
Take my hand!!

Midoriya izuku kidnapped at a young age and forced into villainy at the hands of the LOV. Taken advantage of for the quirk he had gotten. Trapped in darkness in hopes someone will reach out a hand and bring him to the light. Bakugo Katsuki has been a hero for a year and has been barreling through life full force since the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Rory_Belladonna · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

You are my sunshine

Not all men are created equal. Some are born more powerful than others for reasons beyond their control. The reverse could also be said, unfortunately.

This is the hard truth Izuku learned at a very young age. Even though he has the soul of a hero and despite the will to help others, he was shoved to the bottom of society all for something out of his control. His peers began to get their gifts leaving Izuku at a great disadvantage. The ones who were born with powerful abilities called quirks would allow them to take the golden path to becoming heroes. While he was swallowed by darkness.

One of his favorite heroes, Eraserhead doesn't have a flashy quirk but that never stopped him from his journey of becoming an underground hero. His quirk allowed him to erase all quirks except mutant types. Meaning that he evened out the playing field by having his opponent fight quirkless.

But for Izuku he was 'unfortunately' part of the small percentage of the population who didn't have a quirk. A world ruled by power but that didn't matter to him. He could still be a hero after all, he'd just have to work harder than everyone else.

Inko midoriya if asked of izuku's quirklessness the poor woman would've just cried and apologized. It's in her nature to be apologetic. He has grown accustomed to the pity his mother would show him as if he were broken or defective. When they found out he was quirkless his mother held him in her arms, apologizing, wishing things could be different.

Unfortunately, when Inko felt she was comforting her son she didn't know that her tears felt like acid on his skin stripping him away of his humanity. She was the first to tip the scale of making him feel defective. When he needed her most, all she did was teach Izuku how the word 'sorry' could cut you much deeper if it came from the right person.

'Why did you have to say that.. It's not what I wanted you to say at all...'

To Izuku it felt like his mother gave up on him. At least he still has his best friend Katsuki. They have plans to be the greatest hero duo the world has ever seen. Well that was the plan..

Over time even Katsuki abandoned Izuku but it never stopped him from idolizing the explosive boy he was the light at the end of the greenette's dark tunnel. The bullying felt like nothing because at least he had hope until his father came back after learning of his quirkless status. Then the real troubles started.

Black, blue, and purple bruises dance across his skin. Like blooming roses wrapping themselves around his body, cutting off any chance of escape. Izuku's father's silhouette towering over him, his voice shouting out but he can barely make out a few words.

"Quirkless… bastard...Die."

Trying to remember all the good times they had as a family before hisashi's mind was taken over by his sick obsession of forced quirk theory that he had been researching in America. Memories played in his mind on a loop to cope with the abuse. To somehow find excuses for the constant beatings.

The only thing Izuku can wish for is all of this to stop but for some reason in the back of his mind he doesn't want to give up. He's always been struggling to survive, struggling to hold on and reach for the stars aiming to be the best hero he can be to save everyone.

To save all those like himself stuck wishing for a hand to reach out and save them. Wanting to be that hand, that smiling hero just like Allmight. Who says " I am here!"

He can feel each hit from his fathers fist as it smashes into his body rushing him back to reality. The tear in the boy's lip spills blood down his chin. It's been three years since they found out Izuku didn't have a quirk. Two years have passed since his father returned home. His fingers tangle into izuku's hair as he drags him towards the basement.

"Punishment time; my little mistake. Just know if you dont die we may be able to trigger a quirk manifestation." He says with an evil grin stretched on his face.

'Oh no no no not again I don't wanna go back in there please someone help me'. He struggles to pull his arms up trying to get him to let go of my hair. Struggling against his grip.

"D-dad p-pplease stop i d-dont want to g-go b-back i-in t-here." Izuku stutters through heaving sobs.

He wrenches the boy into the air slamming him into the wall.

"Dont you fucking dare call me that again." He snarls

Flinging the basement door open and throwing izuku down the stairs with no effort. His body was shaking and riddled with pain. The basement is terrifying. Inko used to tell him never to come down there. The walls are all cement with plastic hung up. There is a metal bed with restraints. A deep metal tub in one corner and all of his dad's tools on a table. But the worst thing he hates the most is the wooden trunk next to the tub. You would think drowning is peaceful but it's not.

"Get your ass up and get to the trunk now!" He screams.

I try to push myself up but fall back to the ground. 'I hate this! I HATE THIS!! I wish mom was here. Someone please save me'.

