

It was dark, very dark around me, yet it felt warm. Perhaps what I said makes no sense but it feels really warm.

I don't know where I was or what led me to this place but whatever it was I was grateful. It felt like the darkness was guiding me somewhere as it began drifting slowly in circles.

At first, it was mild but later the drift turned into a spin. It began to rapidly spiral around me left and right, it didn't hurt but I felt nostalgic.

The next few minutes I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew I was looking at the vast moonlit night.

It looked beautifully perked up by the distant stars. I was surprised to see such a clean sky as the stars were never visible in most cities due to light pollution.

It was a crescent moon and it shone blue, that was pretty rare but quite the monument to see. I tried getting up but my shoulder began to ache.

At first, I thought because I was at my office desk for too long, but then-

'Office desk, that's right I was sitting at my desk taking care of the newbie's resume, did I pass out?? I don't think so and the sky did look a bit too clean for the city, where-'

"Roy, Roy, are you alright?? I didn't think they would do this to you at this hour", a young feminine voice said. The voice seemed to be in a state of fear and unease. I turned to look who this said Roy might be but I saw a seven-year-old girl staring at me with tears in her eyes. "Why aren't you saying anything, I told you to stay put and not come out, you never listen to mine or Anna's words" she cried.

At this point, I already realized she was talking to me. A dream or not, it was a bit way too realistic.

"I am alright",

She looked at me for quite a while and helped me get up,

'Augh', I grunted. It wasn't just my shoulder but my whole body seemed to be in pain. Despite being seven or eight she easily lifted me and began taking me to some place. My thoughts were extremely hazy, I didn't know what was going on or where I was, the only thing I was sure of was that I was not in Bangalore, definitely not in India and my name was not Ram but Roy.

This meant I was in some other world perhaps a world better than my previous one. I don't know why but something like this did not bother me the slightest bit.

I already was too fed up with my previous life, having no goal, no aim, and only continuous back-to-back suffering. I didn't want to even remember about my previous life by any means.

'Previous life!!' the thought stuck in my head like a nail. Did I conclude that I died, this might be a dream, or maybe I was just hallucinating because I already had ten cups of coffee in the last two hours?

As she began pulling me I could see myself surrounded by tall and dense trees.I could hear the crickets and the frogs as it was to be expected but what surprised me was the path I was walking on. It was a jungle but the path I was on, looked man-made and very smooth as though I was walking on a layer of cheese, a rougher one to be exact. I wanted to ask where we were going but then,

"Alice," I uttered.That was her name, Alice. My memories were still in a jam but slowly I was understanding the situation.

"Don't speak with me. I don't want to hear any of your excuses. Whatever you want to tell, leave it for Anna." she was not happy with my behavior or should I say the previous owner of this body's behavior.

Yeah, that's right. I reincarnated into someone. Someone called Roy.

Probably this woman named Anna must be my mother or something. I was not able to get a clear understanding of this kid's life but it feels like it's not a good one.

The Kid was pretty skinny. Not to the point that he is malnourished but let's say he lives a poor life.

His clothes were a mess. He no I was wearing a torn and messy shirt and some weird pants with blood smeared on them.

Probably my own.

From what I can tell I had a bit of brownish skin, not very brown but not that white.

From what I observed I seemed to be roughly the same age as Alice, a year younger or elder.

At first glance I thought she was my sister but it doesn't seem like it.

Her bright red hair and fair skin stand out way too much if it's compared to mine.

As I traveled more the path got wider, the trees lessened and I could see huts at a distance.

Well, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't surprised.

From a distance, they did look like huts but they were more of shelters.

Like how shelters are made during wars something similar to that.

I quickly understood where I was, In the slums.

But unlike what people would think it wasn't filled with garbage, it looked normal but the people were looking starved.

I entered the main gate and noticed most of the kids my age glaring at me.

"You don't have to worry about them, I am there for you", she said grasping my hand tightly.

She was scared but was trying to stay supportive to me.

Such maturity!! slums sure changes people.

We passed through a big street. Numerous people were walking around and conversing but the only difference was the armor and

the sword hanging down the waist.

"Roy, I've told you numerous times haven't I?

Why do you always wonder off on your own, look at me, I know what the others kids do to you scare you, but you have to stay strong and face it you idiot. Running away only makes it worse." a feminine voice uttered.

Her face as white as snow, her blue hair perfectly contrasting the moon and her prescence which looked beautiful even if it was showing concern.

"I'm sorry Anna" I uttered. Anna, she looked far to fair and white to be from the slums.

She noticed my gaze and gave me a confused look.

"What's with you today? I thought you'd start crying again like a baby and run into her arms", another voice said. This voice was more ruffian and rash.

This woman looked more like a warrior than someone from the slums. Her dark skin matched with some armor and her eyepatch covering the left eye, she was a warrior.

"Nara shut up, I hate you", Alice said while pouting.

"Hate me?? Should I start tickling you again now?" she said lifting Alice and tickling her.

Her brownish hair made her look like a barbarian.

I felt someone's touch on my head and turned to see Anna.

"Roy, let's go in, I'll tend your injuries first and we can have something. After that I want you to open up" she said with a very gentle smile.

I felt guilty, I knew for one thing that these people were not from the slums and this place was far too sketchy, yet-

"I am sorry Anna," I said. It was time to set things right and accept my reality.

That's right, ACCEPT MY REALITY.
