
Future problems

Breathing heavily, Fenrir gritted his teeth and gripped tightly on Yuuki's horns, causing the woman's eyes to sparkle at the idea of experiencing something new.

As if to goad Fenrir, Yuuki pulled Fenrir's entire penis into her throat in one sharp motion, as her tongue uncurled and before Fenrir could take a breath, she felt the tongue wrap itself completely around his testicles.

"Hisss~" hissing at the strange sensation, Fenrir licked his lips and being completely lost in lust, he tightened his grip on Yuuki's horns and began to force her to increase speed.

Almost rolling her eyes at such raw pleasure, Yuuki gasped as her naked crotch dropped a large amount of fluids, fluids that curiously had even more pheromones than her purple breath.


"Grrr~" Growling softly, Fenrir increased speed and gritted his teeth, so that after a few seconds, he let out a large amount of fluids into Yuuki's throat.

With sweat running down his face, Fenrir could no longer bear the weight of his own legs and withdrew from Yuuki's mouth, only to fall towards the ground and lay down wearily.

For the first time since Fenrir has a new body, he felt completely exhausted and ironically it was not from a fight, but from a heavenly blowjob.

Licking her lips as the heart glow in her eyes grew, Yuuki looked at the still erect member full of fluidz and leaned into it, then stuck out her long tongue and began to lick every inch.

"Delicious~!" Bringing her finger to a trickle of cum on her chin, Yuuki swallowed it with delight and embraced her own body with an ecstatic shudder.

With predatory eyes, Yuuki licked her lips and quickly turned her gaze towards Fenrir "Now we move on to the main course~!"

"*Gulp*" Feeling a sudden shiver down his back, Fenrir swallowed saliva and looked at the seductive woman crawling towards him, while her large breasts swayed back and forth and instantly hypnotized him.

"Hehe~" Giggling softly, Yuuki sat on Fenrir's legs and leaned over his chest, then grabbed his head and sensually whispered in his ear "Leave everything to me, I'll make sure to take you to heaven~"

"Yuuki-" Sensing that something was wrong with this whole situation, Fenrir murmured, only to be interrupted.

"Shhhh~" Covering Fenrir's mouth with her finger, Yuuki gently bit his ear and whispered "Just enjoy everything, no need to hesitate~"

Not wanting to wait any longer, Yuuki licked her lips and lowered her hand, then took Fenrir's member and guided it into her tight little hole.

Accommodating it smoothly, Yuuki who was never a fan of softness, pulled down hard with a tug, causing her eyes to widen sharply as a choked moan came out of her mouth "Hmmnf~"

Lowering his gaze with misty eyes, Fenrir looked at the purple blood dripping onto his puvis and looked at Yuuki quizzically.

"You just took my second virginity~" Feeling no pain at all, Yuuki heatedly licked Fenrir's cheek and stared into his eyes, then moved to his lips and kissed him greedily.

With their tongues fully connected, Yuuki didn't wait any longer and devoted all her concentration on his crotch, causing Fenrir's eyes to open wide as his sockets almost rolled back into his skull.

The pleasure went from 1 to 100 in a moment, taking the young wolf by complete surprise.

Although sex is nothing new to Fenrir, the pleasure right now is such that all his reasoning and mental strength went down the drain and he became completely inert before the terrifying abyss of pleasure.

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*.

"Mmmmnh~" But as if not noticing this, Yuuki clung to Fenrir's neck and started to move her hips aggressively, causing loud wet slapping sounds in the atmosphere.

Yuuki's insides are simply heavenly. Fenrir was completely enveloped in strange folds that seem to have a life of their own, wrapping tightly around his member and sucking it gently inward. Even when Yuuki jerks her hips, Fenrir is forced to lift his hips slightly at the tight grip on the woman's hole, while the pleasure in his glans becomes more and more overwhelming by a strange caress from the inside.

It's all so irrational and illogical, no doubt any human being who has tried this before would automatically become addicted and at the same time a being without any reasoning whatsoever, without any difficulty turning a human brain into mush.

"Kya~" Crying out sweetly at Fenrir's sudden movement, Yuuki suddenly found herself sprawled on the ground as the young wolf glared at her with fierce eyes, causing the woman's pink hole to release a large amount of fluids.

Completely losing his reasoning and only having his sexual instinct at work, Fenrir tightened his grip on Yuuki's hips and began to thrust deeply, while his hips worked at full power so that he could pull back and thrust again.

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

"Fuck~" Moaning with a face full of ecstasy, Yuuki buried her sharp nails into Fenrir's back, while her breasts trembled heavily at each fierce thrust.

What was once Yuuki's total dominance was completely blocked in the face of Fenrir's fierce counterattack, and while this might be painful for many women and even frightening, Yuuki always love rough and raw sex, something that right now is taking her to cloud nine as her whole body heats up with lust.

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

Gritting his teeth, Fenrir didn't even try to hold back and let out the biggest load of cum of his life, but as if he didn't even notice, his movement never let up and he continued to penetrate the woman beneath him hard.

