
Taking Over

The world was hazy and dark as my life faded away. I remember seeing the onlookers in utter shock as the knife was blood trickled from the wound of the knife in my stomach. Ah, is this how I'm going to die? The cold concrete underneath me was the only comfort. How pathetic. It was only to be expected of me to die in such a way, protecting a complete stranger from a psychomanic. To think I would die in such a pitiful way though. My eyelids got heavier as more blood began to pool around me. It didn't take long until all the lights were snuffed out and all that was left was the faint pain of my shallow breaths.

"Aahhh!" My eyes flew open in fright as I was drenched in sweat. I thought I was dead. I looked around my surroundings to find myself in some grand room. The bed I was on was king-sized with red and gold layered drapes hanging from the splendid canopy. The walls were adorned with gold painted vintage patterns and blood-red rubies. Priceless vases and paintings lined the room, any of which could make a modest person live well for the rest of their days. Where the hell am I? Did I not just die a second ago?! The bedroom door slammed open as noise increased outside. A distressed woman in a maid costume entered with her white apron flailing about violently from her speed. Upon seeing me, her face flushed with emotions.

"Her Majesty is awake!" She yells in joy. The parade of noise outside rushed through the door, an army of maids and butlers filled the room in an emotional chaos, all crying upon seeing me and each one smiling in relief. What in the world?! Many of the maids rushed to my side to check my health, one put her hand on my forehead to check for a fever, one grabbed my face and peered into my eyes for dark circles, others pulled up the sleeves of my flimsy nightdress to look at my arms, they even went as far as to hike up my skirt to check my legs.

"Oh my!"

"It's a miracle!"

"Her Majesty seems to have recovered!"

Exclamations of excitement passed through the maids and into the crowd.

"Uh, excuse me, but who are you all?" I asked warily. Everyone's expressions darkened in worry.

"Your H-Majesty.." A maid whispers nervously, "you seem to be confused after waking up from being unconscious for so long, we are your maids and butlers princess."

"Princess? Haha," I laughed nervously, "I'm sorry but it seems you guys are confused, you've seemed to have mistaken me for someone else, I am not a princess. I don't know how I got here but considering I was on the verge of death but not anymore, you guys must have saved me. Thank you but I shouldn't stay here for too long, my family doesn't even know where I am. Speaking of which, can I please borrow a phone to call them, they must be worried..." My voice trailed off at the ominous atmosphere of the room. Did I say something to upset them?

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to remember who she is…" whispered a butler. Discreet whispers followed, everyone nervously looked around at each other, everyone unsure about how to approach the situation.

"Your Majesty, we are becoming very worried for you, you must remember your own name?" The maid pleaded.

"Again, I'm not a princess, my name is Mia Belladona Togracse Helvstein." Huh? What am I saying? Mixed reactions could be seen from the crowd. What the hell, that naturally rolled off my tongue like it was my second nature, that's not my name, my name is– an intense pain radiated in my head, the impact of it made me topple forward, bumping into a maid. I dropped to the group under the pain. Unfamiliar memories flashed through my mind, images of strangers I've never met before appeared in my mind's eye as friends and family. A past came rushing back to me, that was not my own. The dread took over my body as I 'remembered' everything. "Bring me a mirror.." I whispered. A maid scurried over to get an adorned silver hand mirror. I raised the mirror to my face and an audible gasp escaped my lips. A black-haired beautiful girl was looking back, her youthful cheeks tinged with rose pink, eyes big and bright in the deepest shade of azure, her skin pale and radiant with a charming tiny beauty mark at the tip of her cheek. This…. Is me!? After receiving those memories, I had a better understanding of the situation. I am currently inside a princess' body, the princess of the Scarlet Empire, daughter of the Emperor, His Imperial Majesty Armand Togracse Helvstein. I read enough webtoons to know that I must have been reincarnated into this body after I died in my world. From assessing the princess' memories, it seems she got severely sick with chickenpox and was unconscious for three days. She probably died in her sleep, that's how my soul could take over her body. I stood up and ushered the maids and butlers out, much to their reluctance.

I plopped onto the bed, the soft covers cushioning my fall. It must be real. I died and came back a princess. My heart ached at the words. What about mom and dad, and Woo-bin and grandma? They must be worried sick that I didn't come home after going to the store to buy groceries. I didn't even get to say goodbye… To think I died at 23 years old…

"I had my whole life ahead of me…" My tears fell silently into the fluffy covers and I fell asleep again.

The next morning, I was woken up by the knocking on the other side of the door.

"Your Majesty, may we enter?" A gentle voice called out.

"You may come in." An auburn haired lady with soft and kind features came in. June, the head maid and caretaker, she's the closest semblance of a mother Mia ever knew. "June, you're back." She smiles kindly.

"Yes your Majesty, I came as urgently as I could after receiving news of your recovery. I am overjoyed to see you are well and healthy this morning. I was quite concerned when the maids said that you had forgotten your memory, but it seems you remember me quite well." She said with a soft sigh of relief."

"No need to worry June, it seems my memory failed me in all the confusion after being ill for so long. I am better now though, see?" I twirled around in my nightgown, showing her my hands and feet, free of blisters. June walked up to me and pulled me into a gentle hug.

"It seems so your Majesty, I am very glad. Thank you for getting better." She said with a loving smile, peering down at me with gratitude and joy. I nuzzled against her as I hugged her back.

"It's nice to see you again June, thank you for coming, but you shouldn't have, after such a while you received time off to visit your family in Burlington, I feel bad you had to cut it short to see me in health."

"Do not concern yourself, your Majesty, I would come to see you in health or in ailment, you are above all other matters to me."

"But still, you shouldn't have left your family so in such a hurry–"

"Your Majesty must still be confused, my family and home is here, you are all that I care about. I am honoured though to be a subject of your worry, but rest assured, I am where I am happy most, next to your Majesty." She said with conviction, her gaze softening when she looks into my eyes. A warm emotion overwhelmed my chest as I saw her looking at me like a mother would. Her eyes were filled with pride and unconditional love, a comfort I thought I had lost last night while remembering my family in my past life.

"Okay then, whatever you say.." I smiled back at her abashedly.

"Now your Majesty, our reunion can be resumed another time, we must first get you something to eat. You must be starving, let us get you dressed and take you to the dining hall for breakfast."

"Oh! Breakfast sounds amazing, I can't wait!" The maids dressed me up in one of my more comfortable dresses to not burden me much. It is a sky blue dress with bows and frills. I saw my reflection on the large mirror of the vanity table. I still can't believe it… The striking blue eyes blinked innocently back at me. I get that I was reincarnated… My shining black hair was swept up into soft braids. But why did it have to as a 5 year old!
