
Teen Titans Genderbent

Basic love story about our Teen Titans if they were different genders.

Batman117 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Back into the Fryer

Sunfire blinks slowly at dawns light shining into the room through the window. He looks down at the warm weight on him and kisses her forehead. He maneuvers her off of him and he slides out of bed. He brings the covers back up to her and slides on his boxers. He then stealth fully opens and closes the door as he sneaks out. He heads for the stairs and climbs them up to the roof. He opens the door and props it open with a small pipe, then proceeds to the spot he used every morning for his morning prayer.

He gets on his knees and puts his together then bows his head.

"Lord, please watch over me and the team as we do our daily crime fighting and activities. Please give Robyn power to give life saving and good commands for our missions, please give Changeling the power to not transform into the wrong animal and compromise our missions, please give me the power to not mess up anything important to our mission and allow me to not become a liability to the team, please give Cyber the power to provide all of the tactical and intel knowledge we need to complete or missions, and finally please give Crow the power to keep control of the demons he fights' to keep control of his power so he can give the much needed magic for us to complete our missions. Amen/Amen" Sunfire jumps at the sudden new voice in his prayer.

"What's up Sun?" Crow asks as Sunfire powers down his star bolt.

"Oh hey bro." Sunfire says.

"Hey, man I wanted to thank you for what you did in the future for me." Crow says sitting down beside him. "Changeling made me enter your mind after she figured out you returned."

"What how?" Sunfire asks surprised because Robyn was the only one who knew of his return.

"Yours and Robyn's room is right beside Changeling's remember? She heard the thumps on the wall and your name in Robyn's moans. That's when she came to my room and asked me to check your mind to see if you were the original Sunfire… while I was in your mind I saw what you did when I was in that place. Thanks for not leaving me there." Crow says.

"Oh… No problem. You would have done the same for me." Sunfire says.

"True." Crow says getting up. "Hey man. It's only 5:55. Let's go back to bed it's still early."

"Alright." Sunfire says getting up and they head back in.

Sunfire quietly closes the bedroom and sneaks to the bed.

"Where'd ya go? I missed you." Robyn's drowsy voice says. It's not even 6 yet."

"I was on the roof." He says.

"Oh yeah. You like looking at the morning sky." She says as he slides in next to her.

"Yeah." He says embracing her and giving her a long kiss.

"Fuck your cold." She says breaking the kiss after feeling his cold body from being outside.

"Yeah, but now I got you to keep me warm." He says feeling her warm body on his.

"You do." She agrees finally getting comfortable on him. She relaxes as his cold arm wraps around her.

"Sweet dreams." He says kissing her forehead.

"Sweet dreams." She yawns.

Sometime later

"Hey, Changeling, Cyber. I think I'm part vampire or something." Robyn says as she lays on her back on Changeling's bed with her head hanging off.

"Why?" Cyber asks.

"Because. When Sunfire and I are in bed together it's like a parade and sometimes the parade gets a little more explosive." She says.

"I know. If you remember my room is right beside parade route." Changeling says.

Robyn frowns at her before continuing. "Anyway… Sometimes I…we like to get a little rough. And sometimes I kinda, sorta, bite him a little too hard and draw a little blood."

"So you draw blood? That doesn't mean you're a vampire. Just means you're too rough too our little alien." Cyber says.

"But… he has sweet tasting blood… you know how ours is like salty and bitter? His isn't, it's kinda good."

"There is one salty thing you enjoy." Changeling mumbles and Robyn frowns at her again.

"So he has sweet blood? It's not like you bite his neck in his sleep and drink it like juice." Cyber says.

"No I don't go that far… It's just I like the taste of his blood. And no it isn't. His cum is just as sweet. Like he is made of sugar or something." Robyn says.

"You're definitely a horny vampire." Changeling says.

"You think so?" Robyn asks.

"No. Your just over horny and kinky." Cyber says. "Changeling is just pent up horny."

"Haha." Changeling laughs sarcastically.

Crow and Sunfire

"So, you're really religious?" Crow asks.

"Indeed. Why wouldn't I be? I told you one of my first days here I was." Sunfire says.

