
Taking part in

Star Delaney is a waitress at a cafe and is a part time babysitter for her toddler cousin. She lives with her single mother aunt for support. One particular night, she meets a nice guy at her cafe, Blake Flair, in night hours before closing. By Star's personality and aura he gets attracted to her. Star isn't really into love or relationships so she doesn't really check out onto the guy that she unknowingly attracts. By that move about her, Blake desperately tries to make Star in love only to fall in love in the friendzone corner. Not that It'll stop Blake from trying nor Star from playing hard to get......

yourdora · 都市
3 Chs

First mistake

Ever since the Lex Company closed and the workers are basically free but are amazing and surprisingly getting paychecks.

The CEO doesn't want to lose their employees, Auntie called me saying that she'll pick me up but I'm confused by her call.

I see the manager of the Cafe, Mr. Lin, smile at me as he walks to the front. He walks out of the Cafe and plastered a paper on the door, I frown.

He walks back in and walks to the back. " Mr. Lin, what is that flyer about?" I said as we always get announcements or emails about special notice.

" Haven't you heard, that we are closing at 6:00am, Star?" I move my head to the side confused. " Really? I haven't gotten told or nobody was talking about it?" Mr. Lin chuckles, " It's a fast but small day for us." I was still confused.

" You know the night food market that will happen for an entire week?" Mr. Lin said licking his lips, I smile too because what type of food there is? " Yes sir!" He nods and turns to the entrance. " The street market is going to be held in this street where the Cafe is!" He says with excitement.

"I got an email from the city that they'll hold the market for a whole week and I'll start 6:30?" Mr Lin coughed a bit and then faced me, I was astonished. No wonder Aunt Lori called me.

"Since this street isn't the most busy nor main street the city decided to bring it here?" I nod, I checked my phone 5:56 pm, most 6:00 pm. " I heard about your aunt's company shutting down?" Mr. Lin continued, I was sick to the point of cussing out.

I understand but I don't feel like nothing because it's getting everywhere. " You look sick of the same question, well we need some extra people to help us?" Mr. Lin winked, I smiled in smug.

" She would love to but she has a responsibility she made and needs to take care." Mr. Lin widens his eyes realizing. " Oh, your little cousin. Well he can be our business attention seeker, attracting people in, aye?" We both laugh.

" Well, I need to go to my office to finish some paperwork and I'll won't see you till Monday?" He turns around again, " Are you going to assist the night market, star?" I widen my eyes in interest, " I really don't go out alone, maybe I'll ask my aunt if she would like to go with Theodore?"

He chuckles and leaves. He's a nice guy, he isn't married but he would make a great father. I smile smuggling with disgust at what I did at myself. I'm not sure about Chris hearing this.

I look at the few customers leaving and some staying which we don't mind because they leave eventually. I bring out a broom and dust pan to clean a certain table.

Where a toddler threw a fit because they didn't get enough chocolate on their croissant, decided to destroy it on the floor.

We make the pastries and have a certain proportions of what goes into the food, just in case of a bad intake of sugar or certain fruits and veggies. Screaming everywhere, the toddler was this close to breaking the plates and cups, entitled little thing.

I pull the chairs apart and the broom and dust on was taken away from my hands. " Some one pretty as you shouldn't be cleaning this?" I heard Chris voice. I smiled at him for good measures.

" No, it's fine. At least I'm not bored till the Cafe closes?" I smile once again, Chris chucked, gosh. I take the broom away from his hands but almost fell on him because he didn't want to give it back. Being sweet towards him changed him into thinking I really want him.

As I was going to lunge for another one tug, we both hear a car honk and we see my aunt at the front of the Cafe's parking lot waving her hand. I let go of the broom and Dust pan, making Chris fall into a chair. I giggled as he admired my laugh. I went to the back and grabbed my backpack.

I said goodbye to the other who stayed. I walked out the back to the front to see Chris waiting for me at the entrance. He smiled and opened me the front door, hand in the handle and in a mannered pose. " May you have a great day, Star?!" He says as I saw a bit of blush into his cheeks.

