
Saint-King Arthur

So, there is a rumor that Saint Arthfael/Saint Armel could have been the historical King Arthur.

Well, I don't have an answer, but I am going to write a story about this Saint-King Arthur, and his knights.

First, a little bit about Saint-King Arthfael, he is the wielder of The Chiusdino Sword, and his wizard's name is; Glyndon; she and Merlin actually trained under the same master.

Now, to the knights of Saint-King Arthfael;

Sir Rædwald.

Sir Elpenor, son of Sir Escanor the Large and Queen Boudica.

Sir Chevalier Futaine, a vampire-knight.

Sir-Lady Kayley.

Sir Ulfius.

Sir Airem.

Sir Cado.

Sir Jaidons.

Sir Kailet.

Sir Iaco.

Sir Nabins.

Sir Odiniaus the Fair.

Now, stay awhile and allow me to tell the stories.

The Demon T-rex

Sir Rædwald was examining the footprints of a colossal beast.

The knight has been tracking this beast for a while now.

Sir Rædwald first heard of the beast when he traveled to a town, which was rumored to have been attacked by a beast from hell itself.

When the knight arrived at the town, his heart sank, for the town, along with its people, were all mortally wounded.

Sir Rædwald swore then and there; that he would stop at nothing in order to kill this wicked creature.

Several days have gone by. The knight did not notice the passing of time, for he was too focused on his prey.

Sir Rædwald even ignored hunger and thirst.

Arriving at a valley, the knight found that the beast's footprints had stopped. It was as if the beast had turned into thin air.

As the wind flew past the knight, Sir Rædwald knew why he could not find any more footprints. The wind had made them disappear.

Was this a calculated move? Or a lucky accident?

The knight knew better, which is why he said;

" You are a smart one "

Behind the knight, stood the beast.

" The hunter has become the prey, " said the beast in a monsterous tone.

" You can talk too? " said Sir Rædwald, calmly, and with a smile; " if you can talk, then you must have a name? "

The beast paused for a moment; it then said;

" My name is Harpax "

" Good to meet you, Harpax. My name is Rædwald, and I am your executioner "

Harpax laughed.

" Turn around " said the beast.

The knight turned around, and he now noticed how Harpax looked a lot like a Odontotyrannos.

" Man, you are ugly " said the knight with a smile.

Harpax roared, as he now gave chase to Sir Rædwald.

The knight ran at superhuman speeds, while Harpax was right behind him.

Sadly, it seemed like the knight's luck had run out, as Sir Rædwald ran against a wall.

The knight had his back against the wall, he looked up, and that was when he smiled.

Sir Rædwald now gently tapped his foot against the wall.

" It is over " said Harpax.

" Indeed " said the knight with a smile, as a massive boulder fell down on the head of the beast; killing it instantly.

The Monstrous Lion

" Could you describe it again? " said Sir Elpenor.

The man paused, as he regained control over his fear.

" It was a lion… "

The man paused.

" It was bigger.. "

The man froze, as he remembered; "

" It had many legs. "

The man now took a deep breath.

" It was not of this world! "

Sir Elpenor smiled, as he said;

" A lion? "

The knight was now following the beast's tracks, which proved easy, when one considers all the destruction left behind by the fearsome creature.

Sir Elpenor had now reached an opening in the forest, where the tracks stopped.

" I know that you are there " said the knight with a smile.

It was at that moment that the knight heard the snapping of several twigs.

Out of the trees and bushes, the beast came forth, and what a beast it was.

Sir Elpenor did not know it, but he was about to clash with a Banth.

The beast charged at the knight.

Instead of ducking out of the way, Sir Elpenor stood his ground, and could now be seen wrestling with a version of the King of the Jungle.

Back-and-forth the knight and the beast went, neither fighter giving the other a chance to even breathe.

It was almost; high noon, and that was when the Banth bore its mighty fangs into Sir Elpenor's body.

The knight held the beast back, with all his might. That was when the high sun shone down on the knight.

Sir Elpenor smiled, as the Banth was horrified.

The reason for the beast's fear was the fact that Sir Elpenor was easily releasing the Banth's grip on him.

With the flick of his fingers, the knight sent the beast flying.

The Banth looked on in horror, as Sir Elpenor embodied both the sun and strength.

It was now all-or-nothing, as the Banth charged one last time.

I said; one last time for a good reason.

For while the sun was high in the sky, no beast or man was capable of beating the son of Escanor.

The White King Kong

The forest was in ruin, many were dead, and Sir Odiniaus the Fair was horrified.

