
Tales From the Smp

Reavzie · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The lost City of Mizu

This time when he woke up, he wasn't alone. Three fishermen had found him in the back of their cabin and were just as confused as him, about what was going on. They introduced themselves as Benjamin (BadBoyHalo), Charles (Ranboo), and Cletus (Quackity). Before long, the three befriended Karl, who looked quite different, and decided to go by Isaac.

They invited him upstairs to their dock to go fishing. As he made his way up, Karl noticed a strange book on the ground. He picked the book up to see what it said. It told the tale of a long-lost city beneath the water, a place filled with history, stories passed from generation to generation, but the book explained the residents of this great city had disappeared. Had they just moved to a new home or did something much darker consume the people of this long-lost world. The book didn't say, but what it did say was more than enough to convince them to try and find out. And so, strychnine by wonder, the four adventurers entered their boats and set out to find the fabled city.

After following the book's directions into the middle of the ocean, it wasn't long before they found something. Immediately, the four exited their boats and began to explore the structure. Quickly, Benjamin found a lever and used it to open the locked door at the center of the room. Behind this door, was yet another book confirming that they were in fact that they were directly above The City of Mizu. They looked around, excitement filled their eyes, as Charles flicked yet another door in the wall.

As the four Adventurers descended down the ladder, they found themselves enclosed by the glass walls of Mizu, but they weren't alone. A strange man, or whatever he was, introduced himself to the group as Ranbob (Dream). He looked familiar to Karl, but he couldn't quite remember why. The four introduced themselves and agreed to take a tour of the city from Ranbob, who was so happy to see some new face after so long being alone.

As the group descended even farther into the city, concern grew over the amount of blood covering the ground. When Ranbob was questioned, he reasoned it was just from the food. The four were still a bit suspicious, but regardless decided to continue exploring the wondrous city. The overall design of the city Ranbob explained was great, but the real magic that made the city famous was its themed rooms. Each one of these rooms was base on a historic figure from the past, rulers of kingdoms, fearless warriors, and noble leaders from a time long before now.

Karl looked long and hard at these hero's, he didn't know how but he already knew their stories. He listened to Ranbob's tales with a strange feeling of nostalgia, like he was reading a book he never knew existed. The disc war, Lmanberg, it all seemed so close yet so far away. They continued to roam the ancient halls of the lost city, until they had arrived at the tree dome. The fishermen marveled at the sight that lie before them. Branches reaching from the sea floor to the glass ceiling above. It was perfect and in their fit of amazement, somehow Ranbob had disappeared. Confused, the four began to search for him around the room, quickly discovering a secret room key.

The group had no idea what or where the secret room could be. But upon spotting a chest at the top of the tree, Benjamin was sure that whatever was inside would tell them exactly what they needed to know. And it was long before the four decided to send Cletus to climb the tree and see what was inside the chest. But as he began to climb, something went very very wrong. Meeting him at the top of the tree was Ranbob, who explained to him that nobody who comes to Mizu ever gets out alive.

The blood, the mysterious disappearing of the people, it all made sense. Cletus, through a mix of fear and confusion was just barely able to snatch the book from the chest, before being consumed by the raging fire. Quickly, Benjamin ran over to the base of the tree, catching the book, just as Ranbob began to light off tnt. The three ran as fast as they could, shutting the door behind them to slow Ranbob down and stop the wave of rushing water. They hid in the skeppy themed room, which had a clear view of the now flooded tree dome.

They opened the book to see what it said. First, it instructed them to head back through the main hall and place the key on the block that didn't quite fit in, to open the door to the secret room. Second, it informed them that this secret was in fact their best bet at making it out alive. They knew Ranbob was already roaming the halls searching for them and they had to act quickly. The three ran as fast as they could down the main hall, opening the secret doorway and descending even further into the depths of the city. There they were met with yet another locked door. There was a lava-filled parkour room, which clearly had another key at the end.

They knew it was only a matter of time before Ranbob would find them and with their backs against the wall, they would have nowhere to run. Someone had to cross the parkour. Being a self proclaimed professional parkour person, Benjamin volunteered and began to carefully traverse the pool of lava. Platform by platform, he made his way to the last jump. Upon landing on the last platform, his foot slipped and Benjamin fell into the pit of lava.

Karl and Charles were devastated, but they didn't have time to mourn. Right away, Karl decided he would try it next. This time, he didn't slip, and after jumping as far as he could, barely making it back over the lava, the two adventures placed the key and opened the door to the final room. Of all the themed rooms in this strange city, this one felt different. Much stranger, too dark and powerful to reside upstairs with the others. As they marveled the strange green and black walls, they heard something enter the room behind them

"Everybody here had an idol that they worship and mine was dream, nobody leaves here"

Carl woke up paralyzed, like he'd seen himself die in a dream but this time he knew it was real. He rushed back up to the library and began jotting down the stories he had been told, the stories of his friends, wars he fought in, nations he helped build. He told in great detail of the wonders of the strange lost city in the friends he made along the way but he noticed something else this time. During his adventure he failed to recognize the idols of the lost city were his friends and even now he felt like he was losing memories he'd sworn to never forget. The person he was before these strange adventures suddenly felt much farther away.

He was frightened by this feeling but realizing there wasn't much more he could do now, he tried his best to remember. He began writing a personal journal, alongside the logs of his adventures. This way, he'd be able to track his feelings after each trip and hopefully learn more about what was happening to him. As he made his way outside the library, he decided to move on and go about his life on the smp, wondering where and when he would travel to next.