
Chp-9 The Issue


Guy: Will you join me?

Bael: My answer is..that...I..a-...



As Bael was gonna Say his next words Guy couldnot help but lean forward to hear the next word that would seal their fate.

Bael: I...acc-refuse..

Bael said with a straight stoned face .

Unlike his expectations Bael Refused..or did he?.. causing Guy to fall down comically.

Guy: haaaaah!!?

Guy: wait wait you refuse?

Bael: Not really, I mean. Your so called "little group" is called the Demon Lord Council.

I know that for someone to be a member you have to be a Demon Lord or at least posses a Demon Lord Seed. So technically I can't join even if I accepted..

Guy: Haaah...is that so? I thought you had a different excuse.

Guy murmured.

Bael: Pardon?

Guy: Nothing. As for the matter of you not being a Demon Lord. Let's just pick any king from the human kingdoms and put them in front of you. Let's hear from them whether you are a Demon Lord or not.

Bael: You mean to say that even without the rank granted by VOTW, anyone can mistake me for a Demon Lord.

Guy: Obviously, just look at your subordinates, they are very Powerful on their own and they seemed to be devoted to you. Add to the fact that you live here and are non-human then you just fit the criteria of a Demon Lord.

Bael: *Chuckle* Is that so. Then I have no qualms in Joining you.

Guy: Great!! Then I shall hold a Walpurgis to introduce you to the other members.

Bael: Wait!...I want you to hold the Walpurgis a few days later, favorably a week later.

Guy: hm? Why so?

Bael: I have to make sure my domain is functioning properly because of ...er-things.

Guy: Ah! I don't mind. I'll just visit you between these days, also one of my friends might come here. She is a bit energetic so please keep that in mind.

Bael: 'Shit..Milim will visit me? Should I create an indestructible landing pad made of Omni-adaman-magisteel?!'

Bael: Alright then. May, escort Guy outside the Castle.

May(maid) : Understood Lord Bael...Lord Guy please follow me.

Guy: See ya then..



*Deep inhale, sigh*

Medusa: Is somthing the matter my Lord? Do you need something?

There she goes again, just the smallest of twitch and they will worry as if I had Cancer or something. Not that it will happen with my genetically perfect body. Now I understand the pain of Momonga and every other Isekai MCs with loyal subordinates.

Any ways. "Its nothing Medusa."


BAEL:"say...what do you think about Guy?"

MEDUSA with a straight and deadpan face

" Absolute trash, an insect not even worthy of being stepped on by you My Lord"

Ehhh!?...eto...uhm...i am glad Guy is nowhere near here or else I don't know what he might do..

Bael: Ah..Medusa,I hope you don't show such emotions infront of the new world beings and Tell this to the guardians too.

Medusa: Understood

Bael: *sigh* Anyways, I wanted to know Your opinion of Guy's Strength

Medusa: He's Strong....I believe individually we won't be even hurt him, but if we sacrifice our lives and Join together we can kill him for You My Lord.

Bael: There won't be any need for that, I just wanted to know your perspective.

Now that Guy is Gone...I wonder who will be next? Hope none come anymore but that's just my wishful thinking.

For now I must focus on my Goal.

My goal of establishing my self as The Ruler of This World...how funny, in my previous life i wouldn't even have thought about being a CEO of a small company and now here I am blatantly Planning to Rule this World, hahaha..

{From your memories of countless Mangas and Fanfics, this is the natural course of action other than a few annomalies}

You read my memories!!?.. hopefully not the embarassing ones...*sigh* you're right Gabriel, most MCs would think about World Domination in my place, maybe a few would be carefree enough to lead a Simple life...All these powers and still want a Simple life...maybe when I truly become bored of this I might do the same huh...

Forget it, what matters now is that I am still not the strongest, i need to grow ..And I know what I should do for that..

{Harvest Festival.}

Yes Gabriel, I plan on that...say, is there a limit to how much soul you can sacrifice?

{According to the Data, there is none.

Guy Crimson Took 110K souls for his evolution and Rimuru Tempest in the future took 10k }

Wow...Guy took ten times what Rimuru took...Is this quantity proportional to strength?

{Not much , it depends mostly on your Potential and Strong desire which can grant you additional skills}

I see...

Should I nurture a Kingdom to have a large population and high quality of souls?....that's a bit cruel. No?...

Forget it, As cliche as it may be, I know there would be a foolish person in this world who will target me, I'll just wait for them to do my work, if it takes time then I'll just pull some strings.

Hmn That should do. Now then back to present, Guy has now gone and I am sure he will inform Velzard and Milim of our Chat.

I am not worried about Velzard much but rather of Milim but I have just the super weapon that will put Milim to my side...should I troll her? Let's put a super-magisteel trampoline with a M for Milim and bait her on landing there...let's see how far she goes heheh..

*Cough* While thinking of all these inside my brain, not even a Second has passed in reality. I am currently walking with Medusa to My real office room, the one where I talked with Guy was just a Guest Office.

After sitting on the Chair of the Office, I looked at the reports as Medusa Read the Important point in it.

After a Day of Getting transported here, the Continent has been fully occupied by us.

The Undead that were resurrected numbers in 7K and The dragons in 450 have been summoned, with 20 being High Dragons of level 75.And they are still rising.

Now...as for the coast and the sea, we have not yet ventured there...I don't remember much about any incident related to Oceans in the Anime so I will look into it in the future.

Now about the Kingdoms near me, currently There is the Holy Kingdom Ruberios, then near it is a Small Coastal Kingdom called Coralin, named after the thing they are most famous, their Luxurious Corals.

Then after them comes the Relatively large Kingdom called the Gemmera, known for its precious Gems and Metals.

Then on the south, there is the Continent of Eldorado, the base of Leon Crom- wait...as far as I know Leon is 300 years old and I came 200 years further to the past from his arrival.

{This is just one of the Butterfly Effect Lord Bael}

Is that so...then how much could have changed? For sure Coralin and Gemmera was not in the Anime .

I must be more cautious about this, although I know about what will happen in the future but I don't know what will happen now...

*Sigh* Ahh my brain hurts (although it shouldn't)


Guy Pov:

After getting escorted by the beautiful maid named May outside the castle , I returned back to the Ice Continent.

Reaching there i saw Rain and Misery waiting for me.

RainxMisery: Welcome back Guy-sama.

Guy: Thanks, now where is Velzard?

Rain: She is with Milim-sama, Guy Sama.

Guy: Alright.

Walking inside i went where I could sense the Aura of Velzard and Milim.

Reaching them i could see Milim was complaining about the bad food her subordinates force her to eat to Velzard.

Maybe I should tell her about the food at Bael's Castle? By the quality of the tea it was God- tier.

Milim: Oh!! Hey Guy!! Did you meet with the person whose aura we felt?

Guy: yeah I just came back from there.

Velzard: How were they?

Guy: Except the true dragons and Us, no one can stop them from doing anything.

Velzard: They are that strong?

Guy: Yeah also Milim, i recommend you visit them sometime soon, You should taste their food.

Milim: Alright!! I want to go now but I have some "important" work to do somewhere.

Guy: *chuckles* Is that so

Milim: Y-yeah okay biyee!!

Velzard: *Giggles* even after these Years she still is a Child. Ahh, I hope she remains like this all the time.


In the Kingdom of Gemmera.

In the Throne Room.

Seated on the Gilded Throne, laiden with precious gems found from this Country's mines sat the King of this Kingdom, George The 5th.

Before his throne, on both sides of the hall countless Nobles of High Baron to High Dukes were present. On his left seated on a Smaller but still luxurious throne was the Ist prince and on his right was the 1st princess and 2nd prince of the Kingdom.

On the left of The King, a person stood .

He radiated an aura of a Scholar. Although he looked to be in his 60s, he was actually 120 years old. He served the previous 3 generations of Kings and is now serving the Current ruler of the kingdom.

His name was Carlos. A High level majin who was an A ranked Mage.

The King was listening to the reports of the Mines in the Kingdom and it was not good.

??:"Your highness, the number of monsters are rising as the day goes by. The increase is slow but after a few months the Mines might not be Accessible anymore and we will lose our most important source of income..."

George V : Then what do you suggest we should do? General Gowlard?

Gowlard was the General Commander of the kingdom and the one responsible for the security of the kingdom form both external and internal dangers.

Gowlard: Why don't we ask for help from the Holy Kingdom?

George: I tried, but they said that they were busy with the demi-humans of the Black Mountains

The Black Mountains was located south of Ruberios and was home to countless tribes of Demi-humans of various species. They were mostly barbarians who attacked the surrounding kingdoms. Each Demi-human was strong enough to tear 10 humans together. Ruberios had to spend half of its forces to contain them but a sudden spike in the Magicule level just yesterday caused the Demi humans to go on a rampage.

Hearing the King say that Ruberios was too hand tied to help them, silence fell in the room...

Just then, the Princess, Rubia spoke..

Rubia: Father why don't we ask Coralin for help?

George: It's useless my child, they are too focused on their own development to help us and as for any of the surrounding kingdoms, they are just waiting for us to crumble and assimilate us into their kingdoms.

Gowlard: *hands clenched* If only we had a way out...

Carlos: We might have a way out...

Hearing him hope seemed to Ignite in the eyes of the people present.

George: What do you suggest Carlos?

Carlos: As you know your highness, my proficiency lies in Golem creation. I could craft golems to help curb the monster infestation.

George: A great Idea Carlos!!

Carlos: But there is one flaw...the golems i can craft are not strong enough for this task, i would need a lot of Magicule Crystals to make the core strong enough to stand against the Monsters.

Gowlard: But sir Carlos, our kingdom doesn't have such resources, infact none of our neighbouring kingdoms do.

Carlos: It is true General, but such crystals grow in high Magicule areas like the one in Jura Forest.

One Noble: But that forest is Guarded by the Strom Dragon Veldora!! How do you intend to retrieve the crystals from there?

Carlos: I won't... infact I won't need to go there, there is a much more probable option..The Death Lands.

*Countless Ahhs and realisation*

To the knowledge of the people present, the death lands was the place where the two Demon Lords fought. Their Magicules infected the lands thus creating a high Magicule area. It was a perfect area for the growth of high quality Magicule Crystals.

George: Then prepare to go there to retrieve the crystals. General Gowlard, help Carlos in any way he needs for this expedition.

Gowlard: Understood your majesty.

George: 'Our kingdom can hopefully be saved now..no, it will be'

Unknown to anyone present there, the continent they were intending to go to was already occupied by what they could describe as a Demon Lord.

Will the Kingdom be able to save itself? Or not? Find out in the next chapter..


That's the end for another chapter!

I hope Bael's answer satisfied the expectations you guys had!

See ya in the next chapter.