A desperate and weary squire came running to the court of Saint-King Arthfael.

The bloody squire's tale horrified the King and his knights.

That being said, Sir Odiniaus insisted; to do this quest alone.

Before passing out, the poor squire told the knight where the attack had taken place. I have just described the scene which the knight found.

Sir Odiniaus now felt the very ground shake underneath his feet. The knight knew that it was the beast.

From behind the green, the knight noticed something white… with four arms… it was a White Ape of Barsoom.

The Ape charged at the knight, destroying everything in its path.

Sir Odiniaus knew that he could not out-run the beast, so he instead ducked between the massive creatures' legs.

While underneath the Ape, Sir Odiniaus gave the creature some wounds with his swords.

The White Ape was now more angry, which was evident, considering the more stuff it destroyed.

Things continued like-so, the Ape would charge, and the knight would duck; while leaving some wounds on the beast.

The White Ape now held Sir Odiniaus in its grip.

The poor knight could feel his whole body turning to dust.

Sir Odiniaus managed to free both an arm and a dagger. The knight now ran his dagger deep into the Ape's hand.

While the beast cried out in horror and pain, Sir Odiniaus jumped onto the Ape's massive hand, and with a mighty leap; Sir Odiniaus drove his sword deep into the head of the Ape.

With a thundering-boom, the White Ape fell to the ground; now dead.

Sir Odiniaus passed out from pain and exhaustion. The knight was later found and saved by his comrades.

It took some time, but thankfully, Sir Odiniaus the Fair made a full recovery.

The Goat

It was while Sir Iaco was enjoying the day and life, that he came across something queer.

It was only for a split second, but the knight saw; what looked like a satyr.

Sir Iaco ran after the queer creature, but, it was to no avail, the creature was gone.

It was now the next day, and Sir Iaco found himself at the same spot; hoping to see the creature again.

To the knight's surprise, and delight, he saw the creature once more.

With superhuman speed, the knight was able to catch the creature.

" Please don't hurt me! " exclaimed the satyr, with his arms around his head.

Sir Iaco could be heard letting out a laugh.

" I am not going to hurt you " said the knight.

The satyr slowly lowered his arms, he then said;

" Then… Why were you chasing me? "

The knight froze, as he could not think of a good answer.

" I… uhm… I was not chasing you… "

" But " said the satyr, as he eyed the knight; " you sure treat me as if I was your prey? "

Sir Iaco now realized what the satyr meant, for the knight had pinned the satyr down to the ground.

The knight now helped the satyr to his feet.

Sir Iaco now got a good look at the satyr.

" I have never laid eyes on a satyr before " said the knight, amazed.

But, to the knight's surprise; the satyr looked offended.

" What? " said Sir Iaco, confused.

" I am not a satyr "

Those words surprised the knight, for he could clearly see the characteristics of a satyr on the creature.

" I don't mean to offend, nor do I mean to assume… but, if you are not a satyr… then who are you? "

Proudly, the creature proclaimed;

" I am The Maryland Goatman! "

The knight and the goatman spend a lot of time together.

It was the goatman; who taught the knight how to play the flute, a skill which came in handy when Sir Iaco wanted to keep the court and men; merry and cheerful,

The bond between the knight and the goatman only grew stronger with time.

The two of them even fought alongside one another.

This team was later known as;

The Knight and the Goat.

The Jersey Dragon Devil

Now, this story does not take place in Jersey, but; in a forest; where the creature has been spotted.

Sir Ulfius has willingly taken up the task of ridding the world of this foul creature.

The locals were kind enough to tell the knight; where the beast had been spotted the most.

The locals do their best to keep the beast at bay, but; their tools and torches can only do so much; to scare away a creature like; The Jersey Dragon Devil.

Sir Ulfius now caught the scent of ash, and burning wood.

The knight cleared some trees and bushes, and that was when he saw it; The Jersey Dragon Devil, who was taking a nap, while a poor animal was being roasted on the fire.

It was not The Jersey Dragon Devil's appearance that horrified the knight. Instead, what shook Sir Ulfius to his core was the fact; that the animal being cooked was still very much alive…

The knight looked into the crying eyes of the animal, he then took out his bow and arrow.

Sir Ulfius aimed, he then fired, ending the poor animal's suffering.

But, as they say; " No good deed shall go unpunished "

The knight's kind act awoke The Jersey Dragon Devil, and it was staring directly at the knight; with its monstrous eyes.

