
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · 書籍·文学
42 Chs

Chapter 12

Harry stepped through the floo into the Headmasters office managing to only stumble just a little bit.

"Welcome back Harry," Dumbledore said as the teenager walked in.

"Hello Professor," he replied.

"I assume your weekend was… successful?" He asked.

Harry blushed and nodded.

Please sit down, we have a couple of items to discuss. Once they sat Dumbledore asked, "am I correct in assuming that your mother has informed you of the existence of the second prophecy?"

"Yes sir, she mentioned you would be able to explain it better."

"This prophecy was given at around the same time Voldemort attacked your family. While he knows part of the first prophecy he does not know the existence of this one," Dumbledore explained.

With a wave of his wand, a Pensive was pulled out of a nearby cabinet.

"I've recently added a new charm to this pensive, it will allow us to view a memory via a projection rather than entering it ourselves."

Dumbledore brought his want to his head and slowly pulled out a silver memory and dropped it into the pensive. They both sat quietly as the memory began to play.

"Hagrid I will need you to bring Harry to Madam Pomfrey so she can look him over. She will give you a location to meet me after she has confirmed he is healthy," he told Hagrid.

"Dumbledore sir… do you think none of them survived?"

"All we know at the moment is that there was a large magical explosion at the Potter home, I can detect Harry's magical signature meaning he is alive, and the fact that we remember where the potters lived means the Fidelius is broken."

Dumbledore walked over to Hagrid and handed him a badge with the Hogwarts coat of arms.

"This is a special Portkey that will allow you and anyone with you to bypass the wards and arrive directly in the infirmary," Dumbledore said.

"Dumbledore!" Yelled a voice, Dumbledore's office was opened, "I've just about had it with Minerva she… oh hello Hagrid."

"Sorry Professor I was just leaving," Hagrid said as he walked out.

"Sybill, I have a few important matters to attend to. Is this something we can discuss later?" Asked the Headmaster.

Just as she was about to answer, she turned her head back and gasped for air. Dumbledore's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.







Dumbledore stared at the woman thinking through each line of the prophecy.

"I… I'm sorry Dumbledore I must have blanked out for a moment, what were you saying?"

"I said I will speak to Minerva and ensure this does not happen again, but for now I will need to attend to urgent matters."

Trelawney nodded and said her goodbyes as she left.

"Expecto Patronum!" He yelled as a Phoenix erupted from his wand.

"Tell Hagrid I have received information from Trelawney, bring Harry to the infirmary and leave him there."

The silver Phoenix flew off to deliver the message as the memory ended.

"Sir, is me being an Incubus the power he knows not?" Asked Harry.

"I believe it is Harry," Dumbledore replied.

"The rest I'm a little unsure of."

"The first lines as you mentioned seem to be referring to your Incubus powers. We will come back to the gathering of pure magic in a moment. The Heirs of Peverell are you and your family."

Harry nodded remembering Sirius explaining this to him when he got his invisibility cloak.

"The Daughters of Black are of course the members of the Black family. This seems to be referring to them helping you awaken your Incubus powers which is what you began doing this weekend."

"Right and the last bit ties it again to the first prophecy right?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Now… the collecting of pure magic… what have you learned about the Incubus over the weekend, aside from the obvious."

This is super awkward essentially talking to the headmaster about my sex life.

"Well, I know I've got an allure similar to Veela and when Apolline tried to use her Allure to learn some more about mine she had accidentally mutated it to be closer to hers."

Dumbledore nodded, "there is one other benefit to being an Incubus Harry."

"Oh, gaining some magic from the person I… erm the person I'm with."

"Correct, as you know Voldemort has the ability to harness the Family magic of every person who is branded with the Dark Mark. They essentially Allowed him ownership of their magical core."

Harry nodded, then his eyes widened.

"I see you have come to a conclusion Harry."

"So the prophecy is saying I need to collect magic to combat Voldemort, so I… need to sleep with a bunch of pureblood witches?"

