
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · アクション
75 Chs

Anger Issues

[New Quest] A threat has been detected, protect yourself in any way!

Reward: 100xp

This message appeared after the sword was summoned in the hands of the boy. He smiled upon this action, the boy slashed towards Kai, but the young adult moved left avoiding the blade.

This made Kirk, which was the boy's name, to do a horizontal slash. Kai however disappeared in a flash and reappeared behind Kirk, he looked to his right and received a left hook from Kai. This knocked down his opponent, "you a demon" were the last words he said before passing out.


Level 5 (10/500) [New Baby Pup Reward] (Hellish Endurance)

+1 stat point

The Teacher appeared next to Kai and put his arm around his shoulders and whispered, "Stop glowing your eyes not many people know about you guys".

This made Kai lower his head and use his watch as a mirror, now taking notice his eyes were crimson red. Another thing was his body was producing a lot of heat and this time he was aware a notification appeared on his system as a result.

[Control 5% > 6%]

This led to the conclusion that the control stat was linked to his magic. He calmed down and the heat got sucked into his body.

"Really impressive feat, I thought you would have another soul weapon if you weren't skilled" the teacher said laughing.

"Why would I get another soul weapon if I didn't know how to fight?" Kai asked, "Because of the trauma? Wait do you don't" He stopped mid-sentence.

"Come after class to have a talk with me" he said walking away from the young man. Another student took Kirk to the infirmary.

On the orders of the Lt. the class came to an end and just as the students were going to leave for the next class a message was sent to all the watches stating no more classes. The rest of the student left but not Kai,

"What did you want to talk about?" Kai said.

"You don't have a soul weapon Kai" The Lt stated. This caught off guard the black haired man, since he never told the teacher his name or that he didn't have a soul weapon.

"Like I said before, trauma is the key to creating a soul weapon" The teacher said.

"Now I have two ways of doing this. I got a machine that puts your mind into a deep sleep and helps target specific memories of bad experiences. The other way is a bit more painful both mentally and physical, I got this peculiar ability that's link to my magic that allows me to extract the most painful memory of your life"

"So you do the same thing that the machine does?" Kai asked. "Not quite the machine does it in a natural like way there for painless" the Lt stated.

"Which is faster?" Kai asked.

"My ability" with that Kai had made his choice. The Lt signaled him to sit on the floor and then put his right hand on his head. In the next second a stinging pain was felt in his head, "Argh" where the only sound that came out of his mouth.

"Hold on we're getting there" Pulling the memory, to him it looked like stings and pulled on it. Something unexpected happened; he was finding it hard to pull it and this just made it more painful for Kai.

[System Alert] External Physiological Mythic Detected!

-Does the host allow the action of memory manipulation to take place? [Yes/ No]

Kai quickly selected yes and the pain lost intensity, but it was still very painful. The Lt. finally pulled the memory and Kai's eyes went white as the image of a man with chains on his hands appeared in his head.

The chains were covered in blood; he was leaving a trail of blood while dragging them on the floor. Next to the man were three bodies not moving and the man kept inching closer to him.

A white light started covering the hands of Kai, it took the form of dragon scales gauntlets with refined claws on the end of each finger.

The white light turned into shades of red and even turned black. The light then took the form of flames covering his hands, red flames to be exact but Kai was startled to feel something heavy on his ribs.

It was the chains that the man had that made the light fade, his hands returning to normal as Kai was stunned by this man. Meanwhile Lt Copper was watching Kai's body and he noticed something unusual: his nose and ears were bleeding.

"What the hell? How strong is this memory?" He held Kai's body but quickly let go, after flames covered his whole body. They look like regular fire but started to get darker shade starting to taint the flames crimson red.

"Red flames? No, they're not red but they're pretty close" The Lt said.

Kai was currently fighting against the man with chains, but was on the defenses the majority of the time.

"I feel weaker here, is it because it's a past memory?" He said while jumping back to avoid the chains. He was getting mad seeing this person, his heart started to beat faster as his tempered rose.

The flames on the outside erupted in flames and was starting to burn the room around him, Copper took out a radio and contacted the staff to close off this part of the building.

Then he switched the channel, "Hey, I need your help" after that he turned off the radio and extended his hands forward as if pointing at Kai's head.

Now Copper's eyes had gone blank but remained standing, he was wondering about a dark house that was destroyed on the inside.

He then saw three bodies on the floor, all of them females with black hair. He then heard a loud bang in the room next to it. He ran towards the sound to see Kai crashed in a set of stairs, and a red haired man with chains in front of him.

"Kai! It's just a memory!" the Lt shouted from behind the man. He was going to say more but he was fading away from this plane.

"Kai! Fi" was the last thing he said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

New chapter hope you guys enjoy...


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