"I thought you were just saying that." Crow say.

"Nope. I always pray before we begin our day and after Robyn goes to sleep." Sunfire says.

"Cool. So how was future Robyn? In bed I mean." Crow asks.

Sunfire frowns at him but answers anyway. "To be honest she wasn't as fun as my Robyn. I mean she was the same, but to experienced I guess. Like in times of war. You don't send all of your best troop to a single battle. You feel me?"

"Yeah. You used to her, and her future self wasn't what you were used too." Crow says.

"Yeah." Sunfire says.

Beep, beep, beep

"Time for work." Crow says getting up and Sunfire follows him.

"Alright Titans. We have bank Robbery in progress. Expect non-experienced teens or something, but be prepared for a veteran thief and/or villain." Robyn says to the team.

"Roger that." Crow says going back to his and Sunfire's Rock, Paper, Scissors game to see who goes in first.

"Tihs. You win." Sunfire says sadly. "Alright. Here."

"Isn't my fault some bitch robbed the bank." Crow says as Sunfire gives him the boot bomb which is a small explosive similar to C-4 but it goes under your boot and explodes on contact when smashed against something else. Crow places it under his boot and fist bumps with Sunfire.

"Boys." Robyn says shaking her head humored at the way they acted like kids.

"Alright. Everybody ready?" Cyber asks and everyone nods. "Alright everyone stack up on Crow."

They get on the door in one pair of two and the other in three. "Do it." Changeling says and Crow turns and kicks backwards into the door and the force of his foot against the door blows the small door and blows down the banks door and Sunfire flies in first, followed by Crow, Changeling, Cyber and Robyn.

"Clear. Move up." He says as Crow now takes the lead.

Boom, boom, boom They only move halfway into the bank when a bunch of small explosions explode around them and they split.

"Engage… Whoa." Crow says before seeing his opponent. "It's a chick? Now I feel bad about calling her a bitch."

"I'm no average girl. I could you all easily. Except for you… You're kind of cute. You from space or something? Maybe after this we could grab a bite?" Tink "Ah."

"Where did you get the Red X suit? I locked that away." Robyn says hitting her with a bird-a-rang. "And no. Sunfire is mine."

"You didn't lock it good enough did ya? But I'm better. We could have lots of fun together… Sunfire is it?"

Tink Red X dodges the second one and it hits the wall beside her.

"Fuck off, eh? He's with a real woman." Robyn says.

"Sooo, Why is he with you?" Red X asks amusedly and begins dodging the onslaught of bird-a-rang.

After that are off the Titans assault her in an attempt to arrest her.

"Your fast and hot." Red X says barely avoiding Sunfire. "I like guys who can keep up with me. Are you as good in bed as you are fighting?"

After that comment Robyn begins throwing everything in her arsenal after the last comment.

"Oh, struck a nerve huh? You must great in bed to trigger that must fight from her." Red X says dodging everyone and thing so fast it made their heads spin.

"You're muscular as hell too." Red X says squeezing Sunfire's upper arm. "Do you want to use those moves on me in my bed? Or against a wall or table?"

Finally Sunfire apprehends her due to her being so close.

"Sorry sweetie. Maybe next time." BUUUZZZZZ.

"AAAHHH!" Sunfire screams as a volt of electricity shocks him. After that she flips out the window leaving a stunned team behind.

Sunfire shakes his head trying to shake off the shock.

"You o.k man?" Crow asks helping him up.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Sunfire says.

"Hey… guess what?" Crow asks.

"What?" Sunfire asks.

"You got your ass whooped by a girl."

"As did you."

"I let her get those." Crow says looking down.

"Me too. We didn't want to hurt her." Sunfire jokes with him.

"You two are too childish." Robyn says shaking her head.

"Nah. We're just loose." Crow says.

"I can be loose. Red X is just more important at the moment." Robyn says. "Let's return to the Tower and everyone turn in their After Action Reviews."

"Hey, mate, what's got her panties in a bunch?" Crow asks.

Sunfire frowns at the phrase but remembers the meaning. "I don't know."

Everyone returns to the tower and turn their reports in and each go to their rooms to chill from the day.

Robyn turns on the hot water and watches the tub fill up. She reaches under the sink and gets her strawberry bubbles and pours half of it in. She swooshes the water around making the bubbles form faster. Finally the tub fills and she strips.

"Fucking slut, "Oh why is he with you then?" "You muscular as hell."… ya bitch." Robyn says getting into the tub angrily. She huffs down into the water murmurs to herself about Red X. She inhales the scented air around her and tries to relax.

"EEKK!" Whack "Ow." Sunfire rubs his nose after leaning over Robyn's head and kissing her.

"Oh I'm sorry. Shouldn't hurt though after how muscular you are. It was probably a piece of paper to you." Robyn mumbles.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Nothing. You getting in?" She asks looking at him.

"Sure." He says confused by the hostility.

She scoots up after he strips and gets in behind her.

"Mhmhm." She moans to herself as he rubs her shoulders.

"Come on baby. Please tell me why you're mad." Sunfire says kissing her neck.

"I'm not mad." Robyn says crossing her arms as Sunfire pulls her to him and he kisses her right shoulder.

"Come on, talk to me." Sunfire says wrapping his arms around her stomach and placing his chin on her shoulder.

She loosens at the move. "Do you really think Red X is better than me?" She asks softly tucking the left side of her hair behind her ear.

"What? No. Robyn why would I want another woman. You're the best woman in this city. I love you. You know this." He says kissing her neck.

"Mmh. I know… Would you fuck her on a table or wall?" She asks with another soft question.

He frowns. "Have I done that to you?"

"Yes." She answers.

"No. You made me do that. And no I would not. Why would I want her? I only desire you." He answers kissing her cheek.

She rolls over and straddles in him the tub. "So, umm. You wanna fuck in the tub?" She asks tucking some hair behind her ear.

"No." He answers rubbing her hips.

"Why not? We got hot water and everything." She says sadly.

"I'm not in the mood at the moment." He answers.

"Get in the mood then." She whines rubbing herself against him.

"Let's just make the out. I love the warmth of your lips on mine." Sunfire says rubbing her sides.

"Alright. You have the best way with words." She says finally and bringing her lips to his.

"Besides, you're the only woman that can make the hard." He whispers into her ear before kissing it causing her to shiver pleasurably.

"So you're in the mood?" She asks as he lightly nips her neck.

"No. Just getting you the pent up." He answers, his hand gently squeezing her butt and then rubbing her tailbone quickly with his middle finger.

"Sttoooop." She whines at the precision. "It's cruel to toy with people."

"It's also fun." He says bringing her back into a kiss.

"It's mean." She says just as their lips meet and his hands travel to her back and she lovingly wraps her arms around his neck.

"Wait till we lay together." He says softly and resumes their kiss.

A week later

"Alright guys. We have another shot at X. Don't blow it." Robyn says as they move toward the store.

"You won't." Crow says and she hits him in the arm.

"Last time we were unprepared but this time we know what to expect." Cyber says.

"Last time we got whooped." Changeling says as they get to the door.

Ring, ring

"A cellphone?" Crow then looks down at the phone on the doorknob. "GET DOWN!"


"She was waiting for us. Roll call." Robyn yells into the brown and grey smoke that surrounds her, ignoring the ringing in her ears.


"Uck, uck. Changeling."



"Sunfire?" Robyn asks.


"Sunfire, where are you mate?" Crow asks.


"Shit. Here we go again. Sunfire must be popular with the ladies." Cyber says trying to joke.


"Ah….Hello!" Sunfire yells into the dark after slowly waking up. He looks to his sides and realizes he is on his back and restrained. "Hello!"

"Well hello sexy. You finally woke up? I must say… you are a lot more muscular then I originally thought." Red X says walking up to him. She kneels beside and runs her fingers up his stomach. "Mmh. My armors hard but your abs are harder."

"Where am I?" He asks.

"My base… Well my house for now." She answers simply. "Don't worry though. I don't want to kill you or anything. I'm not that bad. I just want something that Robyn has or can get."

"And I am the ticket to get it?" He asks watching her.

"Yes… maybe no. You see there is two things I want but I know only one will happen." She says straddling him.

"What are they?" He asks not liking the situation.

"One is you, but I've been watching you Titans for a while and I've seen the way you look at Robyn and vice versa. I'm not so cold that I would break that apart. Two is Xenothium, a very vital part of my suit." She explains.

"That's it?" Sunfire asks.

"Yeah so what? I'm a simple a girl. Plus I'm not greedy. I take only what I need. No more, no less." She says.

"Why don't you just asks?" Sunfire asks.

"That is not my thing. But for you I'll give it a shot next time I contact Robyn for the Xenothium." Red X says getting up.

"You going to talk?" He asks watching her still since it's the only thing he can do.

"No. I'm hungry, you want something? I'm going out for Chinese… And don't worry I'm going to buy it." She says seeing his expression.

"Like that?" He asks meaning her outfit.

"No. I'm going to take it off and put on real clothes, then put it back on after I return." She says taking off her gloves.

After she takes her glove she undoes her belt. When she undid the zipper to her top that when he looked the other way because he did not think she was serious. He also noticed he was in a cage.

"Aren't going to watch? It's not every day a girl lets a boy watch her change." She says watching him look out the window instead.

"I'm fine." He answers and she continues to change.

"Are you allergic to peanuts?" She asks putting her hair in a ponytail.

"No." He answers taking a quick peek and seeing her still shirtless looks away. Seeing he won't do anything if she is shirtless she walks over and undoes his restraints which he doesn't notice.

"Is there any you don't want in it? I'm getting Kung Pao Chicken and the Veggie special." She says pulling on a shirt.

"Can you get some Soy Sauce?" He asks peeking back and sees she is wearing a shirt stops looking out the window.

"Soy Sauce? Eww. That stuff is horrible." She says.

"What? Soy Sauce is good." Sunfire says.

"I got some on my finger once and it was nasty." She says.

"Not if you put it on rice or meat. Plus you are not meant to eat your finger. At least try it." He says.

"Fine. Anything else?" She asks turning and removing her mask after he shakes his head. "O.K. I'll be back in a little bit… Oh and the cage is made of an Alloy, titanium hybrid. Not even Superman can bend it. So breaking out and fleeing isn't going to happen. The window is also unbreakable."

"Heres the remote to the T.V." She says sliding it through the bar.

After that she leaves him alone in the cell alone.

Curious he walks over to the window. WHACK "Ow!"

Sunfire shakes his hand after the window takes his full strength punch. Not wanting to try again he decides to try the cage.

"Hrrrrr." Not even a dent. He walks back over to the bed he was restrained to and sits down. He finally picks up the remote and flips through T.V channels. "OOHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob Squarepants!"

After hitting SpongeBob he stays on that channel.

Titans Tower 1 days later

"So, what's the plan boss?" Crow asks.

"Are we going to give her that stuff to fuel her suit?" Changeling asks. "She whoops our ass enough with the small amount she has. We can't refuel her."

"I'm with Changeling on this one. We can't give her more power than she already has." Cyber says.

"We can let her kill Sunfire either." Crow says.

"How about all the lives she can kill with the suit? One or hundreds?" Changeling asks Crow.

"Come on Robyn, he's your boyfriend for Christ's sake." Crow says looking at her.

"I'm sorry Crow. Their right. One life over hundreds isn't a good deal. In the big picture One life isn't as important as the hundreds." Robyn says sadly.

"But he is your boyfriend and lover..." Crow says.

"There is nothing we can do at the moment Crow. I'm going tell her to give me some time to think it over… And to please not hurt him." Robyn says.

"I hope she kills him just to make a point." Crow says storming off and slamming the door behind him.

Changeling and Cyber stand in the silent room before Robyn finally decides to respond to Red X.

Red X

"So this is how I die." Sunfire says to himself. "Hehe. Killed on a foreign planet with no family to even recognize my death."

"Don't talk like that. You're killing my vibe… I'm not going to kill you. I was just using that phrase as an incentive for them to get me the Xenothium." Red X says. "So no worries alright? Plus there is loads we can do together." She says leaning onto the bars.

"No thank you." Sunfire says.

"Come on." She says entering the cell. "I can do whatever Robyn can. I love lollipops, so you know I can suck."

"I don't care. There is only one person I want to be with." Sunfire says.

"I can be her. A little word play, some 3D graphics. You won't tell the difference." Red X says. "Besides, are you really telling me we have no chance of being together?" She asks confidently.

"Is hell hot?" Sunfire answers.

"Yeah it is." She says.

"Then I'm saying there is no chance in hell. You almost split my friends." Sunfire says.

"Fine." She says getting up. "I'm going out. You want something sweetie?"

"No thank you." Sunfire says.

"Don't be that way. You can't starve. Do you really want to go back to her hungry?"

"No." He answers after a bit. "You getting burgers?"

She winks at him. "Yep. I love a nice bacon burger. You want one?"

"Yes… Please." He says still using manners.

"O.K baby, I'll be back." She says going into her room changing, and then leaving.

3 days later

"Where the hell is Crow? We got a break in at the National Science Museum." Robyn says as they head to the museum.

"I don't know. He left a couple hours ago." Changeling says.

"He still can't be mad about Sunfire can he?" Cyber asks.

"He shouldn't be. I told him that I would find a way to get him." Robyn says.

"I don't know. But we should focus on the mission." Cyber says.

"Your right." Robyn says as they approach the building.

Few minutes later

"I'm seeing a lot of down guards. Nothing serious, just unconscious. They're going to have nasty headaches in the morning." Changeling says looking at the various guards laying everywhere.

"Whoever came through wasn't very interested in stealing much were they?" Robyn asks

"So, what was stolen?" Cyber asks.

"I don't know. Nothing looks broken or taken." Robyn says as they search the building. "Split up."

"Shit, Hey, Robyn I found what was missing!" Changeling yells after some solo searching.

"What?" She yells back.


"Shit. Out of the building! Search the area and find the thief! Red X Cannot repeat cannot get that yet!" Robyn commands as they run into different areas.

"So, you did get me the Xenothium?" Red X asks looking at the person who had what she wanted.

"I do. Do you have the package?" He asks.

"I do."

"SUNFIRE YOU UP THERE MATE?" Crow yells up the building.

"YEAH!" Sunfire answers.

"See? I'm honest in my words." Red X says.

"I see." Crow says. "Can you send Sun down first?"

"I can since you took the risk of your job for him. Make no mistake though, you try and fuck me over I will kill him." She warns.

"I won't." Crow says.

She walks away from the edge over to Sunfire. "Well, it's been fun baby, but a deal is a deal."

"I don't believe I can say the same." Sunfire says and even with the mask he knew he struck something in her.

"Yeah." She says not showing anything but there was a hint of hurt.

Feeling bad he lightly grasps the side of her mask. She tried to move but he was faster and caught her. "Trust me."

She barely did but she decided to trust him. She felt him taking it off until her left cheek was exposed and then she felt something warm touch them. She felt her cheek begin to burn at the realization of what happened. "Try not to be evil anymore alright? And maybe, just maybe if Me and Robyn fail in the future, I'll think about it." He says before using a phrase from her. "You know, to give you incentive."

"O…O.K." She stutters not really knowing what to think as he begins walking away.

"I SEE CROW!" Cyber's voice sounds out across the buildings.

"HURRRY! SUNFIRE GIVE THIS TO HER!" Crow yells up to them as Sunfire gets to the edge.

"Roger!" Sunfire yells down as Crow chunks it up to him.

"CROW, SUNFIRE… WE'RE COMING!" Robyn's voice rings out closer then Cyber's.

"Red X here." Sunfire says tossing it to her.

"SUN WE GOTTA GO!" Crow says as they get closer.

"Sorry, but when they get here they will engage you. Sorry." Sunfire says before Spartan kicking Red X across the building top and blows the buildings corner with a Star bolt and floats down to Crow just as the other arrive.

"Thank you Crow." Sunfire whispers right before they meet up with the girls.

"No sweat." Crow responds.

"So it was you who stole the Xenothuim." Robyn says as soon as they meet.

