
Tensura: Supreme Kitsune

Knight_Riku · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 9: Ramiris povs

Ramiris Pov

"Karate Kick of Annihilation" and "Omega Punch attack"

These were the moves that Riku had taught her. He said that whenever someone should try to harm her, all she needed to do was use these moves and she would be fine.

Even if it was Guy Crimson, the strongest Demon Lord!

(a/n he is strongest in my opinion, although if Milim was actually able to control Wrathful King Satanael and remain sane then hands down sh'd win. In fact it might be possible for her to harm her father Veldanava if given enough time for Wrathful King Satanael to power up. Now you understand how OP her skill really is. And Guy was able to fight against her in that state for 3 days straight or more during Milim's rage before Ramiris came!)

Ramiris had been worried for Riku, or by the name which she knows, Inari.

She had immediately gone to Milim to tell her the that what had happened to her is happening to him but only far worse. His Wrath…his Rage of betrayal could be felt, he had lost control of his emotions…more specifically he never had any control over it since the beginning.

It was like he didn't care, he just released it all as if like somebody who has no idea how to control their aura and constantly released it into the surroundings.

(a/n like Rimuru when he met the Goblins. He had no idea he was emitting his aura.)

Ramiris had sensed from him whenever they would meet, that he had bottled up his emotions for what felt to him a really long time (a/n his/mine entire past/irl life).

He had released all these emotions completely uncaring of what would happen…and now he had lost control and went on a destructive rampage like Milim had thousands of years ago when Gaia had died.

Ramiris may have changed when she absorbed the Wrathful energies from Milim's Rage into her core in her attempt to cure and pacify her.

However, when she was changing, she was also dying. She knew she wouldn't die but be reborn, but to her having negative emotions being created from her now corrupted core, she was scared of dying…scared of forgetting who she would regain the more key memories.

But the more personal ones that help to form her personality and individuality would be lost as a result. She didn't ask for anyone's help as she didn't want them to be subjected to what she had when her core was corrupted.

(a/n think of Aslana from Dark Souls 2 the Ivory King DLC. In it Aslana is revealed to be one of the 4 'Daughters' of Manus. Not actual blood related but soul related. Manus is killed by the Chosen Undead in DS1 Olacile. When he died his soul split and became 4 fragments. These fragments became certain individuals. Each represents a core aspect Manus had felt as he had died. Aslana=Fear, Nadalia=Lonliness/Despair, Elana=Wrath, Nashandra=Desire. Why do I mention this? It is a perfect aexample. Imagine Ramiris is the manifestation of Fear Aslana. Milim is Elana, Guy is Nashandra due to his similar desire of world conquest in his "Game" against Rudra, and Riku is Nadalia in this moment + he was also Elana because you obviously read what happened. How do you think of my analogy? Good? Bad? Cheese?)

*Flashback Scene*

Not long after Ramiris curing Milim's rage/wrathful energies and obtained a corrupted core.

As she was crying behind a waterfall, she had thought that no one or even the dryads would be able to find her, she was found…by him.

"I-Inari? *sob* w-what a-*sob are you doing here? *sob*"

"I came to help my friend."

Ramiris has recollected herself and tried to fly but couldn't. her wings were beginning to shrink in size, now it simply isn't big enough to help carry her in the air anymore.

"Can't you see what is happening Inari? My core has been tainted. Please stay away until I am reborn."

She didn't want him to have to go through what she is going through.

He simply sighed and approached her, he enlarged himself from his small cute appearance to a fox the size of an adult humanoid. His eyes were the same level as her as he stared her down before doing a 360 turn


Ramiris stumbled back a few steps before she fell on the ground while clutching her right check with her hand.

She was completely stunned. They had known each other for years, especially since he was a Fox Deity and upon learning that Ramiris was friends with him, every sentient or non-sentient fox had felt it and had entered her domain to seek shelter with an ally of their revered God.

He would always come to visit her, even more so than anyone else he had known.

The two would always talk about the going on and care of Nature of the world and the protection of the forests, including about the spirts. He had made a request with her that one day a man calling himself Riku and a girl called Rimuru would visit her with a group of children to seek Spirits to give to the each of them.

They had also talked and enjoyed the company of each other. Ramiris was a very responsible and caring person who would actually do her job as the Queen of Spirits, unlike her future self.

She had eventually relented into giving up when he would persist and pester her about having some fun in a while.

At first, she thought it was not her thing, but eventually she had rather enjoyed it. In fact, she could say that if she did not have duties to fulfil then she would do fun things every day for eternity.

She had eventually had developed feelings for him. She didn't know what she should do. She had these emotions but couldn't face him with them.

Ramiris had asked the dryads about this and what she should do. Many of them said that she should tell him how she felt, while the rest were naturally happy for their Queen but opted to only say that Ramiris should decide since they themselves did not know of these matters of…Love.

