
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · 書籍·文学
42 Chs

Chapter 18

Not too long after Pansy left his room he heard his portrait open and two sets of footsteps walking up.

He assumed it was his sisters but then realized he was only half right.

Emma had walked into the room with Estella following behind her.

"Hey bro, we need to have a quick chat between the three of us before Mum gets here." Emma said.

"This is a cozy little suite, Harry," Estella said as she looked around.

The red head and the blonde sat down on his couch as he took his desk chair.

"Stella said you two spoke this morning," said Emma.

"Yea I'm hoping everything is still ok?" He asked, glancing at Estella.

"We wanted to let you know that the two of us have started dating," said Estella.

"That's awesome! I'm really happy for you!"

"You aren't upset if only El sleeps with you instead of me?"

Harry shrugged, "I just care if you two are happy."

"Well Emmy will still be joining you and El she just wanted to see what you would say," said Estella.

"Never knew my pervy little bro would be fine with being denied additional threesomes by his redheaded twin sisters," she said with a smile.

Harry chuckled, "So I guess this is to figure out how to split time between the two of you and whenever Emmy spends the night here?" He asked.

"Sort of," said Emma, "Stella might also drop by with us every once in a while."

Harry was surprised to hear this.

"I meant what I said before that I would teach you the magic my father taught me before the divorce. With your Incubis power I can give you access to the Malfoy Family magic," Estella said.

"But what if this well affects your relationship?" He asked.

"Our family is all sorts of fucked up Harry, Estella comes from another fucked up family. Whatever happens in the future will happen but for now we're ok here after discussing this. Stella still definitely has feelings for you so yes there might be some issues that come up. My only ask is if the two of you fall in love or get married… let me still be part of things," she said, "I love both of you, I want to be with both of you, Stella wants to be with us, and Harry I know you've got feelings for her too. It's a super unconventional relationship but I think we can make it work."

Harry looked at both of them, "ok but if you two fall in love and get married what happens then?" He asked them.

"We would continue as discussed the only difference being that I am married to your sister instead of you Harry. I don't… I don't really want to be a Lady of a house. I really despise all the pureblood things and if things work out then maybe, maybe we can all still be together by marrying Emma."

"We'd also need your sperm to get her pregnant Harry," said Emma, "Even magic can't give me an actual functioning dick to impregnate her with."

"You don't want kids of your own?" Asked Harry.

"I'd be you and Emma's child's second mum, that's enough for me as long as you both are with me."

"I also understand that what happened with Fleur will likely happen again and not just with her," said Emma, "I… got jealous and thought you were ignoring me."

"I'm sorry this is the relationship you have to settle for Stella," said Harry.

"I think we can make it work Harry," she said to him.

"I believe your mother should be coming soon? I'll give you all your family privacy," she said. She gave Emma a kiss and then looked over at Harry and gave him a kiss as well. Emma and Harry were alone and he turned to her. "You're really ok with this?" He asked.

Emma smiled and walked over to him and kissed him. "I said I love you both," she said after breaking the kiss. They embraced again and slowly moved to the bedroom. They took each other's clothes off and their hands wandered each other's bodies.

"Make love to me slowly Harry," she said.

He kissed her breasts and sucked on them, he sent spikes of his allure causing her to shiver from the jolts of pleasure. He went back up and kissed her mouth. As they kissed she grabbed onto his cock and led it to her pussy.

The two stared at each other as they slowly made love, just enjoying each other's company. Harry was deep inside her, "Harry you feel so good," she whispered to her brother.

"So do you Emmy," he said.

"I always love it when you call me Emmy, don't ever stop," they kissed again and slowly brought each other to a satisfying orgasm.

They lay with each other for some time before they heard Ella call out to them, "are you two done yet Mum and I have been waiting for like half an hour!"

Neither of them had realized their Mother and Sister had even arrived. They got dressed and walked into the study room. Lily walked up and gave them each a big kiss.

"You two were super into it so we thought we would let you have some alone time," Ella said.

"Err thanks," Harry said.

The three red heads sat down on the couch while Harry pulled up his desk chair as was customary now for visitors to the room.

"I skimmed through the Grimoire a little before coming and I think I may have figured it out," Lily said, opening up the ancient book.

"There are about ten pages here detailing the fall of the Peverells and they speak about the Peverells being a seperate family. The last Peverall was Illiana Peverell became a consort of the Lord Potter at the time. Generally this is usually so the woman can keep her last name and continue her own family line. But for some reason she changed her name to Potter and ended the Peverell line completely."

"She had a son who started an offshoot of the Potter family which eventually led down to James, the main Potter family died off and then our line became the main Potter line. Your Great Grandfather Charlus' father locked the Incubus abilities behind the Potter magic because he was never able to control the allure. The Incubus blood could only be activated with the first part of the spell I cast on you which is what James did before he died. It seems like awakening the Incubus and becoming Lord Potter somehow also revived the separate Peverall family. We will have to make an appointment at Gringotts to see if we can find a Peverell Grimoire."