Sir Ulfius ran deep into the forest, while the creature was following him.

The knight ducked, as The Jersey Dragon Devil shot out a pillar of fire.

The poor forest was now aflame.

Sir Ulfius now saw his opening.

The knight noticed a massive branch, which was slowly burning off its tree.

Sir Ulfius blinded The Jersey Dragon Devil with one of his arrows.

And here is another quote for you all;

" Choices made in anger cannot be undone! "

Blinded by pain and anger, the creature fully charged towards the knight.

That was when Sir Ulfius released one of his arrows, hitting the branch; further weakening it. Till finally, the massive branch fell on top of the Jersey Dragon Devil's head.

The knight noticed that the beast was still alive.

So, drawing forth his sword, Sir Ulfius was now the one to charge.

The Jersey Dragon Devil opened its mouth, and forth came another large pillar of fire, which the knight dodged; by ducking underneath the flames.

Sir Ulfius now ran his sword through the creature's head.

The knight had now put The Jersey Dragon Devil to rest.

The Monster(?)

Sir-Lady Kayley has heard the people talk of a monster; in appearance only.

This "monster" has actually been very helpful towards the people.

The creature has helped carry stuff, it has helped farm the land, and it has even helped in times of trouble.

Sir-Lady Kayley wished to meet this so-called; Helpful Monster, so the lady-knight made her way to the town where the creature lives.

Sir-Lady Kayley had now arrived at the town.

" Excuse me " said Sir-Lady Kayley; " but could you tell me where I can find the helpful monster? "

" It usually walks about near the sea at this time of day. I am pretty sure; that is where you will find it " said the man with a smile.

Sir-Lady Kayley thanked the man, and she now made her way to the sea.

Having arrived at the sea, the lady-knight noticed something weird.

" What the hell is that? " said Sir-Lady Kayley, as she noticed something washed ashore.

The lady-knight walked over to the queer creature, she did not recognize the creature's look, for it was certainly the first time she had laid eyes on such an odd animal.

Sir-Lady Kayley now heard a cry of horror.

A crying woman ran over and threw herself over the creature.

" Did you know this animal? " asked Sir-Lady Kayley.

With tears of horror and despair, the woman said;

" It was the friendly animal who helped out in our town "

Sir-Lady Kayley managed to track down the culprits.

The culprits were two men from a nearby town.

The people of this other town were envious and jealous of the creature who helped out in the neighboring town.

The people of the other town; all tried to make the helpful animal come and helped them out, but the animal refused.

So, it was decided; if they can't have the creature, then no one will.

Sir-Lady Kayley brought the men to justice.

And the helpful creature was forever known as;

The Montauk Monster.

The Vampire

The men felt jealous, the women felt like committing a sin, and all the people looked on in awe, as Sir Chevalier Futaine walked by.

To say that Sir Chevalier Futaine was handsome; was putting it mildly, and a bit insulting to the knight's inhuman beauty.

Inhuman being the keyword.

Sir Chevalier Futaine was a vampire; after all.

But, this vampire-knight was not as bloodthirsty as all the other bloodsuckers.

It took years, but the knight had enough of those. But eventually; after hard work and training; Sir Chevalier Futaine got his thirst and hunger under control.

These days, the vampire-knight would rather enjoy the taste of good wine, than that of human blood.

Sir Chevalier Futaine now noticed that a woman was fainting.

With inhuman speed, the knight caught the woman; before the ground did.

" Madam " said Sir Chevalier Futaine with a sexier voice than that of Alucard from Castlevania; " Madam, are you all right? "

As the woman's neck moved to the side, the knight knew what had happened. For the woman had vampiric bite marks on her neck.

Sir Chevalier Futaine left the woman with Glyndon, and he now went on a vampire hunt; which was a bit ironic. But then again; it takes a vampire, to take down a vampire.

The sun was gone, which meant that all the creatures of the night, like vampires, were out hunting.

Sir Chevalier Futaine jumped from branch to branch. He did not know who he was looking for. The knight only knew that he had to look.

In the split second that Sir Chevalier Futaine had jumped into the air. Someone from out of the darkness charged towards the knight with a clenched fist, and blood-red-eyes.

Sir Chevalier Futaine caught the fist. And with incredible force and strength; the knight punched the enemy vampire so hard; that a crater was made upon the enemy vampire's collision with the ground.

The enemy vampire laughed, as he coughed up his own blood.

" Traitor! " exclaimed the enemy vampire, as he glared at Sir Chevalier Futaine.

