
Was I drugged?

It has been a little bit since I've gotten a new aunt. Kuzuha-oba-chan is very kind. She is very supportive of my activities and watches all my games. While the old man is cursing me hoping I fail.

My little sister Inari is cute. She follows me everywhere. The only problem she likes to watch me play sports but she doesn't seem to want to play them. She seems really good at organizer but she has trouble meeting friends. I tried to introduce her to some but she didn't seem to mesh.

I currently am working with the Kinjiro group and they provided funding for my new inventions for the world. I then became friends with a girl named Shiki Magata who is a genius programmer. shes only 12 but she already has her doctors. together we made the flip phone. We're going to make smartphones in later on. (we don't want to overturn the market). So the old man is talking to the Tenjōin family who is the largest landlines owners in this country. He seems to be close to the family...

For the manga, I spoke to the Sanzenin family who owns shonen jump about my new series called Dragon Ball. However, I didn't have time for drawing so I met up with this middle schooler named Kenji Harima who looks like a thug but he's an amazing artist. He drew and I wrote the story.

The company said they want more female readers so I made a new series called Sailor Moon. I'm working with a high school girl name Roman Saotome

Both series were popular with everyone. They inspired many new artists. fans loved the series. The old man said he will make a series in the future with him.

As for other projects he is making a movie called the lion king. It will take a couple of years to make. He is funding the whole thing himself.

"damn it if it's not inventing stuff it is working on projects. My little sister is the only thing that calms me down." He would spend time with his sister to relax his nerves. It took a bit but he got used to everything when it was time for the rite of passage and festival day in Japan. Seeing how imouto is 7 she will participate.

As they were leaving the old man went up to him.

"Ryo tomorrow we will leave to go see my friend. His wife passed away and I have to see him. you will go with me."

"...sure sorry for the lost" He took a second before asking "so where is this coming of age going to take place "

"Oh you know the shrine you went to before"

"...why don't I just pack right now ' sweat came from his back

"I don't mind but Inari will be sad" The old man laughed as he left with his wife and daughter

"Damn you old man. " a frustrated Ryouta just looked down and left


At the shrine, he kept feeling a presence around. He became very nervous. Ryouta knew there were those giant foxes but he remembered today is Inari's day so he will focus on her. If they try to hurt her he will hunt every fox here. While thinking that he notices that fat boy Masamune Hayase and another boy named Chang-ho a foreign exchanged student from Korea. Ryouta met them at a party he attended a while ago, both are rich boys. They were harassing these three girls. Ryouta knew Masamune was kind of stuck up who would say I have this much money...annoying and Chang-ho is a prick.

"Oi look at these ladies here let us see your panties, " Chang-ho said with a perverted look

"Chang-ho lets stop they probably have like Kuma panties, plus they look poor," Masamune said

"hey shut up my parents aren't poor. "

"Mari stop lets go away" one of the girls tried to drag Mari away

Then the other girl went in front, "We can't let these jerks win. There are two of them and three of us so we can win"

"haha, you girls want to challenge us? I go to a martial arts school" Then as she tried to punch him he just caught it.

"now let's see your panties then we will go" As he said that a boy comes out of nowhere and kicks at the boy. but he jumps back before it hits" You bastard who are you"

Ryouta ignored them and looked at the girl in his arms and asked "are you alright?" she just nodded blushing

"sigh this is a day for celebrating and you are ruining the fun for everyone! This isn't a place for you to run wild so I will ask if you can leave."

"Hey don't think you can interfere don't you know who my parents are I will have you removed from here if you don't go back to the garbage place you were before"

"I just want to celebrate with my sister so I will ask again so leave"

"shut up who do you think you are to order me. I I will order your sister to be my sla...AHHHH" Masume and the other bully wet their pants. Ryouta gave them a little killing intent and the pressure was too intense for him

"Talk about me I am fine but threaten my sister and you will pay"

They both ran off after that.

"good those bastards should run away"

The three girls see the guy and go up to him asking what he did but ignored them and just looked around and found he couldn't see his sister

The girls introduced themselves

"I'm Yuma Okazaki and this is Hotaru Mizushina my best friend. The other girl is our new friend ." Yuma energetically said

"Kise-kun thanks for your help."

"do we know each other?" Mari was shocked they were in the same class. They even were neighbors sitting next to each other."Wha"

"well no matter I have to find my sister stay beautiful ladies " He runs off

"ARE YOU SAYING YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE ME"Mari Tsutsui screamed. Ryouta didn't pay attention in class. All of it was basic knowledge. So he just slept and she knew but she was upset he didn't know her.