"Yeah, I said I was getting Sun back and I did." Crow says pointing at Sunfire.

"Really? And at what cost?" She asks.

"Hey Chang. Let's go ready the Titan Mobil." Cyber says and Changeling nods.

"No cost. Red X said she would not use it for evil." Crow says.

"How do you know?"

"Her word."

"Her word is trash. Bad guys don't keep their word." Robyn says.

"She will." Sunfire says. "She isn't all bad. She was just traveling the wrong path. Give her a chance. You know. Like the one you gave me."

"No, Crow took the chance on you. I wanted you dead or jailed and possibly killed in jail." She corrects him. "As did Cyber and Changeling."

"Why are you so mad? You wanted Sunfire back didn't you and here he is. What's the big deal?" Crow asks.

"You broke an order not to give into the negotiation and give her that stuff." Robyn says poking her finger into his chest.

"No I broke an order to save my friend who I actually care about." Crow says. "Unlike you."

"I do care for…"

"No you don't care for him. If you cared you would have broken an order for him and you wouldn't be too pissed." Crow says shutting her up.

"I…" She tries to begin but he doesn't let her.

"And wasn't you who said his life didn't matter?" Crow asks.

"No I didn't." She says.

""One life over hundreds isn't important." Your words at the time aimed at him." Crow says quoting her.

"They were a bad choice of words. Return to the Titan Mobil now. Before I fill out a treason report." She says coldly.

"And I'd gladly sign it." Crow says walking away. "Let go Sun."

Sunfire glances down at his wrist protectors and sees Robyn's reflection. With the mask she looked pissed, he knew that under the mask and pissed look she hurt. Crow cut him deep with his words and they weren't even meant for him, he didn't want to know how bad the words cut her.

A quick glance to his side showed Crow was just as pissed and hurt. They both had deep words but he knew even Crow knew he cut deep into Robyn. But he knew Crow was to prideful to admit it.

"" Silence has filled the car for the last 5 minutes. Not the silence like in school or movies, it was the awkward silence where no was brave enough to talk.

Sunfire watched as Crow napped in the front passenger, while Cyber drove. Changeling was also asleep in the back. He looks at the girl beside him and takes her hand. She looks up at him as he brings it up to his lips and kisses it.

Then he saw the thing he was hoping to achieve. A small smile cracked her lips as kissed the top and palm of her hand.

"I'm sorry." She whispers to him. "It was… I was thinking of the majority when she took you."

"I understand. I had those choices when I was the commander of a fleet. You made a good call." He whispers back. "You know Crow didn't mean what he said. He was just defending his actions."

"I know." She answers laying her head on his shoulder.

At the Tower

Even though it was 6:55 everyone at the tower went straight to bed. They did do like they did every night and said Good night, then proceeded.

Except for two.

After Sunfire enters the room Robyn closes the door and pulls him into and deep kiss. Her arms wrap around his neck as his hands land on her sides. She props her leg on the door and Sunfire runs his hand up and down it.

"I've missed that." She gasps breaking the kiss.

"Same." He says as she takes his top off. She feels her belt pop off and her shirt come up. After her shirt was removed she brought her and his body closer and his lips into another kiss.

Her pants slide down and he carries her to the bed.

"You think you remember how your pecker works?" She teases.

"It's going to be in you soon enough. Then we'll see… Who can walk." He says kissing her.

2 hours later

Robyn places her hands on Sunfire's cheeks as she lifts her head to kiss him. They were both covered in sweat and the room was intoxicated by the smell of sex.

"That was amazing." She says giving him peck kisses.

"It was." He agrees.

"You ready to go again?" She asks.

"That's the 45th time. Can we not rest?" He asks kissing her neck.

"We just did. But if you can't continue I understand. Very few men can continue after 45. I guess you're not one of the few." She says as her hands plays with his hair and his kisses on her neck stops.

"I can continue until the four hundredth and forty fifth time." He says.

"I doubt it. You tired at 45." She says rolling onto her side.

He rolls her back onto her back and forces his lips to hers.

"Let's see how long you last." He says as she bites his bottom lip.

"Longer than you." She challenges.