The knight gently, and elegantly, flew down in front of his lost brother.

" You have harmed an innocent person. And for that; justice must be served " said the knight, as he drew forth his ancient and beautiful sword.

The enemy vampire giggled.

" I have done more than harm - with a grin and a giggle, the enemy vampire said - I have turned her! "

Sir Chevalier Futaine narrowed his eyes, as he knew what the enemy vampire meant.

The knight now dealt the killing blow.

" How is she? " said the knight, as he had returned to the woman's side.

" She will live " said Glyndon; " but- "

Sir Chevalier Futaine raised his hand, for he had also noticed the changes.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, she now noticed the vampire-knight.

The woman held forth her shaking hand, and Sir Chevalier Futaine took hold of it.

" Please… I don't want to be a vampire… " uttered the woman with tears and sorrow.

The vampire-knight had an understanding smile on his face.

The knight now gave Glyndon a look, and the sorcerer understood.

Sir Chevalier Futaine was now alone with the woman.

" Thank you… " uttered the innocent creature with tears of joy.

The vampire-knight now ended her suffering.

The Howl(er)

For awhile now, when they heard that horrible howl… someone died.

Sir Kailet was dismounting his horse, he then walked into a bar; to gather information.

" So " said the knight, as he took a sip of his drink; " has any of you heard a howl, as of late? "

The bar fell silent, as everyone inside glared at the knight.

" We don't mention; The Howler, sir " said the barkeep.

" I am a knight. And as a knight, I would like to kill this beast " said Sir Kailet with a smile.

The barkeep did not look amused.

" See that fellow over there? " said the barkeep, as he nodded towards the man.

The knight turned around. At the end of the bar, sat an weary old man; who was just looking at his drink.

" What is with the old timer? " said Sir Kailet, as he took a sip of his own drink.

" Show some respect " said the barkeep, hotly; " the poor fellow lost his whole family to The Howler… "

The knight's face now grew pale and serious.

" I see " said the knight, as he finished his drink.

" May I sit? " asked Sir Kailet, as he stood in front of the old man's table.

The old man did not respond.

The knight now took a chair, and sat before the old man.

" Tell me where it is, so that I may avenge your lost "

The old man was now looking at the knight.

" Follow the howls… "

It was night, as Sir Kailet was following the strange howls; which all signified death.

The knight's horse reacted to something.

" Whoa, there " said Sir Kailet, in an attempt to calm his loyal steed.

But it was now that the knight noticed something from behind the bushes.

The creature appeared to be a mix between a panther, a bear, and a goat.

" Found you… " said Sir Kailet with a nervous-smile.

The Ozark Howler roared so fiercely; that the knight's steed ran away in fear, after having thrown Sir Kailet off.

The knight got back on his feet. And with a drawn sword; Sir Kailet was looking for his foe.

All was quiet now, not even the snapping of twigs could be heard.

The knight now saw it; two glowing eyes in the darkness.

As the glowing eyes got closer. Sir Kailet could feel the whole ground shaking.

The knight managed to dodge The Ozark Howler's attack. Sir Kailet even managed to leave a wound on the beast.

The creature vanished again, and once more; the knight was looking around.

This time.

The Ozark Howle now came out from hiding.

" A straight fight on?... I accept " said Sir Kailet, as he held the hilt of sword more thightly.

The knight and the beast; could both be heard letting out roars and howls.

Sir Kailet managed to get onto The Ozark Howle's back.

The knight now ran his two weapons through the earholes of The Ozark Howle.

With a large BOOM(!) the howler fell dead to the ground.

Sir Kailet had ensured that no one will ever get to hear the awful cry of the beast he slew.

The Beast and the Road

There exists a certain road, where people hear talk of a monster living there.

No one has seen this monster, and those who have; have not been seen again.

Sir Jaidons has set out to check up on these rumors.

The knight wished to do this task, so that the people may know peace. But, on the off chance; the knight would get to fight a beast.

Sir Jaidons had reached the dreaded road.

The road looked normal, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

But then again; most monstrous things; happen at night.

The knight camped out near the road.

The moon was full, there were no clouds or sound; only that of the wind passing by.

Sir Jaidons now heard the snapping of a twig.

As the knight looked into the forest, his gaze was met with two glowing eyes; it was The Beast of Bray Road.

The werewolf-like-creature charged straight towards the knight.

Sir Jaidons thankfully managed to draw forth his sword, so that he could block the beast's attack.

The knight and the beast now stood face-to-face.