Harry sighed, "holy shit," he said, "why… why didn't dad cast it on himself and become an Incubus why did he cast it on me?" Harry had never told them but he resented his father sometimes throughout his life. Too many people expected him to be like him just because he looked like James, he would always hear things like "you should be a chaser like your father", "looks like you're destined to be an auror and fight the dark arts like your father".

He hated it and now his father gave him this forced lordship over multiple houses. Sometimes he wanted to just be rid of the Potter line and just become a Black. He loved the relationship he had developed with his sisters and mother but it was all just thrown on him.

"I'm not sure but, knowing James it was likely that he wanted to make sure you had the ability to survive. You're the one who Voldemort was after," Lily replied.

Harry gritted his teeth, "so this is my fault then, it's my fault that he couldn't find anything else my fault he had to go and die and everyone wants me to just be him?"

The three red heads looked alarmed, never having heard Harry reveal these feelings.

"Harry… James loved you, his concern was your survival," said Lily.

"Harry we don't have too many memories of him but from what we remember he was a great guy and he loved us all," said Emma.

"We don't want you to be him Harry, you're just Harry to us," Ella added.

Harry sighed, "I know I just can't help but resent him sometimes."

"If… if you regret what we are now Harry..just say the word," said Emma looking very pained to even suggest that.

"Emmy after the way we just made love do you really think I regret it?" He asked.

The four sat in silence for a while before Harry broke it. "I'm sorry mum I know he loved us. I don't want to hurt you all by feeling this."

"No love, it's ok you've gone through things someone your age should not have been through."

Harry nodded, "I'll have to marry three women now then? To continue the Potter, Peverell, and Black lines?"

Lily nodded and Harry brought up his encounter with Tracy Davis,"she… she's a High Elf? Thought they were extinct!" His mother looked at him shocked.

"She's pledged herself and her High Elf forces I guess to help us in any fight against Voldemort."

"In exchange she wants to marry you?"

He nodded, "now with this she'll probably want to be Peverell heir."

"Do you want to marry her?" Asked Ella.

"I don't know yet," but with your interpretation of the second prophecy I may end up marrying her and other non humans."

"Other non-humans include Veela, Half Giants, Half Goblins, Vampires and Werewolves," said Ella.

"I don't think I would go for a Giant or Half Goblins. Vampires are also probably a no go. I guess that leaves Veela and Werewolves," he said.

"Well you have two maybe three Veela to choose from." Said Lily.

"I don't think Fleur and I would work, and Apolline is great but I'm not sure if we could develop a husband and wife relationship. Gabby is still up in the air I guess.*

"Could always ask Uncle Moony to introduce you to some cute werewolves," Emma said with a smirk.

"Are you interested too Emmy?" He asked

"I might be," she replied.

"Emma, Harry flirt later, we need to figure out when we go to Gringotts as well as when to announce your three lordships. Most people already know about Potter and Black but we still need to formally announce it and well We're going to have to sort out the shock of the Peverell lordship as well," their mother said.

"I don't think an announcement should happen until Harry has all three lordships, Malfoy and his death eater Wizengamot friends are all trying to stop the Black lordship from happening," said Ella.

"Oh yeah Draco mentioned that today," Harry said.

"When did you talk to the ferret?" Asked Emma.

"I went down to the Slytherin Common room planning to chat up Tracy and Daphne a bit. Then Draco threatened me and tried to curse me but I brought up a shield without even like thinking about it. It just appeared. Then I showed them I was Lord Potter and threatened him a little bit. Parkinson started begging me not to do anything so I let it go "

Of the three of them only Emma noticed the slight change in Harry's demeanor when he finished his story.

She narrowed her eyes and decided to ask him about it later.

"I umm sorry Mum I called… Voldemort a Mudblood to try and drive some points in their hypocrisy home."

Lily raised her eyebrows, "while I'm not thrilled at you using that word I suppose the Slytherins hearing their Dark Lord is an imposter in language they understand was probably a good idea."

"Draco also said his father is trying to petition the Wizengamot to deny me the Black Lordship."

"Bella and Nymphadora are training you next Thursday, you've got your first task on Tuesday, hopefully Mad Eye leaves you some energy for it. I'll tell them we need you to be Lord Black as soon as possible. They can take care of their parts and you kill two birds with one stone, I'll talk to Andi and have her come by and spend a night with you at some point this week as well."

Harry nodded if he could take care of this by the end of the week he should be fine. Lily closed the Grimiore and sighed.

"So how was last night, children?" She asked with a grin.

"Bloody fucking amazing," said Harry and they all chuckled.

"Harry was just saying how this would be perfect with you added in the mix and well now you're here," said Ella.

"I am here," why don't we get more comfortable, I'm hoping for some of what I saw you giving Emmy," she said looking at Harry.

"I'll give you three anything you want," he said.

The four of them got up and walked over to the bedroom. Harry took his mother in his arms and gave her a kiss.

"I missed you mum," he said.

"I missed you too baby," she said, taking off his shirt.

They kissed again as Emma started kissing the back of his neck and Ella began trailing kisses across the rest of his back.

The four of them kissed and touched each other and helped one another remove all articles of clothing.

Harry sat down on the edge of the bed and Lily got on her knees and started licking his cock. The twines pushed his legs open a bit further and they took over licking and sucking both sides of his balls sack and licking up their side of the shaft.

He watched his mother and sisters as they worshipped his cock.

"Has he fucked your mouths girls?" Asked Lily.

"Yea I think he likes that quite a lot," said Emma.

"Mmhmm". Said Ella who had his balls in her mouth.

Harry stood up as the three of them kept kicking him.

"Take it all in mum," he said and Lily swallowed his cock.

He grabbed her head and started shoving his cock down her thought roughly. After a couple minutes he switched to Ella and then to Emma. Switching between fucking each of their mouths and getting his balls sucked between them.

The three redheads pushed him onto the bed, Lily once again deep throating him while his sisters were on both sides sucking his balls again. He pushed the twins to the side then began roughly fucking lily's face again, "Fuck I'm gonna cum, he said.

He loosened his grip on Lily and just as he was about to squirt in her mouth she popped him out and had him cum on her face and across her body.

"Holy shit Mum I think Ella gets her kinkyness from you," said Emma.

"Come clean your brother off of me girls," she said.

Emma and Ella hungrily cleaned up the cum with their mouths. While Emma swallowed up her half of the cum Ella left some in her mouth then ushered her mum to open her mouth. She spit Her brothers cum from her mouth into her mother's.

"Fuck," said Harry and Emma both extremely aroused. Lily then spit the cum into Emma's mouth who took it and began kissing Ella sharing it between them. Lily joined in and the three redheads were snowballing Harry's cum to each other and licking it out of each other's mouths until eventually it was all gone.

"We're gonna need to have him cum again for some more of that, girls," said Lily.

Harry's cock felt as if it had never been harder his veins angrily flared.

"Who wants to get fucked?"

"Mummy missed you, fuck your mummy baby."

Harry pushed her back and started fucking her while Emma sucked on her mother's tits and Ella started snogging her.

Lily groaned as her three children began pleasuring her and yelled out when she started cumming.

Once her orgasm was done Harry pulled out and Emma started licking her mother's justices off his cock as Ella at her mother's cunt.

Harry began furiously fucking Emma's face, it really was one of his favorite things to do. He pushed Emma down on his cock as hard as he could, making her gag all over her little brothers cock.

He released her then entered Ella from behind and started fucking her doggy style as she kept eating her mother's cunt.

Emma mounted her mother's mount and began riding her as her mother sucked in her little girls cunt.

Ella yelled into Lily's cunt as Harry brought her to a wonderful orgasm. Hearing her daughter cum Lily also came again and Ella being the dutiful daughter lapped up all her juices as her brother continued fucking her cunt.

Emma began grinding your roughly in her mother's face using her much like she witnessed Harry doing earlier. Harry decided this was a good time to hiss into his mother's cunt which caused her to scream into Emma's cunt as she came. Emma groaned as she came all over her mother's face, her justices dripping down onto her. Emma hopped off of her and Harry noticed his sisters cum splattered across Lily's face. The twins leaned down on either side of then and also licked up the residue where they could.

"How would you like to cum baby?" Lily asked, seeing as everyone else had their fare share of orgasms.

"In your mouth mum, then I want you to share it with your daughters."

Lily hungrily swallowed his cock again as the twins were both kissing Harry as he fingered their asses. Harry then wrapped his legs around Lily's head and was again furiously fucking her face.

"Fuck I love the way you use mum's face, Harry," said Emma.

"Emmy, can we eat each other out please," asked Ella.

Emmy happily complied and went over to her twin and got into a 69 position. Harry watched his sisters eat each other out as he suffocated his mother on his cock.

"Fuck that's hot," he said as he relentlessly abused Lily's mouth.

Upon hearing this the girls began eating each other with more vigor, Emma came first but Ella also got her release shortly after.

Watching their orgasms promoted his own as he finally came into his mother's mouth again. Emma and Ella moved over to their mother and once Harry finally released her head they both hungrily tried to take the cum from her mouth.

"I love it when you share my cum girls," said Harry.

Harry thought at this point he was out for the day but then Ella broke off from the three way kiss with her sister and mother and took his cock into her mouth evidently wanting one more round.

"Mum look at the little slut go," Emma said.

"She gets that from me love," said Lily.

Harry moaned as Ella pleasured him further with his mouth and got him hard again.

She then mounted his cock and slowly made love to him and kissed him.

"I think she was jealous I had gotten a little extra Harry time," said Emma, "she wants a little bit for herself."

Ella and Harry made slow passionate love, and although Ella wasn't as vocal as Emma she still showed how deep her love for brother went with every thrust and every time their tongues circled around each other.

They eventually came together and collapsed into each other's arms. They were tired and Ella fell asleep on her brother while Emma and Lily cuddled him from either side.

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