
That extra, is ME?

As "He" awakens, he discovers himself in a setting with strangers, with no ground beneath his feet and no sky above him. There, a great power told the populace about the catastrophe that had taken place and granted them the authority known as the "System". But, a mistake resulted in the addition of one more individual who was not intended to be there. Now, in a completely new world where everyone has this authority, what would he do? P.S. The cover is not mine, if the owner wants me to remove it just say it in the comments. Please read it to at least 30 chapters before dropping it. And as the story progresses, the pacing will also.

KARMA_7 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

{ CHAPTER - 7 } The Saviour with no name (1)

The stranger collided with the carriage, creating a cloud of dust in the process.

The bandit believed he had finally apprehended the bothersome man, but little did he realize that this was precisely what the stranger was looking for.

"HA! HA! HAA! HAA!" "That should keep the fly at bay," he replied, pleased with himself for accomplishing his purpose.

"Huh?" However, after the smoke grew a bit see-through, even he questioned his pride.

A demon steps ahead, rising from the ruins one step at a time, with a smirk taunting all the adversaries in his path.

As he observed the man gushing blood from his head and going with a smile, the bandit felt something in his heart. His heart was gripped with terror, an emotion he had only felt a few times in his life.

"HA! HA! HAA! You thought that was the end of it, didn't you?"

The bandit questioned his strength, saying, "Y-You... How are you still standing?"

In response, the stranger grinned and said, "How?" You ask. Of course, you're not strong enough to kill me."

For a split second, the bandit was unable to respond. But then he locked his gaze on the stranger and stated, "I really did take you as someone weak, but I'm not taking any risks anymore."


To notify his troops, the bandit lifted his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Oi, you lot. "Take care of him."

The bandit 'did' snap his fingers but was perplexed as to why none of his soldiers bothered to respond.

When the leader turned around, he was faced with an unexpected circumstance. All of his men were dead on the ground, and the knights in armor stood above their lifeless bodies.

"What? "How could this have happened—?"


With a whistle, the stranger attracted the bandit's attention and displayed a thing in his hand.

"It could be because of this."

He held an item in his hands that resembled a fractured black crystal ball from the center.

Looking at the ball, the bandit said, "That's—"

"HA! HA! I must have struck the jackpot based on your reaction, huh?"

"Why you—!" As the last of his force, the leader attempted to take his final steps toward the guy who had caused all of this, but he was confronted with another adversary in his way.

"Wha—?" he screamed as a knight materialized in front of him out of nowhere.

"You didn't forget about me, did you?"

The barclad's vice-captain emerged as a blast of wind and cut the leader's hands like butter.

"Huh?" the bandit said, puzzled by what had just transpired, but then the agony hit him.


As he cried like a bitch over his severed hands, the vice-captain hushed him by slashing his skull as well.

"Now it's all over," the vice-captain declared as he claimed victory.

'How did he manage to kill the bandit so easily? And with a sword, no less. Not to mention I didn't even see him emerge in front of the bandit, and I didn't even move my gaze away from him,' the stranger pondered as he was left perplexed by what had occurred.

Their gazes met as he continued to think by himself.

The vice-captain approached the stranger while resheathing his weapon, but the stranger remained wary.

The vice-captain approached the stranger and stared him in the eyes, and the stranger returned the same glance.

The vice-captain then bowed his head and stated, "The vice-captain of the Barclad family thanks their savior." You have today saved not only us but the whole Barclad family."

When the stranger heard those words of thanks, he felt a little more at ease.

"Hmm?" The vice-captain noted their savior's injuries and said, "You were injured because of us; please allow us to tend to your injuries."

"Of course, I wouldn't say no to that," the stranger said with a little smile.

The stranger's stride became a bit unsteady as he took a step ahead, so the vice-captain promptly offered his assistance to aid the man's walk.

"Please allow me," he replied as he led the man to one of the more costly carriages.

When the stranger arrived at the horse carriage, he asked to be let go, "Please drop me here," and sat on the steps to the horse carriage.

The vice-captain looked at the two maids and signaled, to which the maids rushed to the other horse carriage and came carrying an expensive-looking black box.

The maids opened the box and withdrew a nicely crafted glass bottle containing some pinkish liquid, which they delivered to the vice-captain.

"Here, please drink this," the vice-captain remarked as he gave the stranger the bottle.

The man grabbed the bottle and wondered what this liquid was, so he questioned, "What is this?"

The vice-captain glanced at the man, puzzled, and questioned, "Huh? "Are you unaware of the healing potions?"

"Ah ha ha, sorry but I don't," the stranger answered with an uneasy grin. "I'm from a faraway nation where these do not exist."

The vice-captain was taken aback when he heard that, and so was everyone else as well.

"I- I see, so you're unaware of these, huh?" That is unexpected to hear. But, To summarise, healing potions are medicines prepared from various healing plants that are infused with magic. If you drink this, your wounds should heal on their own."

When he heard it, he looked at the bottle and pondered how a liquid in a bottle could cure someone's wounds. But he needed to see it for himself, so he opened the bottle and chucked the whole liquid down his throat.

He swallowed the entire bottle, and the impact was felt in just a few seconds.

"Wow, my wounds 'did' healed themselves."

He rose to see whether there was any more agony but was astounded by how thoroughly the potion healed him.


If anyone is here drop me a "hi"

KARMA_7creators' thoughts