

"The ghost exists " said dubey , watching all 4 of us, aakash ,deepak ,nikhil and abhinav (me )  laughing,as we listened to a couple of elders walking in our college ground discussing about ghosts . We were actually sitting in our college ground around 6:30 pm . We didn't stop laughing even after listening to Dubey , instead his statement maked us laugh harder . " I am serious guys, can you see that old house behind those trees" said he . We replied to him in affirmative . "That house is haunted, about 10 years ago 7 people died in that house at  night trying to perform a procedure to praise the demons " dubey said with even more irritated, Aakash asked -"no matter how hard you try to fool us dubey , we will not believe in you ",dubey said angrily -" believe me guys ,i am telling all of you the truth , that night in the house , 11 people tried to perform a large ceremony to summon demons ,those people were praising demons and the demon asked for their soul as a sacrifice to him and those people killed themselves attempting suicide  ,but somehow 4 member of the family survived the event ,as the neighbours comes to know about their plan and happens to save 4 innocent childrens by  calling  the police ".

"Why are you trying to make us a fool dubey, your story  sounds similar to the burari murder mystery case that happened in Delhi last year , in which all the 11 members of the family attempted suicide ,but the case was never solved , nobody could confirm whether it was a mass murder or a mass suicide,even after whole year of investigation the police was not able to solve the case ,and the file was closed unsolved and mystery never unfolded " said deepak .

"You cannot fool us dubey by telling us any telling us your one of the  maked up story ,we have followed the burari case closely , do you really think that we would believe in you??"-said aakash laughing on dubey .

"Believe me guys ,those people were also trying to summon the demons for rewards with the same procedure , they all attempted suicide as a sacrifice to the demon and the procedure was completed and all of them died " said dubey , the laughter has changed into a serious atmosphere , Dubey continued -"however the family living over that house had tried the procedure earlier however they failed,and the procedure remains incomplete  ,it is said that ,if 4 people goes in that house and recites Gayatri Mantra in opposite direction for 7 times  ,will summon the demon  the process will start again and the four peoples will be forced to attempt suicide as a sacrifice to the demon , so the process could be completed " , there was a tension in the atmosphere .

Deepak lightened the moment by a laugh and saif  -"Dubey you are a completely mad, how can  you believe in these things  ", i too agree with deepak ,how  could dubey believes in such things ,i have always considered him to be a modern thinker and as , we are  studying in a medical College  , for us , the only truth  is  science and science does not justifies ods  or demons or ghosts or souls etc. We only believes in what we see and experiences and not on any age old story to generate unnecessary beliefs and fear in our minds , believing in such fears and stories will be a disrespect to our career ,our true religion . But still i could see clearly on the nikhil's face that Dubey has been successful in planting the fear in his mind , and he will not be able sleep property tonight and would probably have dreams with ghosts in them. Deepak could also saw the fear on Nikhil face , that's why probably he asked Dubey - "yaar dubey , i Don't believe in any thing you says ,you are saying all rubbish things , do you even have any proof ??" Dubey replied nodding his head ,"yes , i can proof this to you guys, if all of us goes into that house and at stands at the same spot  at which those people performed the ritual ,  and says that  in Mantra in reverse for 4 times ,we could start the process again and then you could see that for  yourself , whether i am telling a  truth or a lie" , everybody laughed and agreed to dubey ,but nikhil was still afraid of the idea .

Entering the house Deepak  asked me to record all the events on camera ,so that we could have a proof of Dubey's foolishness and can later use it to blackmail or make fun of Dubey , and i started recordings everything on my phone ,Then we entered the house leaded by Dubey first ,then me holding my phone making the video, followed by Aakash ,deepak and nikhil at the last  inside the house there was complete darkness , so we started our flashlight from phone , inside the  house, grass has grown longer even breaking the floor , the walls have been broken ,it felt like nobody has dared to entered the house since the incident. The house want not only in darkness , but had a very negative vibe to it , we walked slowly taking each step carefully as the floor was covered with broken pieces of tiles and glasses .we first entered the drawing room ,there was nothing too special about the room , it would have been a pretty normal room but just broken now, seeing the room nobody would believe that a family living in this room could ever do such an act , if what dubey says is true  .