The beast growled at the knight, as Sir Jaidons did not let his guard down; not even for a second.

The beast charged once more.

But to the beast's horror and surprise, Sir Jaidons was standing in front of the campfire.

The beast landed in the fire; face-first.

The creature howled in pain, as its eyes, nose and mouth all burned.

Sir Jaidons did the knightly thing, and put the suffering creature at rest.

The beast was buried; near the road, where it used to live.

The Frogman

" Sir… it was slimy… very slimy… so slimy..." said a man, who was attacked by the frogman.

Sir Nabins was keeping his distance, as did everyone in the bar. For the man telling the story; was not only slimy… but he was also very smelly.

" So " said the knight, as he tossed the man a drink; " where did you see it? "

The man told the knight where he was attacked. And Sir Nabins was on his way.

The knight had reached the swamp.

And to no one's surprise, the swamp was really smelly, and thick in nature.

Sir Nabins was walking through the dense waters.

A tongue now flew past the knight's face.

Sir Nabins pulled out his sword; expecting the frogman.

But it was just a normal frog; who "croaked".

The knight let out a faint sigh of relief, but it was at this very moment; that The Loveland Frogman stood behind the knight; letting out a big "croak".

" Crapbaskets… " uttered the knight.

Sir Nabins was now dragged into the waters, as the Frogman had its massive, and slimy, tongue around the knight's throat.

Sir Nabins struggled to get free, and to hold his breath.

The knight now stabbed the Frogman's tongue with his dagger.

Sir Nabins was now free, and he was now gasping for air.

The knight jumped onto land, as the Frogman jumped out of the water.

The Frogman "croaked" again.

" That is going to be your last 'croak' " said Sir Nabins with a smile, as he pulled out his sword.

The Frogman jumped into the air.

The knight looked on, as the Frogman was ninja-kick-diving.

" Bloody hell… " uttered the knight, amazed.

Sir Nabins jumped forward, he then beheaded the Frogman with a swiss-spin-move.

" I am going to have frog legs for dinner " said the knight with a smile, as he was covered in slim, swamp, and victory.

The Green Claws

Lately. There have been reports about people being attacked near a river.

Sir Airem has gone out to check up on these reports.

The knight talked with the people; who live near the river.

The people say; that the creature has green skin, and green claws.

The creature only appears when someone is alone. Or, in the dead of night.

Sir Airem stood near the river.

The water was clear, but the knight saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Sir Airem sat by his campfire, as it was now dark.

The knight looked into the fire, as the calm wind passed by.

Sir Airem could only hear the owls and the insects.

After a bit, everything fell quiet; like death.

The knight stood up. He looked around the forest, but he saw nothing.

That was until Sir Airem's gaze fell upon the river; where he noticed two glowing eyes; looking back at him.

The knight froze, for the glowing eyes were just staring at him. The creature did not even blink.

Sir Airem gathered up his courage.

He now took hold of his bow, and that was when the creature narrowed its glowing eyes.

The knight now took out an arrow, and that was when the creature glared at the knight.

While still keeping eye contact with the creature, Sir Airem fired an arrow upon the creature.

The arrow seems to have hit its mark, for the two glowing eyes were both gone.

The knight could be heard letting out a breath of relief.

That was till he saw the waters of the river; move.

The Green Clawed Beast jumped out of the river, and it now started to attack the knight.

Sir Airem blocked the creature's attacks, but The Green Clawed Beast did manage to get some hits in on the knight.

Sir Airem knew that he had to finish this.

The knight now kicked up the fire and ash of his campfire; straight towards the face of The Green Clawed Beast.

The beast quickly recovered, but, when the beast could see again; Sir Airem was nowhere to be seen.

The Green Clawed Beast looked around for a bit. The beast now decided to return to its river.

As The Green Clawed Beast stood over the waters, it noticed something in the river; it looked shiny.

Sir Airem now ran his sword through the beast's chest.

The knight had jumped into the river, when he had blinded the beast.

And the shiny part; it came from the full moon; shining down on the knight's sword.

The Green Clawed Beast fell to the ground; dead.

Sir Airem returned home, knowing that the people would never see the color green near that river; again.

Sir Chevalier Futaine's Cat

Sir Cado promised his friend, and fellow knight, that he would help him get his cat back.

Sir Cado now walked around, he then rode around, looking for the cat of the vampire-knight.

Sir Cado reached a farm, where the farmer told the knight; that some of his livestock had weird marks on them.

The knight saw the marks, and he immediately knew; who had made them.