" Thank you for the door, Chris. Bye!?!" I wave good bye and head to the parking lot to find Aunt's car. As I left a few meters from the Cafe, I scurried with excitement and saw her black Audi She smiles as she sees me and opens the car door.

I hear the kid screaming my name and I decided to sit in the back for now, not like if I don't do that. I gently close the front passenger door, telling Auntie that I'll sit in the back for now. " How is my little butterfly doing?" Auntie asks like always when she has time.

" It's good like always-?" I get cut off as we hear some knocking on the car window. It was on the side that I was on, I turn to see it was Chris. He was smiling with excitement, " Auntie can you please slide down the window for me?"

I see her nod as the car window slides down with ease. " Star, my gosh. I finally catch up to you. Forgot to give something!" I see Chris pull of a pink small box with a see through plastic wrap window to see what's inside. I see a cupcake? I "smile" at the sight of this cupcake and grabbed the box as he handed me it.

I try not to panic, " Don't worry, it's the new recipe taste test for the Cafe? Mr. Lin forgot to send them to us and he told me to give it if you didn't head off, but I was lucky?" He gives out a nervous laugh, red flag. I wasn't really noticing it because the cupcake looked very delish.

" Thank you, Chris for this cupcake, it looks so delicious?" I smile and he laughs again but this time it was more calm. " I'm glad, you like how it looks? I-!" He gets cut off as we hear someone call his name.

Chris turns around with fright, " Chris, now don't let me come there to get you?" It sounds like Mr. Lin, Chris gasps with terror and just runs off, " I hope you like it!!" I give a look at the box once again and then placed it on the car floor. I wasn't craving it yet.

" Cupcake?!" The kid yells, " No, Theo? We'll eat first and then we can eat the cupcake after?" The kid gets a bit angry but I grab his tablet. I put some fruits dancing and spinning sound shining in rainbow, that seems to distract him. It's cool to see!

Auntie was already on the road and we stop in a red light, " Star, I want you to get away from Christopher please?" She says with fear in her face. I nod nervously, " He never did look like a good person for me and when I found out he worked in the some place as you, I got enraged!"

" I have been but... Nevermind? How was the day with you and the kid have been?" I said changing the subject, this will become a problem if I tell her. I was wrong of course, " Star? Sweetheart? Tell me?" She said grunting her teeth, the guilt was creeping on me.

I hid this for almost three years, " Nothing, just that I have been avoiding him?" She gives me a death glare at the front windscreen. " It's fine you really have to tell me!" Her voice sounded hysterical, I gulp my saliva.

What if something happens to me and she isn't the witness of my words just like Harper. Harper has seen stuff from Chris that he tried to do to me. " For about three years, Chris has some interest into me? He knows I will reject him but he tries to get closer like what one of my coworkers told me?"

I hear Aunt's breath shake for a bit, " The reason why I didn't tell you because I love working at the Cafe. I want to got to college when I turn 19, I just turned 18 months ago. I want to save some money and feel like if I did earn it myself!" Aunt closes her eyes and smile.

" But you know I could have paid if for you with out hesitation?" Something could of happened? Sexual assault, harassment or much worse?" Aunt responds to my words, I felt bad. I know something could of happened but I was confused and mostly positive some bad wouldn't have happened "

"Star Delaney, has Christopher Scott did or do anything to you?!" Aunt Lori definitely yells as she grips the car steering wheel very had. She looks like she wants to cry, " Be honest to me sweetheart, please don't ignore me!"

I stare down, " No, Aunt Lorraine. I'm being very honest, he just gave me looks but physically touched me but not like how you think." I grip my hand together, but them hugged myself entirely feeling anxious.

" Star!" I looked up with amazement, " You don't believe me, you'd think I would let any asshole touch ? Even if he has money or not, I wouldn't let him take advantage of me but I would do take advantage of them if it benefits me?"

" Aunt, I ask myself why did he chose me? There are other girls in Cafe, just like Harper Sharper. Well, not really her, but some are rich, beautiful, who are girlfriend material or anything related to that! I'm not those girls, I don't even think I have romantic feeling for someone! I'm dark skin, in between and I have black wavy hair? I don't even wear makeup or wear a different hairstyle, I'm lazy." I say hopefully she gets convinced.

" I know you don't believe me, but I love the Cafe because they pay good, the environment is good. Chris is the nephew of Mr. Lin, no matter how much I would convince that old man to fire Chris, wouldn't even consider it. Mr. Lin once told me after hiring Chris that he was scared of his sister, the mother of Chris."

" He told me that if Chris did a very big, damaging problem, Mrs. Scott told him to blame the person who was involved. So if Chris you know sexual assaulted me, I wouldn't have justice and would be blame for no matter how much evidence or witness. It would affect him a bit but he would be free!?"

Aunt Lori sighs, she knows because she told that the Scotts are her work's biggest supporters and buyers. She know they have so much power over a little, " Star, I know you have a good reason, but you need to do something about it! I'm afraid to lose you over something that could of been prevented, it could cost your sanity or life...?"

Aunt Lori, silences herself and I hear her whimper slowly, but she wasn't crying. I look around to distract myself and see that the kid was already asleep with his mouth open. I smile and closed his mouth gently as he turned his head around.


We stopped to eat at an Italian restaurant, Auntie told me on the way to the restaurant that we won't be going to the market anymore for the fear of Chris showing up. We stayed silent for the whole ride and we didn't even glace at each other.

We mostly ate silently while only responding to the kid. He was the one who mostly made us talk and smile but that it. We did blame each other but just that we had a different opinion about it.

My aunt want me to quit and find somewhere else, but I'm trying to tell her about Chris. I don't want to move because I can control Chris and even make him think I wasn't the best choice to check in.

This time I sat in the from passenger seat because I forgot to and my mind choose the front. My phone rang and I checked it, I don't really have people to text or see their messages because I never hand friends in school, I was mostly and introvert.

Messages with Harper

What up Shawty?!

What's up, Harper?! :)

Not much here and you?

I'm out with my aunt and cousin, we just ate? :/

Lucky? My mom bought me three black lace dresses for a funeral and she told me she wanted up to look our best for the dead person. ;/

Damn? Well, your day is very different from mine :0


I then have a craving, I want the cupcake Chris gave me or the new recipe for the Cafe's menu. I smile and stretched to grab the box. I opened the pink smooth box and saw the cupcake was half melted by the frosting and it was glistening a bit of purple with gold.

It was a golden cupcake with white frosting, topped with a good flower sprinkles. It looked delicious and picked it up and noticed it was frickin caramel! I dislike caramel for my life and never choose to eat it, so I put it back into the box.

" What wrong with the cupcake?" Aunt Lori said after I didn't heard her voice. I looked her and sighed, " It's Caramel." I was about to close it when aunt spoke again. " I can taste it and you can give my review of the cupcake to the Cafe tomorrow morning.

I smile and gladly gave the cupcake carefully into her hands as it was falling apart. She took a bite and squealed with excitement, " Wow! This is good?!" It's is right? Well auntie adores Caramel so Its her opinion and it does matter because she is a guest in the Cafe.

" It's really that good?" She nods as my aunt took another bite and I then decided to text Harper if she tasted the cupcake.

Harper? You there? :-)

Yup! Always here Shawty?!

How was it?;)

How is what? I'm confused, sorry?

The cupcake from the Cafe? The new recipe, taste test? :l

I'm confused Star? What cupcake? I love the cupcakes from the Cafe but not sure about what cupcake you are talking about?

The new recipe that was sent out immediately because Mr. Lin forgot?

Wait? Star!!! There was never a taste test? What are you talking about?! We never got a new pastry? I was there the whole time?

