

On a dark stormy night,there lived in a mansion near a waterfall,there were 4 children.There names were rachel,lucy,anna and abby.Rachel is 12yrs,lucy is 10yrs,anna and abby are 7.There mother left them when anna and abby were born.The sudden departure of his wife left him bewildered and unable to move on,so he threw himself into more work not caring about his children.

Years flew like wind and the children grew to be beautiful and polite kids.One day,as they were sleeping,they heard heard footsteps around the corcridor.Scared they cuddled all together and then they heard voices,"Make sure that the money is complete"said the first man.All of a sudden,their door broken and a big scary man entered there room and was about to kill abby till their ran and broke the man's head with a glass bottle and shouted at his children to run telling them to find their mother and he gave them her address and told them he was sorry that he couldn't be a good father,and with that he died in front of them.

The children ran and they didnt know where they were going.It was dark and they couldnt see anything.Until they saw a wolf who was deadly hungry.It chased them and chased them until they couldn't run any longer.They carried a long stick to chase the but the wolf used it's teeth to break it and throw it away.At their most desparate moment,a kind prince appeared wanting to help,he and the wolf fought until both died.They luckily escaped and found a boat then they entered it.Anna was injured on her leg because a snake bite her and they didn't know.They some big leaves and they used it to cover theirselves for sleeping.

The next day,they woke up and was starving,anna said "I feel dizzy" suddenly blood leaked out of her leg and that was when anna died.They cried and cried,but they knew that their tears won't fix anything,so they cooked anna's dead body and ate it while still crying.Rachel and lucy went to a stream to get water,while leaving abby on her own.She then saw a cute bunny,she then started chasing it.She chased and chased until she reached a huse full of sweet,she heard a voice calling her,"Abby,Abby,come here child.Right at that time,Rachel and lucy are spotted by a tiger who is now chasing them