
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This is my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Notice: This Novel is currently in the process of being rewritten, I ask for your patience until the rerelease. You may still read the current version at your own discretion. It will remain until I'm read to release the remade chapters. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EDT --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- Before you decide you don't like the story or it's not to your taste please try and read to chapter 12, so you could get a taste of how I write action scenes as well. Book cover image is made by AI for now

TrueVoid45 · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter 16 Lightning Blitz

Standing in neat rows, Jaylen and the rest of Libra class year 1 awaited Miss Xirenia to start class in the practical room.

As they waited, Jaylen glanced around at his classmates, noticing the varying expressions on their faces. Some appeared focused and determined, ready to dive into whatever challenges awaited them in class. Others seemed distracted, their minds perhaps still lingering on the events of the day.

Finally, the door to the practical room opened, and Miss Xirenia entered with her usual fiery demeanor. She soon began giving instructions as she walked back and forth in front of the class. "It's good to see you all again at the end of the day, hope you've all enjoyed your first official day of school. But it's not over yet. Today for class, you all will just be doing some basic training. I'll point out any mistakes or provide guidance for any that I see needs it."

"Um.. Miss Xirenia," a timid voice spoke aloud, causing everyone's eyes to shift to the speaker, who seemed to shrink back.

"Go ahead, Shirley," Miss Xirenia encouraged, her tone firm but not unkind.

"Yes.. um, will we have practical class every day?" Shirley nervously asked, her words barely above a whisper.

"No, we won't. Practical class will only be every other day, so for this week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. The other days will be dedicated to other subjects to ensure you can graduate on time," Miss Xirenia clarified, stopping her pacing as she addressed the question.

"Is that the only question? If so, you may begin training. Orpheus, you're with me," Miss Xirenia finished, her tone carrying a sense of finality as she prepared to lead Jaylen to a separate area for specialized instruction.

Everyone began going their separate ways, each embarking on their individual training routines. Jaylen followed behind Miss Xirenia until they arrived next to a random training doll.

Turning to Jaylen, Miss Xirenia spoke, her voice carrying authority and knowledge. "Jaylen, because you can't use mana, I'll instruct you a bit differently. First, you need to come to a better understanding of the sword, but that will take some time. So, I'll teach you a sword technique that will help you learn the basics more effectively than your True Dragon style. This should hopefully lay the groundwork for you to create your own techniques."

After explaining her approach, Miss Xirenia paused, inviting questions. "Any questions?"

"No, Miss Xirenia, I'm more than willing to learn anything that may help," Jaylen responded, shaking his head with determination.

"That's a good mindset to have. Just be cautious of what you learn," Miss Xirenia advised, her tone tinged with pride. Refocusing on the task at hand, she continued, "The technique you'll be learning isn't my own, as I don't use the sword. It was given to me by the past Martial Saint. I wasn't keen on learning the sword, so it's just been collecting dust. Here, try to learn it. I'll come back to check on you after ensuring everyone else is training properly."

As Miss Xirenia walked away, Jaylen's attention gravitated towards the aged manual. Its leather cover bore the marks of countless hands that had turned its pages before him. cracking it open, what was revealed was a weathered parchment adorned with faded ink.

"To the soul who happens to be reading this," the text began, its words etched with the weight of centuries. "It seems you have chosen to focus on the sword. If that is the case, the path of the swordsman is not one for the soft-hearted. Stand tall and be prepared to face all that stands in the way of your will as a swordsman."

"Hmm," Jaylen murmured, absorbing the sage wisdom of the previous martial saint. "It seems the old Martial Saint was indeed a martial fanatic." Jaylen chuckled softly while shaking his head.

"but he is right. I've been treating swordsmanship too lightly. I should try and learn as much as I can."

His eyes trailed down to the next page, where the script continued its sagacious counsel. "Hopefully, this technique can help you on your journey to figure out why you wield your blade. First, for this technique, mana is not needed, only pure swordsmanship."

Jaylen's fingers traced the words, feeling a connection to something beyond the page, as if the essence of the technique resonated within him, waiting to be unleashed. With a sense of determination, he delved deeper into the manual, eager to uncover the secrets of Lightning Blitz.

