

Andriana Belle Decker, a sixteen years old High school student. Perfect family. Perfect part time job. Perfect friends. Perfectly everything. Victor Gibson, a twenty six years old transfer teachers. He found hers. He hers teachers. He had eyes on hers. He own everythings.

PhantomGhost92 · 若者
41 Chs


Weeks later. morning great as come. Belle returns to school. Thanks for Gibson too. She walked toward her locker. she has been viral somehow, since the incident. After a week they totally forget about it. She unlocked the door.

"Welcome back or should I say .. ?." breath. "You survive. he found you there."

She closed her door. eyes on Emma as her side leant at the door. she stared. "I didn't know till my mother told me."

"You should. come.'' The two girls walk as the bell rings.

Belle enters the class. The class greeted her with a smile. "Bella. you survive. well in that case welcome back. you know who helped you don't you?."

"Is that necessary to say?."

"Yes it is."

The class was suddenly stunned and quiet. especially Belle. the familiar voice exactly behind her. she didn't bother to turn her back knowing whom the voice belonged to. Before she left for school she hadn't checked her schedule. which first period class belongs to. It was a Gibson class. She entered the class at the wrong time and in the wrong place. she shouldn't be in his class again. she shouldn't. after all this happened. she shouldn't.

she can feel him smiling behind her back. she can feel it. "Surely after your unconsciousness doesn't make you forget which one of your desks." chuckle. continue. "Or you need my assistance."

quickly she walked toward her table. She sat on it. ducking her head and hiding behind one of her classmate's body. as Gibson enters and drops all his things on the desk.

"As I can say, welcome to Miss Belle. we missed you. Surely you notice that rain doesn't make you stronger than you thought." he chuckled.

Belle growls silently. The class looked over her for a while then back to Gibson as he continued.

"Well -."

He is taking a seat on the desk. "As you know. today is your special day."

"One special day, Mr. Gibson."

one of the students raise hand. "Is this a celebration welcoming for Belle or something."

Gibson giggle. said. "No. I didn't say this was special for Miss Belle. Of course I'm glad she's back because she is my student and all of you are. What I'm saying is I've been thinking of bringing all of you for a school tour to the lakes. I do my research and of course you know this place."

"Hanging lake park."

"Oh you're good, Miss Smiley. yes. Hanging lake park. for fun and learning."

he chuckled as hear the student growling out loud. learning? What the hell? He knows his class is more fun than studying. But what can he say? school still school.

"I know most of you hate to mix your fun and learning. so, be prepared. and bring extra clothes. I have my approval and I will print out a permission form for your parents to sign it. you will collect the form after this in my office. bring whatever you want, food, guitar. anything."

He smiled.

later. evening. the school bell rings. the student heading their way back home. Gibson students get to line up in his office. permission form to be filled by parents. He didn't notice Belle wasn't there with the others in line. till the last student took the form and he got a piece form in his hand. He knew it. He knew this form was supposed for Belle and she didn't take it. not even in the line.

clearing throat. he gathered all his things out from the office to his car. He was looking for her and nothing to be seen. nor her figures. she is probably heading her way back to home. These creatures are stubborn. He thought to himself. truth. what Belle's mother said about her. stubborn. yes. she is. stubborn.

exhaling. no longer wasting his time. He went inside the car, started the engine then drove back home. thought he could catch her up but no. she faster than he thought. where she learned that. a minute after. he parked his car. slammed the door shut. He looked around Decker's house. thought again that he would spot her and nothing.

"I cannot believe this. How could he do this to me after what I did? I sacrificed myself for her. and she what? nothing. she barely notices me around her."

he muttered. biting his bottom lips. tapping his shoes on the ground. arm crossed. losing his temper. He reaches the form then walks towards Decker's door. without ringing the bell. He knocked the door harshly. from inside. Belle could hear the door banging almost split into two from the outside. who the hell bangs their door so hard like that.

She reached downstairs to the door. she swung it open without hesitation.

"Ah, Miss Belle."

He said at the same time the door slammed shut right in front of his face. He could feel the wind as the door closed. How rude. He thought. he was banging again.

Belle ignores it. she rolled her eyes. running upstairs. she let the door banging without stopping. downstairs she hears the mother yelling out. and suddenly the banging stopped. Belle takes a peep between the pole stairs.

"My apologies." He handed the form to the mother. "Your daughter. she forgot to bring you this."

the mother takes the form and reads it. "Adventures learning Tour." She looked at him. "That sounds weird."

"My apologies. I don't know how to express it. well. since Miss Belle returned to school today. I made my decision. supposed this tour actually happens when she is sick at home. but then I think. sure I don't want her to miss this tour."

He smiled. continue. "Something new I teach. expression. fun and learning. maybe involve a Romeo and Juliet thing."

"You mean Shakespeare in the park in a fun way."

he claps. nod his head. "That's it. Shakespeare in Park."

"Hanging lakes?."

"Does it sound good..?." the mother nodded. She folded the form. grip in her hand. "Sign. At school Miss Belle must have handed it to me. of course with your sign on it."

the mother scoffs. "I will. anything?."

"That's all. Thank you. have a great evening." he smiled. turn his feet and walk to his house.

night. Decker's home. dining room. the family eat dinner. Belle knows what happened. and her decision is final. she doesn't want to go. nor does she care either.

"Oh Gibson came." said the mother to husband. "She gives me this." She handed the form. "Your daughter doesn't want to come and she doesn't care. nor does she like to."

the husband wiped his mouth. reach the form. he read. with glasses on his crooked nose.

"Adventures learning tour?."

"Shakespeare in Park." The wife corrected him. "Sounds fun to me."

the father nodded. "But Hanging lakes? Is it far from here?." the mother shrugged. He continued.

"Honey? when you go there. A permit is required. There's a trail too. The 1.2 mile scenic trail climbs 1,000 feet up from the bottom of Glenwood Canyon up through Deadhorse Creek Canyon to Hanging Lake. he really wanna do that?."

the mother shrugged again. "To our daughter? and all his students. doesn't he do research before making any plans?"

This time Belle agrees with her father and this time. her father on her side.

"I don't know. I never think about that. Maybe he did get a permit for students. maybe free for students. I don't know."

the father sip wine till drain. exhaling. He looked at his wife. "This is ridiculous. how do we sign this without knowing their safety."

"Richards?! He's a teacher not a beaver. He knows what he does. well - if you do not sign this I will. She went. okay. my daughter needs her own fun."

"Did you realize how dangerous it could be, Molly?"

"She'll be fine. He won't bring them up, trailing up there. There must be water below. People like to swim. splashing. whatever. not dangerous. final decision. Belle's going. I signed her up. The decision is done without arguing. that's final."

Belle gasps. She can see her mother push the chair. reach the pen then sign it. like her mother signed the contract with the Devil. cast Belle's life out from the family and now - her life at the hand of Gibson.