"Mari are you sure he knew you?"

"Mari-chan maybe its because you're not in your uniform"

"oh maybe...I will still be angry at him in class"


As Ryouta was running he couldn't find his sister when he saw a fox-eared woman. He grunted and screamed "You what have you done to my sister" He jumped up and punched with his supersonic punch" but it was blocked.

She looks at him and asked "why did you attack me little kid...how can you see me"

"I won't lose to you. 'Kensei Ma clothes ripping technique '" It is a technique that rips clothes off an opponent and their armor. Ryouta style burns it as he takes the clothes off.

But as he tried to attack the 'ghost went behind him 'that flame seems familiar is that him' she grabbed his arm

"get off me you ghost and give me back my sister," Ryouta said trying to pull away

"first, you attack me then you call me a ghost" She looks into his eyes 'he might be him...'

Ryouta noticed she was beautiful. She looks young she has a voluptuous figure with large breasts and is very tall. She has light skin, maroon eyes (which sometimes turn red when intimidating someone or expressing anger) and dark brown hair.

Then a beautiful fair-skinned woman with blonde hair that is tied in a ponytail, secured with red ribbons and golden yellow eyes, wearing her shrine god kimono.

"Yuya...Tushan Yaya release him"

Yaya released him with a little hesitation "Lady Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami he suddenly attacked me"

"Hey you started it by kidnapping my little sister you ghost"

"Hey you can't even hit me"

They both glared at each other

"haha, you both seem to get along." She laughs at their interactions

"We don't get along"

"We don't get along"

"Stop copying me"

"Stop copying me"

"Ryouta, She isn't a ghost she is a fox spirit matchmaker. Their goal is to reunite Yokai, or Gods with their lost human lovers who have been reincarnated. As for myself, I am a goddess Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami"

"calling yourself a goddess isn't that a little considerate I mean your hot but come on. That's rude to the gods."

"so you believe in ghost but not Gods"

"huh no I believe in gods but whatever if your kami tell me where my sister is"

"She went running and is lost in front of the shrine on the side"

"ok thanks fake Kami but you shouldn't lie about being a goddess you may end up attracting bad Karma"

Uka didn't know what to say. She just smiled and thought he is still the same...

As he was about to run off a hand grabbed his shoulder

"hey you didn't apologize to me"

"hmm so your not a ghost...but a fox-spirit matchmaker right?"

"Right "

"So miss?

"I'm Tushan Yaya"

"Yaya what do you want"

"I need you to help me with my matchmaking"

Ryouta was shocked "what so your single!"

She frowned confused on why he brought that up "yeah why"

"I understand..how can such a woman with such a body remain single. you want help with your matchmaking."

She nodded but realized he was misunderstanding something

"Alright I'm too young right now but in the future, we'll talk about marriage or whatever," He says running off

Yaya just stood there and suddenly asked: "did, did he just ask me to marry him?"

A frustrated Uka responded "no-no he just was talking about working on matchmaking"

"Oh," she said with a complicated expression and walks away "but it feels he was saying he wanted to take me as a wife?" She then shook her head "no he just wanted to mess with my head...I will beat him up next time he comes around.

As soon as Yaya left Uka. Uka just looked at the direction Ryouta went and screamed "you cheater"

stamping her feet.


while Ryouta was running to the front of the shrine he thought. "Man she was hot. they both had banging bodies. In the words of Agito FUCK. However, marriage are they crazy... can yokai and humans even mate? I was just speaking my ass off to avoid staying any later. Lucky I'm only 8 otherwise..."He shakes his head and sees his sister

As tired as I was from the experience I ran to my sister and as I was about to scold her she just ran and hugged me and cried till she fell asleep.

She woke up talking about a movie with singing for her...so I told her I'll make the little mermaid for her. We don't have the technology for frozen, brave, and tangled. Where the women are strong within the movie.

I went home and asked the old man where he was and he said he saw his other wife and said he decided they will all move in together after we come back from our trip.

Aunty seems happy saying that she will have a new sister... 'am I the strange one for finding it weird.'

The other family met with my grandfather last month. Another thing is that apparently, the old man has been making a bigger home for us to live.

Ryouta and his uncle left early in the morning and ran. Ryouta had no clue where they were going.