Jaylen turned the page, anticipation building as he sought to unravel the mysteries of Lightning Blitz. His eyes scanned the text, absorbing the essence of the technique and the philosophy that underpinned it.

"In the art of swordsmanship, there exists a delicate balance between strength and speed, between offense and defense," the manual elucidated. "To master Lightning Blitz is to transcend this dichotomy, to meld the lightning-fast strikes of offense with the steadfast resilience of defense."

Jaylen paused, contemplating the profound implications of these words. In his mind's eye, he envisioned a dance of steel, where each movement flowed seamlessly into the next, blurring the line between attack and defense. 

'It's similar to Dragon's Road but not as overbearing.' he thought as he compared the movements of Dragon's Road to Lightning Blitz in his mind.

"The key lies not in brute force, but in finesse," the text continued. "Channel your inner lightning, swift and unpredictable, yet guided by precision and control. Let your blade become an extension of your will, a conduit through which the energy of the storm surges."

As he absorbed the teachings of the previous martial saint, Jaylen felt a stirring within him, a yearning to embody the principles of Lightning Blitz. It was more than just a technique; it was a philosophy—a way of life for those who dared to walk the path of the swordsman.

With newfound clarity, Jaylen turned his focus inward, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and mastery. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he embraced them with unwavering resolve, knowing that with each step, he drew closer to unlocking the true potential of his blade.

Retrieving a practice sword from its resting place, Jaylen positioned himself in front of a worn wooden post, the ancient diagrams of Lightning Blitz etched into his mind. His muscles coiled like a spring ready to be unleashed, and he took a deep breath, centering himself for the challenge ahead.

With focused intent, Jaylen began to move according to the first diagram. The practice katana sliced through the air with precision, but as he attempted to transition to the next stance, his movements faltered, the rhythm disrupted by the unfamiliar cadence of Lightning Blitz.

Frustration gnawed at him as he tried again and again, each attempt met with the same result. His muscles strained with effort, but the fluidity of the technique remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like smoke on the wind.

As the minutes stretched into hours, Jaylen's frustration deepened with each failed attempt. Where his previous technique, Dragon's Road, flowed like a steady stream, Lightning Blitz was a tempest he could not control.

"Arrgh!" Jaylen's frustrated grunt rang out, followed by his next words. "What am I missing? I don't understand."

"The key fundamentals of the technique are to move like lightning to understand lightning," Miss Xirenia's voice echoed from behind.

"What do you mean by that, Sensei?" Jaylen asked as he turned to her.

"What I mean is, have you ever really questioned or thought about what lightning is? How it moves? What it feels like?"

"Huh? No, I never really thought about it," Jaylen admitted.

"Fair, not many do. Most live day by day, seeing lightning, be it as magic or a natural phenomenon, and never question the secrets behind it. Even in magic class, I bet your teacher didn't even bring up such an idea, and she would have no reason to do so. It's not commonplace to try and understand the secrets behind everything. In fact, only the truly strong do so," Miss Xirenia elaborated.

Miss Xirenia pointed towards Jaylen before continuing. "But you need to do so if you ever truly wish to reach higher heights. So in the remaining two hours left in class, try to understand a bit more about lightning," she finished as she walked away.

Following Miss Xirenia's advice, Jaylen carefully stored his practice katana before settling onto the ground, crossing his legs. Delving into deep thought, he contemplated the nature of lightning.

What was lightning, he wondered? Was it merely the flash of energy in the sky, or something more profound? Where did it originate? What defined its unique properties, distinct from electricity? Jaylen found himself submerged in a sea of questions, the answers elusive.

Realizing his introspection was yielding more queries than solutions, Jaylen focused on one fundamental question: What were its properties? He believed that unraveling the various forms of lightning and comprehending their impact on the surrounding environment would bring him closer to grasping its essence.

As a member of one of the four ancient families, Jaylen had encountered numerous formidable individuals, many of whom wielded astonishing lightning spells, techniques, and abilities. Through these encounters, he had witnessed lightning in its diverse manifestations.

