
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Fallen Star City Expansion Plan

Leo didn't even need to look at either the Global chat or his familial chat to know that both were probably freaking out. Leo wasn't expecting this new development as he was still very much clueless about this world and was simply trying to make the best moves possible. Yet every damn decision he made or any action he took seemed to be worth an achievement of some kind!

Leo knew that the other lords were probably getting sick of seeing his name in the world announcement and so he made a decision. He asked the system,"System, I remember on my first day, you said that there was an auction available, can I auction off a scroll right now?"

[Yes, Lord Leo, Anyone can participate in the auction, however, as of right now, only you are a able to post an item onto it]

Leo, now more confused than ever, asked,"Why is that?"

[The current prerequisite to be able to post to the auction house is to have a named and registered city within the system]

Leo nodded and asked another question,"Is there a way to make my own auction announcement?"

[Lord Leo can make an announcement to the world about an item, however world announcements cost resources. If Lord Leo wishes to make an auction announcement at this time it will cost… processing… 10 units of any elemental crystal of white grade and above]

Leo quickly scoured the market and found 10 air crystals, submitting them to the system.

[What is the message that Lord Leo would like to send out to the world?]

Leo thought about it for a moment and said,"This is Lord Leo, and I have been hard at work, striving to make my city a better place. However it seems that my hard work is being misconstrued as me being selfish. I am making an auction to correct that misbelief, and I am auctioning off a Green grade Advisor scroll. What you can provide for this scroll will be up to how hard you have worked until now and how badly you want it. I wish everyone the best of luck with their future territories."

[Are you sure you wish to send this message globally and auction off a 'Green grade scroll (advisor)'?]

Leo let out a resounding,"Yes!" Leo then heard the system's voice in his head once more.

[World Auction Announcement: Lord Leo is starting an auction and wishes to preface it with his own words. The message reads: "This is Lord Leo, and I have been hard at work, striving to make my city a better place. However it seems that my hard work is being misconstrued as me being selfish. I am making an auction to correct that misbelief, and I am auctioning off a Green grade Advisor scroll. What you can provide for this scroll will be up to how hard you have worked until now and how badly you want it. I wish everyone the best of luck with their future territories."]

[World Auction Announcement: Lord Leo's auction will begin in 30 minutes]

Immediately after this message was sent out to all the lords of the world, the global chat went nuts! Leo checked the chat and saw many people talking about it.

[Kyliee: I knew Lord Leo was not stingy! I told you all many times before that he is simply hardworking! Lord Leo take me in my sleep… I wouldn't mind!]

[Gupta: I am looking forward to this auction, I found some treasures recently and if I could snatch this advisor scroll, it would be a huge boon to my territory!]

[Liu Yang: Unless you found some heavenly flower, it cannot compare to my own treasure that I have been hoarding!]

[Giuseppe: I cannot wait! I will get this scroll even if it kills me!]

[Lance: It's finally my turn to be unfathomable…]

Leo stopped paying attention to the chat and after checking in on his familial chat to see that they were all still alive, Leo returned to summoning his workers. His advisors had been patiently waiting, discussing the city while they waited for Leo to continue the summoning.

Leo's future deacon and his religious followers were standing to the side, silent and respectfully. Leo turned back to the summoning platform, putting the 5 Blue grade culture scrolls inside.

Just like before, 5 people materialized in front of everyone else present in the recruitment center, The 5 people walked forwards and bowed deeply to Leo, to which Leo nodded his head back,

"Go and stand near Phina, our cultural advisor and get to know her, she will be your boss from now on." Leo said in a kind tone to the cultural workers.

The workers looked over at the plump woman and quickly walked over to her, greeting her one by one, and introducing themselves. Leo, happy that all the groups seemed to be cooperating with one another and not causing any friction, stared back at the summoning platform. It was finally time to finish the summoning for today, and normally he would be in a happy mood to gain more and more, however the chat and the negative reactions to his achievements had soured his mood.

Leo first put in the 20 Green grade production worker scrolls, wanting them to help with the current major projects around the territory. When the people in front of him were fully summoned and they walked towards him, the system voice rang out in his head,

[Lord Leo has summoned 2 loggers, 4 weaponsmiths, 2 chefs, 4 carpenters, 6 miners, and 2 stonemasons]

Leo nodded in approval and started to delegate the duties, telling them,"You 2 loggers, there are many trees within the territory that we have not cut down, go and start that process. You 2 chefs, go and join the 2 other chefs near the center of the city."