Hisashi pulls him by the wrist. He can feel his grip tightening as he drags his body to the box. Tossing the boy in like a rag doll. And slamming the top closed. Locking the lid as to leave no room for an escape. Izuku can feel the trunk lift and plunge into the tub. Fear succumbs to his body, blood turning to ice.

He let out a blood curdling scream " Let me out!! Let ME OUT! PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE ME! MOM! MOOOOM SAVE ME."

Water pouring through the cracks of the trunk. Filling quickly, so he did the only thing he could think of doing and took a deep breath and held it til his lungs burned. His body numb, as the freezing water went still around him. His body was twisting and flailing. Terror consuming him, as all the air in his lungs slowly left. Izuku's face went numb after just a few seconds. An eternity seemed to go by as his body screamed at him.

Izuku's heart was hammering in his chest, and his lungs struggling in an attempt to find air. His body seizing and fighting. This is it! This is how I'm gonna die. It hurts! Make it stop. Just kill me. I want to be with my mom. I can't do this anymore.

His world suddenly goes black.

Inko Midoriya always tried her best as a wife and a mother no matter what situation she may be in. Before her married life she had always wanted to have a family. It was one of her two dreams she had always wished for. Second was her being a nurse and she had accomplished both. Leaving her feeling full of fulfillment. But the last two years since finding out her son was quirkless has left her homelife a wreck. Between the bullying and discrimination that Izuku faced everyday and the change Hisashi had been exhibiting since his return from America. She just wanted things to feel normal and happy again.

It had been three days since she had been home. The hospital had kept her pretty busy but she still had her worries since hisashi hasn't called her since she got to work. The guilt she felt from not trusting her husband made her heart heavy. But it just wasn't something she could shake off. So she sped home thinking of the things she could make the two people she loved most in the world for dinner.

Pulling up to their beautiful blue house she hurries herself up the few stairs to the porch. Seeing her wide open front door she can't help but feel the anxiety flooding her nerves. Dropping her things to the ground and rushing in she walks past the stairs and down the hall.

"Hisashi? Izuku?" She yells looking around.

Then she sees the basement door open and fear is the only thing she knows at this moment as she slowly walks down the stairs.

But what she sees next she wishes she'd never have to see her whole life. Lying in a puddle on the ground is her baby and his skin is pale and lips blue. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably as tears fell down her face at the unbelievable sight.

"Izuku!" Inko screamed as she runs to him her arms flying out in front of him to pull him to her. Time slowed, Inko could see everything. The way Izuku's face was full of dark bruises, how small he was in her arms. It didn't look natural on him. Inko's vision began to blur. 'No. This has to be some kind of nightmare where ia hisashi? Is this my fault for not trusting myself?' She thought. She lays izuku back and starts giving him cpr. ' this can't be happening! I want to see Izuku grow up. I want my baby to become the hero he wants to be-' fluffy curls of green, flash in her vision. A young Izuku ran in the flowery meadow when he was 3 his curly green hair bouncing and then Inko saw his face. He was smiling brightly, Hisashi chasing after him laughing loudly . They both collapse in laughter next to inko.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know dear how much I love you so don't take my sunshine away. '' Hisashi's voice sang out while he lightly played the acoustic guitar. Izuku sat at his side wearing a flower crown swaying to his fathers song. His big green eyes sparkled and shined as his father continued playing. His little voice singing along fumbling the lyrics a bit. It made hisashi laugh and in return so would Inko. Happiness filled Inko's chest.

But to Inkos dismay it was all ruined. The love of her life had hurt the love they created together. Desperation was all Inko was as she tried to save her son's life. It had been 3 minutes since she started cpr but she couldn't bring it in to stop her from letting him go.

"Izuku honey. Come on sweetheart, come back to mommy, you need to open your eyes." She begged " please wake up! Please!"

Her voice cracked tears flooding her vision trying to hold back her sobs. What should I do? I can't lose him please gods don't take my baby he hasn't done anything he's a child please. Her thoughts are nothing but pleading to the gods for her child's life.

Then she heard it coughing and izuku's eyes were trying to open. All she could do was smile and say "everything gonna be ok honey cough it all out mommies here i'm not going anywhere."

It was in that moment that precious moment of her son coming back to her that Midoriya Inko made a decision. That she was taking Izuku away and hiding from her husband. The terrifying truth that the man she loved was no more and as good as dead when he tried to destroy the only proof of their love for eachother. Before he even thought of coming back she grabbed her son and fled.