
Chapter 6 : Skills and Resistance

Three shots were fired.

The sound of Lucifer guns being fired as he easily killed the wolves around him. He did a spin‐kick and kicked one of the wolves in its face, smashed its skull, then aimed his gun behind him and pulled the trigger. It was a one-sided massacre as the wolves couldn't get close to him. Their bloods painted the ground and the wolves red and they didn't seem like they were giving up.

The wolves stopped and looked at Lucifer who was dyed red with the blood of their dead companions. He remained composed and completely still as the wolves walked around him trying to find an opening.

"What's wrong? Afraid to attack me?" he asked ominously.

Lucifer dashed towards one of the wolves, kicked it on the wall and the impact caused all of its internal organs to rupture. He leaped on one of the wolves and fired multiple bullets at its head. After his evolution not only has he lost his sense of fear but also become more aggressive and cold. He turned to the wolves that cower in fear and ran off in the other direction.

"I guess they ran away, Alright I'll just absorb their remains," he said to himself. Lucifer spread out his darkness and absorbed all of the corpses of the wolves. After he finished absorbing the wolves he gained a new skill called「Super sense of smell 」

'Hm? My strength has increased a little and I've gained a new skill. I guess that's a good thing.'

He sensed something big and powerful approaching him. Every second the ground shook as the thing got closer and closer until it became clear in Lucifer's「Magic Perception」. It was a large red and gray wolf with more horn that protruded from its back. It has three eyes and four horns on its head. The level of Magicles it was giving off led Lucifer to believe that this would be the True Alpha of this group.

"So you finally show yourself huh," he said as he stood face to face with the wolf.

Suddenly, its eyes glowed and it gave off a menacing aura that scared the smaller wolves around it. Lucifer remained unhinged, compared to his father this wolf was nothing but an overgrown Chihuahua.

'How dare you kill my servant, You're going to pay for what you did here,' the wolf spoke telepathically.

"You're pretty arrogant for an overgrown mutt, I suggest you watch your mouth cause I'm not in a good mood," Lucifer warned with a quiet tone of voice.

'Damn maggot, Do you know who you are dealing with, I'm the king of wolves!' the wolf yelled and roared at Lucifer. 'I'm going to devour your flesh, chew your bones and show you who is—'.

Before the wolf could finish talking it was shot in all three eyes killing it. The large wolf fell over, dead and the smaller ones panicked. Lucifer walked over to the wolf and placed his hand on it.

"Gluttony," Lucifer called out.

The darkness swallowed the corpse and dissolved it, adding its strength to Lucifer's. He gained new skills such as 「Thought Transmission 」,「 Menace 」 and「Iron Claw」. He also received a boost in power as well. After absorbing the wolves he slightly opened his eyes and activated the 「Menace 」skill. The wolves started to panic as they looked at him, through their eyes they were only seeing a large black dragon glaring at them intensely. The wolves whined like dogs and ran in the opposite direction. Lucifer closed his eyes and continued on his journey. As he traveled he found crystals in the walls of the cave.

'Crystals, Might come in handy when selling them.'

He stopped and gathered some crystal. Suddenly, a purple saliva fell on the ground and melted the ground. Lucifer quickly jumped away then looks up and an invisible creature that lays on a rock suddenly becomes visible. It was a lizard the size of the monster alligator Lucifer encountered before. It has white skin, yellow eyes and six legs. The eyes of the lizard glowed red and Lucifer's left arm turned to stone.

'Petrification! This creature is a Basilisk!' he thought to himself as he shuddered.

Lucifer clad his right hand in darkness and chopped off his left arm before the Petrification sped too far. The darkness leaked out of his body like blood and moments later his arm grew back.

"You're going to pay for that," he shouted in anger.

Lucifer pointed his twin pistol at the basilisk and shot off all six legs. The basilisk screamed in pain and fell on its belly then spewed out poison at Lucifer. He leaped over the poison that melted the ground and landed on the head of the basilisk crushing it's head against the ground.

