
The Alpha’s Promised Mate

As a result of a promise the Alpha made, he decides to accept his mate, Rachel Sparks whom he bears no feelings for. Still thinking that she's the cause of his parents' death, he tells her to leave the pack which she does but their last night together could put their separation on hold, as she becomes a suspect of the Alpha's mother's death. Diving deeper to prove her innocence, she finds herself embroiled in a series of events whereas only the Alpha can save her from, and this is when and where emotions and secrets start to ignite.

Liyah_Royale · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Jealous Of Rachael


"Brandon, What's the matter? What's with the look on your face?" My best friend, Dennis, asked after I had walked into my chamber.

I grunted as my back lay on the soft bed. My eyes went back to Dennis and I noticed how worried his gaze looked.

"I'm just a little pissed. It's nothing too much." I answered, and he narrowed his eyes like I was cooking up stories.

He stood up from the sofa he was sitting on and walked towards my bed, which he later laid on.

"Stop beating around the bush and explain to me what's going on. Tell me, what is the matter?" He asked.

"It's that girl," I replied.

"Who?" He questioned inquisitively.

"Rachel," I replied after much hesitation.

"Wait, your mate?" Dennis asked, and I faced him quickly with a frown on my face.

"She isn't my mate yet. I haven't accepted her." I answered.

"Neither have you rejected you. Besides, everyone in school and outside know the bond you and Rachel share. We all know the moon goddess made you both mates"

"Well, I don't want to be anybody's mate," I said and Dennis laughed.

"Why don't you? I think Rachel is pretty, and she will be a very nice and strong Luna by your side" He convinced.

"No." I shook my head.

"What do you mean by that?" Dennis asked.

"I don't like her," I replied and stood up from the bed. Dennis reverted his eyes to me and sat upright. He saw as I took a cup of water from the desk and watched me chug it down my throat.

"Why don't you like Rachel? Every guy at school is fighting for her. She's pretty and nice, too." He said, and I laughed.

"Indeed," I uttered sarcastically. "Likewise, other girls are also fighting and dying to be with me. I guess I and Rachel are in the same league, then." I added and shrugged my shoulders.

Dennis sighed and shook his head. "Come on! There is nothing wrong with Rachel. Why don't you want her? She has a lot of good qualities and like I said before, she is very pretty. I noticed she could stand up for herself. I'm sure she will be a strong Luna." He remarked.

"I don't like her because she's quite troublesome. She keeps coming over to the palace and I feel she will steal my mother's love from me. They've been very close lately, and it's bothersome and annoying." I confessed.

Dennis laughed hard for a while, and I frowned watching him do so. I wondered why he was doing that because obviously, I felt it wasn't funny.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"Sorry. It's… It's… just that…" Dennis paused and laughed louder than before.

I groaned and dropped the half-filled cup down before walking up to Dennis, who was now rolling on the bed, laughing hard.

"Stop laughing," I told him.

He didn't stop, though. I even noticed his eyes getting teary because of the excessive laughter.

"You know what… I think you should go back to your house, Dennis. You have overstayed your welcome." I said, pulling him up.

Since I was strong and tough, I was able to pull him up from the bed with just one arm. Dennis looked at my scowling face and slowly, his laughter died. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Sorry. It's just that you are being hilarious"

"How?" I demanded.

"Isn't it obvious?" He smirked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Brandon, you are jealous of her," Dennis said, tapping my broad shoulder. I looked at him scornfully and pushed his hand away from my shoulder.

"What do you mean? I'm… I'm not jealous." I couldn't believe I stuttered. I felt stupid for a second.

"You are jealous of your mate, Brandon, and it's very noticeable. You feel she's going to steal your mother away from you. So funny." Dennis chuckled, and I frowned, showing my darkened eyes and pouting lips.

"Sorry," He quickly said.

"You know what… I think you should go now. I want to get some sleep." I said as I threw myself to the bed, which bounced lightly.

"Alright then. So, what about your father? How is he?" Dennis asked as he picked up his black leather bag from the center table.

I sighed deeply and sadly. "He isn't getting any better. I saw him some minutes ago. He's looking thinner and worse, despite the medications and the royal physician trials." I answered truthfully.

"Don't worry, He will be fine." Dennis gave a brief smile.

"I hope," I whispered.

"Okay then. I'm leaving now. Bye!" Dennis said and waved.

I only nodded and watched him leave. Immediately, the door closed, I shut my eyes and waited patiently for sleep to come.

Finally, slumber was taking over me when I heard the door suddenly getting open. I jerked and raised my head. My eyes met Dennis, who was panting rapidly.

"What… What is it? Why did you come back?" I questioned curiously.

"Your mother." He could only say amidst his loud and fast breathing.

"My mother? What's wrong with her?" I asked as my feet went down to the floor, my body away from the bed.

Dennis swallowed hard and pointed to the door. "I met her and Rachel outside. Before my eyes, they both entered her carriage, and it wheeled off."

"They went out together? Well, this is a first. Are you sure it was my mother and not a servant?" I asked.

"I'm certain. Even if I'm blind, I will be able to recognize the Queen Luna anywhere." He replied.

Before he could say anything else, I scurried out of the chamber, and Dennis followed from behind. I went outside the palace but saw nothing.

"It went away already," Dennis said, pointing at the way where he was certain the carriage had gone.

I sighed deeply and gestured to one of the guards around. He ran to me and gave me a low bow.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," He said softly.

"Did a carriage leave here?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied quickly.

"Who boarded it?" My question came slowly.

"The Queen and that girl called Rachel" He answered as I gulped.

"Do you know where they could have gone to?" I didn't stop with my questions and obviously, he was willing to answer everything.

"Yes. I overheard Luna telling the coachman to take them to the forest. They plan to have a picnic there"

I bit my bottom lip, and I eventually realized Dennis could be right. I was indeed jealous.

Jealous of Rachel.