Dumbledore sighed, "You realize now why I do not like this?"

Harry nodded.

"It took me a long time to agree to this Harry, in the last war we were decimated, Voldemort was unstoppable because of all his followers giving him an additional magical boost. We lost countless lives and over the past few years Voldemort has made several appearances in different forms. Now you have been put into this dangerous Tournament by someone unknown to us. I knew from the start if Voldemort returned we would lose the war. I cannot defeat him despite what the wizarding world believes, he is more powerful than I am. The most I can do is hold him off long enough in a battle for others to escape."

Harry heard the desperation in Dumbledore's voice.

"Harry I am allowing you a room, I am allowing you the space needed to fulfill the prophecy. There are several people who will be training you over the course of this year and next. Once this Tournament has concluded you will receive additional training from me on Alchemy. I am placing all of my trust in you Harry. You must exercise discretion if anyone knows what I am allowing you to do. I will be removed from Hogwarts, your family will be exposed and our preparations for Voldemort will be severely impaired. Do you understand?"

Harry gulped, "Yes sir I… I will be careful."

"How much control do you have at the moment?" The headmaster asked.

"I'm able to lower the levels as needed, Apolline was satisfied with my current level of control and I… well I was able to test containing the allure under um… extraneous circumstances."

Dumbledore nodded and took out a badge similar to the one Harry saw in the memory except this one had a Phoenix on it.

"If at any point you feel you are going to lose control, channel some magic into this, Fawkes will appear and flame you into either my office, or your home if my office is occupied. We cannot afford to have any mishaps Harry. I will handle anyone's reactions to you being taken by Fawkes."

"Fawkes has gone through a burning day recently and he will not go through another until after the tournament, by which point you should be back at your home."

Harry took the badge and put it away.

"Promise me Harry that you will never leave your room without that badge while Hogwarts is in session."

"I promise sir."

Dumbledore sighed, "Dobby!" He called out and with a pop the eccentric house elf appeared.

"Yes Master Dumbles sir how can Dobby assist you?"

"Please escort Harry to his new room and show him how to set a password for the entrance."

Dobby looked delighted, "Dobby will do it sir, Dobby would love nothing more than to help the great Master Harry Potter sir in finding his room."

I forgot how… excited he always is.

"Err thanks, Dobby," he said as he stood. "Thank you sir, for the trust you've given me, I won't let you down."

Dumbledore nodded, "Good luck in the tournament Harry."

Dobby led Harry to the sixth floor where many private suites were located.

"How's everything going Dobby, do you like it here at Hogwarts?"

"Yes Master Harry Potter Sir, Dobby is grateful to the Great Master Harry Potter sir for freeing Dobby from bad master!"

Harry felt like he was going to have a headache, "alright, Dobby please just call me Harry."

"Dobby cannot sir! That is improper for a house elf!"

"Then just call me Harry Potter or whatever just let's drop the 'great' and 'master' ok?"

"Very well Harry Potter, sir," Dobby replied.

I guess that's as much as I can hope for.

"We have arrived Harry Potter sir," he said as he showed Harry a portrait.

"En guarde you filthy knave! I will not allow anyone but Harry Potter entrance until he has set the password," said the portrait of Sir Caddogen.

"Erm, I am Harry Potter," said Harry.

"Do you think me a fool? Show me who you truly are!"

"Mister Knight sir, this is the Great Harry Potter sir," Dobby said.

Did he really just add the great back in?

"My Friend Dobby the house elf! You should have said something before! Welcome Harry Potter! I am the great and chivalrous Sir Caddogen and I will be guarding the entrance to your room from all the evils who do not possess your password!"

"Erm right that's ah wonderful, how do I set the password?"

"You may simply tell me what it is and I will set it for you! It is recommended to change your password once a week, but I think we should change it twice a day, what say you, Harry Potter?"

"Let's umm… stick to the one week for now, the password is Mischief Managed," he replied.

