
The Adventure of Rorik

Our main character Rorik goes on an adventure to become stronger and to achieve his goal on becoming a powerful mage

Master_yamagii · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Sudden


500 years ago, the Anglian Empire wage war against the world to enslave the woman and children, and to force men into labor. The Anglian are powerful elf who seeked to rule the world and treaten the end of humanity if they resisted. These cruel actions were stop apon the great hero rose and faught against the Anglians with his party, through his act of bravery he inspired the world to fight for freedom, thus starting the 'War for Freedom'.

During the war countless lives were lost on both side prompting the hero and his party to cast a spell so powerful that he and his party sealed off the Anglians with the cost of their lives. This act of bravery is forever remember to this day

*500 years later*

Chapter 1

In the peaceful city of souford. We find Rorik the son of Rufa the farmer. A young Rorik lives outside of the city walls with a small farm. Roriks family own a small veggie store inside the city where they sell there crops from their farm.

In early morning Roriks wakes up and starts training with a sword outside the house working on his slashing and stabs. Few minutes later his friend Agnus arrived.

"Rorik, I need to tell you something" Agnus yelled while running towards Rorik.

Roriks eyes widen when he saw Agnus's head is bleeding and three other boys chasing him. Agnus swiftly hides behind Rorik trembling in fear as the three other boys starts trowing rocks towards them, but Rorik easily deflects it and starts beating the boys. The three boys ran away after getting a beating, although Rorik wonders what Agnus could have done.

"What did you do?" He asked

"I dont know they just started chasing me and start trowing rocks" Agnus replied

The door of the house open with a loud BANG, Rufa came rushing towards the duo and brought the injured Agnus inside. As they enter Agnus consciousness, Rufa lay Agnus in the table and starts doing healing magic, Rorik was astonish a he see's magic for the first time for magic is impossible in this world or so they say. Moments later Agnus woke up like nothing happened and was asked by Roriks father what happened.

"I-i-i don't know they just started chasing me" Agnus said

The father told the boys to go to Roriks room and the boys obliged for its not safe for now. Rufa will be delivering goods to the city the kids requested roasted chicken for lunch.

Moments later the kid duo are sitting down outside Roriks balcony discussing what they want to be in the future, Agnus playfully mocking Roriks on ambition to become a hero and Rorik reminded him who saved him just now and the mood change almost as fastest as your girlfriend and Agnus said with a straight face:

"You should quit being a hero" Agnus said.

"Ehh" he muffled.

"What i mean i dont want to lose a brother your the only one i have left i call family" Agnus clarified.

Rorik shocked and touch he said in a enthusiastic manner he said;

"It's fine I will never die and leave you"

*Clearly hiding his emotion*

Seconds after he replied to Agnus a sudden explosion erupted *BOOM* both were knocked back by the shockwave of the explosion, confuse and in disarray both of them see the city in a huge ball of fire and the huge walls fell. Both went downstairs, both stop at the stairs seeing his mother (Yelena) yelling to the both of them to there room and hide, then the door open with a huge man with horns with glowing red eyes holding an axe. The monster struck his mother, Rorik yelled "watch out" but it was too late. His mother was mercilessly struck in her stomach, Roriks eyes widen in shock and disbelief. The monster saw the duo and starts chasing the two, the duo ran upstairs as fast as they could and locked them selves in his parents room.

The monster bangs the door violently and starts destroying the door. Inside the room Agnus noticed Rorik speechless and in disbelief after witnessing his mothers death, the door opened and the monster swang his axe towards Rorik. Rorik scream on top of his lungs, then a blueish aura is emitted in his (Rorik ) body and a sudden explosion erupted.


The monster died from the sudden explosion and Agnus was blasted towards the window, but coincidentally landed on hay, he (Agnus) rushes back to Roriks room and see him unconscious on the floor. He tried to wake him up but somehow he is very exhausted, Agnus carry him in his back outside and guards arrived and try to assist. With all the sudden chaos Agnus wondered and who and what attacked them.