
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This is my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Notice: This Novel is currently in the process of being rewritten, I ask for your patience until the rerelease. You may still read the current version at your own discretion. It will remain until I'm read to release the remade chapters. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EDT --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- Before you decide you don't like the story or it's not to your taste please try and read to chapter 12, so you could get a taste of how I write action scenes as well. Book cover image is made by AI for now

TrueVoid45 · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter 2 Orpheus Family Meeting


Before we start, this chapter might flip around on pov a lot. I'm still trying to decide what works for me might be a recurring thing going forward

Entering the grand hall, Lilith and I gracefully parted ways, each navigating towards our designated seats. Mine occupied a distinguished position to the left of the vice head seat, or to the right when facing the imposing duo of vice head and family head. Meanwhile, Lilith found her place amidst the branch family head seats, positioned to face the main family seats, her chair designated as the eighth in line.

The hall, bathed in an air of formality, echoed with the emptiness that surrounded us. The only occupants were the seats reserved for my siblings, the commanding presence of the family head, the imposing vice head seat, and the enigmatic Lilith.

"You're all here, good," the man seated at the family head addressed us with a booming voice, his expression one of contentment. A warm smile played on his lips, creating an interesting contrast to the grandeur of the hall.

The figure at the center of the hall commanded immediate attention- my father, the paramount of strength within the Orpheus family, surpassing even my grandfather, one of the titans of his generation. Towering over most with a robust and muscular build, his pitch-black hair falls in untamed waves, a testament to a spirit untamed by the responsibilities of his family headship. His indigo-colored eyes, characteristic of the Orpheus lineage, shimmer with a fierce intensity, reflecting the depths of his formidable power at the peak of the mana core realm. His face, marked by the lines of countless victories.

As he turned his head in my direction, he spoke, "how was your training Jaylen?"

"My training has progressed smoothly, father. I dedicated myself to honing my sword techniques and enhancing my agility. I believe I am gaining a deeper comprehension of the true dragon arts." I answer, eager to share the outcomes of my practice.

"That's great! How about a spar to gauge your current comprehension?" Father excitement was palpable, but I hesitated

"Sparing with Father would be great but…," I began, only to be interrupted.

"Victor, dear~" Mother interjected with a smile. That smile alone was enough to install a touch of fear in Father

Anna Orpheus reigns as the epitome of beauty, a title rightfully earned as the most captivating figure in the Common Empires of Yonus. With her Striking peach-colored skin and a figure that seamlessly melds grace and strength, Anna allure is a spectacle that commands attention and reverence. Beyond her captivating exterior lies a woman of undeniable strength, both in the realms of swordplay and magic. She is renowned as a formidable magic swordsman. Anna Strictness is the stuff of family legend, and her mere presence is enough to instill discipline into any member of the Orpheus family.

Straightening himself and clearing his throat, Father adopted a more serious expression. "Ahem, I've called you all here to discuss a few changes we've decided for the family."

"Well than father, what is it? Don't keep us waiting," my older brother Adam, seated between me and Mother, spoke first.

Adam Orpheus The steadfast older brother, a beacon of wisdom and integrity. The main adviser in the family, he shoulders responsibility of guiding decisions both within and outside their ancestral walls when Father and Mother are away. Unlike some of his more martially inclined kin, Adam's strengths lie in the intricate world of arrays, that of which he uses to serve not only his family but also society

"We have decided to change the heir of the family from Subaru to Jaylen, effective immediately," Victor Declared, his words cutting through the air with a swift and decisive tone. The room fell into a sudden stillness as the gravity of the proclamation settled over the assembly. Victor's demeanor shifted abruptly, from the initial warmth to a more serious and focused mood.

"Wha— Why!" Subaru's distressed cry echoed through the hall, a mixture of surprise and anguish evident in his voice. The sudden announcement had caught him off guard, and the air in the room seemed to thicken with tension as all eyes turned towards him. Victor, Maintaining his serious demeanor, awaited the response, allowing the weight of the decision to linger in the air.

The designated heir, Subaru Orpheus, at the tender age of 15, Carries the weight of destiny with a confident stride. His neglect of his innate talents has rendered him the weakest link in the family, a contradiction to his position as the heir apparent

"Hey, don't yell out! Wait for Father to explain!" Emily Voice cut through the tension in response to Subaru's outburst, her words carrying a firmness aimed at restoring order to the sudden upheaval in the room. Her attempt to maintain composure echoed in the silence that followed, waiting for the forthcoming explanation

Seated across from us my older sister, Emily, stands tall at an imposing height of 180.5cm. Her striking appearance is a spectacle of beauty, matched only by the calm yet chilly aura that surrounds her. To outsiders, and at times even within the family, she appears as a figure of stoic reserve. Like her father, she has sculpted her physique through relentless dedication, while her prowess in sword fighting mirrors her mother's legacy. Regarded as the family's peacekeeper, she exuded an air of authority and control, a counterbalance to the dynamic energies within the family.

