
Chapter 273. SONMA'S VISITOR.

  Kamara woke to the news of King Lucien's letter, her happiness has been unsurmountable.

  It skyrocketed the more when Henna rushed to her bedroom to tell her that the Royal Messenger from Salem has arrived and he's with King Valendy.

  Kamara has been dancing all to herself since then, wearing a heart-warming smile on her face as she attended to her princess duties.

  She'd made out time as usual to take food to Callan's dungeon. They don't let her get past the boundary, because her father made sure of it, but she already has a few guards working for her to ensure that Callan gets food.

  The food she brought today, she handed it over to one of the guards as usual before she walked back to the Royal Quarters.

  From afar, she saw Donna's eyes pinned on her, the mistress was frowning in thought. Obviously, she wonders why there's a smile on Kamara's face on this day. It has become a rare feature on her face since her lover was imprisoned.