Leo continued his designations with everyone in the room staring at him, not that he cared that much right now. "You 4 weaponsmiths, go and join Bu and the others who are trying to complete the Elderwood sword project. 2 of you carpenters, go and help the barracks that are being built. The other 2, will stay here for now. Also, one of the carpenters go and look for Kurt, who is also a carpenter and tell him to come here to the recruitment center."

All 3 advisors were a little puzzled by the order, however Leo had a plan forming in his mind, and it required Kurt, his favorite carpenter worker to be here. As soon as Leo gave the command the 2 carpenters left the center and went to complete his orders. Leo turned back and said,"You 6 miners, for today, all 6 of you will be joining the other 5 and mining the stone from the mountain. However, tomorrow, 3 of you will be joining a guard of 4 soldiers to the new crystal cave mine, and mining what remains of the crystals there."

The miners nodded and bowed in recognition of his orders and quickly left to complete his orders. Now that all the Green grade production workers were dealt with, Leo could now start his plan with the Blue grade workers that he had been thinking about for quite a while. He and Sally had been speaking about the different infrastructure required throughout the territory and there were 2 that he wished to get done right away and another major project that could wait, but that he wanted to get completed as soon as possible.

Leo pushed the 15 Blue grade production worker recruitment scrolls into the cubbyhole and waited for them to materialize. As soon as they were, the system's voice rang out once more, right as Kurt quickly walked into the center.

[Lord Leo has summoned 4 carpenters, 4 stonemasons, 2 farmers, 1 weaponsmith, 3 animal rearers and 1 chef]

Leo was pleasantly surprised as he had gained a new type of worker, as well as 3 of them at the same time. Since he hadn't gotten them before, he figured they were a rarer variety of worker or he had unlocked them by starting Sally's quest for livestock. Either way, Leo was happy to have them help out the territory.

Leo then once again started to delegate the duties, starting off with the carpenters. "You 4 carpenters," He said as he pulled out the Blue grade housing Blueprints,"Which one of you can build these housing blueprints and if there is one, can anyone build a better one?"

The 4 carpenters started to look over the Blueprints and Leo continued while they looked it over. "2 of you stonemasons, go and help the carpenters build the castle, The other 2, decide what design you will go with and start building a wall that can contain at least 250 units of land within."

The 4 stonemasons bowed and quickly left, however the advisors on the side were slightly slack jawed as Leo smoothly gave out orders like it was nothing. Sally was especially surprised as she had spent only a few hours speaking with Leo so far, yet he had absorbed everything she said, did it as soon as he could, and seemingly tried to make his own plans on top of it! Sally and the other advisors knew that only Leo would have been able to do this though, as the amount of units he was summoning all at once was mind boggling!

Leo continued the delegation of duties," You 2 farmers, take these 2 Green grade crops, give 1 to one of the other Green grade farmers, tell him to replace the wheat after it produces its first harvest. The other Green grade crop one of you can cultivate, and the other farmer can cultivate this Blue grade crop."

Just like before the 2 farmers bowed, grabbed the supplies from Leo and left to the farming area, to start the cultivation of the crops. Leo turned to the 1 weaponsmith and said,"Take these Blueprints for the Blue grade Boots of Asire, and the Green grade Mad Deer Gauntlets and tell Bu to start working on these only after he finished the other two blueprints off."

The weaponsmith saluted like a soldier and took the Blueprints from Leo's hands and quickly left. Leo turned to the animal rearers and said," I don't have any animals for you right now, however, you may coordinate with General Ash and Advisor Sally to start building the pens to house these animals when we do get them. There will be 2 units of land for each rearer and no more."

The animal rearers nodded and walked over to Sally to start talking with her, however were stopped as they saw the bewilderment on her face, deciding to ask about it later. They stood behind her and spoke not a single word until Sally was ready for them.

Leo turned back to the carpenters and said,"So? What's the verdict?"

1 of the carpenters stepped forwards and said,"These blueprints illustrate 3 units of land per home, housing 50 people in each one. These blueprints can be made 3 times before they are no usable. I know of a design that houses 60 people, however it is 4 units of space and costs a bit more in resources."

Leo turned to Kurt and said,"I am sorry Kurt, but your houses that you designed and built will soon come down.."

Kurt was surprised by the lord's attitude and said,"It is no matter for the lord to concern himself with my feelings, progress is the best medicine for us carpenters!"

Leo nodded in appreciation and said,"You 4 carpenters will start building these 3 houses with the blueprints I have given you next to the Green grade houses that kurt designed. Then after those are done, you will deconstruct 4 of the old Green grade homes and rebuild with the Blue grade buildings that this man says he can build!"

Everyone in the room gasped a little in surprise! Leo continued and said,"I declare that the first expansion of Fallen Star City has officially started!"