
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · 書籍·文学
42 Chs

Chapter 28

The following few days Harry was quiet. He attended his classes and training but otherwise kept to himself, he was ruthless during his training with Sirius and Tonks. His anger fueled his usage of his Allure and Voldemorts magic. He was gaining a scary amount of control of both of them. But he was unable to unlock any more of Voldemort's memories. He changed the password to his suite so no one would be able to come in and made liberal use of his Invisibility Cloak and Marauders Map to avoid everyone. He didn't show up to any potions classes. Many found it strange that all of a sudden their normal potions lab was under renovation.

Dumbledore had requested his presence in his office but he ignored it. He didn't want to talk to anyone. His sisters, Estella, Astoria, Tracy, and Daphne had all tried to figure out what was going on. It was not missed that Harry Potter was no longer showing up to potions class.

Rumors circulated regarding a duel between Harry and Snape resulting in the destruction of the potions lab. They weren't too far off but none of the rumors held up with the level of the drama of what actually occurred.

He had been sent a letter by his mother she was going to teach charms on Thursday and Friday and would be staying over. She wanted to know what was wrong and to remind him that they had an appointment with the Bones that weekend.

Susan had tried to talk to him a few times but he ignored her as well saying they would speak during the weekend. Eventually, Dumbledore decided Harry had spent enough time on his own. Harry was laying on his bed when he heard his portrait hole open and so done step in. He grabbed his wand ready to start firing when Fawkes flamed I to the room and sang a song to calm him.

Dumbledore walked up the steps into his room. "Hello Harry, I hope I have not disturbed your sleep."

"How did you get in here?" He asked.

"I am the headmaster Harry, Hogwarts will allow me entrance to any password-protected area in case of emergency. Evidently, the castle's magic decided you were an emergency case."

"I'm not going back to potions," he said knowing he probably sounded like a child refusing to listen to a parent.

"I will not ask you to go back, you can go back when you are ready."

"Ready for what? To learn from the man who killed my father?"

"Voldemort killed your father Harry."

"Voldemort raised the wand, Snape pointed him in the right direction."

"Curious the wording of the first prophecy, it spoke of a family who had thrice defied him. A family who was already fighting him to the fullest extent of their abilities."

"So what are you saying that he would have died anyway? I'm assuming you knew about all of this. He told me you didn't but there's no way you didn't know."

"Harry I would like to show you a couple of memories," he said waving his wand and his pensive appeared. "It took some time to get permission to show these to you but maybe, maybe they might help."

Harry was half tempted to send a Bombarda at the old man but decided to humor him. He had felt a tug again from the Headmaster's wand but could not understand why then be remembered Sirius telling him about the Elder Wand. Could that be it?

The Pensieve projected a memory into the room.

Dumbledore seemed to have apparated onto a hilltop and disarmed someone.

"Don't kill me!" Said Severus Snape.

"That was not my intention."

Severus was on his knees hyperventilating and it seemed he was crying.

"Well, Severus? What message does Lord Voldemort have for me?"

"No message, I'm here on my own account! I please I have a request!"

"What request would a death eater have of me?"

"The prophecy! I told him everything I heard, and he… he thinks it's Lily Evans!"

"It could not refer to her, the prophecy spoke of a boy born in Jul-"

"You know what I mean! It's her son! He means to find them, to kill them all."

"If she means so much to you, could you not have asked Lord Voldemort to spare her?"

"I… I did ask."

"You disgust me," said Dumbledore looking at Snape with much contempt.

"They can die as long as you can have her? What do you think is going to happen? She's going to become your friend again because they're gone?"

"I… protect all of them then, please! Hide them please keep them safe!"

"And what will you give me in return Severus?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Anything I will give you anything."

The memory changed and now Snape was in Dumbledore's office.

"You said you would protect them!"

"I did what I could Severus but they put their faith into the wrong person much like you did. Admittedly I didn't think Sirius Black would do something like this."

"He is innocent, it was Pettigrew I… I saw him before the dark lord left. He told me to torment me, he told me Lily was going to die. I went after him intending to kill him but I couldn't get there in time after forcing Pettigrew to tell me the location."

Dumbledore looked up surprised that the man would defend someone he hated so much. Snape took out a parchment and handed it to Dumbledore.

"These are safe houses that Pettigrew is aware of, I would imagine he's hiding in one of them. I will help Black find him but I will kill him. She's gone because of him."

"Lily is not gone, neither are her three children."

Snape looked up surprised," how do you know?"

"They arrived by one of my Portkeys moments ago, the magic of the Headmasters Portkey allows me to know who has entered the wards using it, I imagine Lily will be up here soon."

"He will be back, the Dark Lord isn't dead, I can feel it in my dark Mark."

"Yes, I have a feeling you are correct. We will need to prepare for his return."

"Her husband is dead because of me."

"You feel sorrow for your childhood bully?"

"I just want Lily to be happy, I realized too late that it was him and not me who made her happy. Dumbledore all I care about now is making sure she and the remainder of her family live."

Dumbledore looked over at Snape, "you vowed to me you would give me anything if I protected them, I failed are you still willing to do anything?"

"I want nothing more than to destroy him," he said.

"You will need to remain a spy for both sides. We will need whatever information we can gather, once he has returned."

"Let me find him, I'll look for him and lure him into a trap, they will no longer be in danger if he is gone."

"You will die if you make such a move against him, isn't he able to torture and kill you through the mark?"

"My life means nothing! I will give it up if it means she can keep her family. It's the only reason I have any more to exist."

