
Tales of the Qi Masters

Embark on Li Xianwei's odyssey, where he perfects his cultivation in the serene halls of the Yusheng Holy Land, as he struggles with meditation and explores the enigmatic Realms. Amid the fragrance of alchemical wonders and the pursuit of strength, Join him as he forges unanticipated friendships, refines potent pills, and navigates the challenges of a world brimming with mystical wonders and unexpected camaraderie.

Charity_2 · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Observing Li Xianwei's directness, Wei Jiansheng responded without hesitation, "How about a sword spar? Swords are my specialty." cultivators embed their Qi into the sword, starting from the hilt. This profound connection allows them to sense the sword as an extension of their own body, contributing to their prowess in sword fights.

Li Xianwei nodded in agreement. Then, with a friendly suggestion, he said, "How about we grab a snack first? I know just the place"—intending to head to the Harmony Haven Tavern. It was a common understanding among cultivators that engaging in a spar on an empty stomach was ill-advised.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the sect, Li Xianwei and Wei Jiansheng entered the inviting ambiance of the Harmony Haven Tavern. 

The familiar sounds of laughter, clinking utensils, and lively conversations enveloped them, promising an evening filled with both relaxation and delightful company.

Finding a cozy table, they settled in, anticipating a pleasant meal.

The waiter, recognizing Li Xianwei, nodded with a knowing smile. "The usual for you, I presume," he stated, his eyes then turning to Wei Jiansheng. "And for you, esteemed cultivator?"

"I'll have a roasted chicken. But first, bring us some tea."

Wei Jiansheng, with anticipation gleaming in his eyes, turned to Li Xianwei with a question. "Li Xianwei, have you ever explored a Realm? I was thinking it would be interesting if you joined me on an expedition. I'm venturing to the Hanxue Realm"- Realm of Cold Snow.

"Well, only one. Six months ago, I embarked on a journey into a realm, back when my strength was at 120 zhang. It turned out to be quite the harrowing experience. The daytime temperatures soared to scorching heights, while the nights plunged into bitter cold. The terrain was dominated by endless sand dunes. Familiar with it? Nowadays, they call it the Shamo Zhi realm."—the Realm of the Desert.

Wei Jiansheng, who had only joined the sect four months ago, responded with a decisive "no" having never even encountered the mention of such a realm before.

Li Xianwei continued, "Back when the Shamo Zhi realm was newly discovered, everyone was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. I, too, thought it was an opportunity to gain something valuable, and indeed I did. During our exploration, a friend and I stumbled upon a forgotten library brimming with ancient books on cultivation. Recognizing their potential, I took some with me. Later, I managed to sell those acquired books to 2 sect elders for a decent sum—two spiritual stones to be exact," Li Xianwei added, a satisfied glint in his eyes. 

Fascinated by Li Xianwei's evident wealth of experience in exploring realms, Wei Jiansheng felt even more drawn to the idea of traveling alongside him. Eagerly, he inquired, "So, what do you think? Maybe we'll stumble upon a fortuitous opportunity as well?"

Li Xianwei, intrigued by the thought of a new venture, agreed with a casual "Sure".

With a thoughtful expression, Li Xianwei inquired, "Can I bring a third friend along as well? His name is Wu Qianzhi."

"Sure, the more, the merrier," Wei Jiansheng, with an approving nod, welcomed the idea of adding another companion to their upcoming expedition.

Their meals arrived, the tantalizing aroma wafting through the air. The waiter expertly placed the roasted chicken in front of Wei Jiansheng, who eyed it with a satisfied grin. Li Xianwei, receiving his usual, nodded in approval.

As the duo delved into their meals, their banter continued. Half an hour later, having satisfied their appetites, they made their way to the designated arena for sword fights. Retrieving swords from the stands within the arena, they advanced toward the center, where a marked circle awaited on the ground.

Li Xianwei opted for a Flame Longsword, known for its wielder-friendly design. When imbued with Qi, it emitted flames upon contact, creating a dazzling display with each swift swing. 

On the other hand, Wei Jiansheng chose a Thunder Saber, its imposing length promising powerful strikes. Infused with Qi, it crackled with shocking electrical effects upon every impact.

The stage was set for a spectacle of skill and elemental prowess.

As the battle commenced, Li Xianwei's movements were a seamless blend of grace and speed. With a swift, controlled swing, he imbued the Flame Longsword with Qi. The flames erupted along the blade, leaving a trail of scorching heat in their wake. Each strike created a dazzling display, as if he wielded the very essence of fire itself. 

In response, Wei Jiansheng countered with the Thunder Saber, his strikes marked by a series of powerful, sweeping arcs. With each swing, the saber crackled with electrical energy, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Sparks leapt from the blade, illuminating the arena with bursts of light and sound. The air itself seemed to hum with the energy of the Thunder Saber, adding an electrifying intensity to the battle.

Li Xianwei having consumed the Yue Li Dan pill he made yesterday back in the Harmony Haven Tavern. In a daring move, leaped into the air, soaring with the agility of a seasoned cultivator. His nimble maneuver allowed him to position himself behind Wei Jiansheng in a split second.

Wei Jiansheng, caught off guard by the sudden maneuver, swiftly pivoted to face his agile opponent.

The clash between fire and thunder reached a crescendo, each strike resonating with the elements that defined the cultivators' chosen weapons.

As the clashes continued, Li Xianwei became a blur of unparalleled agility. His movements flowed seamlessly between offense and defense, the Flame Longsword an extension of his very will—a dance of fire and finesse.

As the battle unfolded, both cultivators pushed the boundaries of their skills and the capabilities of their chosen weapons. The Flame Longsword and Thunder Saber resonated with the elements, each strike a testament to the cultivators' mastery over their respective swords.

The air crackled with residual energy, a testament to the fierce engagement that had just transpired. 

As the echoes of their fierce clashes gradually subsided, both Li Xianwei and Wei Jiansheng were left panting heavily, seemingly drained of breath. Amidst the lingering resonance of their intense duel, Wei Jiansheng discovered himself taken aback by Li Xianwei's remarkable swordsmanship—an unforeseen revelation that unfolded in the aftermath of their strenuous bout. The culmination of their efforts resulted in an unexpected and honorable draw.

The duel soon reached its conclusion, and with a nod of mutual respect, Li Xianwei and Wei Jiansheng departed from the circle. Returning their swords to the stand, they moved away from the Arena.

As they bid each other farewell, Wei Jiansheng handed Li Xianwei a ring that had a sound transmission array pattern, fostering a means for seamless communication between them.