The most common type he had encountered was light blue lightning, its natural hue resonating with the sky above. Its effects on the environment were relatively benign, causing little destruction and leaving no lasting impact.

Following closely was yellow lightning, almost as prevalent as its light blue counterpart but exhibiting slightly stronger effects.

Then there were the rarer variants, only made possible through spells or innate abilities, as it was nearly impossible to find someone with an affinity to any of these variants. Black lightning, notorious for its destructive force, left scorched earth in its wake.

In stark contrast was white lightning, renowned for its nurturing properties, capable of revitalizing barren landscapes and breathing life into desolation.

Lastly, there was silver lightning, known for its incredible speed and elusive nature. Typically used to bolster the body and weapons, its unpredictable trajectory made it difficult to wield as a projectile.

While Jaylen had witnessed other variations, he understood that their mastery required exceptional skill and rare affinities. Drawing from Miss Xirenia's advice, Jaylen embarked on a journey to experience the unique qualities of each type of lightning firsthand.

Jaylen rose to his feet, scanning the room for Brandon, who possessed the ability to wield three types of lightning: light blue, yellow, and black. Confident that Brandon would readily engage in launching lightning spells at him, Jaylen set out to find him.

As he wandered around in search of Brandon, Jaylen stumbled upon him engaged in a heated exchange with Sarah.

"It's always human this and human that with you. You do realize that your fiancée is a vampire, right?" Sarah nagged at Brandon in annoyance. Her voice was so loud that Jaylen could hear it clearly from where he stood.

"Of course, standing here, I do realize this, but it still doesn't change anything," Brandon answered back, his voice monotone as always.

"Of course it doesn't," Sarah retorted, crossing her arms as she rolled her eyes.

"Look, Sarah, I'm making the mother of all omelets here. Can't fret over every egg," Brandon reassured Sarah, though a small smirk could be seen on his face, reflecting that he was not taking this seriously.

To Jaylen, Brandon's demeanor appeared to mirror that of a certain senator. Despite the temptation to observe from afar, Jaylen recognized the impending end of the class and opted to intervene. "Hey, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but can I ask a favor of Brandon?" Jaylen interjected politely.

"No," Sarah yelled firmly, clearly not willing to let Brandon escape from this conversation. "Every time I start this conversation with Brandon, someone always interrupts, allowing him to get away. And I refuse to let it—"

Sarah's words were abruptly cut off as Brandon pushed her out of the way. "What do you need, Jaylen?" he asked, addressing Jaylen directly.

Containing his laughter from their antics, Jaylen responded, "I was hoping you could help me out with learning this new technique. You see, I need to understand lightning for the technique."

"Hmm, go on," Brandon nodded, indicating for Jaylen to continue.

"Well, do you think you could hit me with your lightning spells?" Jaylen asked.

"Huh... No way. Instead, I can channel small amounts of my lightning affinity into you through my hand," Brandon offered.

Due to Brandon's Bloodline as a prime human, he possessed a unique affinity with the five fundamental elements and their derivatives. This Bloodline bestowed upon him extraordinary abilities beyond those of ordinary humans. However, prime humans were exceptionally rare, with few either existing or surviving in the present age.

"But we're not at the level necessary to wield our natural affinities without the help of spells, abilities, and techniques," Jaylen responded.

To harness any affinity effectively, one must attain the pinnacle of Elemental Attunement, ensuring a harmonious connection between one's affinities and their Crystal sapling. This fundamental principle was instilled in every child on Yonus from the moment they began to wield mana.

"It'll be fine. Just give me your hand," Brandon nonchalantly disregarded Jaylen's worries and stretched out his hand.

With a sigh escaping his lips, Jaylen clasped Brandon's hand firmly. Locking eyes with Brandon, they exchanged a meaningful nod, a wordless acknowledgment of their mutual understanding.

As Brandon channeled his mana, the air around him seemed to crackle. Light blue sparks erupted from his being, dancing with raw energy, a tangible display of the essence of Lightning.


Chapter End

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