
Back To Step Zero

Makima's POV


She woke up tired

Her neck was sore, she had bandages on her head and everywhere she could see, and she was bound by thick rope with strange tags marked with the word "seal" written in the restraints. It seemed a bit much having her arms tied behind her back while her body was restrained by four sets of rope being hooked up by four corresponding pins on the wall, but she at least appreciated that they didn't underestimate her. She would describe the room as dark, but it was lit with countless candles giving the room a "holy" feel like they were planning on giving her an exorcism. Not that it would work in the first place, no devil would have such a silly weakness unless it was something niche like the vampire devil. The tags were a bit worrisome though, there were hundreds of them lining the wall and ceiling. She was sure they had a use, definitely to contain those trapped inside, but she wasn't really wanting to test how well the tags did at holding someone like her right now.

She looked down and noticed her previous ragged clothes were replaced with a white T-Shirt with jeans along with proper undergarments too. What was strange is that they also got her cup size ri-

Suddenly her train of thought was interrupted by seeing the door in front of her open revealing Gojo giving her a playful smirk as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh, so your finally awake princess." He brought in a chair and pulled it up close to her sitting the wrong way which didn't help with making him look even more immature. What ticked her off, is that it seemed deliberate that he was sitting on a chair while she was on the floor looking down on her. Of course, she wouldn't let her discomfort show, but it didn't make her any less angry at being trapped.

"So, you've kept me alive? I thought someone as strong as you would've ignored my pleas and done away with me after my bold attack on the Prime Minister."

"Eh not really, you committed only one fatality and the Prime Minister is firmly on our side as long as nobody in his main staff got injured. Then all I had to do was pick you up, fly back here, and presto! You're here. Also, I wouldn't advise leaving this place. This is a secure isolation room so any attempts to leave this place would be nearly impossible. Plus, I'm your guard!" he exclaimed pointing to himself with a goofy grin.

"I see, I'm at least glad I'm not any more hurt. must have a pretty good doctor around here," she groaned rolling her neck to relieve some pressure.

"Heh, you could say that she is I guess. Also, no problem, cause the more I thought about it, the more intriguing your skill set became to me," he said like it should've been obvious to her.

"How so?"

"Sigh, you exhibit both the traits of an intelligent curse and a human, while being incredibly powerful along with your techniques all without using cursed energy or being detected by observant users of such. From what I got from the Prime Minister, you wanted to make a Binding Vow with him that would grant you the health of all Japanese citizens. However, without you having cursed energy, you couldn't make a vow in the first place. Also, the power to brainwash people, shooting who knows what with just fingers screams the use of cursed energy. Also, you were still moving while you were in my domain, which should have immobilized you entirely even if it lasted only lasted less than a second. So I want to know how, and you're gonna tell me the truth." he said putting his hands together like he was some sort of intellectual.

"Hmmm, I was just born like this. I was raised in a poor orphanage in Kawasaki. It was hard to grow up, and one day I realized I had incredible powers that I had to cultivate. So, I started to test my abilities on-" she was stopped by a raised hand from Gojo.

"Ok so, you were born in Kawasaki?"

"I'm not sure where I was born."

"I see, I see, I would believe you, HOWEVER!" he raised a finger right at her face, "Every word that just came out of your mouth, was a complete and utter lie," he said frowning at her.


"Don't get me wrong Makima, you're a really good liar and all, probably the best I've come across. Unfortunately, I'm the one you're lying to," he said pointing to himself. Afterward, he undid his blindfold so that she was now once again staring at his ocean deep eyes." These eyes aren't just for looking pretty, they let me see really well, well enough to get past any facade you set up. Now," his voice getting lower and deeper, "So how about you skip the lies and tell me the truth before you die in the most brutal way possible." he stated glaring at her signifying to her just how bad she failed.

"DAMN IT!" she yelled in her head. "What is up with this man?! Not only is he multiple times stronger than me, but he can also see through all my deceptions as if I'm saying the sky is purple." She was practically destroying herself for being so cocky, such an idiot to assume this man would be easy prey.

"Alright, you got me." Taking in a deep breath she formulated another plan to save her hide. She would start with...

"I am a Devil," she said plainly.

"Uhhhh, A devil, not The Devil?" questioned Gojo scratching his head.

"No, sigh, how do I explain this to someone completely clueless?" she pondered getting a slight chuckle from Gojo.