Then we entered the Kitchen ,it was pretty large compared to the size of the house i thought but moving out flashlight around and then to the wall ,all of us sawed a large symbol  ,  a symbol with a negative energy coming out of it just like a portal to hell ,it was a simple but painful symbol it was having a small circle in the centre and  had   11 spokes arising from the circle , out of the 11 spokes 7 of the spokes had a circle while the other 4 have triangles , Dubey explained "these kind of processes usually takes place in the kitchen ,the symbol you can see on the wall is a portal to hell" i thought how could i be correct about it , Dubey continued ," the  no.  of spokes represents the no. of people to be involved in the process and the circles represents no. of dead peoples whereas no. of triangles represents no. of people still left alive waiting to be  dead  ,so that the process can be completed and the demon can come and reward them finally ".

I don't know about others but i feared not the ghost or the demon or whatsoever ,i actually feare dubey the most in that moment , there was something about him which doesn't felt right to me . how does he knows so much about these things . Then Dubey asked "do you guys still wants to continue the procedure ,now as you have seen the symbol of death by your own eyes ,do you really want to  do  this , it can cost us our lifes. "

There was a moment of silence ,it was like everyone was afraid of Dubey even me also ,but somehow Aakash gathered courage  and said-"i still don't believe in any of your this story , and i will still say that foolish matra of yours to prove you wrong ," seeing the courage of Aakash , everyone else agreed too.but i hesitated , and finally i said -"i will not say the Mantra , i think there should be someone who can save you if anything wrong really happens to you guys as what dubey is saying might come true " , everyone agreed to the plan , Dubey said " ok then , we will have to form a circle in front of the symbol ,we will have to turn off our flashlights then i will say the matra and  you will repeat it after me " aakash , Nikhil and deepak formed a circle along with dubey as he said , we turned off our flashlights and there was complete darkness in the room. The only source of light was a broken window though ehich moonlight entered the kitchen

Then Dubey started with  saying the mantra -

"Prachodayāt Yonaḥ Dhiyo

Dhīmahi Devasya Bhargo

Vareñyaṃ Tat-savitur

Swaḥ Bhuvaḥ Bhur Om"

After Dubey had said the mantra , aakash ,nikhil and deepak also said the mantra. And ended with saying -"shaitan ki jai ho " , i remained quiet during the whole event just recording each and everything with my camera , But nothing happened in the moment , Aakash laughed at Dubey and said  - "i told you dubey you can't make us fool by doing all this nonsense, we never believed in you , how can reciting a foolish Mantra can bring demon in front of you ,if he evlen existed " . Dubey said defending himself -"guys believe me this will work, i don't know why it is taking so long to happen ,but it will definitely work ".

Then suddenly  a sound of someone falling on to the ground came due to the tiles ,it was nikhil ,he had collapsed on there ,aakash and deepak moved to help nikhil , than suddenly Dubey also falled on the ground , somehow nikhil gains some of the consciousness  and started saying  that he saw someone standing   outside the  window ,I moved the camera towards the window ,but there was no one ,i told them that no one is standing there ,  but still nikhil  continued to utter words that we were unable to decipher , aakash also helped  Dubey to wake up  he started screaming like as he saw a really bad dreams , his eyes were shinning ,he saying something like nobody will live , everyone will die but then he screamed even louder .

watching them in pain i stopped recording and helped aakash and deepak as they were also terrified  and were unable to think , gathering our whole energy we took Dubey and nikhil to the hostel trying with our whole efforts  to run as fast as Possible from the house , the usual 5 min walk seemed to be the most longest and toughest Marathon we have ever ran .

But somehow we reached the hostels but as we entered the hostel ....