

Part 1 and 2 are a bit boring, might want to skip to part 3

EIsForE · アクション
132 Chs


".... Cool I guess- I mean its not a bad thing to learn more about stuff... But what is the maior regni?"

"it's like a universe but is more dimensional.

Jay answered

Jay nodded

"alright then, what should I do?"

Jay stratched his arm and a hand to me

"Come, and don't worry im not gonna kidnap you"

This was suspicious but I reached out anyways

As I reached touched his hand we instantly teleported, from what it looked like a room.

He teleported us to a sofa that is comfortable and we faced each other, he then slouched and spread his legs

"Ok so as you know, this world has categories "moons, planets, star, Galaxy, and lastly the universe" but thats not all next from the universe we have the "multiverse, megaverse, omniverse, maiorverse, realms, and lastly, the maior regni."

I listened quietly and silently

"now lets talk about dimensions-"

"like those geometry?"

I interrupted him in an effort to annoy him, which worked... YES!

"yes.. Like those geometrical objects. But lets move away from the 3rd dimension and go to the 4th dimension- now the fourth dimension is called time. Like time now exists, since in the 3rd and lesser dimension, time only exists depending on the ego

In the 4th dimension, there is no such thing as present, past, and future, only the entire 3rd dimension's history

Well... I can't really explain the 4th dimension much without difficulties, but its just like a video recorder for the 3rd dimension's past, and future. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! IT IS AN INFINITE FRAMES PER SECOND VIDEO!"

I-impossible!!!! That- that would take too much... Ram...

"now, the 5th dimension is called "yes". It contains all of the possibilities that the 4th dimension will take.. In the 5th dimension, it stores what are called "timelines" infinitely, and a 4th dimension is a singular timeline

For the 6th dimension, well... Its... Just a troll dimension, it is called "Denial of free will", it is the dimension where everything is already predetermined and denies the concept of infinite possibilities which is the 5th dimension. An example for this is- example you make a new timeline, but in the 6th dimension you were predetermined to create a timeline.

An example is, you were predetermined to make a timeline but didn't, then a timeline wouldn't appear but would violate the 6th dimension and a new 6th dimension would pop out

Normally a 6th dimension and lower can't deny this which is normal since beings with the same dimension that they are living can't deny it but if someone on a higher dimension helps or denies the 6th dimension, the 6th dimension will rewrite its past and future depending on the action someone did and the once "true" 6th dimension will split off from the now "true" 6th dimension and still continue like nothing ever happened"

I slowly raised my hand

" you may speak"

Not gonna lie this gives me teacher vibes, perhaps he is a pedo gay teacher

"what is "true dimension value" since I clearly heard that"

I asked calmy

"well final dimensional value is your final dimensional value simple...."

He answered

..... Wow, the simplest answer..... This is like when a teacher asked what is 76 times 3 and you answer is "the answer for 76 times 3 is the answer of 76 times 3".....

"fiiine!. Normally a universe is 7 dimensional, if a 4th dimensional being exists, then he will know his entire past and future, but can only know some fragments on other things. If a 5th dimensional being exists then there will only be 1 of him across all timelines, and if a 7th dimensional being exists then he is the only one in that universe, no copies no anything but he still follows the laws

If an 8th dimensional being exists, he can ignore all of those laws in the universe, bit if he goes to another universe in the same multiverse, then he will now follow the laws, if he moves into another multiverse then it will be overkill"

"anyways, back on dimensions, the 7th dimension it is called by 2 names "the final lock of the universe" and "the point in the multiverse". It is called the final lock of the universe is becayse, beyond that, it is now the multiverse, and it is called the point in the multiverse because in the multiverse, a single or a million universe's holds no value, the same saw the 3rd dimensions can only described 0 dimensions as points

The 8th dimension is just the width but multiversal, the 9th dimension is ju- WELL THATS JUST IT! Everything is fine and follows a certain pattern until outside of the realms.

Each realm is 42 dimensional but- normally the maior regni 'fuck, im changing the name later CA!' would be 49 dimensional, but for some reason it is 10,000 dimensional"

'AND THE REASON IS ME! I MEAN... the maior regni is too weak to be only 49 dimensional! So I increased it!'

"well what are you gonna do now? I mean why would you even explain that to me? Hmmm I'm guessing we would meet again in the future?"

I asked

"well I am going to babysit you."

Jat replied with his normal tone.... Wait is he serious since that sounds super serious

"sadly im not a baby anymore so you cant babysit me, I am now a grown up teen, and lastly, I am a responsible guy"

I replied

Jay with a sadistic smile snapped his fingers and turned my into a two year old.

I tried my best to speak "turn be back" but the words that came out of my mouth were just screams

"it was just a joke"

My body returned like it previously was, phew thank goodness

"I am going to protect you since it is my responsibility" said Jay.


"well some stupid gods are trying to get you, so I would use this to get more fun"