"To explain it simply, there are devils of all types in the world. Each devil represents a concept, for example, there would be a Trash Devil and there would be a Gun Devil. A devil gets its strength from being feared by people, so a Trash Devil would be significantly weaker than the Gun Devil since guns are more feared by people than trash.

He stared. He had a long and hard stare right at her surely analyzing both her words and her to make sure she was talking truthfully." Ok ok, but what devil are you?"

"Sigh...I am the Control Devil, which means I embody everything associated with control."

"Ahhh, I see now. So that's how you were able to control all those people!" he said like some giddy kid getting a math problem right. "That also explains how you were able to make a contract without cursed energy, since contracts are the epitome of control."

"Exactly," she answered with a smile. "I can also spread my mental capacity to other beings, which combined with my already advanced mental capacity, nullified your domain enough for me to still function, even if almost entirely on instincts."

"Amazing," he smiled, only for it to drop into a frown." Makima, do you know how cursed spirits are made?" looking at her shaking her head no he continued, "Cursed spirits, also known as just curses, are a race of spiritual beings manifested from cursed energy as a result of humans having negative feelings. All curses do is bring harm to humanity, so let me ask you... what makes you different from a curse?" he asked staring lasers at her with those lie detecting eyes.

She looked away from his gaze for a few seconds, she had to play her cards right or else. "We seem to be very different and very much the same at the same time," she received a brow raised in response but she resumed, "Hypothetically, let's say there was a death devil, that devil would manifest for entirely negative reasons, while the chicken devil would only manifest from something like disgust. That is more of what I am, most people so I promise I won't go on a rampage and kill everyone, otherwise, I'll stab a thousand needles in my eyes" she finished causing Gojo to snort.

"Well, the needles are nice and all, but if you wanna earn my trust and your freedom, you better show it," imparted Gojo jabbing Makima in the forehead with his finger before walking away.

"Wait! You're just gonna leave me here!"

"Yeah, for now, OH, I almost forgot," he went to grab something outside that was out of sight for her and it seemed to be a cafeteria tray with an apple, some veggies, meat, and a water bottle. Bringing it into the room in front of her, he walked out again.

"Alright later, enjoy the food!" he waved slamming the door shut with locks being heard outside being put back up.

"Sigh, he forgot I was tied up didn't he," she said sweat dropping annoyed. "I'm glad he bought that last one, or else I definitely would've died. And what is up with those mood swings of his? His personality changes on a dime. I'll have to make sure I watch my tongue an acti- grrr -after I try and eat." she then fell head first into her tray causing her to groan in defeat.

Gojo's POV

Sometimes he wondered why he didn't massacre these geezers. Every time he walked into the meeting room it was like an echo chamber of useless ideals being reinforced by the only people who wanted them implemented in the first place. Their voices bounced off the walls causing his ears to get just as irritated as his head.

"Why don't we kill this curse, this thing clearly dangerous! If it attacked the prime minister, there shouldn't be any argument in keeping her alive!"

"And you, bringing a cursed spirit like that on school premises, are you insane! Are trying to bring the whole campus to a full lockdown!"

"Your word is practically useless Satoru Gojo, you may have possession of the six eyes, but it's clear as day that that thing is a cursed spirit! We out to exercise both of you!"

He couldn't actually see the various figures in the shadow, but he could hear how contorted in rage their faces were, how utterly delightful.

"After all I've done for you geezers, and the evidence I brought you, you still choose to deny that she's not a cursed spirit. She something completely different and should be kept an eye on, not exorcised. I've already confirmed that she isn't lying so what more do you want from me?"

"You're walking on thin ice once again Gojo," said old man Yoshinobu with a heaviness to his words. Glancing at him he could see a little of the light in the room casting half a shadow on his face. "Your actions against us are growing bolder and bolder. One day it may very well end up as your downfall."

"Honestly whatever I do around here gets me on thin ice. I'm gonna do what I want while keeping your interests in mind, but don't try and interfere with her safety, she's under my protection," he spoke glaring at all the concealed faces.

"You may be able to do that for now, but keep that thing on a tight leash Gojo, or we will take action with or without your approval."

"I gotcha, bastards," he muttered to that last part, opening the doors out. "However, don't be disappointed when you sit here and do nothing like always do, you hear," he said walking out and slamming the double doors behind him.

"Sigh, what a nightmare." he groaned. Walking through the halls he looked out to the practice field where he saw the new first years getting into their first training session. They all looked like great future sorcerers, the three of them making a nice group.