"Very well you may enter Harry Potter but be warned you must not forget your password if you wish to enter at another time!"

The portrait swung open revealing an entrance to a set of stairs.

"Right well, thank you Dobby," he said, turning back to the Elf.

"Of course sir, please call upon Dobby again if you need any further assistance," the elf said before popping away.

Harry walked into the entrance and closed the portrait hole behind him. He walked up a set of stairs and into a room with a desk, couch, and fireplace.

"This is pretty nice," he said aloud.

He walked to the bathroom and saw a nice large tub as well as a standing shower. He then walked over to the Bedroom. The bed was much bigger than the one in his old dorm that was shared with his fellow Slytherins. He saw his luggage and all of his things were already brought up for him. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Harry whipped out his wand wondering who would be coming in at this time before he even shared the password with anyone.

The Footsteps came into the study as he walked in and yelled "Stupefy!" The red spell went rushing towards Emma who was just barely able to dodge.

"Fuck Harry it's just us!" She cried.

Ella just laughed, "I told you he would shoot first and ask questions later."

"Sorry, but how did you two get in?"

Ella held up the invisibility cloak, "we were following you and Dobby once you got out of Dumbledore's office. Saw you come in on our Marauders Map. Also I'm sure any pranksters like the Weasley Twins can guess your password, it's quite obvious."

Well feel free to sit, he said as he pulled up a chair and they sat on the couch.

"Mum said to give you the cloak by the way, you probably need it more than we do, we can cast disillusion charms so we're good," Emma said as she tossed him the cloak.

Well I found out on the roof of a supermarket that I can cast one wandlessly. Though I haven't tried it without pushing my Allure into my magic.

"Thanks will probably be useful in getting back from any late night training," he said.

"So how was the weekend?" Emma said with a smirk.

Harry turned red, "umm well it was umm interesting," he said, "how do you both feel about umm this?"

"About having sexual intercourse with our kid brother?" Asked Ella.

"Umm yea…" he said.

"We've had two years to come to terms with it. You're lucky we would miss you if Voldemort decided to finally kill you off," said Emma with a shrug.

"Ready for a threesome Harry?" Asked Ella.

"Umm I mean uh… that's ummm…" he stammered.

"The little perv is getting all excited about having his first threesome with his big sisters," Emma said with a laugh.

"Well it wouldn't exactly be the first…"

"Wait with who?" Asked Ella, "Mum is actually into that?"

"Mum and Apolline," he replied.

"Holy shit you fucked a Veela this weekend?" Asked Emma.

"Several times yea," Harry said with a grin.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but it's not gonna be tonight, the nerd over here has an exam tomorrow and needs her sleep." Emma said.

"You have the same exam Emmy," she said with a glare.

"Eh it's Transfiguration I've accepted long ago I won't be very good at it," she said.

"McGonagall is your head of house, shouldn't you at least try?" Asked Harry.

"Minnie knows I'm dropping after this year, but yea she tries real hard to get me to care."

Ella rolled her eyes, "If you didn't look like me I'd wonder if we were actually related."

"I'm pretty sure you're the one that looks like me, I was born first."

Harry chuckled, "it's good to know you're still the same despite well this," he said gesturing around him.

"Like Emmy said two years to come to terms," said El.

"Anyway how does Friday night sound for some taboo fornication among siblings?" Asked Emma.

"Er… I'm free I guess," said Harry.

"El?" Emma asked her twin.

"Won't interfere with me and Hermione's study schedule so it should be fine," Ella said.

"Awesome it's a date, we expect Roses and chocolate Harry!" Emma said as the two of them got up.

"You're both insane," Harry said shaking his head.

"Oh yeah let's take a look at the bed before we go!" Emma said.

The girls checked out the bedroom and were quite impressed with it as well as the large bath tub.

"Well see you around little bro," Emma said as they walked off.

Harry smiled, happy that his sisters were still their regular annoying sleeves around him.

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