"QUIET!" Victor's bellow reverberated through the hall, accompanied by the forceful slam of his fist on the arm of his chair. The furniture barely withstood the sheer power unleashed, a physical manifestation of intensity that underscored his command.

"I have put up with your licentious behavior and your actions with your maid," Victor declared with a darkened expression, his anger evident in the lines etched across his face. The room seemed to tighten as he continued, "Not only that but you've also unknowingly gotten this same maid pregnant with your child due to said behavior" A deep disappointment clouded Victor's features, a heavy weight settling in the room.

"And you ask why I made Jaylen the heir instead," Victor concluded his statement with a huff and crossing his arms over his chest. The gravity of his words hung in the air, emphasizing the reasons behind the abrupt change in family succession.

After Victor concluded his statement, the entire hall fell into a heavy silence, as everyone grappled with the weight of his revelation.

"Well, that was unexpected," Lilith remarked with a shocked expression, shattering the silence and snapping everyone out of their contemplative thoughts.

"Father, is that true?" Jaylen, who had been observing, asked, a visible confusion etched across his face regarding the unexpected turn of events.

"Don't ask me, ask her," Victor responded with a look of resignation, gesturing towards the doors of the main hall. As the doors swung open, a young woman entered, Marking her presence with quiet determination.

"Julia!" Subaru's distressed shout filled the hall, immediate recognition etched on his face as the woman walked in.

The personal maid to Subaru Orpheus, Julia Orpheus. A blossoming young woman, Julia's short light gray hair frames her face, and well-defined physique, a testament to her rigorous maid training, carries an air of quiet strength

"I greet the master and madam, and the young masters and young ladies" Julia said with a Bow, Maintaining a composed demeanor

"Julia, is what Father says true?" Subaru demanded, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

"Yes, it is true, Third Young Master. I found out just recently," Julia confirmed, her face remaining impassive, though a glint of happiness sparkled in her eyes.

"Wow, congrats Subaru! I can't believe you're going to be a father before Adam, and he's already married," Lilith interjected, laughter bubbling with tears in her eyes.

"Shut it!" Subaru retorted, his aggravation evident as he acknowledged the unavoidable truth.

"Enough of this. Your father and I still have something else to announce, we will deal with you later Subaru," Anna stated with a stern look, successfully redirecting everyone attention

Subaru, upon hearing this, felt a chill run down his spine, realizing that more revelations awaited him.

"Ok, what else is there, Father and Mother?" Eleanor asked with a smile, her curiosity evident as she anticipated that there might be something more interesting to be announced next. The air in the room held a mixture of tension and expectation as all eyes turned toward Victor and Anna, awaiting their next revelation.

Eleanor, The youngest scion at the tender age of 13, brings a breath youthful exuberance to the familial dynamic. Despite her age, she effortlessly commands attention, surrounded by an aura of innocence that belies a mischievous spirit within.

"We have decided to formally engage you, Jaylen, to the youngest daughter of the Heartfall family," Anna announced happily, her face adorned with a wide smile.

"What? You're making me and Yuki engaged to one another?" Jaylen responded, surprised to hear a name he hadn't encountered in a while.

"What's wrong with that? You two used to be childhood sweethearts," Lilith teased with a sly look, injecting a playful note into the conversation.

"We decide this as your other two friends were recently engaged to each other," Victor clarified, hoping to dispel any confusion.

"What, Brandon and Sarah are engaged?" Jaylen exclaimed in shock and confusion.

"Yes, it happened about two months ago. That's also when we were talking to Yukino about marriage between you two," Anna confirmed with a small nod.

Don't worry about it. You two will have all the time to catch up with each other when you go to the academy, so start preparing now," Anna added, cutting off the conversation concealing something.

"Okay, that's it for discussion. Everyone is dismissed," Victor declared, ending any room for more debate.

As everyone left the hall, Jaylen couldn't shake a slight dissatisfaction at being left in the dark about this decision, however, he decided to prepare for the academy and hoped Yuki could provide answers to any of his lingering questions about this unexpected situation.


Chapter End

Sorry for the terrible way the Character Descriptions fit into the chapter. I would have fixed it, but I had already spent well over a few months changing this chapter over and over again.

TrueVoid45creators' thoughts