No taste test? Chris send me a cupcake saying it was a taste test if the new recipe? Shit!


I look at the cup cake that Aunt had in her hands and it was half eaten as she eats things slow. My phone began vibrating as I look into the caller ID, Harper? I press the answer button.

" Star!!! Don't tell me you ate it?! There was never a taste test! Mr. Lin never send out a new recipe and we get one when everybody is in the Cafe?! Star, throw that shit away, the cupcake was from Chris. You don't know if he put something in it!? Please don't tell me you ate it?!"

I see Aunt Lori gag on the cup cake, she drove the car into a ditch and got out of the car. Meanwhile, Harper was crying her ass off on the phone. " Star, please don't tell me you ate it, please!" I nod no at her words, " My aunt tried the cupcake, I hate Caramel so I gave it to her?!"

Harper's cries got louder until she began hyperventilating, shit. I didn't know what to do. I see Aunt Lori vomiting on a tree. She turns around, her face is in red in anger and eyes tears. I burst into tears too because that cupcake could of been poisoned and I have that cupcake to my aunt.

I catch a glimpse of Aunt Lori walking towards that car sat in the front and froze. " Harper, please calm down. I'm fine, my aunt is fine, she vomited the cupcake and everything?" That seemed to calm her down a bit but the hyperventilation wasn't going away.

I turn to the back to see that the kid is sound proof asleep and I sighed of relief. I open the car door for some air as the window wasn't enough. The cold hash breeze of the night hit my face. I sigh as my tears dried up, I see auntie breathing too. I know she was in shook and if I tried to do something, she'll go hysteric.

Harper had hiccups for some reason, that seemed to call me down too. " Star?" I hear Harper sadly chime in the call. " Yes, I'm still here?" Harper takes a deep breath and her voice shaked of fear. " I'm sorry-!?" I get mad as I hear that, " No, it was your fault, you told me I knew but I just was naive?"

" Star?" Harper whines with pity, " Yes ? You didn't do anything wrong?" I smiled at the phone, " I'm scared?" I heard her say as I stopped smiled, I gripped the phone with pressure.

" You could of died or your aunt could of taken your place, but what I know is that I'm wrong because Chris would never kill you." I sigh as I heard that, Aunt Lori was okay she was fine, I was worried for sake and Harper was the edge of me and Chris. Chris had his eyes on her not in that way but in the " You are the one who knows more, so you better watch you mouth." Type of shit.

" Harper, why don't you go to sleep, it's pretty late. I know it's early but maybe sleeping more might help you. If you want to check in me it's fine if you text me on anytime, I'll be okay with it? " I hear her sniffing and sighing, " Okay, goodnight?" I smile, " Goodnight and sweet dreams. I hear off as she stops the call.

I sigh as I dropped the phone on the floor and I hugged myself. I felt the car shake up and down and saw aunt hop into her seat. " I already made it up?" I hugged my self more and didn't have her eye contact, she'll say something serious.

" You'll call Me. Lin that you'll be off for a week because you got sick and you don't want to risk your coworkers health for you to attend. I don't want to hear your stupid buts and no's. You heard heard me me?" I nod as she starts the car.

Tears flow my eyes, Harper will be alone and I don't have a good feeling about this. I know she'll show her emotions tomorrow at work because she is very sensitive and can't keep it to herself.

Harper. I won't go to work for a week because I'm "sick" My aunt told me to do this because she doesn't want me around Chris now. I just want to remind you, okay?

I send the message as I didn't have any else to type. " Who are you texting? Aunt Lori said, " Harper, the girl who was on the call a few minutes ago. I just reminded her that I won't go to work so that she wouldn't to panic"

Aunt nods, " Harper Sharper?" I nod, then my phone rings.

I won't too until you come to work. I'll probably cry about it in work and maybe attack Chris myself for what he tried doing. I text you maybe later at 2 am :/)

I closed my eyes for good luck. I put my head on the car chair and fell asleep.