
The beginning

Flame Snake Town, Draconis Empire

The whole town was illuminated by the bright moon that hung upon the nightly sky, not a single soul could be seen on the streets, but suddenly a silver streak zoomed through the city, it was a young man clothed in white, his silver hair reflected the moonlight and his deep blue eyes full of caution were like the ocean, vast and endless.

"I found him !" A burly voice broke the silence, a fat man with a crossbow at hand appeared on the roof of a small inn, eight other men all dressed in the same strange attire appeared around him.

"Well done N7789 this time we won't let him get away" said the one who seemed to be the leader, he then took out a spear from a spatial ring and aimed at the young man

*Divine Tribulation: Seal !*

The spear gave off a dazzling blue light as it flew towards the young man, it landed right in front of him and imbedded itself deep in the ground.

*ütįē våjrā rīj* the eight men incanted together, the spear started shining even more lightning came out of it and formed a circle with different diagrams in it, the circle gave off a dangerous yet holy vibe, suddenly the circle emitted a shrill cry and as if replying to it the silent sky started howling, an enormous thunderbolt crashed out of nowhere right into the young man.

"Pfiouuu we finally did it thank god he was wounded"

"I can't believe we killed a white fox this time we really hit the jackpot"

The eight men started conversing while laughing happily but unbeknownst to them on the rooftop of a building a group of people were watching them with murderous gazes.

"Bal, you know what to do"

An immature voice broke the silence

"Yes young master" a deep and cold voice replied

"Wait it's not fair young master, why is it always Bal ? Please let me do it this time, I really can't control myself" another voice complained

"Shut it Vulcan we have to keep a low profil we are in the human kingdom if we get caught we'll be in trouble"

"Yeah shut up Vulky your methods are way too flashy let Bal handle it he won't even leave a trace"

"Shut up Vulcan don't question the young master"

The rest of the group scolded

"Okok i got it I'll just keep quiet and let Bal handle it pff" Vulcan gave in and sulked

"Sorry Vulcan we can't take the risk of getting exposed once we get back you can go wild" the immature voice laughed

"Haha thank you young master you're the best"

"Bal take care of them" the young master once again spoke but this time his voice was cold.

As soon as he finished his sentence a black shadow flew out of the group and landed right in front the eight men.

"Who are you ?" The leader of the eight men asked cautiously, the man who suddenly landed in front of him gave out a pressure even stronger than that of his boss and he didn't seem to harbor any good feelings towards him and his companions.

The leader knew that the man was stronger than all of them due to his keen instincts and experience but the others didn't

"Who do you think you are ? Can't you see that the perimeter has been locked down by us ??" one of the men shouted

"N7109 shut up !" the leader yelled out "Greetings sir, I am N6998, I am a member of The Phantom Blade" N6998 mentioned the name of his faction hoping that the man would let them live.

"The Phantom Blade ? The monster hunting guild ? It makes sense now" the man said in a low voice

"Yes The Phantom Blade, the thing behind you is a monster we hunted down, it is a white fox, as you know their species is extremely rare you could get a very high price if you sell its corpse, as long as you let us live you can keep it and we won't ever mention this to anybody" seeing that the name of his faction didn't intimidate the man N6998 tried another approach

"N6998 what the hell are you doing"

"Why are you acting like this all of sudden who is this guy ?!"

The other members of the Phantom Blade realized that their leader was acting weird

"You are more clever than your companions only you have realized the situation you're in, but even with that there are three things you didn't take into account, first, if I wanted to have the white fox I could simply kill you there would be no need to bargain, second, you thought that I was after the fox as well, you never thought that I was only here to kill you, and lastly, you thought that I was a human." As the man talked N6998 became more and more pale, and when he heard the last sentence he fell down on his knees

"Who are you ?" he asked but he didn't get a reply all he heard was one word and that was the last thing the men ever heard *Abyss*.

"You sure took your time to deal with them Bal"

"Yeah why did you talk that much couldn't you just *abyss* thing them faster ?"

"He just wanted to play mysterious haha"

The group that was on the rooftop suddenly appeared next to Bal

"See young master you could've just let me do it I would've burnt them to a crisp no trace would've even remained" bragged Vulcan

"Alright alright stop it everyone, the fox he isn't dead yet what should we do young master ?" asked a gentle voice

"Well since he's still alive let's take him with us he is after all one of ours" said the young master "anyways the magic disruption caused by Bal must've alerted some people we should leave before we're seen"

"Where are we going young master ?"

To that question the young master grinned happily "home".

Yo sorry guys I deleted first chapter 1 my bad i published the wrong chapter 1 this is the real one once again sorry (btw English isn’t my first language so I apologize for any misspellings or stuff like that (French fellas support your brother donnez la cefor en balle ehe))

ScarWukongcreators' thoughts