Ramiris had steeled herself and approached Riku to confess her feelings to him.

She didn't think it was weird to love a animal as he had stated he will get a Humanoid Form when it's time. For immortal beings such as her and him this was nothing. She was willing to wait a few dozen millennium or even 100 eons. To her and him it did not matter as they are beyond the concept of death (age (mainly)).

He had said "Okay then. Wait for me and I will have you as mine."

Ramiris had felt so happy for some reason then, but now…

…she was shocked as she felt a pain on her cheek after being hit by his tail, that once felt so soft and nice, for some reason was hard and filled with discomfort to her.

"You are an idiot."

Those word had stung her like cold-fire against her soul.

She was about to cry again but then he approached closer and coiled his body around her. She felt a warmth surround her, both their bodies were ingulfed in his signature flames, the Nirvana Flames he calls it.

She wasn't afraid that it'd harm her as she trusted him. She melted away in his embrace as her body continued to shrink and become smaller. She was now the size of a decade old child; her hair had begun to get messier as well.

"I know you're afraid of changing. Don't worry. I will make it so that you will not lose who you are. The you now will simply go to sleep and will awaken one day when I am capable of unsealing who you are now from the binds I will place on it. It will all be like a very real dream of a different version of yourself. When you awake…i expect a kiss in my Human Form."

She blushed uncontrollably when he said the last word but regained herself at some point and fell asleep while remembering his words to not worry as he would make sure she wouldn't change.

It wasn't long after that she stopped resisting her core's corruption and allowed it to take hold.

But something happened which she did not expect, her core wasn't being corrupted but the corrupting energies are moving and leaving her core to become like a layer around her core!

'I see…he wasn't able to remove it too. But this is better…when I return to my old self, I'll give him his kiss…and a little payback on him for hitting me…his future wife.'

Like that, Ramiris, Queen of Spirits had 'died' and been 'reborn' as Demon Lord Ramiris, Fairy of the Labyrinth…

*Flashback end*

Author's notes (i had to do it here)

Some of you have been saying how MC should be OP and why sel his poer in the first place. well my answer is just read the fic and youll get your answer at some point. do you actually think i would do it and just undo his power for no reason. then hy bother with the 4th wall break as well. I HAAVE IT ALL PLANNED OUT, EVERY LAST THING I DO IS FOR A REASON. ALSO HE DID ALTER THE PLOT, I JUST HAVEN'T SHON YOU HIS TALK WITH VELDANAVA YET. ill say this, you know how Veldanava made like 7 worlds. well one of them MC has personally interfred with. also why do you think i would mention "IT" and have ---------, --- ---- ---- intervene to stop "IT" from apperaing in Tensei world. also i want to sy that we had some haters in here and some have left. one guy even reviewed my work already. LOL haters gonna hate. the Fic has astarted and isnt even 5% done and you are already giving a review and bailing cause you can't be botgered with the story. clearly that guy judged a book by it's cover cause he is salty. thank u my loyal followers for staying. now back to my actual Author's notes

To be honest I am actually shocked that Ramiris took up an entire chapter. This is because she has little to no connection with Veldanava or the spoiler terrortory of the story so I was able to write more about her. If you have not realised what I am doing yet, it is basically "Fox/Kitsune Diaries" basically it is "Slime Diaries". Slime Diaries happen at a available point in the timeline such as w=side stories when all the characters weren't dealing in wars or schemes but the time in between. My Foc Diaries will have 2 versions. One is Fox Diaries which is about him in in Fox Form with his Human Form sealed away. This is mainly about his connection and past with many of the characters before his encounter with Chloe for the first time. It basically mainly revolves around small stores with the True Dragons, which he was present for all their births fo the first time, his relationship with them and with Rudra, Milim, Ramiris, Guy, Dino (didn't expect that did ya!), Dagruel (2nd shock to u guys isn't it), Lucia and most importantly the main reason of the Fox Diaries, Veldanava himself. I told you I didn't forget about him. HE IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE STORY. I will add some fun stories like you saw last chapter with him but mostly about the serious spoiler stuff. This will only be for how I originally planned it to be about the time of the Walpurgis chapter. I also know I didn't do Milim Pov but a flashback scene, however I did that to show that Milim holds these memories close to her and her instant thoughts are of the past with Riku before her own thoughts and theories like how you saw with Ramiris just now. Next chapter I will finish this as there will be about as much for Guy Pov for all these other characters. Velzard, Veldora, Velgryd, Rudra Povs next chapter. Also I almost forgot to tell you. The Kitsune Diaries is exactly like Slime Diaries and will be when he is in Human Form during cannon time or when he is in his territory of the Pure Continent. Ps. I have corrected the Romaj alternate translation name of Velzado to the actual translation of Velzard. Sorry as I had used the Webnovel version also when I looked at wiki I also got Velzado so I got confused by it, I have fixed it to Velzard now. Bye.