"If these guys could just walk outside for once and talk to anyone not over 80, it'd make my job a heck of a lot easier for me." Looking to his right he saw Masamichi walking over next to him resting his arms on the wooden railing.

"Hey Gojo, how was your meeting?"

"Eh, as good as I could get principal. She'll live, but she'll be stuck in that room for months."

"Suits her right I say," receiving a look from Gojo, "I get why you saved her, but from what I hear if she stays the same, I'd keep her locked up for as long as possible. That woman gives Mei Mei a run for her money on the danger level," he lowly laughed moving his uniform slightly to reveal his bandaged left shoulder, before hiding it again.

"Heh, you're probably right and I got the injury to show for it," he lowly laughed moving his uniform slightly to reveal his bandaged left shoulder, before hiding it again. "But I think she can change. I saw something in her eyes, it was a sort of longing look like a kid on a swing by himself watching others play and have fun, you know. Not to mention how unique she is which will help motivate me to make her better. I think I could eventually give her that genuine connection that will actually fulfill her." Gojo thought aloud, staring off at the sky.

"Hmm," hummed the principal with his hand resting on his goatee. "I'll believe your judgment Gojo, you normally seem to make good calls," patting him on the shoulder he walked off saying behind his back, "Let me know if I can help with that pet project of yours!"

"Of course! Thanks for the chat!" he smiled waving his sensei off. Walking to his left he continued to walk down the hallway as he approached the sealing room once again. Opening the door, he almost burst out laughing. Makima who tried so hard to come off as dignified was on the ground nibbling on some of the veggies on the tray face first.

"Was I interrupting something?" he said putting a hand over his mouth to stop his giggling from getting to a full-blown laugh.

Moving her head up she glared at Gojo as she chewed up a baby carrot. "You left me here tied up with food in front of me, plus I haven't eaten in who knows how long." she muttered matter of factly going for the green beans now. "So how did your meeting go?"

Sighing, Gojo picked her up plopping her back into a sitting position. Seeing that her face was messy with food he pulled out a napkin from his uniform and started wiping her face. "It went how it normally goes; they of course picked the most "effective" option which was to kill you. However, I told them off, you're much too interesting to kill." he smirked

"Oh wow you flatter me," she remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "So am I just going to be trapped in this room until you all die of old age or..."

"For now," Pulling his chair to look down at her, "For now, I will check in on you as much as I can to get more of an impression on how you act. If you behave, I might let you out under my supervision, and if not I'll either execute you or leave you to starve."

"Sound Great!" he exclaimed in a flowery chipper voice.

"I guess, thank you for letting me live," Makima said with a bow of her head.

"Don't sweat it Makima you could walk around if you want," Walking over to her he broke all the chains that bound her. "Also, here's a fork for you, I forgot to give it to you" putting the fork on the tray as he looked at Makima seeing her pout.

"You do realize that I was tied up, so a fork wouldn't have been much use anyways."

"Yeah, but it was funny right," he said giggling in his hand.

"I'm not laughing."

"Not on the outside, but definitely on the inside. Anyways I have my teaching shift starting now, so be a dear and not escape the prison please."

"I guess I'll try my best." she shrugged.

"Great! Have fuuuuunnn!" he jovially said slamming the door shut and speed walking to his class, he lost track of time. "I think she's starting to warm up to me," he said to himself confidently as he barraged into the first year's classroom for his lesson.





Over the next couple of months, Makima and Gojo would spend their time together in the isolation chamber eating lunch and playing chess (their score out of 40 games is 22:18 for Gojo). Gojo taught Makima about this new Japan she found herself talking about technology, curses, and more. She quite enjoyed her time with Gojo, despite being her surrogate warden and his indomitable amounts strength and high intellect, she didn't feel scared around him. Since she was under his protection from his superiors, she didn't have to worry about her forceful vacation being interrupted, and it was very much a vacation for her. To compare her situation to someone else it'd be similar to Al Capone. Her cell had fine furniture, beautiful rugs, and tasteful paintings... but no tv, which infuriated her since she's a major movie buff. He said he couldn't bring a tv because it was too obvious, which was completely unfactual for her since he brought her a whole closet!