Minutes passed and the minutes turned into hours.

In this time neither of them was exhausted and at no time did the movements cease.

They did not change position, they did not take breaks, and the moaning never stopped.

The number of times Fenrir stuffed Yuuki is practically uncountable, while the number of times Yuuki climaxed is not much different.

The couple lost themselves completely in the abyss of lust, while Fenrir lost himself completely for the first time to a pleasure that made him tremble.

The night passed, and the sun rose, marking the end of this crazy and intense pleasure.

But although it was undoubtedly the best night of pleasure for Fenrir, he did not even realize that at least 100 years of his life were sucked by the beautiful succubus in his arms, something that she herself did not know at all.

Breathing heavily while her entire body is covered in sweat, Yuuki brought her hand to her chest and giggled foolishly, then turned to the man beside her and hugged him lovingly.

"You were amazing~" Resting her head on Fenrir's chest, Yuuki with a totally satisfied face, gently caressed the young man's muscles and continued "Did you have fun?"

"*Sigh*" Already having calmed his breathing, Fenrir yawned wearily and murmured softly "Yes..."

Biting her lips, Yuuki looked up at Fenrir's exhausted face and moved closer to his face, then gently kissed his lips and looked directly into his eyes "I know I'm not a woman to express her feelings, but right now I feel a great need to do so... you made me who I am and gave me the chance to be reborn... you took care of me in my most difficult moments, you gave me a home for the first time in my life..."

With a sad and somewhat uncomfortable look, Yuuki continued rambling "I know I'm not the typical delicate and tender woman that everyone loves... I'm rude, I'm not good at cooking and I also know I'd be a disaster being a housewife... I like to get drunk and have fun... I know perfectly well that I'm the furthest thing from the ideal girl a man would want."

"But..." Smiling slightly, Yuuki gently caressed Fenrir's face and continued "You didn't care about any of that... you accepted me for who I am from day one and even though I know it's simply because of your naivety, it doesn't take away from the fact that it makes me feel happy... we've only known each other for a few months, but in this short time I've felt more happiness than in my entire life and it's all thanks to you."

"..." With a few seconds of silence, Yuuki continued "A while ago I heard Saeko drunkenly talking about something interesting... she talked about how useless she is as your sword having taken advantage of you.... she repeated over and over that you should punish her and that she would agree if you tell her to pay for her sins... but you know what?"

"I don't regret it" With a sudden obsession in her gaze, Yuuki whispered "I would do it again a thousand times if necessary to get back this thing we have now, and even though it sounds horrible to say it out loud, it's nothing but my sincere thoughts."

"Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you~?" With a strange gleam in her eyes, Yuuki slowly approached towards Fenrir's face and whispered "I don't care what I have to do, I'll make sure this doesn't end no matter what~"

"I already marked you with my scent, so even if at some point you try to escape, I'll end up finding you~" Slowly licking Fenrir's cheek, Yuuki approached Fenrir's ear and gently bit it, then whispered seductively "But don't worry, I'll make sure to remind you every day and every night why you shouldn't escape~"

Although sucubbus are a breed known as lustful existences, there is another trait that many are aware of that is a big problem for many, their insane obsession with every mate they choose.

Many may find it satisfying to have a beautiful woman obsessed with you, but when that beautiful woman sucks the life out of you with just one kiss, it becomes a catastrophe for anyone.

That is why it is said that in existence there is no worse luck than attracting a succubus, because with her charms working, it is extremely difficult to resist your desires, and as soon as you seduce your desires, your death is almost inevitable.

In a way this is extremely cruel to these women.

For even if they don't want to, sooner or later they will end up killing the people they fell in love with, causing many of them to end up committing suicide because they can't stand that kind of hardship.

And thanks to this situation, it is that, among the great succubus populations, they are taught from an early age that couples only serve to extract vital force and nothing more, having love and sentimental relationships as something insignificant and stupid.

But although succubi are dangerous, for a race that eats the vitality of everything in existence, this is nothing more than a walk in the park as long as Fenrir eats what is necessary.

"The pack is not abandoned..." Not understanding the murky in Yuuki's words, Fenrir nodded softly and replied.

For Fenrir everything he heard was perfectly fine, not even understanding the obsessive and dangerous love that just manifested in front of him.

No, for Fenrir everything that happened could not be more gratifying.

Someone from his pack told him that she would never leave his pack and that she is happy with him.

Is there anything more rewarding for our naive wolf?

Smiling slightly, Yuuki quickly kissed Fenrir's lips and lay down on his chest, then closed his eyes and rested peacefully.

[A/N: Although I superficially edited this chapter, I didn't like the way it developed. . Although I find that it is not very well developed, the important thing that I wanted to show is easily seen. To give a focus to the changes of personalities

At the moment we have already advanced a lot in the advanced chapters and the next chapters we will see the new world with new characters introduced. ]


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos
