
Chapter 3 - "I beg of you."

Act 1 - To Warspite

"Wait, so you made an enemy of the Ironblade clan?"

"No, THEY made an enemy of me. I try my best not to get involved in any conflict but once I'm in one then I'm not one to just stand still and let people drag me along."

It was the middle of the night, just after the bandit camp raid. Ren and Karis took refuge in a cave near the mountainside. A lit campfire kept them warm from the cold evening breeze. While they were resting, Ren had told Karis of his experiences prior to meeting her.

"So if you haven't met me, where would you have been right now?" Karis asked.

"Probably on the side of the road, dead from starvation but then again my body isn't exactly normal so I might survive till I get to the next town."

"Anyway, I just don't want those Ironblade guys to order me around with a leash on my neck, I'm done with that treatment," Ren answered.

Ren took a drink from his canteen after talking for such a long time. However it seems that there wasn't much left from it. Just a few sips and he's already out.

"Ah crap, I'm all out," Ren said as he shook his canteen, trying to get what little drops he had left.

"Here I still have some." Karis offered her canteen over, which strangely enough, is still more than half filled.

"No, that's yours, it's my fault for not rationing what little water I have. No need to give what is yours to me," Ren gently declined.

"It's fine Master, I'm fine without drinking or eating anything for at most four days. Today was supposed to be my third day but that bread you gave me back at the camp reset my streak," Karis explained as she insisted on handing over her canteen.

"Fine, I'll take some..."

Ren grabbed the canteen however he seems to hesitate as he just opened the can and stared silently at it. Specifically, his eye is focused on the opening of the container.

"What's wrong?"

"I uh...it's nothing, don't worry about it," Ren stuttered on his words before finally drinking from the canteen. He took a few small sips before putting the lid back on and handing it back to Karis.

"Thanks," he said as he subtly wiped his lips with his arm.

"Your welcome Master. Drink from it anytime you want," Karis replied happily.

"Also let me just point out, why do you keep calling me Master? I've been hearing it since back at the camp."

"Huh? Well, that's because you are my master. What else is there to it?" Karis answered, although she seemed more confuse than Ren as she did so.

"I don't remember making you my servant."

"Don't you know? It's like a golden rule for us demons to serve whoever we owe our life to. It's been like that for ages," Karis explained.

"Who made up that rule? Sounds stupid to me. Anyway, I don't like it. Just my name is enough."

"No, Master is Master," Karis stubbornly refused.

"Change it!"

"No! Don't wanna!"

The exchange kept on repeating between the two with Karis becoming more and more childish with her refusal every iteration.

"Sigh, fine. I'll just waste those precious water if I argue anymore with you," Ren finally submitted.

"Yay!" Karis exclaimed as she leaped onto Ren's chest, embracing him while chuckling. Just like before, her horns are slightly hitting Ren's chin but this time, he seems to mind it already.

"Hey, your horns are poking me," Ren complained.

Karis doesn't seem to be listening though as she continued on snuggling in Ren's chest. Her movements seemed a bit sluggish as Ren noticed, then before long, she had calmed down completely, snoring away.

"So much for being a master," Ren said while gently ruffling Karis' hair. The peaceful look of the demon girl sleeping on his lap made Ren drowsy. He used magic to extend the cave walls behind him, giving him something to lean onto as the drowsiness finally overtook him.

Time quickly flew by, and it was finally morning.

Karis was the first to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling confused as to why she was feeling comfortable. She turned around to face up and her eyes met with the sleeping face of her master above her. Seeing his master snooze peacefully made Karis' lips curl into a big smile. She stayed and savored the moment like that for a few more minutes before sitting up.

Karis doesn't look like she's satisfied with her snuggling so she went ahead and leaned her head on her master's shoulder. But it wasn't long after that Ren's body finally moved. Karis quickly moved her head away and assumed a proper sitting position.

Ren stretched his body after a not-so-comfortable night. Normally, he was quite the unsteady sleeper, but his subconscious knew that he must not move on his sleep this time.

"I really need to make my way into civilization soon," Ren said as he yawned.

"Good morning Master," Karis greeted.

"Oh, morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you for giving me such a comfortable place to sleep."

"You call that comfortable?"

"Yes, extremely!"

"Well, whatever you say. Anyways, we've had our rest, let's move."

Karis and Ren made their way out of the cave, then went back on the road. The fairly dense tree population gave them enough shade from the rising sun. Ren saw a few birds passed by, or something close since he can see some differences from the birds he knew. Way above the bird however, he saw a giant reptilian creature flew by.

"Holy shit that is a dragon!" he exclaimed.

"Is this your first time seeing one?" Karis asked.

"Well, yeah, is that strange?"

"I'm pretty sure the Ironblade Knights keeps some as pets, or aerial transportation."

"Is that so? I must've missed the--"

"Hmm?" Ren's train of thought was interrupted as he heard a familiar noise nearby. To confirm his suspicion, Ren turned around and saw an approaching cart carried by the same kind of animal he saw during his meeting with Karis. Seeing the presence of an unfamiliar human, Karis stuck closer, and hid behind Ren.

"Heeeey!" Ren shouted waving his arms.

The cart stopped just in front of Ren. Its driver gave him a confused look.

"Yes, how can I help you?" he asked.

"Ahh well, I was wondering if we can hitch a ride to the nearest town. We've been travelling on foot for a day now and we're almost out of supplies."

"I see, I see. What a coincidence, I was just about to head back home to Warspite. I guess I can give you a lift."

"Really? That would be great! Thanks a lot!" Ren gave his gratitude to the man.

"As for your companion..." the man looked over at Karis and was surprised the moment he saw her horns.

"A DEMON?! WHY DO YOU HAVE A DEMON WITH YOU!?" he exclaimed in fear.

"Oh her? She's--" Ren was about to introduce her, but Karis cut in before he could finish.

"I'm his slave," she said.

"Slave? A demon as a slave? Who are you exactly?" the driver asked questions after questions, confused, and amazed at the same time.

"No wait this isn't--"

"Well, if she's on a leash then I guess it's safe to have her along for the ride." the man said, Ren getting interrupted once again.

"Alright, hop on the back. Don't worry, I won't be charging you for anything."

"Oh...thanks I guess?"

Karis and Ren made their way to the back of the cart then climbed over. The cart was cushioned with hay, comfortable enough for the two to sit down.

"Are we good to go?" the driver asked.

"We're good."

The driver gently whipped the lead on the bull, causing it to move forward steadily. The road was smooth enough so there weren't much bumps on the ride.

"Hey what was that a while ago?" Ren whispered to Karis who was sitting beside him.

"It's better this way. You should treat me as a slave in front of people, else you're going to have trouble entering towns," Karis answered.

"You should treat me as harsh as you could. Shout at me, push me until I fall over. Show them that I'm just a lowly servant to you. It's okay, I won't hate you or anything like that, it's for your own sake," she added with a melancholic face.

Ren didn't press the issue any further. He simply sat quietly as the cart carried them over.

"As if I'll do that," Ren said under his breath.


Act 2 - Seaside Town

"Well, this is as far as I can take you. You'll have to enter yourself on foot."

It has been a day since Karis and Ren managed to hitch a ride into town. Their journey was anything but exciting. Most of the ride was just the two talking to each other, a night camp, and that's about it. The driver dropped them off a few distance away from the town gate near some tall bushes.

"Listen kid, I don't know what your deal is, but better watch that demon of yours, else you'll cause uneasiness for the inhabitants of this city," the driver tipped off before going on his way.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the ride uncle," Ren replied.

He then took a look on his surroundings. In front of him is a seaside town with some pretty antique-looking architecture. The buildings are made of wood, most of them not even having second floors. Those that do are probably buildings running some sort of business. Beyond the territory lies a massive sea, stretching out as far as the eye can see.

"Let's go?" Ren said, looking at Karis.

"Mhm," Karis answered with a slight nod.



The two set off for the town gates, following the road that leads up to it. As soon as they approached the vicinity, the guards already gave them suspicious looks.

"Halt!" one of the two guards met them in front of the gate.

"You're clearly not from around these parts. State your business," he demanded.

"We're just travelers, we're here to take some nice nap at an inn, and look for jobs. As you can see, we don't really have anything on us other than our clothes, and these canteens." Ren raised his empty canteen as proof to the guard.

"Everything you've just said has just made you more suspicious, not to mention, what's with this...thing? Why do you have a demon with you?" the guard inquired further.

"I'm Master Ren's slave," Karis gave a short answer before Ren can say anything.

"Shut up savage, who gave you permission to speak? Even more so that you're just a lowly servant," the guard snarled.

"Do we have any problem with her? Anyway, just let us in, we won't cause any trouble," Ren tried to get back on track with their purpose.

"And how are we supposed to make sure of that?"

"If she caused any unjustifiable trouble, then I give you permission to cut her head off. Along with mine," Ren said with a challenging look.

"I said unjustifiable cause who knows, maybe some will try to deliberately get her in trouble," he added.


"Hmph. Fine, but we're having a guard monitor you for the day, if you did anything undesirable--"

"Yeah, yeah, I know let's just cut to the chase," Ren cut off with an annoyed tone.

"You've got attitude for someone who's basically begging us to let you in. Well whatever, hey send the rookie out here!" the guard screamed to the other guard stationed at the gate. Shortly after, another guard came out of the station, although compare from the others, he looked rather timid.

"Y-yes! Trainee Doran reporting for duty!" the man stuttered in a rather sheepish voice.

"You're in charge of monitoring these two for the day," the senior guard ordered.

"Roger! I shall do my best to-- w-wait! Is that a demon!?" Doran suddenly exclaimed in fear as he was about to introduce himself to Ren.

"Exactly, apparently, this creature is this man's slave, but that doesn't ensure anything. If the demon started showing signs of savagery, you have my permission to cut their heads off!"

"But a man enslaving a demon, isn't he somewhat the bigger deal here?" Doran asked.

"Oh enough with the whining, you're a knight aren't you? Do your job!" his senior replied furiously.

"Understood! W-well then, after you two," Doran motioned for Karis and Ren to proceed to the town gate.

"Don't screw this up newbie, the safety of the town is literally in your hands," the senior guard whispered to the newbie.

"I'll do my best," Doran whispered back.

The three stood by in front of the wooden gates as they waited for it to open. The guards stationed in the outpost were turning some sort of gear, as they do so, the gates ahead of them slowly opened.

The smell of the sea breeze greeted Ren's nose, followed by the sight of the bustling town. Carts similar to the one they took to get here were being drove around by the same bull creatures, although they vary in sizes.

As soon as the three took their first step into town, all of the people's attention were directed at them, specifically towards Karis. Children were hid by their parents as they looked at the three, fear incredibly visible on their face. Ren looked around, observing the people. He couldn't help but click his tongue after seeing the negative attention they're giving Karis.

Karis, sensing her master's irritation, moved a bit closer within whispering range of Ren.

"Hey master, remember what I said back at the cart? Time to put on a show so you'll rid yourself of those stares," she suggested.

Upon hearing her suggestion, Ren recalled their conversation back then.

"You should treat me as harsh as you could. Shout at me, push me until I fall over. Show them that I'm just a lowly servant to you. It's okay, I won't hate you or anything like that, it's for your own sake." her words replayed in his mind as clear as day.

As they walk, Ren positioned his hand on Karis' back, presumably to push her and let her trip, followed by the act of terror. Karis felt his hand on her back and braced herself, expecting the shove.


However, much to Karis' surprise, instead of getting shoved down, Ren's hand extended all the way to the opposite side, and pulled her closer to himself. The people watching got confused as to what they are doing. Doran who was following behind was confused as well. But the one who was the most perplexed was Karis. Instead of expecting an act of harshness, she instead received another act of kindness from her master.

"W-why?" she whispered, her voice shaking.

"I told you, there's no way I'm doing that," Ren answered.

"But the people will be hostile to you. Your reputation in this town will be tarnished."

"The hell do I care what other people think of me. I'd make an enemy of this whole town if it meant purposely hurting you."

Once again, Ren's kindness to her almost moved Karis to tears. She didn't attempt to say another word, knowing that she'll most likely burst into tears if she received another act of affection.

"Hey where's the inn here? It's been a while since I've slept on a nice bed," Ren asked to Doran who was still tailing them.

"Inn? Well follow me. I'll lead the way," Doran answered although his voice seemed to be a bit stiffer than before.

The three went through a series of turns. All of the people that they meet all were the same, staring suspiciously at Karis, some moved away as they got closer to them. Doran then stopped in front of a three-story building. A sign with a boat carved on it hung at the building's front door.

"This is the Cozy Cabin, it's the only inn here in this city that provides free meals, and access to the bathroom as part of its package," Doran explained.

"How much do they charge here?" Ren asked.

"They charge five copper coins which will last you a week here, although that's per head,"

"So that's ten copper coin for the both of us..." he thought.

"Oh yeah you don't have anything on you right?"

Doran reached for his uniform pocket, grabbing something from within. He then took his hand out then opened it in front of Ren.

