
Move in

She chuckle a bit and hug him tightly.

"I'm tired, it's been a looooong day. Where am I sleeping?" Samantha asked.

"Beside me" answered Alex with a naughty smile.

"No! Over my living body! " said Samantha sticking her tongue out.

"Well then go to the sofa" said Alex

"I'll be more than happy" said Samantha smirking.

As she was getting comfortable on the sofa Alex suddenly came and said "Would you like the bed? If you don't want it let me at least give you the comforters".

"No nevermind, you take the bed I'll take the comforters please" said Samantha.

"Hmm... Okay" said Alex.

Alex went back to the bed and turn off the side lamps and go to sleep. Samantha adjusting her position with her new comforters. She takes her phone and checked for any messages.

Looking at the clock she thinks it's best for her to sleep. Before sleeping she read some comics/novels online. Finishing with the latest chapters she turn off her phone and go to sleep.


"Good morning princess!" said Alex smiling brightly.

"Good morning" said Samantha waking up.

"Soooo, yesterday you never told me about what happened to your house.Would you like to share some story?" asked Alex.

"This early in the morning? Maybe next time" Samantha answered tiredly.

"Pwetty pwease" said Alex acting like a child.

"No, and that look is very hideous for you" said Samantha.

"REALLYYYY?" said Alex running to the mirror.

Samantha giggled a bit.

Alex came closer to Samantha and asked about her house over and over again. He kept persuading her until she says yes, but he is rejected over and over again. He kept on persuading until it becomes very annoying. Feeling very annoyed she just invited him to go to her apartment.


Arriving at Samantha's apartment.....

"How dare them let you live in this T-THING!" said Alex.

"Well it's just nice for me and it's very comfortable" said Samantha.

"I could give you more you know" said Alex.

"That just sounds like you're showing off now Alex" said Samantha sighing.

"Well I'm still new at flirting okay!" said Alex sulking.

"As if" said Samantha.

As they're walking to the apartment.....

"So Samantha, what happened actually?" asked Alex.

"I'll tell you when we're there" said Samantha seriously.

"O-okay" said Alex.

Samantha unlocking her apartment door as Alex is impatiently waiting. She opened her the door to see everything is still the same as she left.

"So? It seems like nothing happened. Your apartment is clean> No signs of any intruders or break in" said Alex.

"Well it's the opposite" said Samantha.

"So there was a break it or not?" asked Alex.

"I know it seemed like I'm lying but I'm not" said Samantha.


"Well I was poisoned a few days ago....That's it no more questions okay? I've shared enough" said Samantha.

"Samantha, please move then. I believe you when you said that your house was broke into..... so please believe in me" said Alex.

Samantha is confused. She doesn't know whats Alex trying to say.

"Um...What?" asked Samantha.

"I'm saying would you like to live with me? In my house" asked Alex.

"B-But" said Samantha hesitating.

"Please. You'll have your own room and everything" said Alex.

"Alex it was weird enough in the limousine. I won't adjust to the life of rich people" said Samantha.

"Please Sammy, please" said Alex persuading.

"B-but I worked in a cafe near here" said Samantha reasoning.

"Don't worry I'll move near here then" said Alex with a straight face.

"I'm really overwhelmed but really I shouldn't" said Samantha.

"Well then I'll make you!" said Alex.

"M-make me....h-how?" asked Samantha.

"You really wanna know how?" said Alex with a smirk.

"O-OKAY I'll live with you! Please don't do anything weird!" said Samantha nervously.

Alex giggle a little then he smile widely.Alex helped Samantha with packing all of her stuff (which isn't really that much). Samantha called the Head department of the Guardian to inform them that she'll be moving. She called her parents to tell them about Alex.She also called her best friends to inform them on what happened and told them not to worry her parents and that she only told her parents that she meets Alex and will be living with him from now on.

Arriving in front of a big two story house Samantha gets excited. She then rushed into the house to see everything there. There are pool and a small backyard. The house contains 3 bedrooms with toilet in each one of it, a kitchen, a living room and 2 empty rooms with no furniture.

"I call dibs on the master bedroom!" shout Samantha while running into the biggest bedroom.

"H-hey!" stammered Alex while running after Samantha.

Samantha eyes sparkle looking at the view.It was a view of the big city as if they're on the rooftop.At night this view will definitely be amazing moreover at dawn.It'll be so beautiful and the atmosphere is going to be peaceful.

To be continued...