

I walked along the dried lake that once was filled with water and some memories of children with innocence that wasn't for this world. After walking past the dried tree, that once used as a natural cover for houses. I Soon reached the end of trees meeting the sight of small houses built supporting each other, made of wood and stone surrounded by high wooden stake fence.

Entering the dried land my eyes met with several people and children who bowed to me with cheerful smiles and eyes filled with hope, smiling back at them I continued my way to house that was straight ahead and surrounded by several other houses.

Reaching the entrance of the house I heard the sound of objects clanking, taking my kunai from behind I crouched a little with the kunai reverse gripped and my eyes spinning red making me feel a sudden burst of chakra in my eyes while increasing my field of vision. I slowly entered the house, sliding the door open I removed my sandals slowly sliding the right side door I was met with a knife which I deflected with my kunai as my left hand went to grab shuriken only to find my hand being held in a tight grip with kunai at the left side of my back.

"4-1 this month" said the sweet voice in my ear, "haah" I sighed saying "Don't you have any other work than breaking in my house every week and trying to fight me, Suki". "Well I did make you Ramen today, but seeing you are not too happy about maybe ill get Izuna to have it". Flinching at her words I stared at her black riveting eyes, her gentle round face with fair skin with tint of red at cheeks. I saw her motioning her eyes towards table with a grin on her face, huffing at her antics I sat down the table with white bowl filled with clear broth with thick long noodles surrounded by sliced pork, bamboo shoots and spiring onion chopped in an irregular way.

I looked at her as she sat in front of me with hands on table looking at me with anticipation while swinging her legs hitting me several time. "Eatable?" I asked to which she stopped swinging her legs and looked me with a frown. I looked at her with amused thought of what will she do while smiling in my mind, to which she took the bowl and ate a bite of noodles with a piece of pork, smiling at her own food she looked back at me.

"hmmm I knew something was missing, wanna try it again", surprised at her for admitting something for the first time I nodded to which she said " close your eyes". I looked at her thinking something was sketchy but seeing her pout I hesitatingly closed my eyes. "Now when I will bring noodles close to your mouth to eat and you tell me how it is", I nodded thinking what can she be doing, feeling wet and long noodles at my mouth I instinctively grabbed with my lips at tried slurping it only to see it not coming to my mouth.

I opened my eyes which met her eyes close to me. Feeling the warm breath on my lips I moved forward slightly tilting to my right as she did the same. As we both sucked in the noodle till her soft plump lips got pressed against mine as we began to move our lips repeatedly, closing and opening ,biting her lips I looked at her gasping for breath looking at me with her breast touching me with every breath. I grabbed her by waist and put her on the table as she shrieked suddenly, ignoring it I pulled off my shirt and grabbed her face to kiss her again while my other hand went to her breast groping it slightly while she melodiously moaned with her sweet voice. Continuing to remove her clothes her hand stopped me and she looked at me in amusement "the noodles are gonna get cold" to which I ignored and continued on removing her fishnet top which made me make my action faster as my hands touched her perfect curved waist while tracing up her breast. Moaning to my touch she stretched her hand removing the cloth and laid backward with her voluptuous tight breast moving along her body as she had her back on table and her stomach waited like a perfect dish for the hungry beast. kissing her lips as it felt as a fruit with her saliva flowing like juice, I moved down to her breast which had the two peaks standing in their glory with pinkest shade and hot as sun, grabbing her left breast with my hand and the right one with my mouth I bit her hard nipple while my rough hands kept squeezing the other breast.

As I continued I heard a shriek which startled both of us, only to see the maid standing the entrance of kitchen with her hands on her eyes trying to cover them but her fingers moving showing her indecent desire as she huffed with cheeks pink colored and stammered "I..I....am sorry!" as she ran to the other room.

sighing at her behavior we both stood up and started to dress while laughing at what happened, and kissed each other.

Appreciate your time if you read the chapter!

It_was_goodcreators' thoughts