
The Alpha King's Bride

“Your skin is cold,” spoke a man from the dark corner of her room, and Lucy froze in fear. Clutching on her dress, she turned and found him sitting on her bed. She could see how intense his gaze was in that dimly lit room. Her heart pounded in her chest and she knew he could smell the fear in her. He stood, and with his every step towards her, she could feel the loud thud in her chest. But she knew better than to run away from this man. There was no way she could outrun him. He stopped an inch away from her, his hand went up to caress her cheek gently. She closed her eyes, shivering at the thought of his gold eyes staring at her. His finger ran down his jaw. “My sweet, who did you meet so I would know who to kill?”

RileyRewis · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Illusion or not?


Yes. That was it. All of that is not true. Maybe it was the product of stress and too much frustration. It can't be possible, I said to myself when I woke up on my bed the next day.

I remember everything that happened on the rooftop. What the man said and what I saw in his eyes. I also remembered how Nari came and called me. And the next second, the stranger disappeared on thin air as if he wasn't even there. Nari didn't even see him. So, I thought everything that happened was just an illusion.

Maybe Uncle's situation triggered something in my head. I got a trauma long time ago, so maybe that is the reason why hallucinations resurfaced again.

I got up despite the weight of the body. I bathed and got dressed. I'm going to the hospital to replace Nari in taking care of Uncle.

Nari is a close friend. She just forced me to go home last night to rest. I didn't agree at first, but thinking about all those strange things I saw, I thought I really needed to rest. That hallucination was too much. I didn't mention that to Nari because she might just be worried.

I went through the department store to buy cup noodles and bottled drinks. That's where I'll have breakfast at the hospital. Nari won't like instant foods, but I guess she has to deal with it.

"Thank you for coming, Ma'am. Come back again," the guard said as I passed the exit.

"You're wel—"

I didn't finish what to say when I saw who was outside. Leaning against the pole in front of the store, folded and looking straight at me.


Am I hallucinating again?

I cursed and hurried to walk. I deliberately swerved and never looked at him again. I'm starting to get scared of the things I'm seeing. Maybe I'm crazy?

I was nervous all nervous when I hailed a taxi. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the man slowly approaching. I felt the urge to run, but if I would do that, I'd just look crazier. I just had it all in mind so would I run?

"Need a ride?"

That voice. Just like last night so I know he's the same person.

I was speechless, just staring at each approaching car.

"We should continue our talk last night," he went on, completely ignoring my silence.

I sucked on my breath. Where are the other taxis and why is everyone passing by here occupied?

"Come on. Are you still doubting if I'm real?" He chuckled.

"Damn it. I'm really going crazy," I whispered to myself.

"No, you aren't."

I sighed in relief when a taxi stopped in front of me. I went in immediately and leaned back in the chair. I closed my eyes, thinking about taking some drug that could pacify my hallucinations. I can't be like this. How could I take care of my Uncle when I'm sick?

"You will go straight to the hospital, right?"

I was shocked to hear that voice. My jaw dropped when I saw the driver's face on the rearview mirror. I feel like I'm going to lose my sanity—if that is not already happening.

I put my palm on my forehead and shook my head. Have I really lost it?

I closed my eyes again and when I looked up, I became even more troubled when I still saw the same.

"Agree to my terms and I'll save your Uncle. That's very simple, Katherine. He doesn't have much time left. I'm giving you a better option."

Don't listen to him, Jace. Don't.


"Will you please stop calling me that?" I couldn't help myself any longer. It's just, it really pisses me off to be called that way.

He turned to me. His stare remained at me for a while, and for Pete's sake, he was driving!

I gasped and silently recited a short prayer. I want to get rid of this illusion! This is insane and I don't think I can stand more of this. I don't know where he came from. From my subconscious, maybe?

My psychiatrist told me then that it is really possible for this to happen especially those who have experienced trauma. That reason sounds more logical than him being a sort of extraordinary being.

"Why? You prefer being called Jace? But I like your second name better. Katherine."

I threw my head back and closed my eyes tighter. I no longer knew what to do.

"You should decide soon. As I've said, your uncle doesn't have much time left–"

"Stop dragging my uncle in your bullshits!" I shouted angrily.

We were stuck in traffic. I looked outside and saw it was close to the hospital. I went out and walked straight away.

I shook my head a bit, struggling in case my brain would regulate through that. I can't lose my temper. I should be sane because Uncle needs me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the hospital. I'm going straight to Uncle's room. I found Nari there.

"Are you okay, Jace? Why do you look harassed?"

I sighed and put the things on the table.

"Uh, I'm just worried..."

"Really? Did nothing happen to you on the way here?"

I shook my head and approached Uncle. I stroked his hand and sat on the side.

"Don't worry too much, Jace. Uncle Eddie is a fighter. I'm sure he can overcome this."

I really hope so.

"Wait! What's this? Cup noodles? Oh my goodness, Jace!"

I turned to Nari.

"I don't have much time to buy the food you want. And it's better since it's cheaper."

"Fast food is better than this." She glared at me.

I glared back. "It's also cheaper than the fast food. I'm just being frugal, Nari."

She rolled his eyes and did nothing but put up with what I brought her. While she's preparing it, I adjusted Uncle's blanket and checked to see if the devices attached to him were organized.

"Eat well. I know you didn't eat last night and this morning. Tell me, how are you going to take care of Uncle if you get sick?" Nari raised a brow at me.