
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · 書籍·文学
127 Chs

Shadows of the Past


With swift and calculated movements, I gracefully evaded the formidable onslaught of metallic spikes, utilizing the harmonious blend of sound magic and the enhanced perception granted by Realmheart to anticipate their manifestation.

Brows furrowed in contemplation, I turned my gaze towards the Retainer standing before me, his face contorted with anger and hatred.

"Do I know you?" I queried, my voice laced with a tinge of curiosity, as I gracefully sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a destructive blast of soulfire.

"Silence, you abomination!" he retorted venomously. "How dare you feign ignorance!"

Paying no heed to his fervent accusations, I disregarded his words, instead employing the spatial manipulation of spatium to instantaneously transport myself behind him.

"I am not feigning, you insignificant being," I spoke icily, my chilling words sending shivers down his spine. "Truly, I have no recollection of you."

With a swift and decisive motion, I launched a powerful kick, propelling him forcefully through the air, his body hurtling away.

Observing the shattered remnants of his metallic defenses scattered upon the ground, I silently acknowledged the efficacy of his automatic defensive mechanisms.

As I closed in on the Retainer, prepared to deliver the decisive blow, a sudden surge of potent mana pierced through my heightened senses, causing an eerie chill to cascade down my spine. Sensing the imminent danger, I swiftly halted my advance, enveloping myself in a protective shield of Destruction, ready to face whatever awaited me.

My thoughts raced as I assessed the situation. "This is perilous," I acknowledged inwardly, my gaze fixated on the enigmatic woman who descended gracefully beside the Retainer.


My closest companion from a bygone era.

Suppressing the tumultuous emotions that threatened to surge within me, I effortlessly quelled the rising tide of sentimentality, aided by the apathetic aura emanating from the depths of Realmheart.

"So, Grey, you truly stand before me," she intoned, her voice resonating with commanding authority as her piercing golden eyes locked onto my form.

It was impossible to deny the ethereal presence she exuded, akin to that of a deity gracing mortal soil. Though her physical appearance had undergone a transformation since our past lives—her once-blonde tresses now replaced by cascading onyx locks, her vibrant blue irises replaced with incisive orbs of gleaming gold—her essence remained unaltered, radiating a profound otherworldliness.

While she may not have been Aldir's equal, the weight of her very soul transcended his feeble existence. It was evident, even in this momentary encounter.

In the realm of possibilities, should she nurture her innate potential, Cecilia had the capacity to surpass even the lofty echelons occupied by the Asuras. Such was her innate talent.

Cecilia was a formidable adversary, capable of pushing Lancelot to his very limits even when caught off-guard. I knew that defeating her would require the deployment of my secret weapon. Nevertheless, even with that advantage, I couldn't be certain of securing a victory against her alone.

"Sylvie," I communicated through our bond, ensuring her safety amidst the impending chaos, "Stay clear of the battle. I don't want you caught in the crossfire."

Reluctantly, my dragon companion agreed, understanding the necessity of her distance.

"Rachel," I projected my voice using sound magic, alerting my fellow Paladin to the dire situation, "I require backup."

Drawing Dawn's Ballad from its sheath, I revealed its translucent teal blade to the world. Motes of aether and swirling mana particles surged forth from within me, guided with the power of Realmheart. Together, they transformed the once mundane blade into a vibrant, swirling tapestry of pulsating energy.

"Here, Arthur," Rachel responded, descending gracefully beside me, her Spirit Dive already activated. Her eyes narrowed, brimming with anger as she focused her gaze on Cecilia.

Observing the exchange, Cecilia cocked her head inquisitively before commenting, "Ah, you must be the girl whose lover recently met his demise. Why do you continue to struggle so fruitlessly?"

While I anticipated Rachel to react explosively to such provocation, she surprised me by offering a serene smile. "I could ask you the same question. Why do you persist in your struggles, despite being bested by Lancelot and relying on another Legacy to save you like a helpless damsel in distress?"

Cecilia's face flushed crimson, a visual manifestation of the impending eruption of her formidable mana.

Her control over the surrounding mana seemed to envelop the very fabric of our surroundings, rivaling Lancelot's prowess in his Mana Sovereign state.

"We have no further need for pleasantries," Cecilia declared, extending her hand and unleashing a devastating disk of golden energy hurtling toward us.

Reacting swiftly, I activated Static Void, casting a temporal stasis that reduced the world to shades of gray. Rachel, initially taken aback, quickly adapted, evading Cecilia's attack from the flank. Meanwhile, I propelled myself from above, utilizing aether to soar towards my former comrade.

Our clash was a spectacular spectacle of magical brilliance as my blade shimmered with scintillating enchantments, meeting the formidable defenses erected by Cecilia.

'How did Lancelot breach this barrier?' I contemplated internally, momentarily halted in mid-air as I was forcefully repelled by Cecilia's unyielding power.

As I observed Cecilia's impenetrable barrier, a realization dawned upon me. The power of Destruction, my ultimate trump card, held the key to breaking through her defenses. However, the recoil from channeling such immense power would be too much for my bare fist to bear, and my mortal body would struggle to withstand the overwhelming flow of vivum, even with the amplifying properties of Realmheart.

