it.


After removing his hand, Nunnunlly put down her skirt back to hide her legs, but even so she feel something missing suddenly, something that keep her legs warm.

"Why not try to stand up."

"Ah! Yes! Your right." She can't help but to find fault on her self for being a vulgt, how can she think something vulgar and uneducated like that.

Xin reach his hand as she help Nunnunlly to stand up, after all it's been long time when she use her feet to stand up.

At first Nunnunlly feel new from the sudden movement of her legs, she stiffly move and stretch her leg to find the right position.

She is like a baby who trying to stand up first time.

With Xin help, she manage to stand up and slowly step in, it was slow but steady, with the help of Xin power he manage to recover the muscle from her paralyze leg.

Couple of minutes Nunnunlly finally can stand and walk on her own, she and Xin is now walking around the garden and start talking some interesting things as they continue to walk around.

Meanwhile, Lelouch and his Knight is coming, the time is about to arrive, the last fight, the last Rebellion


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