「Poison Manipulation 」,「Poison Resistance 」,「Petrification 」,「Petrification Resistance 」and 「Camouflage 」.

These were the skills he gained absorbing the Basilisk. Lucifer continued on his journey defeating every monster that crossed his path and gained a lot of new skills and resistance. He encountered a large centipede and after defeating it gained the skill「Acid Resistance 」and「Corrosive Resistance 」. He encountered a nest of crows and saw them as chicken that he killed and ate. After he killed and ate them he gained the skill 「Dark Flock 」. A flock of black crows with lime green eyes appeared out of his shadow.

'Dark Flock.'

Lucifer raised hand and a crow perched on his finger. With his eyes closed he became surprised as found that he was looking at himself through the eyes of his crow.

'「Link Sense 」With this skill I can see what they see. What else can it do?' he wondered.

Giving them a telepathic command they returned to his shadow and stayed there.

He encountered a large black widow spider and after defeating it and all of its children gained the skill 「 Thread Weaver 」. With this skill combined with his darkness it became 「Black Thread Weaver 」 the thread became jet black and he was able to repair the left sleeve on his jacket.

He also learned to use the power of his curse mark as it doubles his strength whenever he uses it. He also learned that his powers only increase by a small amount when he absorbs something weaker than him. Lucifer sat by the fire and looked at the flame. In the flame he started to see flashbacks of his betrayal in the fire.

'I don't care about that anymore, all I want is to go back to my world as soon as possible and anyone who stands in my way —' He declared as points his gun at the fire.

"I'll kill them," he stated maliciously. After getting a good sleep, Lucifer continued on his journey. He continued to defeat monsters after monsters and became stronger until he found himself in a dilemma.

"The more I kill, the more they keep coming," he murmured.

He found himself in a giant red ant nest and each one he killed another appeared. The worst part is that their exoskeleton was tough so it took him at least two bullets to kill one.

"I've had enough!" he shouted as he was agitated.

Lucifer clad his hand in black flame and with a single wave of his hand he incinerated all of them. He stood on his board and took off into one of the holes in the nest.

'Let's find the Queen'

Like a professional snowboarder Lucifer maneuvered around dodging ants and rocks until he sensed a powerful presence ahead. Blocking his path are the soldier ants guarding the path.

"Don't stand in my way!" he shouted.

He blasted them with black flames and continued on his journey until he came to a chamber filled with eggs. Lucifer parked his glider on an open spot in the center of them. He looked up at the 100ft tall red ant Queen that screeched loudly at him.

"So you're the queen huh?" he asked, then he moved on to a disrespectful tone. "Not very impressed "

Lucifer started to fire at the face of the queen but the bullets were deflected. She attacked him with her long legs and spewed acid at him. Lucifer easily dodged and fired shots at the queen's eyes. The queen screeched as the impact of the bullets forced it backwards.

'That Exoskeleton is strong enough to block my bullets and her eyes are the same. She's well defended...If that's the case then time to switch tactics,' he thought to himself.

He put away his guns and vanished. The Queen ant looked around for him until she was kicked under her chin and forced her to fall on her back. As she tried to return to her feet, Lucifer was standing on top of the queen and prevented her from getting to her feet.

"The strong devour the weak, I'll devour you," he stated his intentions.

The curse mark on his forehead appeared and with his physical strength he crushed the body of the queen ant and caused it to explode, spilling its dark-green liquid all over the wall and its egg.

The curse mark vanished and Lucifer turned to the ants that were spiraling out of control. He took up his guns and started to kill all of the ants.


Moments later he walked out of the nest filled with dead ant. he gained a new skill and also a power up as well. He continued to travel on his journey for what seemed like a month until he finally sensed that he was getting closer to the surface. With his eyes closed he looked up at the ceiling.

"Almost there."
