
Tensura: A New Life

this is an alternate world I created based on Tensura, there may or may not be some things that are not at all related to Tensura. . . . I own nothing apart from the OC's, all the rights go the respective owners

Athena_122 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 3 (Edited)


"Welcome to our hometown, City of Stonewall," said Marcus and his wife Eliza simultaneously. 

A huge colossal wall then came into sight, followed by a long queue for entering the city. There were two queues: one for pedestrians and another for carriages. After some time, it was our turn to enter. 

"Hey, Marcus! Good to see you again!" the guard said cheerfully. 

"Oh, Charles! How are you doing?" replied Marcus. Eliza emerged from the carriage with a cheerful smile. 

Simultaneously, the kids jumped out of the carriage, and the guard kneeled at their height. "Ethan! Lilly! Good to see you!!" he exclaimed, affectionately rubbing their hair. 

"Who is this gentleman beside you?" asked the guard, now identified as Charles. He thought I was some Aristocrat because of the outfit wearing, I wore a long full-sleeved collared black coat, the collar covered most of my neck, and I wore high-top black boots, and black gloves to my hand. 

Marcus spoke up, "He saved me from a Blade Tiger and helped fix our wheel when it came off. He's super strong." 

I then jumped off the carriage and approached the guard, I then offered a handshake. "My name is Jugram Haschwalth. It's very nice to meet you." "

Nice to meet you, Sir Jugram! Thank you for saving my friend and his family," Charles said, shaking my hand warmly. 

"No, I did what I needed to do," I replied.

The guard asked for Marcus and Eliza's guild cards, though they were not required for the children. Then he turned to me and asked, "Sir Jugram, your guild card, please?" 

"I'm sorry, I don't have one. Am I not allowed into the city?" I inquired. 

"No, you are allowed, but you have to pay 10 silver coins. Sorry, sir, even though you saved my friend, this is my job," Charles explained.

"No, it's fine," I said. Marcus chimed in, "I will pay for it," and attempted to give the coins. 

Subconsciously, my hand reached into the pockets of my coat, and I found a pouch full of coins. 

"Sir Marcus, please, I can pay," I said, immediately taking out the pouch and giving 10 silver coins. 

"Okay, you guys can go in! Sir Jugram, enjoy your stay in the city!" Charles said. 

We left the gates in the carriage, and I asked Marcus, "Sir Marcus, if possible, can we go and sell this meat?" 

"Yes, we can!" Marcus replied, and we continued on our way until we reached a store. Upon entering, we heard a voice say, "Welcome." 

"Marcus, it's been a while since I've seen you. What brings you here? Want to buy meat?" asked the person. 

"No, I want to sell, Gideon" Marcus responded. 

"Sell? I don't even remember the last time you bought something to sell. So, what meat is it?" asked Gideon. 

"It is the meat of a Blade Tiger," Marcus said excitedly. "Blade Tiger? You're not joking, are you?" Gideon said, his expression shocked. "

Sir Jugram, please, if you would," Marcus said, gesturing to me. 

I immediately placed the meat on the desk. "Here you go," I said.

Gideon examined the meat. "Do you understand what you've got here? This is the finest meat of a Blade Tiger I have ever seen. The meat isn't burned or poisoned." 

"Okay, how much will it fetch?" Marcus interrupted Gideon's monologue. 

"Hmm…I would say around 130 gold coins. Normally, the meat of a B+ rank wouldn't be that expensive, but since this one isn't found in these lands, and it's from a rare monster," Gideon explained. 

"Okay, Mr. Gideon, I will sell this," I said. 

"All right, give me a minute," Gideon said, then retrieved a pouch. "You can count it; it has 130 gold coins." 

"No, Gideon, I trust you. But Sir Jugram, if you want to, you can," Marcus offered. 

"That won't be necessary," I replied. 

"Thank you, and see you later," Marcus said. "Thank you, Mr. Gideon," I added as we left the shop. 

After coming out of the shop, I gave Marcus 30 gold coins, which he reluctantly accepted. 

"Sir Jugram, shall we go to the blacksmith shop now?" Marcus asked. 

"Will that be fine with you? You might be pretty tired, and your family will have to wait until we finish our business," I asked. 

"You guys can go; we can wait, no problem at all," Eliza said. The kids also nodded, saying, "You will have to tell us your stories next time we meet." 

"Sure, thank you, kids, and Eliza too," I said with appreciation. After a few minutes, we reached a shop, with many weapons and armor displayed inside. "Hey, Konrad! You there?" Marcus shouted.

"One minute!" a voice replied. After a minute, a short, sweaty, bulky man emerged from inside. 

"Oh! Marcus! How do you do?" he asked. 

"I'm doing well. I want you to make something for me," Marcus requested. 