My gaze shifted to Dawn's Ballad, my trusted companion throughout my second life. It had served me faithfully, but I had been naive to believe that such a blade could endure the force of Destruction. The magnitude of my opponents had grown, exposing the limitations of my cherished weapon.

Dawn's Ballad was incapable of harnessing Destruction's might.

As I sprinted towards Cecilia, my mind wandered to the sword I was sure could harness Destruction—Dusk's Shadowfang, Gary's formidable black curved blade. This weapon surpassed Dawn's Ballad in both craftsmanship and power, granting Gary the ability to unleash the full extent of his aether and mana.

I refused to dwell on what I lacked and instead focused on this battle. Swinging my blade with precision, I unleashed a flurry of attacks, utilizing multiple elements of mana simultaneously to assault Cecilia.

In the midst of our clash, a realization struck me. Despite her remarkable talent, Cecilia was not a pure-blooded Asura, nor had she reached the integration stage. As a result, she could not flawlessly control the dense and overwhelming mana she possessed.

'There must be a weak point,' I deduced. With this in mind, I intensified my assault, aiming to exploit any openings in her defense.'

I moved swiftly, my steps barely touching the ground as I harnessed the power of wind magic. Lancelot's swift footwork and Kordri's teachings merged seamlessly within me, granting me unparalleled agility and speed.

With my heightened senses and keen observation, I pinpointed the vulnerability within Cecilia's defenses. Time seemed to come to a standstill as I activated Static Void once more, enveloping us in a realm untouched by the flow of time.

Within this temporal sanctuary, I channeled my force-type mana, gathering it with focused intensity. The air crackled with energy as I prepared to unleash a devastating strike upon Cecilia's weak spot.

Propelling myself towards Cecilia's vulnerable point, I resumed the flow of time, unleashing a calculated torrent of force-type mana with a resounding surge. The sheer intensity of my power reverberated through my entire being, creating an atmosphere of raw energy that engulfed the surrounding space.

My aura radiated a brilliant crimson hue, signalling the immense strength I wielded. I prepared to shatter Cecilia's defenses and pierce through her weak spot, executing a precise and calculated strike.

However, Cecilia's astute observation came to the forefront as she scoffed, deriding my attempt to replicate past mistakes. In an instant, the arrangement of the mana rings protecting her shifted, strategically relocating the weak links away from the trajectory of my attack, displaying her tactical prowess.

Undeterred by her response, I engaged in a cold and clinical clash, my vibrant red force-type mana colliding with Cecilia's resolute golden mana. The clash of energies crackled in the air, each side refusing to concede an inch.

Recognizing that alternative options were unavailable, I drew upon the depths of my power, invoking Sylvia's indomitable will that resonated from the recesses of my being. Devoid of personal sentiment, I channeled the entirety of my force, methodically pressing forward with an unwavering resolve.

The clash intensified, the opposing forces locked in a calculated and clinical struggle. The very fabric of reality strained under the immense pressure as I unleashed the full extent of my force-type mana, meticulously aiming to dismantle Cecilia's defences and secure victory.


"I see you're the one responsible for Lancelot's demise," a voice devoid of emotion echoed, barely stirring a reaction within me. A faint grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I turned my gaze to meet the speaker, my emerald eyes locking with his.

Finally, he had arrived.

"And?" I replied haughtily, an air of superiority permeating my words as I observed him intently.

He bore no resemblance to Ren Dover; his amethyst eyes and silver-grey hair presented a stark contrast. A commanding aura exuded from him, hinting at his formidable stature as he analyzed me with a discerning gaze.

"Why have you aligned yourself with Agrona?" he inquired, his question causing a flicker of anticipation within me.

Had he uncovered my true identity?

Maintaining an outward composure, I calmly responded, "It is because he has promised me something of great importance. But why does it concern you?"

Regrettably, he muttered under his breath, "I had hoped you were like me, someone in need of salvation."

Amusement danced in my eyes as I chuckled softly, a sense of superiority lacing my tone. "Do you truly believe you can emerge victorious?"

My mana surged forth, its presence causing reality itself to tremble. Yet, to my surprise, Gary remained unperturbed, his expression shifting from indifference to disinterest.

The world suddenly ignited in blinding light as an array of swords materialized out of thin air, each born from a mere flick of Gary's finger.

"Wow~" I exclaimed with feigned amazement, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Absolutely awe-inspiring!"

Gary's voice remained devoid of emotion as he declared, "Let us bring this confrontation to an end."

"Not so fast~" I retorted, raising my hands in a mock gesture of surrender. "The final act is yet to come, Gary Whiteborn."

His expression tightened, his gaze narrowing as he began to speak.

Suddenly, a powerful surge of mana engulfed our surroundings, seizing our attention.

"It seems we should prioritize the rescue of our respective allies, don't you think?" I grinned mischievously, noting the trace of annoyance flicker across Gary's face.

"I'll let you escape this time, Legacy," he sighed, his amethyst eyes locking with my emerald gaze. "But mark my words, the next time our paths cross, I will ensure your demise."