
TENSURA: the primodial fox

In a Normal day a gay man suddenly got reincarnated to his favourite anime. Will he have an adventure of a lifetime there? Read to Finding out :)

imre_amon · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

ch 12: the Nanogram

In the meeting of the demon lords, there was a fight there. Fight between Demon lord Clayman and the newbie Demon Lord Rinuru.

Well, what is our beloved fox doing, you may ask? Well, he is eating a popcorn while watching the fight.


"You want popcorn?" I offer to my lovely guy, and he just refuses welp more for me then 'his loss not mine'

Well, it seems like the fight is finished. " Now that that's finished," Guy said. "It's now time for the serious part," and the atmosphere suddenly becomes serious.

"it's time to pick for our new name." When Guy said this, I almost saw Rimuru do an anime fell

"Heyy since Rimuru is like, you know the reason why we need a new name and he's a newbie and all why don't we let him pick our name" I suggested.

Ramiris quickly agreed and said "yeah yeah!! Rimuru is good at naming " Ramiris said.

Then Guy hummed in agreement and said " Then newbie decide our name."

Rimuru was sweating like crazy I don't even know If slime could do that but oh well

" how about nanogram the 9-sided demon lords" (an: don't know what to name, so yeah)

Everyone seemed to agree, so I said "Well now that's finish, it's time to partayyy!!" And Milim nodded her head at a light speed well, not really, but oh never mind, it's PARTY TIME!!

Guy seems to be disappointed, huh probably my imagination. Yeah, just my imagination. I mean, who can be disappointed in me right? HAHAHAHA

Just like that, the demon lords party to their hearts content.

but 2 demon lord left early to do the deed since it's been a long time wink* wink*

Tomorrow morning

Two demon lords can be seen hugging together in their bed in the ice. Palace, it is Evren and Guy.

"Morning," Evren said to guy and guy respond with "good morning" and they kissed.

After they got up Evren had an evil smile on his face 'time to fuck things up' "KWAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and Guy just shrugged like always thinking its just one of that weird day of his boyfriend.