To bide her over through, Gojo gave her books and manga that she had never seen before, her favorite of which was Naruto. She was always a sucker for sad moments but she wasn't talking about the antics of those young trouble making goody two shoe ninjas. No, it was the villains like Zabuza, Itatchi, and most importantly Pain and his back story. She cried a few times while reading it, which surprised her since she mostly enjoyed films and never got into the manga of her own world. She was just getting into the next arc of the Shonen when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey hey, I've returned!" announced Gojo, making her smile but cast it down slightly when she saw what he was holding.

Bookmarking her place she mentioned, "Who's the boy you brought?"

"Oh him-" he said lifting him up for another look, "this is Yuta Okkotsu. You could say he's special just like you, so I gotta keep him in here for the time being while I go get things ready for him."

Pulling up a chair he sat him down tying his hands behind the chair. "He's unconscious for the time being, but when he wakes up please make sure he doesn't freak out ok."

"Mhm, I will do my best Gojo," she mused with a nod.

"Great! See you in feeeew Makima!" he said in a jesting voice closing the door. Smiling to herself at his antics, she got back to reading.

As she continued reading, she noticed that Yuta's body began to move strangely. He wasn't stirring in his sleep it was more like he was being moved by something...unseen. "That scent," the one she smelt back at the alleyway with the curse. With realization, the force crushed the floor rushing her. She stood up with a start timing a well placed hit in front of her hitting seemingly nothing, but she felt her punch land on something solid.

While this was happening the sudden movement of Rika around the small room awoke Yuta with a start just in time to see Rika being hit with a heavy punch squarely in the face by some redhead.

"Rika!" yelled Yuta trying to free himself from the chair.

"Rika, so that's its name."

"Gah! Yuta! We need to kill this thing no-!" shouted the spirit in a gravelly shriek before being cut off by a chain going through it's forehead causing Rika to slump down to the ground and go silent. Yuta saw from the tip of her index finger, the woman had a chain coming out of her fingertip staying calm and collected, not even breathing hard in effort.

"W-what, d-did you do to her?!"

"Hmm, I made it quiet. This is my room so I had to stop the destruction somehow. If you weren't aquatinted with this curse, I would've most certainly exercised it without prejudice." she said to a gawking Yuta, still bound to the chair.

"Um t-thank you, miss."

"My name is Makima, but you at least have some manners."

"Thank you Makima, I never wanted to cause any trouble."

"It's fine Yuta, I can see Rika is a bit out of your control at the moment, you're lucky I excel at controlling things. Any other sorcerer would've exercised it out of necessity. Do try your best to keep her under control." she voiced, letting her order subtly take root inside his mind.

"Yes of course Miss Makima." slightly bowed Yuta as the door to the containment room opened up once again.

Gojo stood outside taking in the situation, Makima once again reading her manga, Yuta tied up to his chair, and a giant curse in between them with a disintegrating chain in its head. Letting out a knowing whistle he commented," Sooooo, what happened while I was gone?"

"Yuta's curse got out of control and attacked me,"

"Gee, she threw me under the bus just like that!"

"However, he was unconscious at the time so I wouldn't berate him too harshly," she added, flipping her manga to the next page.

"Well aren't you the god of restraint Makima, thanks for not killing the curse, young Yuta has alotta potential in this school so it'd be a real shame if you butchered his main reason for being locked up here. Come on Yuta you're coming with me, we're enrolling you in Jujutsu High," he said receiving a hesitant look from Yuta. "Look Yuta, you saw Makima over there handled Rika I'm sure easily enough, well I can do the same thing for you. You don't have to worry about hurting anyone anymore you hear."

After a few seconds Yuta nodded a yes to Gojo. "I guess I don't have anything better to do, Rika comes back." Rika (now with the chain completely gone) Rika went back to Yuta making sure to stay close to him. "She still seems shaken, I'll have to figure out later what happened," he contemplated as he walked out the door along with Gojo only glancing back once meeting Makima's eyes before the door got shut and locked.

Walking to his room, Yuta finally mustered up the courage to ask the question that was in the back of his mind. "Gojo, who is Makima? Why is she locked up in the containment room?"

"Well, Makima's quite possibly the second strongest creature on this planet right now. She showed up out of nowhere and we keep her in there until we find out more. But keep it to yourself alright, only the higher ups and some of the staff knows she's in there."

"Of course, sir." Sensing that was all he was going to get out of Gojo he put the topic down to rest. But this Makima character was incredibly interesting. Maybe she could help him control Rika better.

And that's a wrap! Glad I finally got the ball rolling on some canon stuff. Also thank you so much for the support on the stories, chapter 4 will be coming out within the week. READ ON!

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