"I can loan you this, although this is as much as I can give," Doran said as he showed five copper coins to Ren.

"Wait are you serious about this?"

"Yeah, go take it. You were going to sign up for a job anyway right? You can give it back whenever you can," Doran said while handing over the coins to Ren with a smile on his face.

"I thought you were supposed to be suspicious of us, what's with the sudden change in attitude?"

"I heard your conversation a while ago. Your willingness to make an enemy of everyone for someone precious to you. It moved me. I wonder if I can be as full of guts as you," Doran answered.

"Shit you heard that?!" Ren exclaimed, a hint of embarrassment can be heard from his voice.

"Let's head on in," Doran said, motioning for them to head inside.

"Welcome!" an extremely buffed looking, one-eyed man greeted them as they enter. He looked at the three, his facial expression subtly changing as he switched his gaze. His eye went wide as his gaze landed on the demon girl.

"Hey, hey, I'm surprised you made it this far without any trouble," the man said.

"Good day father. These are new comers to this town, their names are... wait what are your names?" Doran asked.

"I'm Ren, this one here is Karis. Also, father?" Ren answered, then followed up with another question.

"Oh yeah, this is my father, he's a retired adventurer. He's now busy managing the inn with my mother after he lost his right eye and my mother kinda nagged him into stopping as an adventurer," Doran introduced.

"Adventurer huh? No wonder he looks calm after seeing Karis compared to literally everyone else in town."

"Ha ha ha! Of course, I've slain numbers of her kind on my glory days. After everything I've seen, she looks adorable in comparison," the man chuckled loudly as he reminisce of his adventurer days.

"So what's the deal with her?" he asked.


"She's someone important to me," Ren cut off before Karis can say anything else.

"If I hear you say some nonsense thing about being just my slave again, I'll get mad, I already allowed you to call me Master, that's as far as it goes," he added.

"A human with a close relationship with a demon, that's a first," the man remarked.

"Anyway, back to the business at hand, we want to rent a room. Here's five copper coins, thanks to your son," Ren handed the coins over to Doran's father.

"We'll make do with one head's worth," he added.

"Oh? That's a first as well. Did you hit your head or something?" Doran's father said, making fun of his son.

"I-is it strange for me to help someone?" Doran replied, his timid voice coming back.

"Oh, he's back."

"Jeez, just give them the room already. Oh also, Ren here is looking for a job in the city, would you mind helping him with some of your connections?"

"Oh? A job? What can you do?" Doran's father asked as he scurried below the counter, grabbing something.

"What I can do...pretty much what everybody else can," Ren answered nonchalantly.

"That won't do young man, you need to have something to sell yourself with. There are a lot of guys like you looking for jobs you know? You need something to make the employers see you instead of them," Doran's father explained as he stood back up, holding what looks like the key to their room.

"Something to sell me huh? Well...I guess I'm strong?"

"Hoh? That's a huge claim there son, what have you accomplished with that strength of yours?" Doran asked with a challenging look.

"Well I... I raided a bandit's base on my own, does that count?" Ren recalled what was the last thing he did and used it as a reference.

"A bandit's base? Surely you jest!" Doran exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock.

"No really it's true. Karis here asked me to save her friends who was at the bandit's base to be sold for slavery. Unfortunately, one of the friends, we found dead on the spot, while the other was already long gone. We did free the other slaves there though," Ren recollected.

"HA HA HA! It seems like you've been through a lot young man. I like it. And the way you say it makes it seem like it was no big deal to you. Fine, I'll try to introduce you to a good paying job tomorrow,"

Doran's father handed the key over to Ren.

"Take a rest for the day, I know a tired traveler when I see one. Second floor, farthest room at the back. It has good sunlight, though just one bed, I picked a spot where no one would bother your demon friend when you're away," he said.

"How considerate of you. Thanks. Also if I remember correctly this includes free meals right?"

"Yeah of course! Although I won't give you too much favor, you'll still receive one head's worth of meal. I'm running a business after all, and we can't afford to give some discounts."

"No big deal, can we have that meal as soon as possible? We haven't eaten for one whole day," Ren requested.

"No problem. Come down in thirty minutes and it'll be ready. Hey honey! A meal for one please!" the man screamed.

"Yes I'm on it!" a woman screamed from the room behind the counter.

"Let's go," Ren led Karis towards the stairs, Doran stayed behind, leaving the two on their own.

"You're staying?" Doran's father asked.

"I'm assigned for monitoring them for a whole day. I can't leave them until I'm off duty," Doran answered.

"Is that so? Well help us out while your here."

"Why did I see this coming?" Doran grumbled.


"Phew! It's been a long time since I've had a bed to sleep on," Ren said as he happily sprawled on the bed.

"Hey, Karis come here, the bed is all fluffy! We finally have something comfortable to sleep on!"

Ren motioned for Karis to hop on the bed, but she just stood there in front of the door. Staring quietly at Ren.

"What's up?" he asked.

Karis stared a bit more, then replied with a silent smile. She then ran towards the bed and leaped towards Ren's chest.

"I've always been comfortable in my sleep," she said while hugging Ren.

Ren openly accepted Karis' embrace, placing his hand over her head.

"This is it. We can finally have a proper start," he said.


"First off, I need to get that job and secure us enough funds to live here for, I'd say a couple of months, then while fulfilling that, we need some change of clothes for the both of us," Ren said as he looked at Karis' tattered clothes, and his own dirty t-shirt and pants.

"Oh yeah, we have to hit that bath too," he added.

"Can we go together?" Karis asked.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Ren answered without hesitation.

"Really? I thought you'd be hesitant about it since I'm a girl, or do you just not see me that way?"

"Well it's no big deal for me at least. I don't get flustered by seeing naked bodies."

"Then, let's go together, I'll give you nice scrubbing on the back."

"I look forward to it."

Karis and Ren continued their casual conversation. It took a long time, but they finally made it to civilization. It's time for them to work on their new beginning, for Ren it's his official start to his life in this new world, for Karis it was her start on living amongst humans, and her road to acceptance.

A few minutes later, Doran called the two of them, and they headed down to eat their first meal in the inn


Act 2.5 - Invasion

About a month has passed since the disastrous summoning ritual that tarnished the reputation of the Ironblade Kingdom. The damage done unto to them was so bad that they refused to broadcast the failed summoning of the hero. They managed to save their faces from the public, but their economy took a massive blow from everything they've invested for the ritual.

"Your highness! Your highness!" a lightly armored person came storming into the Ironblade castle's throne room. King Galen was having a discussion with Phoros when he noticed the messenger running towards him.

"What's wrong? What's are you panicking?" Galen asked.

"The northern patrol has sent us a letter!" the messenger answered.

"What did it say?"

"A large wave of demons are matching towards our territory. And according to the patrol, their trajectory seems to head straight for the capital!"

"A demon invasion?! At this time?! What's with this timing?!" King Galen exclaimed as he almost lost his mind over the sudden news.

"What's the northern patrol doing? How come they let a huge army accumulate under their watch?" he asked.

"Apparently, the northern patrol has been wiped out, and this letter was sent by a knight on his dying breath. The penmanship was terrible so it took me some time to decipher the message," the messenger answered.

"Northern patrol got wiped out? Is this a full-scale invasion? What's with the sudden rise in their activity right now." Phoros thought out loud.

"I don't know what the deal is but if the northern patrol was defeated, then something with overwhelming strength must be among that army," Galen deduced.

"This is a level 3 emergency! Assemble all the knights and reserves right now!" King Galen ordered.

"At once!" the messenger left in a hurry as he carries the king's announcement.

"It's been thirteen years since the last full scale invasion. Can we repel it successfully like last time?" Phoros asked.

"If the Hero didn't go rogue, then I could have given you a definite yes for an answer. But now that it's only up to us to defend... I don't know," Galen answered, looking worried for the future of his capital.

"Father..." Galen's daughter who was sitting on his side held out her hands to her father's.

King Galen turned his head to look at his daughter who was doing her best to calm him down.

"Irina..." King Galen's face softened at the sight of his precious daughter. He then felt a hand touch his shoulder which made him turn around. He saw his dear wife, wearing the same supporting expression that his daughter had.

"No, there's no room for doubt! We're winning this! We have to! The fate of humanity lies in our hands!"

"That's the spirit your majesty! Yeah that's right, if they thought they could overwhelm us with strength in numbers then they're greatly mistaken. We have our knights' valor, and our mages' intellect with us. Those creatures are just banded together. No band of savages will have the cooperation to take us down!" Phoros exclaimed trying to join in raising the king's morale.

"Exactly, also, we have Lawrence, our champion with us. We haven't lost a skirmish with Lawrence around," King Galen said proudly.

The four kept exchanging words of encouragement to each other. Suddenly, the same messenger from before entered the room again, and just like earlier, he's in a state of panic.

"Your highness!" he screamed.

"What is it? And would you stop screaming?" King Galen replied seemingly annoyed by the man's constant state of hysteria.

"It's General Lawrence. Nobody can find him anywhere!" the messenger shouted, not caring about the king's complaint on his screaming.

"WHAT?!" King Galen and Phoros exclaimed at the same time.

And just like that, suddenly the king's confidence have gone downhill. And it's about to take its toll on the upcoming battle.

________________________________________________________________________________________Act End - Call for Help

"Hey move it! This shipment is due tomorrow! Anyone I caught slacking off will be working their ass off till late tonight!"

It was another busy day at the Warspite docks. Several men were moving around, loading wooden crates onto a ship. Some men who didn't have the physique to carry the crates were transporting them using wheeled platforms.

"Hey you! Careful with that batch, we got some fragile materials there! If I see you drop them once I'm giving you a paycut!" the foreman howled at two muscly man carrying an elongated wooden crate.

"Sheesh what's with this impossibly huge order at such short notice. Are they trying to wring our workforce dry?" he said as he inspected his list, a long list.

"Hey bossman, these are the last batch from my side, want me to help somewhere else?" someone called to the foreman prompting him to turn around to the source of the voice.

"Oh Ren! Thank goodness for your quick work. Yes, can I trouble you to assist the others as well, this delivery really needed to come through tomorrow," the foreman said to the young boy standing in front of him, carrying two big crates on each hand, perfectly balanced.

It's been more than a month since Ren had settled down in Warspite. Thanks to Doran's father's connections, he managed to land a stable job at the docks, helping out with whatever he can; construction, loading of cargos, and security. With his monstrous physical capabilities, such jobs were nothing but child's play to him. Not to mention, he was also quite diligent with his job that the higher ups were already commending him in such a short time. With his new job, he was able to buy himself some new threads from the local clothes shop. Right now, he's in his working attire, a brown leather pants, and a white tank top.

"No problem, I can go all day, although don't take that too literally," Ren replied.

"Oh thanks a bunch. Don't worry, all these extra work will be going to your salary," the foreman assured.

Ren then ended his conversation with the chief and proceeded to walk towards the boat with his luggage. As he was walking, he saw someone in front seemingly having a hard time carrying his own load. The man was so troubled that his body seemed to be swaying from left to right and vice versa. It wasn't long before the man stumbled, launching him forwards, and sending the crate flying.


Luckily, Ren was able to make his way towards the falling box, catching it with the top of his foot, perfectly balancing it. The other boxes he's carrying didn't even seem to budge even after that swift movement.

"Oh Ren! Thanks for the save," the man said, offering his gratitude.

"Don't worry about it. What's wrong? Feeling sick?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, we've been working since morning, and I had a hard time sleeping last night so I'm not in top shape right now."

"What's going on here?!" the foreman waltzed in to the two's conversation.

"Fred needs a break, no wait, I think he needs to go home now," Ren answered.

"While we're all in a rush? Sigh, fine, rather than you causing some accidents and setting us back. Come, follow me and get your cut for today."

"Thanks boss, and to you to Ren," the man called Fred said, once again giving his thanks to Ren.

"No worries. You take care of yourself now," Ren said as he kicks the crate on his foot over the stacked ones on his right arm.

Fred and their boss couldn't help but open their mouth in amazement at Ren's small stunt.

"Jeez, what are you? Are you really a human? But then again you have that demon as a slave," the foreman said.

"Careful with what you say about her, I won't tolerate anyone talking bad about Karis even if it's you boss," Ren warned with a smile.

"Hey I haven't said anything bad have I?" the foreman said with a nervous chuckle.

The two then parted ways, heading the opposite direction. The sun's about to set which is about the time when Ren's suppose to head back home but due to his extra load, it seems he's going to take a bit more time to finish.

The day went on, and suddenly, it was already nighttime.

"And here we go for the last crates," Ren said as he placed two crates on the boat's hull. It was already late so most of the workers have gone home, with the exception of Ren, who pushed through and finished the entire loading on his own. He then jumped off the boat with the foreman waiting for him down below.

"I can't believe you finished all of those in one day. You're a life saver kid," the foreman said as he handed over a bag of coins to Ren.

"Nine silvers, and thirteen coppers," he enumerated.

"Oh hell yeah, we're feasting tonight!" Ren exclaimed.

