
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · アクション
75 Chs

Schemes Beneath the Surface

Nestled in the remote northern expanse of Denus, amidst an icy and barren terrain, there stands a solitary edifice—an unassuming small shed.

A single figure approached the shed, followed closely by two more that appeared from behind. Despite the cold, all three individuals proceeded towards the shed with apparent composure.

Upon reaching the shed, they entered, revealing a fireplace ablaze, casting a warm ambiance throughout the room.Upon reaching the shed, they entered to find a fireplace ablaze, casting a comforting warmth that transformed the atmosphere within.

Surveying their surroundings, the individuals cautiously examined the area before advancing toward the fireplace. With a deliberate action, one of the men applied pressure to a discreet brick, seamlessly integrated into the fireplace's exterior. In response, the fireplace silently shifted, exposing a set of metallic double doors, concealed until that moment.

As the doors parted, revealing an unexpected elevator beyond, the group found themselves facing a compact transport system with just two levels – the current one they occupied, labeled as level one, and another, cryptically marked as level zero. Swiftly deciding, the men selected the zero level, prompting the elevator doors to snap shut with efficient precision.

The descent commenced, and the elevator plunged at an astonishing velocity. Despite the rapid speed, the group maintained an unaffected composure, standing steadily as if unaffected by the dynamic descent. The surreal experience unfolded seamlessly, leaving the men unfazed in the face of the elevator's rapid descent.

As the elevator came to a halt, the doors gracefully slid open, unveiling an intricate secret society enclave concealed within the icy depths. Clad in obsidian armor, vigilant guards patrolled the area with disciplined precision, exuding an air of formidable protection. Meanwhile, individuals adorned in pristine white attire, assumedly scientists, moved purposefully amidst advanced technological apparatus, engrossed in their research and experiments.

The dichotomy between the guardians in black armor and the scientists in white attire hinted at a symbiotic relationship, where security and intellectual pursuits coexisted within this clandestine frozen haven. The atmosphere exuded an aura of secrecy and purpose, as the group of men stepped into this enigmatic realm beneath the ice.

"Welcome! Dear friends of Lionnel, and, of course, the Golden Lion of Lionnel, Troy Hunter," a man in a distinguished ensemble of black and silver declared. His attire exuded an air of authority and sophistication, suggesting a prominent role within the concealed society. The combination of black and silver hinted at a position of influence or leadership, as he extended his welcome with a poised demeanor, addressing the group with a sense of both familiarity and respect.

"It has certainly been a while, Vados Darkonov" Troy said, as he uncovered his face by taking his hood off.

The man who bore the title of Golden Lion embodied the image associated with such a prestigious designation. His golden hair cascaded with a regal elegance, complementing piercing blue eyes that held an unmistakable charisma. A visage of undeniable handsomeness graced his features, and his physique was well-built, hinting at a combination of strength and grace. As the epitome of the Golden Lion, Troy Hunter's appearance exuded both power and a magnetic allure, leaving an indelible impression upon those in his presence.

"Now can we see the product?" Troy said a bit seriously.

Vados chuckled lightly before composing himself for the upcoming conversation.

"I assume that the Golden Dragon is doing good" Vados said, covering his mouth playfully.

In an instant, a fierce thunder aura materialized, bolts of lightning striking the ground as Troy's expression darkened in response to Vados' remark.

"My Sister is not the Golden Dragon yet, Alexandra will crumble beneath me sooner or later" Troy said.

"Relax, Troy Hunter, with the product I have you'll surpass Alexandra in no time" Vados said with a malevolent smile.

Troy visibly eased as his aura subsided, though irritation lingered at the mention of his sister's name.

In Lionnel's Continent, hierarchical titles are determined by individual strength. The apex of the hierarchy in Lionnel's Continent is the Golden Dragon, representing the pinnacle of strength and status. A title that everyone was aiming for.

Troy aspired to attain the esteemed title of the Golden Dragon, yet found himself in the runner-up position, overshadowed by his much more powerful sister. Fueled by an unyielding determination to surpass his current limitations, he became fixated on augmenting his strength through any available means, culminating in the present juncture.

Entering a windowless chamber, they found themselves encompassed by ice. At the room's core stood a pillar, radiating light from a luminous rock, evidently serving as the pillar's power source.

"Is this it?" Troy said as he admired the rock.

Vados emitted a subtle chuckle, akin to the discerning amusement one might express when witnessing the delight of a child on their birthday. "Yes, and this is just the start we are discovering new ways to harvest Mythic forcefully from beast and people. Then we purify it, making it even stronger" Vados said.

Troy reached out to retrieve the stone from the pillar when, unexpectedly, his hand was seized by Vados. The latter wore a perplexed expression, halting Troy's actions with a firm grip.

"You don't expect the product for free, right?" Vados said.

"I just wanted to examine the product, don't you think it is a little rude to prevent a well paying customer from seeing the product?" Troy said with an angered face.

"Forgive me, Mr. Hunter, but if you touch the stone, it would automatically fuse with your Mythic. Therefore, I cannot allow you to touch it until you fulfill the promised conditions," Vados explained, his grip loosening as he released Troy's hand.

In response to Vados's conditions, Troy discreetly signaled his bodyguard, who promptly handed over the promised item—a pendrive. With a fluid motion, the bodyguard placed the pendrive in Vados's waiting hand. Satisfied with the exchange, Vados nodded in acknowledgment, and Troy, now free to proceed, carefully grasped the stone.

As he touched it, a surge of Mythic energy coursed through his body, enhancing and fortifying his affinity. Troy's thunderous aura manifested, radiating the surplus Mythic energy coursing through his body. The atmosphere crackled with intensity as bolts of lightning descended from the heavens, striking the ground below. The sheer power of the energy created visible cracks on the earth, a testament to the formidable might now at Troy's command.

"Yes, with this, I will surpass Alexandra and become the Golden Dragon," Troy declared, his laughter echoing like a maniacal symphony, fueled by the newfound power coursing through him.

After a few moments, Troy, accompanied by his two vigilant bodyguards, departed from the secret society. Following their exit, a man dressed in white approached Vados. The newcomer bore the attire of a scientist associated with the organization, and there was an air of familiarity between him and Vados.

"Is it really ok, to let someone like him have that kind of power?" the man questioned.

"Don't worry, Frank. With the information on this pendrive, I'll wipe Lionnel off the face of the world," Vados declared with a diabolical smile, hinting at a sinister plan that seemed to involve using the data on the drive to bring about significant consequences for Lionnel.

"Now, go check on Suro Ring. He is the key to taking over the world," Vados instructed before mysteriously disappearing into thin air, leaving Frank with a sense of urgency and a task that hinted at larger, more ominous plans.

In the midst of urgent circumstances, audible alarms activated, prompting swift action from the scientific personnel who promptly proceeded to seek shelter. Concurrently, security personnel swiftly mobilized toward the designated area triggering the alarm, demonstrating a coordinated and organized response.

Upon their arrival, they observed an individual with long, black hair, exhibiting a notably well-defined muscular physique adorned with discernible needle marks. His brown eyes transitioned into a radiant gold hue, signifying the activation of his Mythic Aura. The individual was attired solely in sweatpants.

"That's the guy that was supposed to be in a coma" one of the guards said.

Happy Holidays Guys got two more chapters in the chamber for two.

Noisy_Achiever32creators' thoughts