
Tensura: Another Primordial

After meeting God and finding out that she had been involved in a plane crash she is given some perks or gifts to then be sent to the world of Tensura as the 8th Primordial Demon.

Sanguinius0910 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter: 3 - Injustice

10,000 Before Rimuru (BC)

(Incolore (Nevera) POV)

[ Confirmed. "Ultimate Skill - Adikia Goddess of Injustice "… successfully acquired. ]

The Voice of the World exclaimed catching the previously dying demoness off guard. A flood of information seared into her mind at how it was possible she unlocked this Skill.

'You have lived a life without much care… this life is a second chance to take control and steer your own future, this message will playback in your mind when you have strengthened your resolve and fought for what you believe in, this is the skill I chose for you… use it well… Nevera,' the voice resounded in my mind, I knew it was the man or God that sent me here as only he and my butler are aware of my name.

'You will come to realise that this skill is similar to the most powerful of the angelic series, though unlike Michael it won't have adverse effects if it ever becomes a Manas so rest assured, now I believe you have business to attend to… goodbye I won't contact you after this,' the man said in his typical monotone voice.

Now I have the perfect way of beating him I steeled my resolve, my limbs regenerated in an instant as I began to stand in the bloody puddle I was previously laying in. I look up to see look at me wide-eyed having never seen me this… furious.

I raised my left arm to cast a perfect counter to his abilities and turn the fight in my favour.

"HELLS GUARD!" the second I shout that the entire area covered in Guy's barrier is now akin to my playground. We are both now trapped inside an impenetrable barrier where the use of skills, magic, magicules and even aura is completely prohibited, leaving only purely physical and psychological means of attack available to the user such as swordplay.

"Now, let's dance… Rouge~" I tease showing a dramatic smirk on my face as he frowns upon noticing the brevity of the situation.

(Third Person POV)

"Tsk, shit what the hell are you?" Rouge exclaimed seeing her rise from her beaten state.

"It ends here and now! NAPALM BURST!" he shouts firing what should be a devastating blast and ending the fight, though that didn't happen in actuality the magic was simply cancelled as he was now under the effects of [Hells Guard].

Incolore rushes toward him grabbing her sword that had been thrown to the ground after the conflict that had previously ensued, Rouge notices and tries to use anything he can think of other than physical weapons… nothing seemed to be working, not aura, nothing using magicules, not even magic or skills, he was at a loss for how bad this situation is.

Incolore manages to fight in close quarters preventing him from using other tools that would be… inconvenient to deal with, each strike lands home with him unable to predict where she will strike next, [Future Attack Prediction] won't work neither will any of his skills based around his knowledge of swordsmanship.

Incolore lands a strike on one of his eyes, the opposite one he damaged in their first duel, at this point she is playing with her food not giving him a chance to breathe. Another strike lands cleanly, then another, and another, and another, and one final attack cleaves his primary sword arm off.

Unable to regenerate his arm due to [Hells Guard] he experiences the pain a human would go through if they were in a normal duel.

"What was it you said to me, "Now submit and I might even treat you better than you think~" be a good little demon and submit~" the colourless demon remarks seeing Rouge's pitiful state.

"N-N-Never," he meekly replies exhausted after his thorough thrashing.

'I could take him under [Daemonium Dominion] though I am unaware of how that would affect me seeing I have not completed the objective of becoming Devil King as of yet,' she thinks to herself reciting the details of [Daemonium Dominion], it seems very similar to [Regalia Dominion] which is a powerful sub-skill attributed to Ultimate Skill – Justice King Michael.

Though the difference between them is [Daemonium Dominion] needs the target to be willing for the skill to take effect whilst [Regalia Dominion] does not. The increase in overall power is intoxicating though she is making sure to not get ahead of herself and become arrogant with her newfound power.

Incolore only now realised someone is watching the fight through a crystal ball, quite rude if you ask her, though she has an idea who it is… well let's meet the creator of the world.

"Let's go Rouge we are heading to the Ice Continent where your friends are watching us," she says dragging the red-haired demon by his long flowing hair though now ruined from the intense battle.

Incolore uses spatial teleportation to travel directly to the Ice Continent, upon arriving he spots 4 individuals two of which are on guard. Bleu and Vert were hesitant if they should protect the being to whom they swore loyalty, though they are well aware fighting against Incolore after besting Rouge would prove to be a fruitless endeavour.

Veldanava and Velzard were on guard not knowing what the demon would do, Veldanava didn't have anything to fear from her though so it was mainly Velzard leaning on the side of caution.

"I didn't think many could defeat the Red Primordial apart from myself congratulations I guess," Veldanava says addressing the newcomer watching as she unceremoniously drops Rouge to the ground.

"It is nice to hear that from the being who made us… in a way before it gets out of hand though I already have a name which I'd like to be called from now onwards… my name is Nevera" the colourless demoness says taking a sideway glance to catch Rouge staring wide-eyed

"Bleu and Vert, you are now my subordinates, I made a stipulation that if I beat Rouge that those that serve him will be handed over to me, if you refuse there is always a different option though you may not enjoy that," Nevera says grinning maniacally sending a shiver down everyone spine.

"I Misery acknowledge Nevera-Sama as my new master," the green-haired demoness says as she kneels.

"I Rain acknowledge Nevera-Sama as my new master also," the blue-haired demoness says as she joins her compatriot in a pledge of loyalty.

"D-Dammit… you a-always ruin everything, I have always hated y-you" the red-haired demon replies irritated at seeing his servants leaving his service.

"I will keep you under the effects of [Hells Guard] until you swear allegiance to me," Nevera says looking down on the once proud Primordial Red.

"Just let that dumb pride go you stupid demon, she is clearly stronger than you," Velzard chimes in surprisingly. "Also I'd love a spar if you are up to it Nevera?" Velzard inquires.

"Sure but some other time Velzard, Veldanava is there anything you need from me?" Nevera asks the Dragon that hadn't participated in the conversation lately.

"I was going to reward you with a body as part of a bet between myself and my little sister but it appears you already have one, the only other thing I need to mention is that I made a deal with Guy to be a mediator and watch over the world, not letting humans go extinct and if you become his mistress its a thought to keep in mind," the Dragon says as he begins to transform into his True Dragon form.

"I will keep it in mind, nice meeting you Veldanava hope we can talk again over tea," I said as he flew away from the continent of Ice.

"Now what the hell do I do with you?" Nevera said looking at Guy Crimson trying his level best to stand up straight.