The door burst open and Lily walked in looking surprised to find Severus. The memory changed again.

"You're taking things out on my son now?" Asked Lily as she Snape and Dumbledore sat in his office.

Snape grimaced, "I cannot be seen favoring him."

"That doesn't mean be a complete asshole to him."

"Why do you even care anymore? Dumbledore vouched for you. You could be free of all this."

"I am here to pay my debts," said Severus.

"What does that even mean?" Asked Lily.

Snape confessed everything to her telling her he had caused the death of her husband, that he had told Voldemort the prophecy.

Lily gaped at him, "why… we… you used to be my best friend Sev what happened to that boy?"

"When I realized it was your family he was targeting I did all I could."

"Again you wouldn't care about anyone else why do I matter so much?"

"Because I love you."

Dumbledore was quite surprised to hear Severus actually admit this.

"Then stop doing what you're doing, protect him, teach him, and make sure when your stupid master is back that every breath you take is to protect my son. I will never return those feelings for you Sev. You were like a brother to me at one point. I've long since made my peace with James' death. I'm not going to allow myself to spiral back into depression because of you, my children need me. But if you feel I debated to me then swear you will do everything to protect him, give me an unbreakable vow."

Snape stood immediately agreeing. They looked to Dumbledore.

"I take it I cannot convince you both against this?"

"Will you be the fucking binder Albus or do I need to get someone else."

The vow was made, Severus would spend the rest of his life making sure the family was safe to the best of his ability. Severus forfeited his remaining life, his master was not Voldemort nor Dumbledore, it was Lily Potter.

The memories stopped, "she knows? She never said anything."

"That was your first year, after that time Professor Snape took extra care in your education."

Harry nodded, the man had taught him to make a corporeal Patronus in his third year. Remus was only able to get him to the basics, Snape, however, had a deeper understanding of the charm. Is it because of Mum?

"Look maybe mum forgave him but that doesn't mean I have to."

"I don't think your mother forgave him, she bound him to her that vow will kill him if he does anything to harm your family."

"Harry I ask that you start going to potions class tomorrow, and stop ignoring your friends and family. I also ask you to attend Professor Snape's training again. I will be attending your next one, we wish to determine if it's possible to see more of Voldemorts memories. This would speed up my research on his past and help us gather more information on the Horcrux."

With that Dumbledore vanishes the Pensieve and said his goodbyes.

Harry sat on his couch thinking through everything, it made sense to at least use Snape. He made a decision at that point. Once he isn't needed anymore he dies.

"Lord Potter!" Called Sir Cadogan. "Your mother is seeking entrance into your room."

Harry raised an eyebrow she's not teaching until tomorrow.

He told the portrait to let her in and Lily walked up and grabbed him into a hug.

"Harry, Albus told me what happened."

They hugged and then sat in silence for some time.

"Mum, did you forgive him?" Asked Harry.

Lily shook her head, "no I doubt I ever will. I had him take that vow because I wanted to make sure when Voldemort was back you had every possible advantage you could have."

Harry nodded wondering if he should tell her what he had decided on.

"I'll use him as long as he's useful but I don't want to see him ever again if we finish Voldemort."

"We will beat him, love, we will do everything we can to make you more powerful."

"I'm sorry I ignored everyone, I just didn't know how to process it."

She ran her hands through his air willing him to relax. "I know baby, your sisters will, of course, give you a hard time about it but they love you."

Harry nodded, "yea I'm not looking forward to my first conversation with them."

Lily chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned his head towards her and the two sets of green eyes gazed into each other before he pulled her in and they kissed again. The kisses were soft simply showing their affections. Lily stood up breaking the kisses and pulled his hand leading him into the bedroom.

He pinned her against the wall when they were inside and captured her lips again as she began running her hands through his hair. His hands began roaming her body, he cupped her ass and pulled her in close against his body and she began grinding against him. They moaned into each other's mouth as they kissed more passionately both tongues wanting to taste as much of the other as possible.

Harry picked her up and she wrapped her legs around as he walked them over to the bed. He laid her down and began removing her robes and noticed she was wearing nothing underneath.

Harry raised his eyebrows and she simply said, "I thought I'd make things easier today."

She removed his shirt and pants, Harry stood on his knees in the bed as she went down and engulfed his cock into her mouth. He moaned as Lily began sucking him and massaging his balls. Occasionally kissing down his shaft and taking his ballsack in her mouth as well.

They were like this for some time, Harry watching as his mother slowly and passionately serviced his cock. She eventually started kissing up to his stomach and licking on his nipples as she stroked him.

He moaned at the pleasure, not having any sex for a few days had left him a bit frustrated with his Incubis tendencies trying to push him into finding a partner for sex.

She kissed up his chest and neck and looked into his eyes again as she continued to stroke him. "make love to me Harry," she said.

Harry pushed her down into the bed, her legs raised up and he slowly sunk into her. His thrusts were not hungry or forceful but slow and passionate simply wanting to prolong and enjoy their lovemaking as long as he could.

They looked into each other's eyes as he slowly made love to her and she occasionally ran her hands through his hair the way he liked.

He leaned down and captured her lips while still thrusting into her slowly. Their tongues once again dancing together. Slowly he brought her to an orgasm from the passionate lovemaking.

"Oh Harry," she cried out as she costed his cock in more of her juices.

Harry continued the slow lovemaking while kissing her and lightly biting her neck until eventually he also groaned in orgasm and filled her with his seed.

They laid together for the rest of the night in each other's arms. Harry feeling more like himself for the first time in a few days.


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