"It's been a while since you asked me that. Show me what you've got," Konrad said. 

I then took out Blade Tiger skin and its claw blades and tail blade. "Ho~ Interesting. How did you find this?" asked Konrad. 

Marcus then recounted the entire story. He offered me a handshake, and I returned it. After the handshake, we then introduced ourselves. 

"I will make an overcoat with this skin and fur; it will also serve as armor. What do you intend to do with these blades?" Konrad asked. 

"I have seen some nice daggers in your store; can you make them from this?" I inquired. 

"Alright! I will see what I can do. You can collect them in 7 days. The cost will be 80 silver coins," Konrad said. 

"Fine with me," I agreed. 

As we came outside, Marcus asked, "Sir Jugram, where would you like to stay?" 

"I can stay at an inn if you can suggest one," I replied. He offered that I stay with them, but I declined. He then dropped me off near an inn. 

"Mr. Marcus and Mrs. Eliza, thank you for everything and thank you for your company," I said. "Kids, thank you. When we meet again, I will tell you many stories," I promised them. 

Marcus and I shook hands. "Thank you, Sir Jugram. See you later, and take care," Marcus said. 

"You too, Mr. Marcus, Mrs. Eliza, and the kids. Well then, until next time," I said as they departed. The kids and Mrs. Eliza waved back with warm smiles.

I opened the door of the inn, and as it made a bell sound, a lady with a cheerful smile said, "Welcome to the Velvet Rose Inn." 

"I would like a stay for 10 days, with food included," I requested. 

"Yes, that would be 10 copper coins. And your name, sir?" she asked. 

I handed over 1 silver coin and said, "Jugram Haschwalth and you can keep the change." 

She handed me the keys and guided me to the room. "Sir Jugram, please enjoy your stay. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself. My name is Rosalina; it's very nice to meet you," she said. 

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too," I replied. 

"Shall I bring the food here, or will you come down?" she inquired. "No, I will come down," I replied. "Okay then, Sir Jugram, see you later," she said before leaving.

I went inside the room, which was tidy with a bed near a window. A white curtain waved with the wind, and there was a table and chair beside the bed, along with a cupboard by the door. 

I sat on the bed and took out the pouch I found in my pocket. I counted the coins; I had around 1000 gold coins, 500 platinum coins, 200 mithril coins, 5000 silver coins, and a lot of copper and iron coins. 

'What is this?' I was shocked; I didn't expect there to be so many coins. Not to mention, there was also a note. 'This is my other gift to you for surviving in this world. This pouch has another space; it can store anything apart from living beings, and it has infinite space.' 

'Wait, what! Thank you then. I will cherish this life,' I thanked the overseer who sent me here. Then I thought about the currency system here, a blue screen popped in front of me with information about the currency system.


<< Answer >>


100 Iron coins = 1 Copper coin

10,000 Iron coins = 1 Silver coin

1,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Gold coin

100,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Platinum coin

10,000,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Copper coins = 1 Silver Coin

10,000 Copper coins = 1 Gold coin

1,000,000 Copper coins = 1 Platinum coin

100,000,000 Copper coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Silver coins = 1 Gold coin

10,000 Silver coins = 1 Platinum coin

1,000,000 Silver coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Gold coins = 1 Platinum coin

10,000 Gold coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Platinum coins = 1 Mithril coin


'I gave her a lot of change then, and she accepted it that easily? Well whatever, lets think about the next plan' 

I then contemplated the plans for what I could become based on what Marcus said. There were 5 guilds: Merchant Guild, Adventurer Guild, Craftsman Guild, Explorer Guild, and Hunters Guild. 

"It's already evening. I will decide tomorrow," I thought as I went downstairs to the desk. 

"Mrs. Rosalina, do you happen to know any clothing stores?" I asked. 

She then provided directions to the nearest one, and as I made my way to the store, I admired the city. Upon reaching the clothing store, I bought some casual clothing and returned to the inn.

Rosalina guided me to the bathhouse, where I completed my bath and put on casual clothing—a plain white half-shirt and black trousers, revealing my well-developed muscles. 

I returned to my room, stowed my clothes, and went down to eat. I enjoyed some bread and beef stew, which surprisingly tasted good. Returning to my room, I laid down on the bed and slowly drifted into sleep.











> Daggers

> Medieval Long Sword

> Katana

> Spear

> Glaive (Naginata)

> No weapon only fists


A/N: Readers I hope you like this chapter, please note that this is an alternate world I created based on Tensura, there may or may not be some things that are not at all related to Tensura.

Please note that this fanfic is a mix of slow and fast pace. Forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes.

I hope you have liked this. Thanks to Creativityiskey for helping me in editing this chapter

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Update Schedule -> 1 Chapter for every two days.