Sir Cado now followed the tracks of his prey.

The knight walked further into the forest, till he reached a spot; where the light of the sun could not reach.

" You are Futaine's cat; after all… " said the knight with a smile.

Sir Cado now noticed something moving behind the bushes.

" Pspspspsp " whispered the knight.

From out of the bushes, walked forth; Sir Chevalier Futaine's cat; The Vampire Beast of Bladenboro.

The beast glared at the knight.

" Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur… "

The beast roared.

" Okay. That did not work… " said Sir Cado with a nervous smile; " How about; smelly cat, smelly cat- "

The beast now charged straight at the knight.

" Pspspsn't! pspspsn't! " yelled the knight, as he was being chased by the Vampire Beast.

Sir Cado now remembered his secret weapon.

The knight reached into his pocket, he now pulled out some catnip; which had blood inside.

Sir Cado threw the catnip on the ground.

The beast stopped, as it could now be seen smelling the catnip.

Sir Cado stood still, as the Vampire Beast was walking around his body.

The beast was purring while rubbing its head against the knight's body.

" Good kitty… "

The Saint and the Dragon Part 1

Saint-King Arthfael and Glyndon were both taking a walk together.

Glyndon had cast a spell which changed the King's appearance.

The King and the mage enjoyed some time together, while enjoying walking through the kingdom.

" It has been a long time since we were last on a walk like this, " said Saint-King Arthfael.

" If I remember correctly; you were but a child last time " said Glyndon with a smile.

The King was now looking straight at Glyndon.

" What is it? "

" You have not aged a day, " said the King with a smile.

Glyndon giggled.

" You forget, your majesty, I am not human. I may look human, but as we both know; I am not one of your kind "

Arthfael giggled.

" That may be. But, one thing is for certain "

" What? "

" You are my dear friend, " said Arthfael with a smile.

Glyndon did not know why, but for some reason; her cheeks turned red.

" Hey there beautiful! " exclaimed a drunk man, as he made his way towards Glyndon.


Calling Glyndon beautiful; is a bit insulting; when one considers her inhuman beauty.

Glyndon glared at the man, and she was about to cast a spell. That was when Arthfael stepped in between them.

" Good sir " said the King, as he put his hand on the drunk man's shoulder; " the next round is on me "

Arthfael now gave the man some money.

" Oh, bless be our King! " exclaimed the man, as he did not know; that he was standing right in front of the King.

The drunk man now walked straight into the nearest bar.

" It looked like; you were about to kill the poor fellow " said Arthfael, as he turned to Glyndon.

" He was too noisy, " said Glyndon with a glare.

" He was not hurting anyone, " said Arthfael with a smile.

Glyndon scoffed.

The King giggled.

Arthfael now noticed the beautiful glow of Glyndon's platinum hair, and her ruby eyes.

" What is it? " said Glyndon with a smile, as she noticed the king's gaze.

" I was just thinking; you really don't like humans "

Glyndon paused. She then said;

" I like you "

Arthfael's cheeks now turned red.

The two old friends now walked side-by-side, together; since the beginning.

The Saint and the Dragon Part 2

As Arthfael and Glyndon were walking, they noticed a worried nun.

" What ails you, sister? " the King asked.

" It is horrible, sir. A beast has been terrorizing the countryside "

Arthfael and Glyndon looked at one another.

" What is your name? " asked Arthfael.

" Martha, sir "

" Martha " said Arthfael with a smile; " please do not worry. Me and my dear companion shall both deal with this beast "

Tears of joy ran down Martha's cheeks.

" Thank you both. And may God aid and protect you both "

It was actually easy for Arthfael and Glyndon to find the beast. All they had to do was follow all the earthquakes.

The King and the mage had both reached the spot where the creature was rampaging.

" Tarasque… " uttered Glyndon.

" Do you know this creature? " said Arthfael.

" Not personally " said Glyndon with a smile; " but I have always wanted to fight it "

Glyndon now looked towards Arthfael.

" And getting to fight alongside you… is surely a bonus, your majesty "

Arthfael smiled.

Glyndon now shot a spell at Tarasque.

The beast now turned its fearsome gaze towards Arthfael and Glyndon.

The King drew forth his sword, as Glyndon prepared her spells.

The two of them now bumped fists, and that was when the battle began.

I will not dull you guys with the details, but. It should come as no surprise; that the King and the mage both won.

The battle strengthened the already strong bond between Arthfael and Glyndon.

And when the two of them returned home; things got hot and steamy… if you catch my meaning.