"I can't thank you enough kid. Also send my thanks to Drake for sending you here."

"Will do. Well, see you next time," Ren said his farewell then walked away from the site. The route to the Cozy Cabin was a short one, but Ren took a small detour towards the marketplace. As he got there, he saw most of the shops already closed, saved for one.

"What took you so long?!" the man behind a fish stall asked in a loud, and rather annoyed tone.

"Sorry about that, I went a little overtime on the docks."

"Fair enough, I heard there was a big shipment about to be sent out. Anyways, here." the man handed over a small box to Ren.

"Thanks, that's four coppers right?"


"I can't believe this is worth exactly one week at the inn," Ren complained.

"That's top quality you know? People were fighting for it earlier but I said that it's already sold."


"Yeah, don't mention it."

Ren then proceeded to head home after his short stop. It's that time of the day where the nearby bar is at its peak so it's easy to tell the way home thanks to the drunkards' noises.

"Yo," Ren called out as he enters the Cozy Cabin Inn.

"You're late," Doran's father, Drake, called out to him.

"Oh yeah, the foreman wanted to say thanks to you again."

"You don't have to relay that every time you know? Anyway, want some grub to eat?" Drake offered.

"Here, make something with this would ya?" Ren gave the small box over to Drake.

"Well this is... heh. Someone got a massive pay today," Drake said as he opened the box and looked at its content.

"Hey honey! Special order from Ren!"

"Right right. Oh, good evening Ren."

A rather big-bodied woman came out of the room behind the counter. She was wiping her hands dry with a towel.

"Good evening, Nora," Ren greeted.

"This again huh? You really like this don't you?" Nora said as she received the box from Drake.

"No not me. SHE loves it."

"Oh, I see, you're spoiling your girl well huh?"

"You can have some if you want. I'm heading up now," Ren said, ignoring Nora's remark.

Ren then went up to the second floor, and proceeded towards his room. As he opened the door, the sight of a girl lying on her stomach while flipping the page of a book greeted him. The sound of the door opening caught her attention, making her turn her head towards Ren. A huge smile spread on her face as she made eye contact with Ren.

"Welcome back," the girl said as she sat on the bed.

"I'm home, Karis," Ren replied as he walked over to her.

Unlike when Karis and Ren entered the town, or even when they first met, Karis was no longer in her tattered clothing. She wore a knee-length red skirt, and a white, slightly oversized t-shirt, which was necessary since she doesn't have any undergarments so a fit t-shirt will make some things stand out. Her white-hair is tied on a single ponytail, dangling behind her while her bangs are shorter than before, though still exceeding the base of her horns.

Karis gave Ren a warm hug as he got within distance.

"Hey I haven't changed my clothes yet. This one's full of sweat," Ren said, though he wasn't pushing Karis away.

"I don't mind it. In fact I like it," Karis said as she continues on burying her cheeks on Ren's stomach. It took a while before she finally let go.

"What are you reading?" Ren asked.

"It's that fantasy book you bought me a few days ago. I'm already on the third book."

"You're quite fast huh."

"Not really, I still find it hard to read some of the human script."

"I see. Well, clean those up, we're having a feast tonight," Ren announced.

"A feast?"

"Yeah, gold-finned bass. You love that right?"

"Really? You shouldn't have. That's expensive right?" Karis asked.

"Yeah but I got a big pay today, so I thought I'd spoil you some," Ren replied.

"Thanks Master."

"Well, come on now, let's head down."

Karis stood up from the bed and followed Ren as they made their way downstairs. The aroma of fish being cooked entered their noses as they descend the stairs.

"I'm free tomorrow. Want to go around town?" Ren invited.

"Yes! I'd be glad to!" Karis replied happily.

Such thoughts wouldn't even cross Ren's mind if it was them a month ago. With how hostile, or rather cautious, the people of Warspite are to demons, Ren must avoid letting her out. But today, it's different. It's not like the citizens already accept demons into their society, but at the very least, their wariness of her had faded. Whenever people saw Karis outside, they just treat it as a normal occurrence, which was a massive help for the two. However, most of the time, she spends her day reading fictional books inside their room that Ren bought whenever he made some extra money.

They made their way over to an empty table, passing through some people who gave them short curious looks but went back to their own business. Drake came over and handed a tray with two glasses of water, and a jug full of it to the two.

"Just wait a few more minutes and it'll be all done," he said.

"Sure, take your time."

Drake went back to his station, leaving the two alone.

"I'll go take a quick dip after this meal. My whole torso feels sticky," Ren said as they sat down.

"Want me to join you?" Karis asked.

"No need, it's just a quick bath just so I wouldn't go like this to bed."

"Is that so? What a shame."

"You don't even need one."

The two then made some small talks before the feast arrives. After their hearty meal, Ren took his bath and joined Karis in bed as they hit the sack for the night.

The next day...

"What's with the commotion?"

Karis and Ren was about to go have their planned outing for the day but saw quite a lot of people gathered at the town gate. Curiosity got them as they made their way over to the dense crowd.

"What's going on here?" Ren asked one of the onlookers.

The person they asked gave a quick glance at Karis but went back to Ren.

"I don't know exactly, I just got here. But from what I heard, there was someone injured over there that the guards are tending to," the man said.

"Hmm... but if it's just some injured person, why the crowd," Ren thought.

"Want to go check it out up close?" Ren asked Karis.

"Yeah, I'm curious as well," she replied.

The two then pushed their way through the crowd to get to the center, holding hands as to not get separated.

"Hey watch your horn."

"Yes Master."

After a bit of a struggle, Karis and Ren finally made it to the front row, mostly thanks to their small builds compared to most of the people. Right there in the middle, they saw a horse standing by, and quite a number of guards huddled together, along with a team of medics. Doran was among the guards tending to whoever was there. Some of the guards moved away, allowing Ren to see the injured person. It was a young girl, wearing a mantle.

"Huh? Why do I feel like she looks familiar?" Ren thought out loud.

"Perhaps you met her before?" Karis suggested.

"No that can't be, you're the first girl I met," Ren insisted.

"I can't put my finger on it, but I swear, I've seen her before."

As Ren was remembering about all the people he's met, the girl managed to caught sight of him, which made her run towards him despite the girl currently being treated by the medics.

"Huh?" Ren said, noticing the girl who was running straight towards him.

"Oh Hero! Hero! Please! My father needs your help!" she exclaimed as she grabbed Ren's arm.

"Wait what?" Ren was surprised as he was called that nickname again. Only a select few people in this world called him that. The onlookers also heard the girl's screams which made them stare in disbelief at Ren.


"Did she say Hero?"

"Wait is that boy really..."

Murmurs were heard as the people whispered amongst each other.

"Wait wait wait, what are you saying, also who are you anyway?" Ren said, trying to avoid the collective stares of the crowd.

"I'm Irina! Irina Ironblade! King Galen Ironblade's daughter," the girl exclaimed.

As soon as he heard Ironblade, Ren's memories from back then quickly flashed in his mind. The summoning ritual, the pillar of light, the old man greeting him, the king introducing himself and his concerns, and finally the two women sitting at the throne where the king came from, one of those women standing in front of him right now, grabbing his arm.

"I remember now..." he said.

"Hero please! Please! My father, my kingdom, we need your aid right now! Help us please!" the girl pleaded.

"I beg of you!"


Well, there it is, Chapter 3 done. Once again, my word count has increased, which means I've been putting more content than before. I'll take that as progress for me as a writer. Although I'm still trying to make my dialogue heavy parts not sound...repetitive. Like... take a shot everytime you read 'x said' or 'x replied.' I'd like to try avoiding this but then it wouldn't sound right just sending out random dialogue lines.

Also I did say on my previous Author's Notes to expect a LOT of loredumps, but I got so focused on the getting into town, and living in town aspects that I couldn't fit it in anywhere. I managed to squeeze in some with the conversations but that's about it. My bad.

Lastly, if you'd notice the act numberings were a bit different this time. Previously it was 1 > 2 > 3 > End. Now it's 1 > 2 > 2.5 > End. That 2.5 will serve as my anchor for the next chapter which is, I expect at least, to be jam packed full of action. So yeah, like before, feel free to comment on any part of my story. If you liked it, thanks! If not, then thank you for your time. Feel free to send me a chat telling me what you think about my story so far. That's all for me this time. Exceed Out!

Oh wait we still have the ability rundowns. There was no new ones today so expect the same abilities. (And no I don't just make up abilities as I go along, I just haven't shown them yet but the abilities are already mapped out for me.)

Ability Rundown


Universal Comprehension

Super Enhanced Physical Ability

All Weapon Mastery

Incantation-less Magic


Fire Magic

Wind Magic

Water Magic

Earth Magic

Lightning Magic

Exceed21creators' thoughts