'I wonder why I can see spirits? Is it because I died?'

"Stop here?" the old man stopped Ryouta and he was confused at where they were

"old man why did you stop us in the middle of the forest "

"oh because we're about to go to the kingdom. but first, take this pill" he smiled "don't you trust me"

"huh, kingdom pill? Why do you want to feed me a pill and what's with that creepy look I'm not into guys."

"Don't worry this won't hurt" before Ryouta could respond the old man shoved the pill in his mouth and covered Ryouta's mouth "shh it's ok "

'you bast...'


Ryouta woke up on the old man's back "ugh what happened"

"oh you are awake you seemed to have passed out were almost there."

"was I drugged?"

"what are you talking about you seemed to have passed out. Oh, here you will be known as Ryouta Misaki alright my son.


"Also you will have to wear this outfit so change into it alright"


"All your technology stuff was left behind so don't worry. In this worl...kingdom technology is banned. Oh the King is my friend"

"...." Ryouta got changed and started walking to the villiage and frowned

"what is the problem" noticing his expression he asked his nephew

"Old man where are we?"

"were in the kingdom of"

"not the kingdom this isn't earth is it."

He stops and almost trips "no this is earth what are you talking about this is ...China yeah China"


"but there seems no sewage system and the people have bow and spears.

"they are in the military"

"....old man"

"there are some things you shouldn't know about yet"

"Why?" Ryouta didn't like these secrets

"you're too weak" with that they walked to the castle in silence.

'gramps said our ancestors came from space. Then is this a different planet but that would be...'

They go to a gate and the guards stopped him till they saw the old man

"well welcome to Kouka Kingdom Misaki-sama. The king is waiting for you...that boy is?

"he is my son Ryouta Misaki"

"understood we will lead the way"

As they lead the way Ryouta asked "old man who are you"

"haha I wonder"

Then they were taken to a chubby man who has a gentle appearance. He has a pair of black eyes and short black hair covered by a black headgear with red and yellow design and he also has a short black mustache.

"Nobu my old friend you finally came your a few months late"

"I'm sorry my friend I was busy family stuff oh this is my son I told you about Ryo greet your uncle Il."

Ryouta goes to the king and bows gifting him some sake "Ryouta greets Uncle Il"

"haha. Well, I'm glad you don't seem to be like your father. Let me call my daughter."

He told an attendant and a girl with beautiful red hair came "Father why have you called I was going to play with Soo-wan"

"Well, I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine and his son. "

"young lady I am Nobuyuki Masaki you can just call me uncle and this is my son Ryouta. He's never been in a palace so why don't you go play with him and show him the castle" he then gives her a lollipop "here this is for you too"

"thank you uncle" She smiles and goes to the boy and frowns 'he looks even better than Soo-Won'

She tells him to go with him and he just follows behind her with his hands behind his head

As they left the smile on Nobu and Il face were gone

"so why have you asked me to come? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore"

"I want you to take Yona off this world"

"...Yona's not my child she has red hair"

"no Yona is my daughter. The thing is I feel the kingdom will be destroyed in the future and I want to ensure her safety"

"What makes you say that?"

"As you know Kashi my wife was a fortune teller, before her death she predicted...he will attack this planet when Yona is 15"

"you mean?"

"yeah Kagato"

"Then how will you explain it to my son...he is difficult to handle. Plus we can't do it right away "

"how about this we will have..."


Ryouta kept staring at her hair and Yona frown "why are you looking at my hair like that? Are you going to make fun of it? I hate my hair color. I wish I had normal hair color. I look like a monster"

"huh no, I was admiring it. Red is my favorite color...Red is the color of"

"Princess who is this"

//AN: I wanted to show what most people see Ryouta doing is sports but he does other things too. What he wants to do is make A-Ts but they are difficult to make and even in his original world they cost 100,000 yen for a normal pair and millions for advance A-Ts. so in this world. He knows it would be too expensive to make.

Kinjiro group is from Persona 3 the animation

Shiki Magata is from Subete ga F ni naru

Tenjōin family is from To Love Ru

Roman Saotome is from Sket dance

Chang-ho is from the breaker

Yuma Okazaki and Hotaru Mizushina are from NTR: Netsuzou Trap

Yona -Yona of the dawn

Kagato is from Tenchi

Sanzenin family is from Hayate The Combat Butler I thought it would make sense seeing she owns the manga company in the manga

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts